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Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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Man down... Sorry to hear about your back Gman, although its good that you can still produce. A perfect excuse really!

Groovy Tang! Tell me; what sort of material is it?

Quit reading! Keep carving! (ignore me)


[ Edited by: Tamapoutini 2007-01-29 17:13 ]

GMAN posted on Sun, Jan 28, 2007 8:07 PM


[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-01-29 16:07 ]

GMAN posted on Mon, Jan 29, 2007 5:26 PM

Finky - Thanks for checking in! I feel some better today....it feels kinda like a midget is pushing a hot fireplace poker around in my back right ribcage. Fun Fun Fun! I hear you may be around soon? I'll still have at least 500 lbs of processed pork product when you hit Florida :D Mmmmmmmm* barbeque

Hewey - Yeah, I like hunting the hogs. I spend lots of time tracking them down. They are an invasive species here and they need to be culled. My land is overrun with them.

Conga - Yepper, it must be a conspiracy! Sorry to hear the back biter got you too. Arrrrrrr!

Tama - I can work through nearly anything. The bone pain I get from the saw and especially the chisels is enough to drop me some days though. I have way too many surgical implants, especially in my left arm. That's why I shy away from pounding chisels a lot. Plus I have reduced use of my left hand which makes holding chisels a bitch. I found an almost whole cow skeleton up on my land and I'm thinking of bringing some of that bone home to work with. It is really weathered but it is not brittle. I imagine I could get some good cuts off of the leg bones.


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-01-31 15:49 ]

GMAN posted on Fri, Feb 2, 2007 4:33 PM

I'm hopefully gonna be back on the chisels this weekend. I need to push into this Teko and move him along. Look for an update on Sunday. I hope you all have a safe weekend; be wary of stupid drunks on the road.


GMAN posted on Sat, Feb 3, 2007 4:32 PM

Hey all,

Here is an update on my Tekoteko. I worked on little stuff all over him, but I still have a lot of stuff that I want to get to. Probably the most wood I removed was from his heels and ankles. I got to use the big Flexcuts there. Now that I gave him a little sanding, I'm going to start drawing out some of the surface carving that will be going on him.

Oh, and Tama...I found a few other Tekos holding knives. Most are carved by NZ craftsman.

and one with my BenZart Moai colon Happy colon!!!

Thanks for looking,



That teko looks happy dancing naked in your kitchen. I can see progress. Looking good, it's been a while since we've seen an update.



Ahhhh, Thanks, I Needed that.! He is Really lookin good.Strange how he Looks naked and normally that doesn't come into the picture with normal tikis. Just strange!
He is an Excellent looking tiki and I for sure will watch my back with the likes of him wandering around.
Thanks for the Update GMAN..

McTiki posted on Sun, Feb 4, 2007 7:02 AM

I like this guy's stance and flow G. Very sleek and authentic looking.

Especially like the feet!(I am not into feet)



Twinkletoes Teko is bringing sexy back G'...nice touch with pig poker slight of hand trick! :D

ps. Something scratchy is headed your way...SNORK!

GMAN posted on Sun, Feb 4, 2007 2:40 PM

JohnnyP, Benz, McTiki, and T. Jones,

Thanks for the comments guys. Your words, no matter how few, keep me working.

Here is my update on the Teko for Sunday. I did a lot more than you'll see. The most obvious is the surface carving on the right shoulder/arm and I also worked on the top not. What you can see now, but probably didn't see before, is that I cut a large section of his butt crack/small of his back out with the chainsaw. I have now replaced the removed wood with a plug - clearly seen in a few of today's progress pics. Poor guy, first he gets a chainsaw up his a$$ and now he gets a butt-plug glued in for good. Aack!

Here are some pics I took as I worked today.

I hopee you likee!!!


*edit made to add a pic

"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-02-05 05:01 ]


GM, Thats a Tight fitting plug,

Not knowing my wood-speak so well; is that what you call a knot-hole? or Not..?

This is certainly going to be a piece with an intimidating presence! e(even before the knife is spotted...)

Interesting you found other knife-wielding tekos G. Can you flick any images of them up? They'd have to be reasonbly modern as steel blades were/are 'post-contact' of course. I wouldnt be surprised to find an old piece 'commemorating' an early traded blade though; it would have been a prized possesion for sure.

Glad youve managed a bit of time behind the tools. Life's not all work & pig smashing :lol:


Jeeezz... Next time you get a bug up your ass, just hope somebody doesn't treat you like that. :lol:

Nice work on the the detail of the arm. Looks great so far.


hewey posted on Sun, Feb 4, 2007 6:52 PM

Coming along nicely mate

Babalu posted on Mon, Feb 5, 2007 5:52 AM


Sweet arm!....I've been catching up on TC a little and checking your thread...cool to see the progress. You will have to tow your rail this way to SD someday; lot's of action out here.

This tiki is my favorite of yours so far...that twist in the body blows me away. Your skills make it look easy to achieve that twist, and I'm sure that its not.



The Arm and Top knot look great too' Love that gentle curve of the lines in the knot!

He's shaping up nicely. Love the detail work!

Paipo posted on Mon, Feb 5, 2007 1:22 PM

Your surface carving just gets better and better G. This guy is going to be a very special one indeed!


Looks like everything has already been said, but after being out of town for a long weekend
and just getting back on the 'puter, this is what I needed! Super work, can't wait to see more!


Wow Gman, the detail on the arms looks amazing. I can't wait to see the whole thing covered!


Woah GMAN! That's quite a haul. I'm keepin' my pig away from you (if I ever finish it).

Do you have a good closeup of a pig's eye? - I'm stuck and need a model before I ruin the damned thing totally.


GMAN posted on Wed, Feb 7, 2007 5:28 PM

Benzo - I got a good fit with that wood plug. It took a buncha time, but it will be worth it!

Tama - Life is work. But I get to smash hogs, carve, ride rails and quads, and do all sorts of fun stuff too :D

JohnnyP - I'm glad you likee. He's coming along....

Hewey - Thanks mate!

Babalu - Thanks for the kind words. The "twist" was fun to do. It wasn't really difficult at all.

Benzo - Glad you like the top-knot and the surface carving. I have lots more in store for this fellow.

A. Station - Glad you likes him so far!

Paipo - Hopefully he will finish out nicely and be a kool guy. He's been nice so far - but I'm sure he'll bite me soon. After I finish his knife though.....I think he may become a liability.

Conga - Well welcome home! Glad you liked what you saw. Thanks. I'll have more coming soon.

Finky - I'm glad you like the carving on the arm. Stand by for more detail work on this guy.

Tikigap - How is that hog drum coming along?

Just a little sanding so far this week.


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-02-07 17:30 ]


GMAN!! man that looks great. love the look on his one arm. man your work is goood keep them comming for sure.

GMAN posted on Fri, Feb 9, 2007 4:47 AM

Thanks Duddy! I'll post an update on Monday or so....



Beautiful, especially the arm that you carved like a master !



That tiki is looking awesome. I especially like the two toned wood you are using. Hopefully life is treating you well.


GMAN posted on Tue, Feb 13, 2007 4:19 AM

Benjamin - Thanks for the compliment. He's moving slowly as I have a ton of other projects in the wurks right now. I'll keep picking at him and post a pic soon. Most of my hunting is done for the year so I will be back in the shop more for the spring and summer - well maybe not, but I'll try.

Will - I'm fine, I hope life is being kind to you as well. I am kinda bummed that you don't post your carvings as much as you used to. I love what you do and really feed off of your work. How about a little peek?

I hope the rest of you are doing well too.....Ben?


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-02-13 16:42 ]


Hey GMAN, YEah I'm doing a bit better. I go to the Doc tomorrow and should be better after that. Hope you are feeling better too.

GMAN posted on Thu, Feb 15, 2007 6:00 PM

Hey Ben, thanks. Nope, my back is still bad and I've been in another funk. I don't carve or paint much when I'm down. Maybe it was Valentine's Day and all. Dunno. Probably lots of things.

Anyway, I hope to do some more surface carving on the Barefoot Assassin this weekend and I want to start another larger saw carving. I just need help getting the wood from my truck to my carving area. I've been afraid to try to get it out of the truck alone as I can barely slide it in the bed.



Hi Gman,

Take care of your back.
Can't wait for monday update :wink:


Hey Gman....I'm hopping in the car right now to drive down and help get the wood out
of the truck...see ya in a few days. Gotta get you back to carving.


This guy sweet! That wood is beautiful. What a great design! I love his red head too.

Hey - don't let Valentines Day get ya down... there's lots more to life, so keep going, and forget the bad stuff!

I hope your back get's better - mine goes out now and then, and I found out that the best thing is not to rush the recovery. Grab a cold one and stay warm and horizontal - that's my silver bullet for a bad back. (Maybe silver bullet is a bad choice of terms... sounds like it would hurt too much :wink: )

Anyway, I'm with Conga - we should come down and unload the truck for you - we need to get out of these freezing temps and enjoy some of your warmer climes. At least you aint freezing your butt off!

Take care man - and thanks for the hog help!


I already told Gman I'd help him unload that truck into my polebarn up here. He needs a road trip anyway. A week up here in the cold will do him some good. The cold air will clear his head. He will either have to carve or freeze. It will at least get him out of that pesky sunshine.


GMAN posted on Sat, Feb 17, 2007 4:34 PM

Aloha folks. My back is still toast. The big oak pieces are still in my truck. I couldn't find any help to get them out today - probably a good thing.

However, I did spend a few hours on the Barefoot Assassin. He's getting closer, but I still have a lot to do. Here are some pics of today's progress.....

I hope you like him,


I can only say "excellent." But that is because I'm so impressed I cannot find another word more suitable.


nice update GMan....your attention to detail is going to make this one a dandy to
hang onto. Thanks for all the koooool pics.

Very, very nice Gman! You find yourself paying attention to the swirly designs and then, POW!, he gets you with the knife. Sneaky, very sneaky.

Wicked Gman! This guy is looking great. Love the tats down the body & limbs. A very elegant pose - pity he hasnt got a whacking great todger though! (my 2c :lol: )



Wow! Look at that cat!

Boy is that a nice piece... Great work GMan - the teko dude is terriffic!


I said you carved the arm like a master but in fact you carved this whole tekoteko like a maori chief :D
I'm very happy with the progression, it is amazing.
Did it come from your head or did you get a model?



[ Edited by: benella 2007-02-18 03:39 ]


G, I can come pick him up whenever you get him coated. Were only 2 hrs away. He'll look awesome in the store (permanent fixture) He can hang with the Mertikis!

Beautiful Tiki




Most EXCELLENT Work here GMAN, this guy has far exceded your expectations and evidently he wil not settle for "No detail" or "Plain Finish" or any other slacking on your part. He is demanding top quality work from you weather you want to do it or not. He's winning and so are we. He is going to be your most Awesome piece to date!
How does "Master GMAN" soond?

Yeah! He's sweeet! I really love the tats on the arms. that's hard work. Stain?

GMAN posted on Sun, Feb 18, 2007 11:41 AM

Hey all,

Thanks for all the kind words. I will respond to each of you later tonight. I was back out in the shop this morning (doing the tough stuff I didn't want to do yesterday) and came in to watch the Daytona race. Here is a partial update for today. I plan on working some more later this afternoon.

I'm sure a lot of you were wondering what I was up to with the lines on the body.....so here you go. Thank god for my little Warren laminated steel chisels. Still more to come!

I hopee you likee!



I see you figured it out very Nicely, Well Done!

now i'm really getting confused.
I don't know if it can get much better than this one.



GMAN posted on Sun, Feb 18, 2007 3:07 PM

Buzzy - Thanks for the words. Stay tuned for more (below).

Conga - You know it's all in the details, the design, the execution, the day dreaming, the sketching, the tool sharpening, the 32:1 and everything else. I hope you likee!!

Finky - I bet he tries to git you! When you make to Florida....you better keep your doors locked and you windows nailed shut! He knows where you will be....

Tama - "wicked" ...thanks colon smile colon

Tikigap - Thanks dude. Oink!

Benella - Thanks Benjamin...check your PMs

McT - Sure, I'll send him right over....Not!

Benzo - I'm glad I didn't settle for basic. Yeah, "Master" sounds nice :D

Surfin - hard work? Naw mate, easy easy easy!!!

Here is an update for this afternoon. I continued carving on his chest and added some depth to his face moko.

My backee hurtee!!!


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