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Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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I had a chance to see the last few carvings the Gman has done, I have to say they show much better in person than they do in photos. They are perfect in every way. He has the talent!!

The pictures of the croc stick with his toes really shows the scale well. This a fine piece executed very well for a working hunting device. Crocs should shudder.

I missed out on seeing the newest piece roughed out in the last pictures, looks good.

As far as the pighammer, it was my pleasure to deliver the little whittled on stick.

GMAN posted on Fri, Jun 29, 2007 3:20 AM

Aloha guyz, and thanks for all the kind words. You make me smile! Bean busy here moving the Doc a thousand miles and working on and testing some alligator trapping equipment so I don't get killed. I might anyway, but oh well.....

I should be back to carving tomorrow and hope to post progress on either the BIG Chief figure carving or the Little Chief. I've been picking at both of them but haven't made enough progress to photograph.

Once again, thanks for stopping in, looking around, and leaving the notes. It is you guyz who keep me working on island/primitive anthropomorphic carvings. Thanks.


Paipo posted on Fri, Jun 29, 2007 5:46 AM

What the?? Is that a whacking stick for gators? The reptilian equivalent of PIGHAMMER?


I think it will be a Bit more power4ful than the pig hammer when he finishes inserting the Bang Stick down it's throat. Probably the equivalent of a ,357 rifle barrel which will pack a mighty punch or a big bite, What ever you call it, it's the reason you always see the hole in the gator skull .
Gman, he looks great but where are you?

GMAN posted on Fri, Jun 29, 2007 7:43 AM

Yes, a CrocHammer. :D I am a licensed alligator trapper and this is an embellishment on a piece of gear required by the government.


GMAN posted on Sat, Jun 30, 2007 10:54 AM

Hey All,

Here are few progress pics of the Little Chief - as promised. I rounded him in with chisels and have sanded his face so I can start cutting in his facial features. Don't mind the pen and pencil markings on him....that's just me thinking and playing. Once again, these are for some of the new guys. I used the same chisels I listed in the previous post for this guy.

(Half A$$ed)

Hope these help a few of you,



Woah GMAN, Looking Good. I Thought you had been kidnapped or something, Welcome back. Nice shots, Excellent work. Don't go away so long next time. :) :) :)

GMAN posted on Sun, Jul 1, 2007 12:03 PM

Hey Ben, thanks. Nope I haven't been kidnapped, I've been busy with Gov work and trying to get the Doc settled at her new location. I've also been focusing on the upcoming hunting seasons. I have lots to do on the land and it won't be getting any easier on this old busted a$$ body of mine - too much hard mileage. I'll try to post more often, but my motivation is running a bit low.


looking good my friend back to work

GMAN posted on Mon, Jul 2, 2007 5:55 PM

Thanks Marcus. I'll keep going. Probably no more carving for a few days.

In the meantime, I have posted several of my gyotaku paintings for sale in the Marketplace. I hope you guys like some of them.



Looking Great as Usual GMAN. Somehow I think you must have been getting some first hand maori carving lessons on the sly because you are Really Rippin' em up there. Cool stuff, I Love it!


Great progress shots, We should all take more and post more of them. You can really learn a lot, especially from the pictures where only half is done and other half is left at some stage in between.

GMAN your carvings are AWESOME! I wished I lived by you so I could learn from the best!


Are you still working on this guy?

GMAN posted on Wed, Jul 11, 2007 4:02 AM

Hey Ben, Johnny, and Craig. Thanks for stopping by and checking in. I've been off doing other tasks and working on other projects. Been building some fun stuff, but none of it for here. I have a few weeks worth of work and prep still to do, so likely no carving on either of the figures I have going for a bit.


Just dropping in to say 'Yo'. Any chippin or buzzin happenin or are you too busy worrying the local wildlife..? Either way, Im sure you're having fun.

Tama :)

GMAN posted on Tue, Jul 17, 2007 3:07 PM

Hey Tama, thanks for the note. Yeah I'm checking in here every day, but doing other stuff. Been building gator gear, spending time up on my land, and doing a bit of custom blade work. I'm having a blast, and yes, focusing on local wildlife. Hope all is well with you, last I checked the big girl had some nice bids. I hope that one does well for you. You deserve all you can get, she's a beautiful stone. Stand by, more chips will be flying at the shop here soon.......



Well? Lets see the "Gator Gear", maybe we want to hunt gators too. I happen to know part of it is a bit tikified too, Fork it Over!

GMAN posted on Fri, Jul 20, 2007 4:06 PM

OK Ben, here are a few pics of some of the gear that will be making the trip with me and the CrocHammer handle. Much of the steel/machine work was done by Cooter. Thanks Cooter. Also pictured is a new skinner I purchased as a gift to myself. It is a nice quality handmade knife from a local knifemaker. I've spent a little time dehorning/polishing it so it doesn't bite, and getting it ready for real use. I have never allowed myself to own an expensive knife like this, and my primary skinners are fairly rough working pieces - but are made from killer steel. This one won't be pretty for long, especially once it cleans a few boars and a gator or two. Hopefully it is up to the task and will be around for a long time.



Thanks GMAN, That's some serious Heavy Metal, I feel sorry for the poor gators, they don't stand a chance. Take your time and wait for the big ones and most of all Be Careful.
That skinner is One Pretty piece of steel, I bet it wasn't cheep!

OK, Enough playing around now, time to get back to Tiki work! :D :D :)

Hey GMAN: Nice new work tools you got there. Can't wait to see some "in progress" shots of them in action, and of course, the body of work that comes from them. :)
I just watched Man vs. Wild: the Florida episode, so I think I might be up for finally heading east. Might need to stop by and borrow a couple of them tools just in case I run into a salty during mating season.

Buzzy Out!


GMAN always great to get a peek at your stuff... love the new tool & that knife is pretty sharp too!


GMAN posted on Mon, Jul 23, 2007 5:41 AM

Benz, Buzzy, and Grl,

Thanks for stopping by. I know that wasn't a usual carving post, but it IS something I've been carving on AND the pics were requested. So....

Benzo - Nope, not cheap, but I liked it. Soon I will bring the anthropomorphic carving back. For now though, I must slave for The Man. I have two Maori-STYLE figures to finish and then I'll be on to something else - something very different.

Buzz - I hope you survive your trip to the Florida wilds. I think most of the Disney and Universal trails are paved and most of the nasty-nasties have been removed; you'll be fine. Hopefully you can just purchase concessions and will not have to resort to eating native species raw. However, watching Man VS Wild will give you some basic ideas of how to get out and survive should the park and beach crowds prove to be too much for you. Good luck Sir!

Grl - always nice to hear from you....How are things in MA? I miss it up there. I'll be up again soon; I'll give you a shout.


Your work has progressed to a point where marine biology may be your hobby & carving a full time venture. Your work is awesome!
I've been out of it for some time now. My wife's MS has progressed to a point where she needs more help. With her persuAding I am gearing up and started a 6' Tiki project.
Be Well

Hey Gman.

The Croc-poker turned out nice; has it seen any action yet? I was thinking you could employ that wee skinning knife for a bit of surface-decoration; Scroll a few designs onto a Crocs back or sumthin - very Tiki! :lol: :wink:

Anything else cooking..?

T :)

GMAN posted on Sat, Jul 28, 2007 7:45 AM

Moon - Nice to see you back posting. I'm sorry to hear that your wife is having a tough time, but I'm glad she is pushing to to carve again. I hope to see some pics of your new guy soon. PM me whenever you want. As for my work changing - naw, same old shitty stuff.....

Tama - Nope, not much chipping going on. I've been off working in Oregon this last week and now I'm home and pretty beat. Before that I was busy getting ready to work in Oregon and trying to get a bunch of programs that I run ready to be covered by others in my absence. Aack!

I could be carving right now, but I'm thinking about loading up the quad and heading out to a riding area to go get wild for the afternoon. We lost our land lease where we ran the rails, so it's quads or nothing as riding goes for now.

Then again, I've got two uncompleted figure carvings looking at me and I could get my hooks right into them as I have areas I know I can jump right onto. Decisions, decisions....



Hello??? Are you In There GMAN? I Know you are just being lazy after your long trip, so Time to get CRANKING, Not Cranky.
I Found you a Hunting mate: :D :D :D


Too funny.

GMAN posted on Thu, Aug 2, 2007 8:43 PM

Hmmm, my three favorite things all in one picture - a naked woman, a wild boar, and an alligator. Go figure....



the figure's looking downright supreme. the curves are perfect. tried to leave you a comment on your site, but i couldn't get my password right. maybe i had the wrong username? i don't know, -too many variations. the site looks great, though! really can't wait to see more on the figures. cheers, man!!

GMAN posted on Sun, Aug 5, 2007 6:34 PM

Thanks GTP! Not much carving happening here these days. Too much other stuff going on. I'll get back on these guys when I am able. Hopefully I can get a few carving days in soon.



Hi saw master, where're you hidin' ?



GMAN posted on Fri, Aug 10, 2007 6:42 PM

Hey Benjamin,

I've been right here. I'm just not working in wood right now. I check in several times a day, I just haven't had any progress to report on my carvings. I shouldn't be away from the carving toolz much longer. Lots to do, lots to do.....

Thanks for checking in :)


GMAN posted on Thu, Aug 16, 2007 3:23 PM


I though you guys might like to see a pic of a small jade pig that my hunting buddy brought me from his trip to Alaska. It's a cool little porker. I know it's kind of an odd gift, but I spend tons more time hunting wild hogs than I do carving - that's for sure! Anyway, here's a pic of the green porker and a few other random/old pics that were in the camera.


Robin posted on Thu, Aug 16, 2007 4:39 PM

Hey there...I was wondering where you were too! Nice little jade pig, and carvings...(I did see this wonderful guy before didn't I?)
Looking forward to your return to the bench.


[ Edited by: Robin 2007-08-16 16:40 ]


Gman... You are "the man"!!!
Just browsed your post and checked out your blogspot! Such nice work and detail. Youve got a true true gift brah...

Hana hou bruddah, hana hou!


GMAN posted on Sat, Aug 18, 2007 5:39 AM

Robin - Yes, you did see him before. I've been working on his finish. He still needs one more coat of oil before I take his final pics. I'll get to that soon. I am looking forward to getting back to the bench soon too. My recent "activities" have wreaked havoc with my body, so no carving in my downtime - I've been mostly resting and licking my wounds.

Kaha - Thanks for looking back at my thread and checking out the blogspot postings. I've been working small as my back is limiting my progress on my big figure carving. Hopefully I can finish my current big guy up before winter. I appreciate your kind words. It's nice to have you back - please stay around this time.


Gman, that's a nice little gift you got there! Rest up, I can't wait to see some new stuff!!!


New Stuff? Me too, Me too!

On 2007-08-16 15:23, GMAN wrote:

Awwww, how did I miss this wee cutie..?

Sorry to hear your back is giving you grief mate. Never mind, if you are limited to the smaller stuff then thats all the more punters who can enjoy a genuine 'G'! :D

Love that last lil Teko (with the mokoed lips), very nice!

Tama :)

GMAN posted on Thu, Aug 23, 2007 4:35 AM

Hey Tama, you likee the pigee? I think he is good luck as I harvested a nice boar the day after I got him. My back is some better - lots of time at the chiro and stretching at home. The back injury sucked, but I am lucky I didn't break my back or neck (or anything else) on that last digger. It was a bad one and I was riding alone - in the middle of 3,000 acres :( Hopefully I don't take another one of those anytime soon.

I pulled the big Maori figure out this week and marked him up for my next session. I think I will be able to get some good progress in on him this weekend. I am excited about getting him tightened up and ready for surface carving. I have all sorts of things planned for him. I have high expectations :)

Pics coming this weekend.....


Robin posted on Thu, Aug 23, 2007 8:25 AM

On 2007-08-23 04:35, GMAN wrote:

I pulled the big Maori figure out this week and marked him up for my next session. I think I will be able to get some good progress in on him this weekend. I am excited about getting him tightened up and ready for surface carving. I have all sorts of things planned for him. I have high expectations :)

Pics coming this weekend.....


Yay! So glad you're feeling better and we're gonna get to see more of your work.


On 2007-08-23 04:35, GMAN wrote:

Pics coming this weekend.....


:) :) :)


Hey G,

That home shelf of yours looks like it could be in any museum! Do you carve in your dreams?

I like the little pocket piggy too.


MBL posted on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 11:58 AM

Dude! That pig is cool! Sorry to hear you hurt your back. And no sandrails? what next? Get better...I'll shoot some pics your way when I can get the time.

GMAN posted on Sat, Aug 25, 2007 11:52 AM


Finally I've felt well enough and somewhat inspired to work on one of my own carvings. I want to say thanks to each one of you who have contacted me through TC or on the "outside" to talk carving or just chat - you know who you are. I appreciate your efforts to keep me involved. Even though I haven't been carving myself, I have enjoyed watching some of you work and have enjoyed helping out where I could. Thanks.

So here is what I did today. I could only manage three hours on the big guy, but I was able to work on some problematic areas where I had been waiting to use my new smaller Flexcuts. Now that I have them worked out, I can begin cleaning up, rounding, defining, and getting ready to sand him down. After I sand, I will begin carving his surface detail. I have 8 days off coming up, and If I score early on the gators, I'll be back home digging into this guy.

I hope you likee....



[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-08-25 11:53 ]

Ohhhh I likee!!! That's going to be AWESOME!!!!

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