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Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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Your chips AND dips.


Hi G!


Where you at?

GMAN posted on Mon, Aug 4, 2008 4:33 AM


[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-08-04 04:37 ]


Beautiful place to be! Can't quite see what you are holding there but I'm sure there izza story to go along with it.
You should find some dead Cypress trees out there, Excellent carving stuff and Mostly all bug Free! Look for some OLD rotten looking logs, the red heartwood will be like brand new. Has a Nice sweet smell when carving it, Very pleasant and Non Noxious.
Where ARE you!


Where's Gman?! cant even SEE ya with that Camoflauge!

I gonna guess - Withalacoochee?

GMAN posted on Mon, Aug 4, 2008 5:55 PM

Nope, that is Pineland, FL. A 100 acre chunk I hope to own one day. I've spent some geat times there over the years.


Where are all the leaves? Looks like early May in the Michigan UP swamps, eh.

GMAN posted on Tue, Aug 5, 2008 5:04 AM

"Where are all the leaves?"

Cypress trees drop in winter - one of the only evergreens to do this. This shot was in like January I think.

GMAN posted on Mon, Aug 18, 2008 5:48 PM

Seems that Fay followed me home from St Thomas. Benzo, you got your saw ready? I'll be out hunting logs tomorrow - if I can hang on through the night!



:lol: :lol: Good to see you back 'in action', swamp thang! Wanna see some carve updates, I'm sure you've been busy with other stuff-I want to see those shoes from the top view! :lol:

GMAN posted on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 10:18 AM

Duddy- Thanks man.

Pablus - Thanks

JP - Hi! I dunno what his surface carving will look like. A lot will depend on what I see as I am sanding him.

Surfin' - I don't know about stunning......this log was in really rough shape. I'll be happy just to finish him out ok.

tikifreak - Happy 4th to you too. It's been a while aye? Thanks for stopping by.

Benella - Thanks. Hope you have been well.

Benno - I guess this long break wasn't what you meant by "pace yourself"? Sorry.

Conga - Hey Chief! Actually, it is a nasty chunk of wood but I am learning a from it.

Babalu - Me make it look easy? I don't think so brother. This log is working me over.

Seeks - Don't die man! We need you here creating your killer masterpieces.

Tikigap - "I'm thinkin' that it carves nicely." Nope, this particular chunk is chippy and unforgiving.

Brad - Thanks for stopping by. Here is an update on the teko.......

After seeing how long it has been since I carved (and hearing about from Benzo and Tfreak) I went out and worked on the teko this morning. My office was closed because of Fay, so I had nothing planned. It was a good excuse to go out and make chips. I did a little chipping and then broke out the Sanding Maul (thanks Babalu!) for a heavy sanding. He still needs a lot more sanding before I plan the rest of him, but he is on his way......


Zaya posted on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 10:57 AM

I love the picture with the flip flops! Beautiful work GMAN!

the FlipFlops suit him!
looks great, that red is just the best man!

I can't see his flip-flop.. Oh hang on, you mean jandals?

Here's a thought. If you carved and hid some scary Tikis around that forest you might be able to spook the present owner into selling really cheaply.. :o

Looking good G - c'mon get him finished! Scroll him up & on with the next one!


G- that guy is looking nice!! I'm glad you got back to him. Can't wait to see him finished. Did you decide if you are going to keep him smooth??


I'm glad G finally found his way out of the jungles of Florida before Fay flooded him out. The time off didn't effect his skilz.

Would a heavier hammer help with the finish, or is it more in the light finesse technique?


Welll it's About time you pulled this guy out and dusted him off and actually did some work on him! Here I thought you were lost in the Amazon hunting Crocagators and piglets,,Welcome back. :P :P :D
Actually this guy is SO Close to being finished but I KNOW how sloooww you have to go with that wood so just work Twice as Much and he'll be done before I know it.
I can't believe he is looking SO GOOD, He's Looking SO Good I Can't Believe it. For a Little bitty guy he's Sure gonna be a Tough one, Mean to the bone, does he have you scared, that it??? :lol: Get him done and we'll leave you alone

for about an hour! :) :)


WOW Bro', it's super update! Nice teko !


Oh, Yeah, One more thing, I Really want to see that New SANDING Maul in Action?


I am really liking this last one, can I have it. :)


Sick carve G this guy is gorgeous!

GMAN posted on Sat, Aug 30, 2008 1:35 PM

Thanks all. I appreciate the wordz of encouragement! I'll be back to the Teko once my alligator tags are filled.

I had planned on being out filling my alligator tags this weekend, but the flood waters from Fay are at record levels. All the houses surrounding the management unit that my tags are for are flooded out and the state has closed the waterway to non-emergency boat traffic. Sooooooooo....it looks like Earnie is the only one here to bag an alligator this week....



At least one of you got lucky!

GMAN posted on Sat, Aug 30, 2008 5:13 PM

JP - I didn't say I didn't get lucky........ :wink: .......I just couldn't go hunting.......

GMAN posted on Sun, Aug 31, 2008 1:59 PM

I got up this morning and I was on a mission...a mission to finish my Hawaiian Crawler. With my Tylenol, Alleve, lots of caffeine, and my Doc at the ready, I dove in. It was a hell of a fight, but I got his A$$. I got the carving completed, the sanding done, and the first coat of ebony applied. Gman very happy. Now I have one more coat of ebony and a bunch of oil coats to apply.

Here a few pics from when I started him. I figured they might help someone, maybe.

And here are some pics from today.....



Damn, GMAN, He be one FINE piece 'o Work. HE's gonna be a real sweet keeper, too bad he's so UGLY! :lol:. Well done!

Also, Nice Shooting on the target there what were you at least 10 feets away? HAHA :P
You know we Loves y'a Mang

Man, that guy turned out sweet!! Love the ebony, gonna look really cool with oil!


Yeah, one big beaut' n' fine piece mister.

I love it


I second all that - He is one lovely MEAN piece of work!!



WOAH! Another Royal Masterpiece!
He's just CRAWLING with character. I can't believe you can whip him into shape SO FAST! Awesome work G.

Paipo posted on Tue, Sep 2, 2008 3:00 AM

Man did that turn out nice - it's been too long G! It almost seems a shame to cover up that beautiful grain with the black stuff, but he was asking for it.


It's all been said before, super work from the King of the Jungle.

Excellent!! I liked the grain - did you think about using a lighter stain?


The Florida Tarzan strikes again. Nice of you to come out of the bog and carve for us. (you'll get you chance to wrestle a gator when the lake levels go down)


Nice G the crawler is very slick carve ME LIKE!

GMAN posted on Fri, Sep 5, 2008 8:46 AM

Benno - He's not so sweet, actually he's as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside. He's not a bitter but he is a nasty little bugger.

Tikifreak - Thanks man. No oil for him, I changed my mind. I used oil on his first finish, but opted for a multi-layer type finish (I'm screwing around and learning new stuff). I'll use steel wool to knock down the shine on his ebony top coats and let the brown under-finish show through. This will look like age/wear. I've done some testing and I like what I've been able to do. I want him to look like the old guys in the bookz.

Benella - Thanks Ben, I'm glad you like him.

Kiwishaman - He IS mean....and he wants to git YOU!

Surfin' - He didn't take shape real fast. It took four sessions to get him here - but I had to let the wood dry up as he was getting all fuzzy when I was sanding.

Paipo - I'm glad you approve! He was asking for the black stuff. I don't like the way ficus/rubberwood takes stain anyway.

Conga - Thank for the note buddy!

Aloha - Gman no likee the ficus grain. I did consider a lighter finish, but I wanted him to get him finished out like the guyz in the books that inspired him.

JohnnyP - G8tr B8!!!

Seeks - Me glad you likee!

All - here are a few pics of him with his final topcoat. He will now get scuffed up with 0000 steel wool and he'll lose his shine and pick up a nice dull aged look with lighter colored wear areas around his face and other high spots.




[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-09-05 08:52 ]


GeeGMAN, This guy looks even MORE Awesome with his Color on, I'm Really glad you finally got yh stain mix worked out.These guys are the reason you should keep on Carvin'.
Think I;ll slink away and drool some more!

You ready for IKE, Hr might be tryin' to sneak up on you! Look out.

GMAN posted on Sun, Sep 7, 2008 4:47 PM

Buzzy - kewl pic, was that in your Prius?

Benzo - Thanks. Hopefully no Ike for either of us. Now I need to work on the Teko, but my weekend free time iz gonna be thin until February.....



Master G....Dang it's great to see you back in action! You keep the south fresh and alive! We need to get you to SD for a visit!

GMAN posted on Wed, Sep 10, 2008 5:59 PM

Hey Babs, thanks for the note. Yeah man, I'm game for a trip out to the left coast. I've got a steady stream of activities planned until about February....maybe I can swing on out then? It would be fun to hang with you and the Buzzmeister et al. I'll be sure to bring lots of bail money and be on good behavior.....'cause nearly everything I like to do is illegal in California.

I had a visit from MBL today. He dropped by in his new Phat Caddy - all he needs is big fly hat and he could be a stone cold pimp! We planned to do a little carving, shoot the s%^t, and hang with the E-dogg. We started a medium sized carving today and we'll likely be chipping on him for the next few weeks. Here are a few pics. I'll post the rest over on his thread.



[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-09-10 18:03 ]

MBL posted on Wed, Sep 10, 2008 6:25 PM


Nice job guys!! That guy is looking cool!


Your Foredom is getting jealous of your .308

Robin posted on Fri, Sep 19, 2008 9:26 AM

Gee oh gee GMan! So glad I got to have a peek today. Sigh...high altitude skills there my friend.

GMAN posted on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 5:29 AM

Thanks MBL, Freak, JP and Robin!

Yes, the chizzels are pissed, but so be it during the harvest months. More coming soon.....:D

Until then, I'll be in the tall grass......waiting.....watching.....


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