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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Mind......Reeling......Artistry......Unbound......Madness,Madness I say!
I feel compelled.....to....sleep.......sleep...now....

I've always loved your wonderful, delicate brushwork Brad, but in this newest one I feel that I see a subtle evolution in your technique that wasn't there early last year.

Evolution, no matter how subtle, is difficult at your level of expertise but somehow you're managing. That is my favorite part of this epic thread.

On 2010-01-21 19:28, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Thanks... I sent the jpegs of the last two pieces for "consideration" to get into an art show in LA. I'm too nervous and superstitious to blab about which show or which gallery I'll let the tiki tribe know if any thing comes from it.

Hey, if you go here:

I think you can ask them if they have any mags left with "the Moon of Manakoora" still on the cover. This was officially 2009's issue. The issue of "Art and Culture on Maui" had 4 different covers - mine was only one of them. Folks have asked me for some copies, but I ran out. However, the folks on Maui might still have some. If I end up at Tiki Oasis, I'd be happy to autograph 'em. Anyways, on to the next project...


Cool. One of my co-workers just returned from Maui with this issue for me. So hooray for that!

Atomic Tiki Punk ~ Thanks! I'm lighting Dracula's eye's for that Bela Lugosi hypnotic mojo. After listening to a documentary on Dracula I guess Lugosi was the first actor to give Dracula a hypnotic gaze.
Robb Hamel ~ wow, that's really nice hearing that from you. Thanks. I'm trying to push each painting a little more. It still feels sometimes like I'm just learning how to paint. Sometimes it's like I'm spinning my wheels, but I guess if you've noticed, then I'm getting somewhere. Really, that's a great compliment. OK, I'm gonna shut up now before I make a fool of myself!
Slacks Ferret ~ Cool! They did a really nice job on the mag! But be careful, I had mine sitting out on the coffee table - in a bright room - and unfortunately the cover faded. A nice dark basement tiki bar would be a good place for it!

Here's a roughing out of some basic color ideas.
I want to paint the most spectacular sun set imaginable, however, I'm realizing with these small canvases I'm only giving myself about 4" x 11" to do it!
Guess I better get out the TINY brushes...


Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2010-01-27 17:44 ]

Brad, now your reading my mind! I thought that the only thing missing was the light in his eyes from that scene in the original movie.
So what am I thinking now?
Get out of my mind!!!

ATOMIC TIKI PUNK ~ Yes, I know of what you speak. Perhaps some one, or some thing, is reading your mind? Is it I? Am I sending forth strange mental tentacles of invisible writhing artistic-dream-stuff through the tropical storm swept sky and across the dark night-blue undulating Pacific over the golden shore of the cool land and into the slumbering minds of the Tiki Tribe members?

Or, am I just hitting the rum too hard and listening to that "H.P. Lovecraft Literary Pod cast" too darned much?


Probably the latter. Here's Drac so far...

The sun set needs to be more spectacular. Lots to do...

Big Aloha!


Wouldn't a rising or setting moon be a bit more apropos?
I always thought sunlight was a bit detrimental to a vampires health or lack there of.
Just a thought...

GROG posted on Thu, Jan 28, 2010 12:46 PM

That's a good point Heath has.

GROG put the Sphynx in to go with the Pyramid in the background. ( Seems like they should be in the Mummy painting, though.)

Yes Brad, I have seen strange things in my mind since my days as a student at Miskatonic University
Things always in shadow, old things, ancient things.

Fading memories of the old ones.....

Heath ~ You are correct sir. After consideration of several films (Dracula, The Brides of Dracula, The Horror of Dracula - whoa, Christoper Lee is awesome! and of course Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein), and TV shows (Buffy, Angel and Kolchak) , and a dear friend in Hollywood who creates all kinds of movie effects, and is an expert on vampire lore, I decided to move the count to a environment with less sunlight, or even the chance of getting slightly toasted by a lingering ray of sun shine. Heck, something like that could ruin Dracula's Tropical vacation! So I changed the Background.

Still on the beach, and with a red sky to match the other monsters, but no sun. Now a volcanic eruption (from a safe lagoon away distance).
GROG ~ I like your place ment of the Sphinx! Good composition. So I added in big Tiki in that spot.

What might be fun would be, if and when, I do a Tiki-lounge version of "The Mummy" to do a Moai headed Sphinx. Or would that be too much genre bending?
Atomic Tiki Punk - Ha! I hear you brother! I remember the summer in my teenage years I discovered the stories of H.P. Lovecraft. Everything changed for me.
I hope you are also listening to the H. P. Lovecraft pod cast.
If you are in the mood to read scary tales of sea monsters and ghost pirates, check out William Hope Hodgson (1877 –1918).
A great short story "A Tropical Horror":
Hodgson wrote terrific horror stories.
Big Aloha

TikiG posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 1:57 PM

Great update on the Drac painting, Brad! Diggin' it as usual...Thanks!

The new background really works & fits better with Vampire lore to.
I will check out those pod casts, thanks Brad.

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
TikiG - Thanks, Glad you are diggin it!
Atomic Tiki Punk - Well, the whole vampire vs sunlight thing is a bit convoluted. Upon further research, I discovered that Bram Stoker had Dracula walking around London in broad daylight in the original novel!

I think F. W. Murnau's 1922 silent movie Nosferatu had the Count killed by the rays of the sun. Perhaps that's where we get the whole big idea vampire's can't go out in the sun.

Nosferatu, by the by, is a great film. It's a little frightening to think that Bram Stoker's widow won her case against the film makers for copyright infringement from the Book Dracula, and the German government ordered all copies of the film destroyed! Luckily, some copies were saved, and you can still find this amazing movie.
I believe you can download the whole thing for free from here:
Okay, Vampire 101 is over for the day. Class dismissed!
Atomic Tiki Punk, I like the new volcanic eruption back ground too, thanks.

Here's some more done on the back ground.

A closer gawk at the giant Tiki.


Your right Brad, Dracula could move about in the daylight, it made him a bit weaker,as they could not shapshift, but was not detrimental
to his health, it has been awhile since I read Bram Stoker.

Then again Sunlight kills the Vampire in F. W. Murnau's "Nosfaratu"
Also in the 1960's with Christopher Lee's Dracula.

Brad the new background looks great though, I would not change a thing.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-01-30 18:09 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk ~ It's intriguing how we can trace modern day legends through the publication of books, television shows and films. The ancient world had it's lore passed along through verbal tradition. So you'd never know exactly when the story was altered or changed. Presently, I surfed the net a bit and found a site that went through all the films of Dracula and listed which had him destroyed by sun light, which by a wooden steak, which by a Bowie Knife, etc...
I'm not sure if that takes the magic out of it, or makes it more interesting. Think I have to vote for making it better because without the net I wouldn't have access to Tiki Central, our wonderful cyber artist's colony, and our wold wide Tiki Tribe.

Here's the latest bit. Drac's looking a tad plump, so today is about painting his face and getting him to look a little more Bela Lugosi and a little less Lou Costello.





Looking great Brad!

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
The HUMP has been passed. (I think)
LLT - You R 2 funny! Thanks! I needed a Kenny boost to help get me past "the hump"!
Atomic Tiki Punk ~ Mahalo tiki brother! Your tireless support has helped me through this one. I'm over the "hump" and now comes the " finishing it".

There's parts to a painting project - that are especially tuff - like staring at a blank canvas, that's the first big hurdle.
Then, getting your sketch transferred while still retaining the drawing's energy and life. That's tough.

Then, there's this middle area, "the hump". This is where you've poured endless hours of work into a canvas and it some how still doesn't look right: it's lifeless. You numbly glare at the half finished painting not knowing whats wrong, or only seeing what's wrong, and nothing seems right.

Or there's a HUGE mistake you did not notice... and GROG, Artasaurus, Robb or Doug suddenly points it out to you (thanks guys) and you have to re-paint a big ol part of the whole friggin thing.
So, in one intense painting session, you gather up all your mental energy and enthusiasm for the piece you can, ...and paint and paint and paint and paint until it starts looking "better" instead of "worse".

Once you've managed that, you're past the hump.

So, after last night, I think I got past "the hump". Yippee! Still have stuff to do, but, I don't cringe when I look at it any more.

Worked on his eyes - very important. got his hands and feet a little better worked out.
Big part coming up is the lei: a Lei of flowers is one of the most complex things to have to paint: all those curving surfaces! However, if you put in the hours, the final result is really worth it. It's always enjoyable to look at a good lei. Ah, a good lei of flowers.
And then the thing that makes the whole image "work" and is "funny": the elaborately embellished tropical drink in a out landish tiki mug - well a "skull" mug for Dracula.
Oh, and then the bizarrely ornate Aloha shirt....oh cheese and crackers, I got a ton of stuff left to paint! Maybe I'm not past the hump!!


Great job on the adjustments. Love how you do that
to your work. And that you are open to suggestions
from your supporters. Very cool.

Will there be a Frankenstein from Fatu Hiva
and the Mummy from Maui on the horizon?

Nice explanation on getting over the hump. And to think
all this time I tried to get over it by not painting on
Wednesdays! :)

Man! These Universal Monsters paintings are insane! I absolutely love them! I really dig a lot of your work but these rascals are so damn great! So witty and charming. Universal monsters and Tiki- 2 of my true loves. Your attention to detail is incredible- really appreciate the step by step viewing of your work- a real treat for me!

Great explanation of the speedbumps and stalls in the creative painter's progress!
Don't forget the spills and cleanup or the "oh dear,i shouldn't of smoked that whole eighth and painted!" scenarios as well...
A lot of peeps think that every moment at the studio is a sit down and paint dealio.... How wrong they are....
You need the mental AND physical AND spiritual/psychic energy
All shooting off at once....
And a CURSE on those phonecalls or door knocks that scatter that
creative blend!
Brad,you have consistently strove forward
and with stellar results.....
Battyboy is superb so far!
Happy HumpDay!

Come visit US!

Iokona Ki'i ~ Frankenstein on Fatu Hiva! Thanks! That's a good one! I was thinking maybe Frankenstein on Fiji, or "the monster" on Maui. (Cause it's Frankenstein's monster not Frankenstein the doctor n' all like dat) but, I like your idea! Fatu Hiva has a Tiki Culture literary connection with Thor Heyerdahl. "The Mummy of Maui" did cross my mind. :) Yeah I do really try to take in all the help I get from TC. I use any help that makes sense to me. Although, honestly, I think a few times folks came up with great ideas and I was like about 90% done and WAY over working on that particular piece, so I may have moved on without implementing their sage advice. LOVE the velvets by the way!
whiskeyblood ~ BIG THANKS! I knew there was some tiki / horror movie fans like me out there somewhere! Well, I wasn't sure. I did the Were wolf, and that was leading off Tiki Cat. Then, I figured the Were Wolf was a monster so, why not the Kreature... then it's a slippery slope to all the classic monsters. I know I want to finish the four, not sure if Ill keep going or not yet. I have this big canvas for "faster than Disaster" that's waiting.
little lost tiki ~ Oh gosh YEAH! The darned phone! Oh you said it brother!! (ah...am I beginning to talk like Hulk Hogan?) You are so right, it's all gotta' come together in some weird super calm ignore-everything-in-the-real-world right-brain/left-brain Vulcan mind meld. Somedays it's impossible to get there.
You're smart, your art studio is separate from your home. I still sling paint at home... so there's a lot of distractions. First, you have to do all the mundane house stuff. Then, work stuff like office-paper-work and shipping and like all that ...that takes hours. Days!
THEN, when your doing the art, sometimes it takes an hour or so of working just to warm up and get into the groove. Then you can really begin making the art! And of course, there's the dreaded dark time you spend slouched in the corner of the room and glare at the painting in shock while you are thinking "What the heck am I doing? Nobody is going to buy this!" That's the place you must try to never go to... it's certain doom for any artist. (But, I spend about half my time there.)
Basically, I think it helps if you are more crazy and obsessive then you are normal and practical. Oh well, all the fun parts of being an artist!

Here's where I am now... still have not gotten to the Lei.


awesome work tiki shark another masterpiece on its way.

My work is done here, Brad has become the master, now on to the next masterpiece
don't forget about Gort!

Aloha tiki Tribe!
tiki beat by marcus thorn ~ Thanks Marcus! It's starting to get there.
Atomic Tiki Punk ~ Well, thanks, but it's not done yet! I went all kooky in the tropical drink and still never got to the lei.

Oh, I was wandering through he used book store in Kona and found an old copy of "Edgar Allen Poe's Tales of Terror".
It's Roger Corman's directing, Richard Matherson writing, and starring Peter Lorre, Basil Rathbone, and Vincent Price!

Check out the "Fun Facts" on the back.
"Fun Fact" number 2 is why I bought it.

Music by LES BAXTER. It's awesome. Even some semi-exotica/horror wordless female vocals. Great moody stuff to watch/listen to while I slap paint.

Here's it so far: "Dracula Drinks...A Mai Tai"

"Watch the mug closely now... You are getting thirsty. So Thirsty."


The Mug looks great! I didn't think it could get any better!you are the master!
Vincent Price! another idea for your series.
this may never end....


I'm always very impress.. how good and how fast you paint.do you sleep sometime? :)...
Your work is just excelent!

Atomic Tiki Punk ~ Yes Vincent Price at a tiki bar would be fun! You're right, there are a lot o fun cross over subculture elements yet to explore.
Tiki Baï ~ Thanks so much! I'm seeking that ever better sense of lighting and that more dimensional rendering... all takes time & practice. I always think how LONG it takes me to paint. I'm surprised you think I paint fast... I feel like I go very slow. Like I still have not gotten done with the lei - and I'm not posting till I get them done... tomorrow I think. So, Big thanks.
I sleep, curled up with a copy of "Tiki Modern" and my new favorite book.... the "Famous Monster Movie art of BASIL GOGOS"! Just got it in the mail! (Hooray for Amazon - without which I could not have survive out here on this remote volcanic island!)

Basil Gogo's is a genius - iz best known for painting the covers of Forrey Ackerman's "Famous Monsters of film land" magazine - a publication which influenced me to a big way. It really blew my mind as a kid. I remember golden moments of my childhood... going to the news stand in great anticipation of each new issue of "Famous Monsters", or "Creepy" and "Eerie" and, of course, (gulp!) "Vamperalla". What a powerful hypnotic hold they had on me - rocking my world.
This book is a wonderful collection of Gogo's work, movie monsters, plus some other cool "pulp" cover work. Well worth a look.
Big time inspirational stuff!


Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2010-02-05 18:09 ]



Just looks great Brad!

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Thanks Atomic Tiki Punk!
Hey, I was sweating bullets waiting to hear if my work was going to get accepted into that group show in LA... and I found out that

"The Were Wolf of Waikiki"

and "The Kreature from Kona"
were both accepted into the upcoming La Luz de Jesus exhibition, "Everything But the Kitsch N Sync".
It's the gallery's annual group show.
Opening night is March 5th, and the show goes to the 28th. I'm gonna try to get off the island and make it over for the show. It's the first time I've shown at La Luz, so I had to change my pants when I found out the good news!

To bad "Dracula Drinks... a Mai Tai" wasn't done in time to make the submission deadline.


Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2010-02-06 22:29 ]

Congrats! Brad, we will try to make the show.

Change your pants and get on over here,artstar!!!!!!
Congratulations Brad!!!!!
Truly deserved.....

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Atomic Tiki Punk ~ Cool! It's be reeaally great to see any tiki tribe folks who could make the opening at La Luz! Hey, the Tiki Ti is next door, and I've STILL never been in there for a drink!!
LLT ~ THANKS! Pants changed, ticket bought.

Okay I think that's three done. (whew!)

"Dracula Drinks... a Mai Tai"
14" x 11"
Acrylic on canvas



Brad are you planning on doing prints of these guys?

I really love them.

leleliz - yes, I will make prints. I think I may do something different for this set. Offer a high end giclee on canvas that looks just like the original painting, and then also offer a less expensive print that includes type and mimics the box covers of the old Aurora Monster Models. What do you think? Fun idea?

I just heard that "Dracula Drinks... a Mai Tai" was excepted as a late entry, and will also be in the "Everything But the Kitsch N Sync" annual group art show at "La Luz de Jesus" gallery. Yippee!

Cool! Now the whole set will be there.

Well, the fourth one "Frankie Goes to Hawaii" won't make it. I have not even started that one yet. And now I gotta break the bad news to the Gallery on Maui. They will be showing nice giclees, but not the originals. I mean, the gallery on Maui is very nice and very high end, but...La Luz is sort of the birth place of Pop Surrealism in LA, so I gotta show the "Swanky Monsters" series there if at all possible!

Opening night is March 5th, 8 PM to 11PM. Hope to see ya' there!


Congrats on the show, these look amazing as a set.

Thought about doing a postcard run? I've got a couple of framed sets of tiki/bar/event postcards and they are good way to to get a range/set of images, with lots of colour in one frame, with only a small wall space. Limited edition would keep them exclusive...

How did you find working on a smaller canvas? I'm moving up the scale and finding it easier to carry detail.

[ Edited by: tikiracer 2010-02-08 02:18 ]


hells yeah brad!!!!

congrats on the amazing paintings and doing the La Luz show! ur mastery of light is truly getting scary-good.

i will of course be there to lend groupie support to one of my all-time favorite artists!

mad alohas, t


Congrats Brad!

It's about time La Luz got on the ball and displayed some of yer work!

And you ARE coming out for the opening?!?! Can't wait fer the big night!



"Congrats on the show, these look amazing as a set.

Thought about doing a postcard run? Limited edition would keep them exclusive..."

I like the postcard idea but since Brad lives in Hawaii, I think these postcards need to be everywhere around the world to as many people that can see it. These postcards would look great sitting next to the Big Island volcano postcard and the beach babe, in a spinning rake in an ABC store.


"Congrats on the show, these look amazing as a set.

Thought about doing a postcard run? Limited edition would keep them exclusive..."

I like the postcard idea but since Brad lives in Hawaii, I think these postcards need to be everywhere around the world to as many people that can see it. These postcards would look great sitting next to the Big Island volcano postcard and the beach babe, in a spinning rake in an ABC store.

Aloha Tiki Tirbe!
Tiki Racer ~ Mahalo! Howzit at "the devil's reef?" Hey, found a free download of a reading of William Hope Hodgson's "The Boats of Glen Carrig" - -a ship wreck, Sargasso sea, sea monsters, strange high adventure! Much like H.P. Lovecraft, but not the cosmic nightmare genius, but more swash-buckling adventure. Free podcast, nice reading. find it here: http://hodgecast.blogspot.com/
It was strange working small. Everyone kept telling me to paint bigger - then this La Luz show wanted small...so it was strange. But I think it sure was faster to get a painting done. I like it when the small paintings are all placed together - like a puzzle. But I really liked working at 30" x 24"... and I look forward to going back to that after "Frankie goes to Hawaii"
Postcards - I like this idea, tell me more. You can PM me and let me know prices and details and how you distributed them.
Big Toe ~ Big Thanks! I'm very glad you feel so good about my art, because... I have sketch idea worked up for a up coming painting based on your fink-dragon. So, like I'm glad you don't mind and all... :) !!!!! I'd so dig seeing you in LA!
Tubunga ~ Hey Mr. October! Mahalo! I'd love to see you and Mr. M at da' show! March 5th, 8 PM to 11PM... or we all go over to the Tiki Ti for some rum drinks!
TeaKEY ~ Thanks! Good idea. I like the post card idea. I might know a guy who knows a guy who works at the company that makes all those cards you see at the ABC stores.
However, the big question is, do you think post cards would create a a problem with me also looking to sell the images for more money in an art gallery? I know SHAG can pull off this sort of cross marketing, but I don't remember if Schorr or Williams has ever done it. (not that I think I'm anywhere near the level of Todd Schorr or Robert Williams, but you know... ya' gotta think this stuff out)
Still, the classic "Post card from Hawaii" is like a art genera all to itself, and my art might work there because it is a pop-surrealistic version of Hawaiiana. ABC store vs Art Gallery?
I'm open to all suggestions from the Tiki Tribe here...what to you think?
Here's number four roughed out...


On 2010-02-07 20:58, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
leleliz - yes, I will make prints. I think I may do something different for this set. Offer a high end giclee on canvas that looks just like the original painting, and then also offer a less expensive print that includes type and mimics the box covers of the old Aurora Monster Models. What do you think? Fun idea?

I just saw this...Awesome!

I think out of all your artwork these are some of my favorites based on the subject. I love classic monsters and these are a great blend of tiki and kitsch.

Looking forward to seeing Frank finished as well.

Great work!

Hey Brad don't sell yourself short, you are a gifted & skilled artist, I put you in the same league as Todd Schorr or Robert Williams

I have been following Robert Williams since the 1980's, seen all his early shows in L.A.
And you got the skills & Talent to!!!

Excellent work! I think the new series is a lot of fun. I myself am an illustrator/animator in the tv design business for many years who only a very short time ago began drawing tiki's. I find your work very inspirational!

A week without a Brad Parker post is a sad week indeed!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-02-20 16:06 ]

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