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What AreYou Drinking- Right Now?

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Cachaça Cubano Libre

A riff on the classic Cuba Libre.

1 oz. Niessen Rhum Agricole Blanc
1 oz. Agua Luca Cachaça
1/2 Lime
Dash of Angostura Bitters
6-8 oz. Mexican Coke

Squeeze half a lime into a tall glass. Add rum, Cachaça, and spent lime shell. Mix, and fill glass with cloudy ice cubes. Add Coke to taste. Float bitters on top.

A Mai Tai . . . Depaz Agricole with Smith & Cross . . . not too shabby!

The final-final Mai Tai for the night . . . Lemon Hart 151 and . . . 10 Cane . . . I like it!

On 2011-07-02 20:40, Cincy_Tiki_Craig wrote:
Drinking Steve Crane's Scorpion Bowl. Moving on to a Mai Tai shortly.

what are the odds- i was mixing up ein scorpianer bowl myself last night, very similar to the krane version, cept i aint substituting lime for lemon o nthis one.

tonight mixed up three entries in the pineapple-coconut genre.


Jack Daniels at an El Cortez craps table. I just dropped $500 !! :(

The drink however was free...

Planters Punches last night.
Donn's original, and Skipper Kents'.

Navy Grogs . . . Don's #2, Flor de Cana 7YO, Lemon Hart 151 & El Dorado 3YO White . . . a rebel with a cause!

Lemon Hart, Plantation 5YO, Flor de Cana 7YO, Grapefruit, Don's Mix, Don's #2, Orgeat, Club Soda, Lime Juice . . . it's a mess but it's good!

Nui Nui with Zaya . . .

Okay, this is pretty close to perfect for me . . . my combo of Don & TV's Mai Tai recipes . . .

1 1/2 oz Appleton Reserve
1 oz Smith & Cross
1/2 oz Cointreau
1 oz BG Reynolds Orgeat
1/4 oz BG Reynolds Falernum
1 oz fresh grape fruit juice
3/4 oz fresh lime juice
Angostura bitters
lime hull
fresh mint

Fog Cutter:
1 oz Lemmon
2 oz OJ
1/2 oz Orgeat
1/2 oz Gin
1/2 oz Brandy
1 1/2 oz Lt Rum

Good 1
Thanks to whoever posted this in the past on TC...


KoKo Kiss
2 oz Lemon
2 oz Lt Rum
2 oz Koko mix (cream of coconut)

The rum's all packed up for a week long camping trip, so it was Gin and Tonics last night with homemade tonic syrup and a wee splash of Angostura.


Rum Barrel... with too much lime! :smiley pucker:

Sandy Beach

1 oz Amaretto
1 oz Bailey's Irish cream
1 oz Butterscotch Schnapps
2 oz Cream

My Mai Tai

1.5 oz of Lemonhart Demarara (80 proof)
1 oz of Zaya
1/2 oz Cointreau
1 oz of BG Reynolds Orgeat
1/2 oz of BG Reynolds Falernum
1 oz Grape Fruit juice
1/2 lime juice

This is damn near perfect for me!

Yesterday, just fyi, was havign Diplimatico Reserve, equal part lime juice & simple syrup on the rocks, it was heavenly!


Okay . . . something different . . . all of the above except substituting BG Reynolds Hazelnut Orgeat for the regular Orgeat . . . subtle, thicker, interesting . . .

The hazelnut compliments the smokiness of the Demarara, seems to bring it out more . . . I like . . . for those interested . . .

I may be looking forward to Oasis next month, but this weekend I'm thinking back to Caliente with a Palm Springs Punch in the Doug Horne mug.

Palm Springs Punch . . . recipe, por favor!

Ron Matusalem Gran Riserva night cap . . . I am little underwhelmed, hmmmm . . .

Aloha and okole maluna!

The Blue Kahuna

[ Edited by: The Blue Kahuna 2011-07-17 20:50 ]

I have lemons to use up so headin' for the Spievak Zombie with Cruzan, Flor de Cana & Lemonhart . . . this may take a while, I have six lemons . . .

Lemons?! dont forget the Sidecar, the Philadelphia Fish House Punch, the Aviation, the Pisco Punch, and last but not least the Foooooggcutttttrrrrr!

I'm out of Pusser's navy rum, so I've been drinking a, um, Pakaraima Pain Reliever. Yes yes, as most of us know, this is a drink what's been around since the 1930's, for those in the know.

You take 3 oz of demerara rum, add 4 oz of filipino pineapple juice, 1 oz mexican guava juice, 1 oz coconut cream from the D.R., stir up over ice, sprinkle some Sri Lankan cinnamon on top (maybe its just Indonesian cassia?), and freshly grate some Grenadian nutmeg on top.


Mmmm, that sounds good! I'm down to three lemons now, I've been substituting lemon for lime, aaargh! Actually, right now having a bizarre hazelnut oregeat mai tai with lemon instead of lime! Lemonhart 80 and Zaya (1.5 and 1), it is really tasty!

switch pantheons.

lemon goes better with brandy, gin, and whiskey, than with rum.


Test Pilot... ummmmm....

I just love how tiki brings people together . . . Don, Vic, Michael-Suzanne . . .

I'm drinkin' a new invention called Rhumsinthe. No absinthe in it but a good helping of 151, a touch of fruit juices and no less than 7 liqueurs. Very smooth and strong as hell.

A Cuban Anole. The best cocktail named after a lizard with two penises that I've ever had.


A Hell in the Pacific, made with newly-acquired LH151 and a little umbrella. Do your worst, heat wave.

Lemon Hart (80), fresh squeezed lime juice & Depaz sugar cane syrup . . . delightful . . .

On 2011-07-26 23:45, The Blue Kahuna wrote:
Lemon Hart (80), fresh squeezed lime juice & Depaz sugar cane syrup . . . delightful . . .

My favorite way to drink good rum!

12 oz. glass of Bacardi Coconut flavored rum, room temperature.

^ I'll bet you had a really nice nap this afternoon :o)

Eastern Sour. The booze fairy left me some bourbon (among other things).

Island Hopper:
1 oz spiced rum
1/2 oz coconut rum
1/2 oz raspberry vodka
1/2 oz cream of coconut
2 oz pineapple juice
1 oz orange juice
In a chilled Green Monster Marq mug

kewl, sounds like sort of a raspberry Painkiller...

Every time I see this thread I am drinking coffee kinda depressing

Tonight it's a battle between the Western Sour and the Eastern Sour. The early returns have Eastern Sour out in front, primarily due to It tasting like a more balanced cocktail.


recipes por favor?

They're both in Remixed, page 39 I believe. Bourbon-based, the western is a lime/grapefruit/falernum style, while the eastern is orange/lemon/orgeat.



Reverb Crash, from Remixed (page 210) and the TC 2003 Drink Contest winner. I like it, a bit heavy on the grapefruit but it is going down very very nicely.



Pusser's Blue Label, Depaz Sugar Cane Syrup, fresh squeezed lime juice . . .

Singapore Sling, Donn's 1930's recipe.
Fkkn outstanding in this hot hot heat.




Mai Tai with Smith & Cross and St. James Extra Old.

Wife is having a Banshee.

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