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What AreYou Drinking- Right Now?

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And now the original with LH151, Appleton VX, and Cruzan White . . . that should be it!

PS-Thank you Blair Reynolds for making my life easier!

Aloha and okole maluna!

The Blue Kahuna

[ Edited by: The Blue Kahuna 2011-11-23 22:07 ]

A cold front blew in, today. Time for warmer beverages.
I'm sipping a zero-carb Hot Buttered Rum.

"The rum's the thing..."

[ Edited by: Limbo Lizard 2011-11-28 11:27 ]

Appleton V/X and ginger ale.
Easy, tasty, etc.

Stuft Shirt Mai Tai

From Beachbum Berry's Remixed.

I've had a lot of bad Mai Tais in my day, and this one, which the Bum claims "commits every sin in the bogus Mai Tai playbook," did not disappoint. I was particularly horrified by the inclusion of Sauternes, a rather pricey French dessert wine that's typically imbibed with Foie Gras. As I happened to have a bottle of 2001 Château du Violon Sauternes lying around collecting dust in the wine cellar, I decided to mix up one of these abominations, and did not spare the top-shelf rums, including 12-year Appleton Jamaican Dark, Martinique VSOP, and Lemon Hart 151 old label.

My friends, it tastes as awful as it sounds, but I feel strangely at peace knowing that no Mai Tai I could ever order from this day forward, could ever match its sheer awfulness.

It looks "purty" though :o)

On 2011-11-27 13:35, MrBaliHai wrote:
... it tastes as awful as it sounds... no Mai Tai... could ever match its sheer awfulness.

And, yet,... I'll bet you managed to get it all down, just this once! :wink:

On 2011-11-27 15:22, Limbo Lizard wrote:
And, yet,... I'll bet you managed to get it all down, just this once! :wink:

With all the high-priced booze and wine in it, you're damn right I did!...:wink:

Tonight called for something hot, so I made a Wiki Wiki Warmer

5 oz apple cider (Martinelli’s)
3/4 oz apple brandy (Laird’s Straight )
3/4 oz dark rum (Appleton Extra)
1/4 oz falernum (Taylor’s Velvet)
1/4 oz allspice dram (St. Elizabeth)
Orange twist
Freshly grated nutmeg

Recipe link:http://bit.ly/snuXwh

Coruba coconut rum,
Club soda,
Cranberry juice and
Ice in my Malicious Grotto Green mug


The Tiki Ti Puka Puka . . . delightful . . .

an ice cold Shiner Holiday Cheer...

Ah,... excellent choice, Porpoise. Here's cheers to you!

thanks LL!

tonight is the end of hurricane season! always a celebratory occasion for drinking one too!

2 days ago
Was at Frankie's
3 rum scum x2

Yesterday Bali Hai
Goof punch

Home made Mai-Tai


Mai Tai made with Appleton's Special and Tanduay Dark Rhum, and since I wanted to pretend I was in Hawaii I used some pineapple juice in it.


Note to self, don't slice the limes with the same knife you just sliced the green onions with.


Papa Dobles. or Hemingway Especiales. I can't tell the difference; i wasn't there-- were you?

Low-carb Whiskey Sour

[ Edited by: Limbo Lizard 2011-12-11 22:51 ]

"Junior Adventurer's Donga Punch" - Toronja (grapefruit) soda, cinnamon syrup, & lime :D

Rawim posted on Thu, Dec 8, 2011 8:13 AM

Last night included a Rum Pot


Coruba Dark Rum

Orange Juice

Lemon Juice

Trader Tiki Passion Fruit Syrup

Trader Tiki Vanilla Syrup


Mai Kai Barrel O' Rum.



Good ole Navy Grog. Grapefruit, lime and honey mix with 3 oz of rum, one of which is Lemon Hart 151. A perfect - albeit tipsy - balance!

I had one of those Sunday night and I think I was still hung over on Tuesday!

right now- out of lemon so mixed up a Sidecar with lime instead. not the best marriage. So, threw in an ounce of Appleton Estate dark, a half ounce of Canton ginger liqueur, and a quarter ounce peach brandy. Don't know what to name the resulting elixir, but it's pretty good.

Donga punch.

Why? Well what the hell else am I gonna do with my leftover donn's mix no.2?

Ron Abuelo 12-Year - so ono!

Speaking of rum, head on over to this thread if you're interested in joining the SF Bay Area's first grass roots rum club. We're meeting for the first time at 5:00 on Saturday 1/7 at Forbidden Island in Alameda.


La Calavera Caliente (The Hot Skull)

An original drink

1 oz. Patrón Cafe XO Liqueur
1 oz. El Presidente Mexican Brandy
1 oz. Cruzan Blackstrap Rum
1 oz. Lemon Juice
1/2 oz. John D. Taylor's Velvet Falernum
4 oz. Boiling water

Mix all ingredients in a ceramic skull. Garnish with flame.

Weblog: Eye of the Goof

[ Edited by: MrBaliHai 2011-12-17 19:18 ]

Mexican Hot Chocolate


For variety I made a spiced Mai Tai, swapped the regular rums for Tattoo and Sailor Jerry. It made me happy.

Not drinking at work right now obviously, lol. Lately though since I'm on a low carb diet, I've been a bit hooked on Coke Zero and Gosling's Black Seal with a squeeze of lime. That's pretty much my cocktail of choice until I get down to my goal weight ^_^

Last two days it has been: Navy Grog - fresh lime and grapefruit. Ron Abuelo, Coruba, Lemon Hart 151. When I get back after Christmas I'll switch to Mara Amu and Rum Barrels 'cause I just got the correct mugs and haven't initiated them.

I made the wife a lemon mint squash from Remixed and it got rave reviews - great non-alcoholic drink (she is due in April).

Is it wrong that my favorite use of Lemon Hart is as a float on a mild white rum drink? Derby Daquiri etc?


[ Edited by: gabbahey 2011-12-23 10:09 ]

Right now I am drinking my own Three King's Punch...a fruit punch based rum concoction with strong notes of cinnamon and ginger.

Three Kings Punch

In a pitcher of ice, mix --
8 oz of freshly made fruit punch
RECIPE -- 6 cups prepared tea, 1 (46 oz) can pineapple juice, 3 Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 3/4 cups sugar
Dissolve sugar in tea. Add pineapple and lemon juices. Mix well.
4 oz - freshly squeezed orange juice
4 oz - 12 yr Flor de Cana spiced rum
2 oz - Kraken black rum
2 oz - Christian Brother's brandy
1 oz - CoCo Real cream of coconut
1 oz - fresh lime juice
Ginger Syrup - 1 tsp - freshly grounded ginger mixed with 1 tbs of sugar in 1 tbs of hot water
Cinnamon Syrup - same measurements
2 dashes of Bittercube Blackstrap bitters


My own recipe hot buttered rum . . . but just one and then to bed! Merry Christmas everybody and Happy New Year!


A Dark N Stormy, but instead of Gosling's I used Kraken. It isn't bad, but I like a Dark N Stormy better with Gosling's. Kracken is too sweet tor me.

Having a low-carb Queen's Park Swizzle (gettin' back on track, after a little 'obligatory' high-carb holiday eating and drinking, with friends, doncha know :wink:).

Ever get distracted while mixing a drink and then you proudly serve it and it tastes horrible? Yeah, that was my uber-lime Mai Tai last night. I'll have to make more tonight just to make up for it!

Harpoon's Vermont Spruce Tip Ale.

followed by: Navy Grog!


Mai Tai, if only because I'm out of pineapple juice so I can't make a Blue Hawaii.

I invented this forty-five minutes ago:

Cup O' Kindness

1 oz each of bourbon, blended scotch, sweet vermouth, and orange curacao
1/2 oz each of orange juice, and cherry liqueur/cherry brandy
1/4 oz lemon juice (or lime)
1 dash each of orange flower water, Herbsaint, and vanilla extract.

shake over ice, strain into a fancy stemmed New Year's Day glass. Imbibe.

Happy New Year!


Champagne with red raspberries and pomegranate liqueur ice.

LaZy TonighT

Carving all day...
Then it was bar time...

  1. Mai-Tai
  2. Rum n cranberry juice
  3. Fog Cutter

:music: We're drinking Black Tooth, 80 proof, straight gasoline
Slam as much as you can take and hand the bottle to me.
'Nother round, fill'er up, hammer down, grab a cup
Bottoms up! :music:

Well, let's see. First I had a Nui Nui. At the moment I'm sipping a Pearl Diver's Punch. (and realised straining isn't necessary, yay for not wasting ice!) It's pretty damn tasty btw. Next I'm gonna make a Mara-amu or Never Say Die, depending how much lime I have left.

On 2012-01-06 17:52, mamelukkikala wrote:
Well, let's see. First I had a Nui Nui. At the moment I'm sipping a Pearl Diver's Punch. (and realised straining isn't necessary, yay for not wasting ice!) It's pretty damn tasty btw. Next I'm gonna make a Mara-amu or Never Say Die, depending how much lime I have left.

May I ask how you prepare your pearl diver's punch (to prevent butter separation)? I myself use the Kaiser Penguin method, but I hear there are others methods out there....

On 2012-01-06 18:50, kid_dynamo wrote:
May I ask how you prepare your pearl diver's punch (to prevent butter separation)? I myself use the Kaiser Penguin method, but I hear there are others methods out there....

I just put the butter and honey in a teacup and place the teacup in a pot and fill the pot with some water. (so the water covers to about to the middle of the teacup) Then I just heat up the stove and wait till the butter has melted completely, take off from the stove, and let cool to room temperature. (maybe a little bit above room temperature) I also mix it now and then while it's cooling, but I'm not sure if that matters. And at this point, of course add the rest of the ingredients. Then right before using it, swizzle it really well so it get's really smooth. Pour it in the shaker after everything else and dry shake, aka shake without ice. Then just add a load of crushed ice, shake it, and pour it in the glass. I do it like this and I never get any of those solids.

[ Edited by: mamelukkikala 2012-01-06 19:58 ]


Suffering Bastard, the most appropriate drink for me at the moment.

Dynamo, I made a Honolulu Honey a while back that included butter. I'm not sure what Kaiser's method is but I gave the rum and the honeybutter a good shake by themselves first, then the other ingredients, and then the ice last- no butter chunks.

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