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Marginal Mai Tais and Zombies at the local Cantonese restaurant.

Eastern Sour.!

okay, i'm now outta bourbon, rum (except Appleton 21-yo, i aint makin no cocktail wid dat), and gin. so, i used Tullamore Dew to make me Bronx cocktail, was outstanding. maybe it should be called a, Bronx?

You could call it the Offaly Good cocktail, in homage to the birthplace of Tullamore Dew, Offaly Co. In the Irish Midlands?

Tullamore Dew (damn fine stuff it is too) hasn't been produced at Tullamore since the 1950s, and the distillate comes from the same Grants distillary in Co. Cork as all the other Irish Whiskeys, but last year they announced plans to opin up a new pot still whiskey distillary and bring production back to Tullamore.


Today's drinks were 'a lesson in funk':

  1. Ti Punch with Trois Rivieres Blanc

My 1st bottle of agricole was Saint James Amber. I mixed it a bit before using it to make Ti Punch with a small amount of lime & white cane syrup, just stirred a little bit in the glass - oh, the aftertaste was bad!

This time I used the Trois Rivieres Blanc with much more lime juice & brown cane sugar syrup (in the same ratio as before) - I treated it just like an Old Fashioned & stirred it for about 3 minutes. What a difference, really tasty & funky :)

Maybe Ti Punch needs chilling & dilution for my palate or I prefer the white agricole to the amber (?)

  1. A Mai Tai with Appleton 8 as the only rum.

Ive been messing with Mai Tais using combos (straight Jamaican or Jamaican plus agricole or demerara) but have always returned to straight VX as my favourite.

An straight Appleton 8 Mai Tai is an improvement on the straight VX Mai Tai (in terms of 'sipping ability') but it did lose a little funk IMO, which needed cutting back from the VX but I would have liked to be more present in the drink I made today.

I tried Appleton 8 previously in a bar & thought highly of it neat, this is the article is worthwhile reading:
It also mentions the need for a bit more funk in a Mai Tai with the Appleton 8.

In comparison between the 2 styles, I understand the 'funk' a bit more... Id definitely recommend trying an agricole only Ti Punch & a Jamaican only Mai Tai - if you do please post on here or PM me your thoughts.

Ill definitely need to experiment further!

Enjoy the pretty pics :)

Check me out :)

[ Edited by: AdOrAdam 2013-08-04 16:33 ]

If you want to really experience funky, high-hogo pot stilled Jamaican rum flavors, Smith & Cross is the rum to try. It is wonderful, unique stuff, but 2 ounces of it in a 1-rum Mai Tai is too much. Pairing it with a nice Demerara or aged Martinique though makes one of the best Mai Tais you have ever had.

Royal Ambre was the first rhum agricole I ever had as well and the earthy vegetal flavors took me by surprise too but I quickly acquired a taste for the stuff. My standard 'Ti Punch Vieux is 2 oz. of Royal Ambre, the end disc of a lime squeezed and then dropped into the glass, a scant quarter ounce of cane syrup, a quick stir to mix and an optional ice cube. The sugar and bit of llime smooths the rough edges of the agricole nicely, althogh the style has grown on me to the point that I really enjoy it neat too.

still out of gin, mixed up a few French 75 variants with a nice French pink champagne:

  1. the Nawlins style brandy-based version works great with the rose champagne.

  2. subbed bourbon for gin, OJ for lemon. maybe call it a Howitzer?

djmont posted on Sun, Aug 4, 2013 9:49 PM

Wait a minute... You can run out of rum?


Yes, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Fun beer H10T! I often get that one to round out 'x beers for £x' offers. Out of interest its about £2/$3 for 500ml in the UK how much is it in the States?

A four pack of 12 oz bottles is $9.00


twitch posted on Mon, Aug 5, 2013 6:51 PM

An abhorrent, absolute shite Mai Tai because I'm using white rum (Havana, but still) and store-bought (Tina brand) orgeat. Swear I'll make up a batch of orgeat real soon. This living paycheque to paycheque is really eating into my tastebuds...

Jon are those bottles small or are your hands huge?

:) :) :) :) :)


On 2013-08-05 14:40, hang10tiki wrote:

A four pack of 12 oz bottles is $9.00 :)

So... I did use excel for this next part:

Comparing your price & my price on the beer & the price of Woodford Reserve in a UK supermarket & the 'regular prices' on Bevmo:

You pay 23% more on beer than we do, we pay 49% more on bourbon than you do!


On 2013-08-05 18:51, twitch wrote:
An abhorrent, absolute shite Mai Tai because I'm using white rum...

Why?! Have a mojito!

[ Edited by: AdOrAdam 2013-08-06 04:07 ]

AdorAdam- quite the math Man U are
How are your Rum prices?

this stuff

Nice...great pic



Happy Buddha from Intoxica
I just purchased some guava nectar and found this recipe so I tried it.

4 oz Guava nectar, I did 2 oz.
1/2 oz Rose's lime juice, I used fresh Lime juice
1/4 oz cointreau
1 1/2 oz Okolehao, I substituted Martinique rum.
Not bad at all, very smooth and not too sweet.

It would be nice to see more tiki drinks on this thread.

Edit due to Grog being the spelling Nazi.

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2013-08-10 21:19 ]

dammit, why does Gorg have to be that way?!


Happy Budha again, this time I used smith and Cross and I used the proper mug which is the stupid white fat Buddha mug that everyone wants to get rid of.

On 2013-08-10 22:26, thePorpoise wrote:
dammit, why does Gorg have to be that way?!

It's Anthropological, All Cavemen are OCD & need something to keep focus
in those long nights in the old cave, it does keep us on our toes though

Modern Man has become very lazy and unfocused, So just look at it as social service
I myself even leave him an intentional mistake now & then, but I do make many of my own.

And it's Grog, not Gorg :)

On 2013-08-11 20:33, hiltiki wrote:
Happy Budha again, this time I used smith and Cross and I used the proper mug which is the stupid white fat Buddha mug that everyone wants to get rid of.

My ears keep burning for some reason...


Ha ha, that was a joke and I had a few drinks. But seriously I see the mug on ebay more than any other mug and whenever I go to Goodwill there is always a few sitting on the shelves for sure. I actually have at least 7 of these mugs, some are short and long and fat and skinny...
Didn't mean to hurt any Buddha's feelings... :( I like the drink a lot???

It's fun to drink booze from Buddha's belly, but it's a pain in the ass trying to pour the drink into his back...

On 2013-08-11 20:33, hiltiki wrote:
...and I used the proper mug which is the stupid white fat Buddha mug that everyone wants to get rid of.

Nice. I have one of those Buddha mugs. From now on I will display it with pride!

Wait, it's already on display in a prominent location.......

On 2013-08-09 18:20, hang10tiki wrote:
AdorAdam - quite the math Man U are :)

How are your Rum prices?

Apologies - been away for a week!

Umm, rum... verses Bevmo's non-reduced prices were're paying about 40% more - roughly what you pay in dollars we pay in pounds.

I think Im lucky as I drive about 30 mins for the good stuff, mileage may vary :wink:

Here we go...


Went to the local Trader Vic's (Manama) and had a Mai Tai, Navy Grog, Rum Keg (shared), Gun Club Punch, Rum Cosmo and a Menehune Juice. I'm leaving Bahrain soon so I had to have a last hoorah. And maybe yet another this coming Wednesday. As they say in the Pilipino telenovellas- itutuloy...


I just knocked up a Test Pilot... :wink:

I've tried it a few ways previously, its not been successful.

I've been experimenting using the premium stuff recently; not to try & be snobby, just to see if it changes the cocktail much. Maybe some cocktails don't work with cheaper liquor?

I made it with Appleton VX / Myers / Blackwells / Appleton 8 / Appleton 12 paired with Bacardi Superior / Bacardi Gold / Bacardi 8. Best combo yet Appleton 8 & Bacardi 8 ~ preferable to Appleton 12 & Bacardi 8, I just made another :)

[ Edited by: AdOrAdam 2013-08-15 14:53 ]


On 2013-08-15 13:43, Wayfarer wrote:
Went to the local Trader Vic's (Manama) and had a Mai Tai, Navy Grog, Rum Keg (shared), Gun Club Punch, Rum Cosmo and a Menehune Juice...

Sounds like my kind of evening!

Cigar City's Russian Stout:

Marshall Zhukov's Imperial Stout (11% abv)


[is there a way to post photos here directly from my phone?]

[ Edited by: thePorpoise 2013-08-15 15:09 ]

[ Edited by: thePorpoise 2013-08-15 15:10 ]

Porpoise- iPhone yes!

Bali Hai

Mai-Tai of course

Piranha Pool and Krakatoa Punch.


Only 2 so far Hang10tiki? I thought you would be further along :)

I will be there in less than an hour. Gotta close up shop. I can already taste the rum!

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-08-15 19:19 ]


Koloa rum on ice

Luna- it's not even 9pm. Lol. :)

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-08-15 20:52 ]

The Swizzle talk in the home Zombie recipe thread last night put me in the mood for a Swizzle. Remsberg's Planters Punch. Great Drink.

Happy National Rum Day indeed!

Went to Total Wine today to pick up a bottle of the long absent Cruzan Estate Diamond 5 Year, a solid rum I only discovered just before Cruzan decided to stop producing a cew years ago. Glad it is back in production, and it still sips very nice for the price.

As a huge unexpected bonus, I FINALLY found El Dorado 3 Year white rum on the shelves at Total Wine as well. Have been looking for this one for three years or so. Currently enjoying a tasty celebratory Hemmingway Daiquiri that tastes like one more is in order.

The unhappy side of National Rum Day was going to ABC looking for Rhum St James Royal Ambre and finding it bas disappeared from the shelves. I have a bad feeling the rumors about St James recently becoming inavailable in the US may be true.

fwiw, I just tried Barbancourt four-year for the first time and like it better than the St James Ambre.

my Rum Day drinks last night represented each of the rum styles (spanish, french, english):

--a Cuba Libre made with Caliche Puerto Rican rum,

--a 'Ti Punch made with barbancourt, and

--a Queen's Park Swizzle made with Pyrat XO.

had I made a Planters Punch in lieu of the Swizzle, I'd say I woulda had the most popular drinks of each rum style...


On 2013-08-17 11:11, thePorpoise wrote:
fwiw, I just tried Barbancourt four-year for the first time and like it better than the St James Ambre.

I'm glad to see this post, I've been thinking of buying the Barbancourt 5 star / 8 year as a replacement for the Saint James Amber:

Can you please describe the 2 in terms of smell / first taste / main taste / after taste?


On 2013-08-17 11:16, thePorpoise wrote:
my Rum Day drinks last night represented each of the rum styles (spanish, french, english):

Nice theme!

[ Edited by: AdOrAdam 2013-08-17 13:47 ]


1934 Zombie (sub the LH151 for Woods 100)

Navy Grog experiment - Cruzan White, Havana Club 7, Pussers Blue label, grapefruit, lime, honey mix, bitters & home made pimento dram :) Nice!

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