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What's "Cooking" in Tiki Central?

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MauiRose, that looks so yummy!

Here's something Sherriyaki made us a couple nights ago. Yes, it was delicious!


Here's lunch from earlier today made by Sherriyaki...there was rice on the bottom.


Today's breakfast courtesy of Sherriyaki: fried eggs with hash browns, grilled onions, and toast...greasy diner at it's best.
Yeah...I know, there's no meat on the plate. :wink:

Who need meat as long as you have hash browns? mmmmmmm, potatoes....

That breakfast looks SO good! Because we are dairy farmers, we rarely get to go out for breakfast, but we make up for it by having breakfast for dinner at least a couple times a month.


Sherriyaki made these little numbers before we went to the Rumpus Room last night.
I could have eaten thirty of them...

Potstickers, what filling did she use? mushroom maybe
looks great!


She says ancient veggie secret...Think tea and trumpets.

Sherriyaki made this delicious warm cereal breakfast for us today...err yesterday, I just noticed it's after midnight.
It has mint like a Mai Tai, so it's tiki. :wink:

Here is my wiener!


2/3rds of a pun, PU


Homemade semi-vegan jambalaya:

Sooooooooo goooooood....

Actually not as good as my last batch, so I'll be adding some extra spices in the pot. Little too watery this time as well.

But for a guy that regularly throws out half a loaf of bread due to burnt toast, this is ridiculous.
Can't let myself know that cooking is actually kinda fun, 'cos that's where all my time is gonna end up going...

"semi-vegan"?! Is that like being almost pregnant? :lol:

But that is some good looking jambalaya Twitch :D

Mike! This is for you. Bacon Wrapped SPAM with pineapple. And TJ dogs.

On 2011-06-13 19:48, Mr. NoNaMe wrote:

The shot glass in the back ground is pineapple juice with toothpicks in it. That way the toothpicks don't burn.


Nice wiener! Mr. NoNaMe
Bacon & Spam, Spamtastic!

Don't be "Texting" that now!


On 2011-06-13 15:19, twitch wrote:
Homemade semi-vegan jambalaya:

Sooooooooo goooooood....

Actually not as good as my last batch, so I'll be adding some extra spices in the pot. Little too watery this time as well.

But for a guy that regularly throws out half a loaf of bread due to burnt toast, this is ridiculous.
Can't let myself know that cooking is actually kinda fun, 'cos that's where all my time is gonna end up going...

There's some food bombs a droppin'...I likes!

Cajun food can do no wrong in this Dojo!

Not many good places here in SoCal for Cajun, but I do like to hit "the Gumbo Pot"
in Farmers Market in L.A. when in town to see family.


On 2011-06-13 18:21, MadDogMike wrote:
"semi-vegan"?! Is that like being almost pregnant? :lol:

But that is some good looking jambalaya Twitch :D

Ha! I made it with real chicken & fake sausage. Mebbe quasi-vegan?

Here's today's Mexican inspired breakfast of scrambled eggs, soyrizo (almost non-vegan) and black beans with fresh fried tortilla strips, tomatoes, green onions, cilantro and crumbled queso panela.


Keeping with the "south of the border" theme today, Sherriyaki made these arepas to chow down on before we head off to the Rumpus Room at the Waikiki Womb tonight.


Oh Arepas!!! I live on the border but we are limited strictly to "Mexican" food. There is a Mexican restaurant on every street corner but you'll never find South American Arepas on the menu. Got to try some at a steet fair in NYC a few years back and they were DELICIOUS!!!


The first time we ever tried them was a place in NY called Caracas, and they were amazing.


Here's this morning's breakfast that Sherriyaki made.
There was some avocado hiding in that omelette too.
And, that's fresh squeezed grapefruit juice in the upper right corner. It made me want to have a Navy Grog.


I actually made dinner tonight.

Purple Pickled Eggs Please...


Keeping this thread from dying. :wink:

Scallops on a bed of celery root puree with fennel and sauteed mushrooms from last night courtesy of Sherriyaki....

Tom! Sherry! Hellz Yea!


Spaghetti with arrabbiata sauce ramped up with sauteed red onions, garlic & jalepenos (forgot about keeping yer face away from the pan with those things. Bringing back fond memories of being a young punk getting sprayed by the police, sigh), and cherry tomatoes with black peppered chicken.

SPICY!! Where's a hankie?

That looks like Mexican Spaghetti Twitch "Spicy", I'll try a plate of that!

¡Ay, caramba!


^ I hate to admit, but I'm such a wuss I hadda leave 1/2 the peppers on the plate. Comes from being raised on white bread & meat loaf I guess.

And now - my everyday breakfast...

...plus a chocolate muffin or two.

And I'm STILL skinny as a junkyard dog. Stupid high metabolism....

"Stupid high metabolism...."

Yeah, what a curse! :lol:


Late night cookin' from some local catch brought to us at the bar.
BTW- That's a 10 or 11 inch pan.


Shrimp dish number 2...


Shrimp dish number 3...

Tom it's Shrimpapalooza at your house!
how was the food in the Islands Mon....


We're still on the BIG island enjoying our locally farmed shrimp we picked up from a local at Okolemaluna Tiki Lounge in Kona. I've posted some pics on Okolemaluna's thread in General Tiki (end of page 3 and on page 4). I forgot to take a pic of the shrimp & egg burrito (shrimp dish number 4) I made us for breakfast today...It was rich and delicious. And...we still have shrimp left, we started off with 5 lbs! We had some amazing poke at "Da Kine Poke" in Kona a couple times, had some Asianesque fair at "Bamboo" up in Hawi. The pupus at Okolemaluna are pretty tasty too. It's pretty cool there's a tiki lounge on Kona now, and the main focus is the cocktails. We've mostly been eating at our place to save $$ for delicious drinks.
Tiki Slob and his wife are supposed to be here soon, we'll be meeting with them on Wednesday at
Okolemaluna. We met Mr. & Mrs. VanTiki there a couple nights ago.

Have a great time you two!

Shrimp dish number 5 (breakfast burrito number 2)...undressed, then dressed.

Here is (the final) shrimp dish number 6...Sweet 'n' sour shrimp on a bed of Asian noodles.
Damn that was some good shrimp!


We ran out of shrimp, but I found this at the grocery store...Didn't buy any though.


But wait! I spoke too soon.
We have a shrimp dish number 7 (the final shrimp dish for real).
Shrimp broth (made from the heads and shells) with udon noodles, bok choy, onions and garlic.
I added some Sriracha to mine for spicy heat.

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