Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki
What's "Cooking" in Tiki Central?
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Wed, Oct 6, 2010 11:09 PM
Wed, Oct 6, 2010 11:25 PM
I'm rather fond of the fabled tiki corndog. |
Tonga Tom
Wed, Oct 6, 2010 11:32 PM
Hey, we have Tiki Nachos at Tonga Hut every Sunday night! |
Wed, Oct 6, 2010 11:38 PM
Erk I'm intrigued... I love corn dogs. Tiki corn dogs sound magical. btw- I just posted a new thread: |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Wed, Oct 6, 2010 11:48 PM
We enjoy the Tiki Nacho's at Don's too! they are Tiki-riffic! Tonight we had Tiki Burritos.... |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 12:25 AM
Tiki Corndog 1 package of hotdogs (I prefer Koegel since it's not a total mystery meat item) Cut the hotdogs to whatever size you wish then skewer like a shishkebab, alternating with the pineapple. Then dip into the batter and deep fry. Serve with you choice of dipping sauce..sweet & sour, honey mustard, maybe a nice mango chutney. The trick is to try and contour the shape to still be that of a corndog, otherwise it's just a deep fry kebab. You can also use melons, which are easier to cut to size and the sweetness with the hotdog is quite good. Very handy when people are coming over and you have next to no time to whip something up. |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 12:48 AM
I loves me some tiki burritos, nachos and corn dogggies. |
Mai Tai
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 4:25 AM
Hey, I think that the first dish you posted was an awesome tiki dish. And most of the old tiki establishments pretty much served Asian food that they re-branded as tiki food, including the Stockton Islander, including the Bali Hai's "Chicken Of The Gods", including the Oyster Beef at Minnie's, etc. That's not what my argument on this thread is about. My argument is that most of the food items here appear to not be even close to being tiki. On the first page alone on this thread, some of the dishes include Huevos Rancheros, turkey bacon and potatoes, holiday cookies, and brisket. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't eat any of those things - I'd glady eat them all - it's just that I don't see how they are tiki. And when someone asked you Does it need to be Semi-Tiki/Chinese/Polynesian/PseudoPolynesian/MidCentury-Exotic?, your response was No, I say go for any kind of meal, just as long as you make it yourself. The way I look at it, if it is made by a TCer, its a Tiki meal!, and I wholeheartedly disagree with that statement. Look, I'm not a tiki historian, but it doesn't take a tiki Rhodes Scholar to realize that huevos rancheros ain't a tiki dish. I appreciate the exuberance and ohana that has banded around this thread, and glad that some people could actually feel that they could bond over a certain subject. And I certainly don't want to squash those feelings, or rain on anyone's parade. But just because someone cooked up a philly cheesesteak at home doesn't mean it belongs in Tiki Drinks and Food. I responded to someone's hate mail earlier tonight, and I've reposted some of my response below, to give you an idea of where I'm coming from on this thread, and with Tiki Central in general: *You know, tons of people feel the way I do, but they just lurk, and don't post anymore. They aren't elitists or snobs, either, they are actually very nice people. I see and hear from them through various functions and other ways, and basically they just don't want to go through the hassle of posting, and getting various hate mail, like the one I received from you. It's not that they're afraid to post their feelings or disdain, it's just that it's no longer worth the hassle for them. I guess it's still worth the hassle for me. And as much as I think a lot of these postings are fun, (and I constantly seek out fun!), it bothers me that the state of all the postings on this formerly great website have really slid downhill. Did you know that there are a ton of people that used to post heavily on this forum, and shared amazing information, and there was a real sense of community and Ohana, probably much like you feel with a lot of people on this particular food thread. But now those people don't post anymore, and take all of their activities offline, due to various factors. It's not because they're tiki snobs or anything, it's more an experience of bad dealings with people, over tiki mug and merchandise transactions gone awry, arguments, disagreements, break-ups, divorce, and many other factors of things that get in the way of relationships and life. There are even a bunch of people that permanently left Tiki Central a few years ago, when a policy was instated that everyone HAD to be nice to each other - some people so wholeheartedly disagreed with that philosophy that they HAD to be nice to people that they felt had wronged them or had serious disagreements with, that they left for good. (I mention these things not to lecture, but just to try to give you a little back story to the history of Tiki Central). And to some extent, I see those people's point of view - I can understand where they're coming from. But I decided that I like the site too much, and didn't take this stuff seriously enough that I would quit and never come back, and hold grudges against people for the rest of my life. After all, my personal opinion is that Tiki should be fun, and about escapism. I'll let the academics like Sven study it in severe depth and write books about it. Me, I'll read those books, or at least parts of them, and glean what I can out of them. Then I can think about it while I'm chillin' at Forbidden Island, or at Tiki Oasis, or on a home bar crawl, or even the big four day Tiki Crawl. So, my own opinion is that there's some great stuff on that thread, but if it's philly cheesesteaks, huevos rancheros, brisket, or turkey bacon, then that stuff probably belongs in Beyond Tiki. Again, it's not about trying to stifle or squash any fun or being uptight, it's just my opinion on how to keep this formerly amazing forum on track, when it seems to be going off the rails.*
My apologies if anyone was truly offended by my language. I feel that I had to include strong language, otherwise it would have just fallen on deaf ears. And yes, bickering and nay-saying gets us nowhere. Also, isn't the U-Moderate function broken? It's been my understanding that it's been broken for some time. Has it been fixed recently, and I have been unaware? Again, I appreciate the amount of exuberance and ohana that has gathered on this thread. My own personal opinion is that most of the stuff on this thread isn't tiki, and doesn't belong in tiki food and drinks, but instead belongs in Beyond Tiki. And if the moderators decide that there's enough tiki dishes in this thread, and decide not to move it, then no big deal, I've stated my opinion and said my peace. And at the end of the day, who really cares about any of this??? It's a tiki website, not the solution to all of the world's woes - although maybe it is a solution to some of mine! :wink: But it now appears that this tiki food thread has now jumped the tiki shark! |
Mai Tai
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 4:29 AM
By the way, did I mention that receiving Tiki Hate Mail is awesome? Well, it's AWESOME!!! Receiving Tiki Hate Mail should be part of the Tiki Freak Quiz checklist!!! |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 4:37 AM
Nice! I love Tiki Fish tacos! Haven't made those in a while...think I may this weekend! |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 5:38 AM
Just waking up, Thanks Mai Tai for a thoughtful response, yes you are right many meals posted here would not be considered Yet you still have not stated the criteria of "what is a Tiki meal" maybe five other people on TC the last week or so have said the same thing to me, this is a Tiki meal, that is not a Tiki meal etc. I am still waiting for someone to answer my question? Ask yourself, if I opened a Tiki bar that served food today,what would I put on the menu? Its the same with Cocktails,every Tiki bar wants to have their own signature drink. In my opinion it is "we" that are defining today's "Tiki Culture" with old & new ideas,it really is a mash-up of styles & tastes So who can really say what is Tiki or not Tiki today, if you want to argue this dish or that drink would not have been served And that's my point, by that same logic you can say all the artist here on TC are not Tiki Artist because you would not see anything I would disagree though,because it is Tiki inspired & yet we make it our own. Mai Tai, it sounds like you do enjoy the whole food thread for its own appeal and would join in? As for now we are going to have a bit of "Fun" around here,so don't take it personally it's not an attack on you "Let the Wild Rumpus Begin!" [ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-10-07 05:49 ] |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 10:21 AM
HOLY CALAMITY, Mai Tai, if my private message to you constitutes hate mail, then there is little hope for the further conversation I offered. Here's your "hate mail", Buddy: "Thank you anyway, but I'm leaving now." ATP- the stuff coming out of our far flung, self proclaimed tiki households is the real deal for me. See you all at the bar. |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 12:50 PM
:lol: Uh Oh! Mai Tai I think you pissed off Amy? :lol: We rely on Amy for all our "Wetwork" :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: [ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-10-07 12:59 ] |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 1:01 PM
Did I mention that all the regulars on the dinner thread |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 1:18 PM
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 2:41 PM
Amy, your photo is too funny, ah, I mean too tiki! |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 2:46 PM
ATP, thank you for the Char Siu info. I use the Lee Kum Kee sauce on my chicken so at least I'm headed in the right direction. Will post a pic when I can get to making it! Laura |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 3:02 PM
Laura ,let me know if you need an exact (Measured) Recipe? |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 3:29 PM
I'd like to see that recipe, ATP! When I said I was leaving, I meant leaving the conversation w/MaiTai. |
Tom Slick
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 4:33 PM
Hi everybody. I stumbled on this thread, read through nearly all 78 pages because I had nothing better to do, and towards the end I read what people had to say in opinion about what tiki food is or isn't. As much as most of the food looks great and made me hungry, the title of this topic is deceiving. I had expected to see nothing more than Polynesian-infused food and drink ideas, but I've seen more Mexican, Italian, Greek, and Middle Eastern dishes than anything nearly qualifying as 'tiki dinner' or fare. Tiki food invokes visions of exotic fruits and marinated meats to almost anyone you would ask on or off the street. What does eating home cooked Pizza or Hamburgers have to do with tiki dinner? The thread did turn into nothing more than a 'foodie' thread, with minimal Granted, there are some awesome tropically infused and 'tiki inspired' food that some of you had posted within the thread, but most are of daily non-tropical/non-hawaiian/non-exotic/non-tiki grinds. Smoked salmon is just that, smoked fish. Just as a Carne Asada burrito is...well, Mexican or south of the border fare. I'm not trying to kill anyones buzz, or 'good time'. As stated before, this thread is cool and some of you look like you could be 'Le Cordon Bleu' chefs. But 90% of it isn't polynesian or tiki. For every 1 exotic plate or drink posted, there are about 10 non-exotic plates. I read corndogs somewhere...Really? It should be battered in a coconut flaked flour, and have a pineapple-macadamia nut with chili Purée to top it! Just my two sense.... (and photoshopping pineapples and drink umbrellas on to standard fare is funny(really), but it still doesn't change the fact.) |
Mai Tai
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 5:00 PM
Thanks, Tom! I'll post more later when I have time, but glad to see I'm not the only one left around here who feels this way. |
Tom Slick
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 5:21 PM
No need for thanks Bill, I would just like people to understand a plain steak doesn't meet tiki dinner criteria, just as a corndog isn't tiki fare, unless it is artistically transformed into one either by ingredients used, or by detail. It is still County Fair fare. :D |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 5:24 PM
I think Tom said it well. I also see that ATP changed the title of the thread to "What did you "Make" for Tiki Dinner". Maybe now that the title has been changed, a little more 'on topic' discretion will be applied to the posted meals. More Tiki please. |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 5:42 PM
Comme ca?: An unforgettable Babalu classic! Maybe the beginning of a new thread?: Tiki Food Carving |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 5:58 PM
Babalu and bigbrotiki that frank is really something, and a welcome comment in a silly situation. Thank you for that. |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 6:04 PM
The Bigbro has posted on this thread. It's been validated... It's been blessed... It's been confirmed... It's Tiki !! :) Also that hot dog gives me an idea for some cool Tiki tattooing. |
Sabu The Coconut Boy
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 6:12 PM
I have less of a problem with this thread than other folks. And this coming from someone who gets quite militant about other forum violations. At the risk of justifying my reasons, here are my justifications: I've always interpreted this thread more as a "What are Tiki folks eating for Dinner?" thread than a "What Tiki Food Did You Make For Dinner?" thread. In other words, what does a tiki-centric population who like rum cocktails with their food, tend to cook. There is a similar thread over in Music, called "What Are You Listening to Right Now" ( It has very little to do with tiki music, but it gives an insight into what an outsider, eccentric, intelligent crowd of tikiphiles listens too on a daily basis - which is probably quite different from what folks listen to over on Parrothead Central. Similarly this thread often (not always) gives insight into what epicurians we tiki folks are and usually makes me hungry for a mai tai. Q - "Why is this any different than a non-Tiki thread in Locating Tiki or Creating Tiki that get's kicked to Bilge?" A - Because this thread is a single thread where folks "Pile On" and add to the end. Same with the "What Are You Listening To" thread in Music. If this forum were cluttered with individual threads titled "Look at this Tiki Apple Pie I cooked for Dinner" then I would have a problem. If you author a thread that is exclusively about you and what you made, then you are setting yourself up to be judged on "Tikiness". However this thread and the "What Are You Listening to.." thread started out pretty tiki, but the blurring came as folks jumped on and the topic morphed into something that it wasn't originally intended to be, but which I find enough tiki-value in, to let stay. "Tiki Finds" in the Collecting forum is similar. It is a "Pile-on" thread and every week someone posts a find that is not remotely tiki but is "cool", and they photograph it along side a tiki mug for validation, and we let it slide. If it weren't for the "Beyond Tiki Finds" thread over in Beyond Tiki, I think it would be a much bigger issue. I'm willing to live and let live for the enjoyment of the folks who really love this thread. Same with the one in Tiki Music. These seem to be single exceptions that fudge the edges of the rules a bit, as opposed to myriad off-topic threads that clutter up a forum and need to be weeded out without mercy. If we kick this thread over to "Bilge" or "Beyond Tiki" it will probably die, as it has less to do with those two forums than it does with this "Food & Drink" forum. This however is just my opinion and, like I said, I may be justifying my own preferences. Sabu [ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2010-10-07 18:23 ] |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 6:28 PM
I agree about not moving this thread to Bilge or Beyond. But I also agree that having more "Tiki" food is always a good thing. |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 6:29 PM
Hello all, The title change is a Temporary one (of a rebellious nature) and can be misleading to a newbie on the food thread Sven your Hotdog rocks! I would like to address Tom in a separate post and will do so after I adjust the thread title. |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 7:06 PM
Now what is wrong with a corndog? It's something I created for kids at a bbq since poi and roast pig are not the first things children want to eat. It was a way for them to have fun with the food and still feel like they were participating. And it happens to be pretty tasty to us big kids too. It contains ingredients that are related to what could be construed as "tiki" fair. Maybe I'm a bit thin skinned since I've been fighting a cold for a few days now, but is there an argument taking place pertaining to what food talk is permissible in a food related post? Granted this all began as an exchange of tiki related dishes, but like all good discussions, has opened up to encompass food related chat by fellow tiki centric folks, and what better way is there to get to know others then a friendly discourse? Let's please keep it that way. |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 7:11 PM
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 7:35 PM
OK, I wasn't gonna say anything, because with all the genres of Tiki that I am into, food is the farthest thing from my mind. And I don't wanna open a "Tiki food is all fake anyway - and so is Tiki - so there is no Tiki food - so it's a free-for-all" discussion. But why is it that, whenever someone (which often, but not always is myself) speaks up for keeping things Tiki-related, do folks have to play the "It's supposed to be fun" card, throwing in the "Don't be a Tiki Nazi" ace for good measure (I am excluding well thought out replies like Sabu's here). It's so pointless. This just to make clear that my Tiki Hot Dog was not meant to dilute a valid discussion with silly jokes, an often attempted technique here. BUT, this said:
Don't do it, John-O! DON'T do it!!! |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 8:25 PM
Name change has been completed,does anyone have a problem with it? So we can skip over that issue now, now let me address Tom Slick's post. Fact is this is not a literal "Tiki Meal" thread, if it was it would have maybe 20 or 30 posts at the max. But this thread has been targeted directly in fun or seriously by those who think it should not be here Still Tom has an idea of what is considered "Tiki" Food, so Tom ,you say and I quote: "In fact, what is a tiki dinner, if the plate doesn't consist of a tropical recipe, exotic ingredients like papaya, mango, pineapple, or carrots and potatoes carved into little tiki heads to make this thread live up to its own title? " Sounds like a menu from a typical "Hawaiian Restaurant" sure that fits in with the standard expectation of Tiki food,(I am getting Hungry!) A ATP quote from a short while ago: Fact: Most Mid-Century Tiki Bars & Restaurants were "Traditional Chinese Restaurants" food-wise, Egg rolls,Fried Rice etc. I believe that "Hawaiian food" did not really show up til the late 60s thru 70s do to a popularity of "Hawaiian Restaurants" at that time I know this,as my family used to drag me to Tiki Restaurants all threw the 1960s,Talking first hand experience here! So my Idea of Tiki Food is much more varied then just "Tropical" inspired food And now that we have new fusions of Mexican & Asian,Korean & Vietnamese foods etc. we may have to include that to a Tiki menu of the 21st century. So lighten the Hell Up! everyone!!! I rest my case...... |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 8:35 PM
:D Sven you get a free pass since I have used the levity trick on some of your threads in the past,But it is supposed to be FUN! :D :D Oh and don't be a Tiki Nazi! :D just kidding there Buddy! :D [ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-10-07 22:09 ] |
Tom Slick
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 8:42 PM
Actually ATP, you know I only addressed it for future newbies who are surfing and lurking. The title seriously threw me off, and I had never seen the thread before today. It could have been up there for a year or an hour, wouldn't have made any difference in my case. I also wasn't 'grilling' anyone, but rather clarifying how I saw, and interpreted it. As for Sven's pic of Babalu's weiner, that is between them two! :lol: (I kid), but really that is actually what I had expected to see when reading the previous title, unique tiki food. Either that or exotic/tropical ingredient based foods. If you look, I haven't posted much in the past months, but I came on today and asked a question of Dr Z in Beyond Tiki...Then I went surfing...:D The title now, is much more fitting, and will be less confusing for Vets of TC, as well as Newer lurkers. As for Erk, you think since corndogs are made from pork, they are tiki-ish, I have to still stand by original comment that they are in fact, a Fair Food. The only way you could get me to go along with corndogs are/could be tiki, would be by having the batter made with coconut shavings & macadamia nuts, deep fried, and then adding a final tropical sauce to compliment it. On that note, let the food postings resume their pace. [ Edited by: Tom Slick 2010-10-07 20:43 ] |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 8:51 PM
Totally cool Tom! your post is fine & your opinion counts here. and let me welcome you to the "What's Cooking thread", where all food and Tiki-Centralites are welcome. |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 8:52 PM
I want some of those Puka Dogs! |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 8:54 PM
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 9:15 PM
Menu from El Tiki, Imperial CA 1962-78 Tikis - check |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 9:28 PM
Bazinga! Oh,did some one say Ambrosia Salad ? [ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-10-07 21:57 ] |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 9:34 PM
I dare say that it hard to classify a corndog as any identifiable lone meat product. I didn't include it on this post for it's tenuous connection to the pork family. Again, it was something made for kids that have no interest in regular "tiki" foods and could still be fun. It does contain pineapple, coconut milk in the batter, and a suggestion for a tropical fruit based condiment,all of which I believed I had included in my recipe. Being as that all of the ingredients that may be linked to some tiki dishes were not noticed, I will endeavor to make any future recipe posts to be clearer in intent, with included graphs, filmstrip (wait for the ding before turning the slide) and perhaps a pie chart..........mmmmmmmmm pie.......... |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 9:42 PM
Eric,I clearly saw the Tiki ingredients in your Tiki Corn Dog recipe! Bazinga! |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 9:53 PM
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 9:59 PM
hehehehe |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 10:07 PM
Actually Mexican food is my "Tiki Food". If it wasn't for the Carne Asada plate at this place... absorbing all the rum out of my bloodstream after a TC Sunday at Tonga Hut... I'd never be able to make the 20-mile drive back from NoHo to SaMo. :) |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 10:24 PM
After a full day of building tikis, reading about tikis, writing about tikis, talking about tikis, organizing my tiki mugs, booze, mixes, music and wardrobe, reading tons of tiki threads, posting on tiki threads, and following up with new friends from these threads... well, sometimes a nice dinner of meatballs really hits the spot. It's true that all this tiki stuff doesn't leave a lot of time to hang at the tiki bar, so I pretty much save that for special occasions. I've been hoping that someone who actually cooks tiki food would post about it, but I guess there aren't so many who do. And maybe those that do have been scared off by all the meatballs. And pizza. There is another thread that is now about tiki food out and about, as opposed to home cooked. C'mon, show us your eats! [ Edited by: amybean 2010-10-07 22:55 ] |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 10:45 PM
Post a link for those to lazy to search for it Amy! and Bazinga! |
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 11:49 PM
I have my Trader Vic's Pacific Island Cookbook in front of me. On the inside flap it says "Anyone who relishes sumptuous, exotic dining and drinking (the kind exemplified by Trader Vic's famous establishment around the world) will find what he is looking for in these pages". Personally, I think the word "exotic" is the key word with anything tiki. By simply including pineapple/or coconut does not make or not make it a "tiki" meal. Pictures on between pages 128-9, Lobster Cantonese and Curried Lamb Cheeks. Pictures between pages 192-3, Green Enchiladas with Sour Cream and Texan Sonofabitch Stew. Pictures between pages 224-5, Tacos and Tamales and Presidio Chili. Tiki recipes? There cocktail recipes are in the back. Are they all "tiki" drinks? Couldn't tell you. Too bad the folks voicing negative comments weren't around to let Trader Vic know that he really didn't know what a tiki menu required. Just sayin.... |
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