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Last night: Enchiladas Verde!

Good lookin' Quorn meal you got there Haole'akamai.

MadDogMike brought his A-Game last night, so I had to step it up a notch...

Beef Stroganoff over Egg Noodles

OK I just had seconds.......yum.....

OK, the competition is fixin' to get ugly :lol:

Here's the menu for tomorrow night's Canadian Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony Extravaganza Dinner

Québécois Poutine
Soupe aux Pois Jaunes

Red Cabbage & Cranberry Stuffed Pork Roast with Cider Cream Sauce
Pierogies & Sausage
Kraft Dinner
Roasted Root Vegetables

Butter Tarts
Nanaomi Bars


Whoah! I need to set a timer/reminder to photo my cookin'. DAMN!

That sounds awesome, MDM. Makes me hungry!

OK MDM, just one question on your menu, what is the Kraft Dinner ?

Its on! man, Bring it!.......with pictures of course!

For our non french speaking tribe members:

Poutine as served in Québec is a fast food, consisting of French fries, covered with cheese curds, then thick, dark gravy. The cheese and gravy form a gooey mass, while the fries underneath stay crunchy. The dish is served in styrofoam dishes and eaten with plastic forks. It has to be eaten as soon as it's made; the texture isn't as good if reheated.

Soupe aux Pois Jaunes -Pea Soup

MDM,this is very close to the Danish Recipe, I am wondering if the roots of the dish come from Danish settlers in the far north?

Kraft Dinner is what the Canookians call macaroni & cheese :D

I have a co-worker who is Canadian, she suggested some of my menu ideas. Just so happens her heritage is Danish, good call ATP :)

(double post)

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2010-02-11 20:11 ]

The competition is getting stiff. :D Imma gonna bow out. Cheers. :)

On 2010-02-11 14:22, Haole'akamai wrote:
The competition is getting stiff. :D Imma gonna bow out. Cheers. :)

Hey, hey! None of that! I'm just having fun, I don't want to chase anyone off :(

Hey no quitters! get back here now! you do your best job you can, then the cocktails!!!

MDM, I was thinking Mac & Cheese, but was not sure?


Did someone say cocktails??

These are Aviations: Gin, lemon juice, Maraschino Liquer and Creme di Violette

That is a wig in a bowl behind the one on the right, not a studio monster.

Wig in Bowl. WTF!

We are just having the left overs tonight, soooooooo....

  1. I'm not much are a drinker, are those drinks supposed to be murky like that?
  2. Is that Rock-um Sock-um Robots under the table?
  3. Is that a cylinder safety cap behind the drinks?
    :lol: :D :lol:

Hey Mike did you notice the WIG IN A BOWL!

Amy is that a rare Tiki Wig bowl?

On 2010-02-11 21:09, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Amy is that a rare Tiki Wig bowl?

No, that's Hare Soup :)

On 2010-02-10 16:38, MadDogMike wrote:
Good lookin' Quorn meal you got there Haole'akamai.

Thats Quorny!


OMG you guys are funny!

  1. Drinks with fresh lemon juice are murky! The Creme di Violette also adds a spooky pale purple blush.
  2. The figures underneath that shelf are these weird cheap ass painted plastic Luchador figures and their super cheap ass Lucha wrestling ring.
  3. That is definitely a cylinder safety cap behind the drink. Good eye!

Bonus Question: the wig is sitting randomly in a rubber plaster-mixing bowl.
The shot is from Happy Hour yesterday at Crafternoon in my studio.
(two friends brought arty projects over to work on)

And now without further ado: Tonight's Dinner:
Collard greens and broccolini with garlic and soy sauce, leafy salad greens and tomato slices with balsamic, brown basmati rice, and the piece de resistance: the Trader Joe's sliced brisket in red wine sauce (tasty but not worth it- half of that damn slice was fat!) Accompanied by a lovely Australian Malbec.

For dessert: Charles Chocolate's crystalized ginger bar

Amy wrote, Quote: Accompanied by a lovely Australian Malbec.

With your proximity to Napa, you choose an Aussie wine? inconceivable!

Amy if you have not seen it yet, rent the movie "Bottle Shock" it is about the emergence of the Napa wines in France in the 1970s
it is funny also.


Ah, but my proximity to the famed Encinal Market across the street, which carries a fantastic selection of beer, though sadly a weak by comparison collection of wines (overpriced even), led me to purchase a bottle by 1).price, 2).flavor, hoping for the best...

There is a great wine shop that's not too far away, though going there might require forethought and a willingness to buy a few to offset the effort (you know, getting out of the hood and all) I don't exclusively drink CA wines, as they are not necessarily cheaper or better. OK. Yes, I have gone to the market in my pajamas with an over coat. Always with shoes, though, NEVER in slippers.


Thanks for the movie suggestion- I'll add it to my queue.
PS- I don't even have any rum in the house at the moment....shhhh!

OK, here's Canadian Winter Olympics Opening Ceremonies Dinner:

Winter Olympic Tablescape with Olympic Torch

Québécois Poutine & Soupe aux Pois Jaunes

Cabbage & Cranberry Stuffed Pork Loin with Cider Cream Sauce

:lol: The handmade Pierogies and Sausages were a BUST! :lol:
I boiled and drain them and then got ready to pan fry them. They all fused into one giant glob! I fried it up anyway, looked like crap but tasted good :)

Herb Roasted Root Vegetables (potatoes, parsnips, rutabagas, carrots, sunchokes, & onions)
No picture of the Kraft Dinner, you've seen mac & cheese before.

And dessert, Butter Tarts (back) & Nanaomi Bars (front)

Dinner for 10, we're all STUFFED :D

Nice job MDM! the Stuffed Pork Loin looks particularly tasty!!! what was your favorite of the dishes?

The Pork Loin was very good, the cabbage had a little sour tang of vinegar and the tart of the cranberries. I had never tried sunchokes, those were good. And the Nanaomi Bars were to die for.

Working it tonight MadDogMike! Now the cleanup?

Mrs. Tiki Punk got to baking today, any one know any sides that go well with Cupcakes?

Bump for the Contest, It starts Sunday night at 12 Midnight!

On 2010-02-07 18:08, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
:tiki: I think it is time for a contest of sorts, Everyone Vote for their favorite meal posted here! :tiki:

We will start the voting next Sunday Feb. 14th at midnight til the following Sunday Feb. 21st midnight

So get to cooking! & the contest starts here next Sunday at Midnight!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-02-13 15:41 ]


MDM- your Olympic dinner is spectacular. Your guests must have been completely charmed by your dedication to good eats.

ATP- I suggest a chocolate martini to go with those cupcakes.

[ Edited by: amybean 2010-02-13 15:52 ]

I forgot to point out those are "Red Velvet & Vanilla" Cupcakes, Mrs.Tiki Punk has now withdrawn her threat of violence!


On 2009-12-13 12:20, amybean wrote:
PS- Hey Trad'r Bill- I got these crabs at the Ranch 99 in El Cerrito, my Go-To Crab Tank!

There's a Ranch 99 in California too?! Is it a chain? I had no idea - I just figured since the structure here in Washington was located on HWY 99 that they named the business to reflect it's location. Does yours have that deli where you can pack your own container? The chicken wings here are to die for - I think they add some addictive ingredient (besides salt)! I actually will CRAVE their wings sometimes (this from the woman who never had a craving for ANYthing throughout her pregnancy!)


Glad we found this thread. Here's what Sherriyaki made us for dinner tonight...So, it was an early dinner.

Is that Poached Eggs & Bearnaise Sauce?

HHmmmmmmmmmm.... Breakfast for dinner?......

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-02-13 18:36 ]


Yes, the Ranch 99 has stores in CA, WA, NV and TX!

They don't quite say where the name came from.
The hot food IS like crack. VERY difficult to resist if I am in the neighborhood
(I used to live w/in walking distance). The El Cerrito store is in the Pacific East mall with about a dozen
good restaurants, a bubble pearl tea house, fresh pandan leaf waffles (or a pig's ear sandwich),
a smoke shop, herb and tea stores, toy stores, candy shop, clothing etc etc.

Breakfast for dinner- always a favorite around our house!
As well as dinner for breakfast...

But tonite we had a seemingly endless snacking session as things came off the grills:
This plate shows the leftovers (I expect they'll make killer tacos tomorrow)

Prosciutto wrapped scallops, fresh trout with papaya mango salsa, pan fried chicken cutlets
with ume plums and shiso leaf, fruits.

[ Edited by: amybean 2010-02-13 21:24 ]

Sounds really good Amy but I can't eat anything that's looking at me! :lol:


There, I fixed it!

You guys cracked me up so much I think I peed my pants! just a little bit!

well my wife came home late without dinner, so I got to cook something, Breakfast for dinner?

To the kitchen Batman!!!! see you guys after the Montage!

On 2010-02-13 18:17, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Is that Poached Eggs & Bearnaise Sauce?

HHmmmmmmmmmm.... Breakfast for dinner?......

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-02-13 18:36 ]

It was a smoked gouda sauce with poached eggs...smokey goodness!

Sometimes cooking in a pinch works out! I just threw this together as I went.

Tonights late menu....
My Ultra Huevos Rancheros with Spanish Chorizo & potatoes... no time to make Pico de Gallo

we like to make it with scrambled eggs,cheeder & PEPPERJACK! cheese, altogether now! All HAIL THE PEPPERJACK!

And of course desert...

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-02-14 06:49 ]

Gouda is Gooda!

On 2010-02-13 23:45, TongaTom wrote:

On 2010-02-13 18:17, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Is that Poached Eggs & Bearnaise Sauce?

HHmmmmmmmmmm.... Breakfast for dinner?......

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-02-13 18:36 ]

It was a smoked gouda sauce with poached eggs...smokey goodness!


With it being 12 degrees Wahine Kim went with ramped up "comfort food"....whole wheat baked spaghetti filled with Italian meatballs/hot sausage/FRESH zucchini-crimini mushrooms-garlic-shallots-marinara topped with parm/asiago/mozz. Served with a romaine/cukes/grape tomato/red onion salad, dressed with Italian vinaigrette and fresh crusty garlic bread....and a bottle of Layer Cake Primitivo Zinfandel. We had so much leftover, but it was great.


Ready to roll

AMY: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D

Rummy - that looks GREAT!

So good to see more people posting here, food is art you get to make every day :)

Thanks for joining in Rummy, your meal looks Yummy
But it was best in your Tummy
Does the wine have a slight taste of Honey?
A good meal for not to much Money!

Sorry to hear its so cold, but hope its Sunny!
I know this could be Funny?

Well Time for one more meal to post? who's cooking tonight?
Have a nice Valentine's day everyone!!! :drink:

OK, it's Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year so I did a combo dinner tonight. I had to work a short shift today (7 hours) so I cheated quite a bit.

Tablescape. The Chinese character for "love" is painted on the bottom of clear plastic plates.

From front to back;
Orange Chicken, I fried the chicken chunks and added bottle Orange Sauce
Pork Fried Rice, I did this one, even made the Chinese BBQ Pork
Teriyaki Beef, from the WalMart freezer section
Potstickers, from the WalMart freezer section
Dessert, bought Almond Cookies and Chocolate Dipped Fortune Cookies

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