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OK, olive batch #2 - Spanish Gypsy Olives or Olives Cassées

Mature green olives, slit on both sides (I cut my finger with the scalpel I was using :( :lol: )

Soak in fresh water 10 days, changing water daily
Cover in brine with lemons, oregano, vinegar, garlic, and cumin.
Ready to eat in 2 weeks (that's better in the 2 months I have to wait for the other batch)


Kept it simple tonight...some farfalle pesto pasta with artichokes and homegrown tomatoes.
I added some parmesan & red pepper flake...wound up having two and a half servings.


A Mai Tai made with Tanduay!

I had to wait a few weeks for a friend to mail me some orgeat but once it got here this was the first thing I made. I waited off on using the Tanduay on anything else jut to make this Mai Tai and it was worth it. I wanted to inaugurate my new bar with it but couldn't wait the month for everything to come together.


Mai Tais for dinner! Yeah!!

Rum is made from sugarcane, it's concentrated vegetable juice!

I call it thee PhillieNesian Calirito Pua'a sandwich.

Mr. NoNaMe,what is in your sandwhich, I think I see pork,not sure though?

On 2010-08-24 20:17, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Mr. NoNaMe,what is in your sandwhich, I think I see pork,not sure though?

Pork roast (kalua pua'a), Poly style. Soy sauce, tikiyaki sauce, scallions, ginger, garlic. That's just the roast.
Sauteed onions and peppers with a little jalepeeno in olive oil. Provolone. And french fries!! On sourdough with MiracleWhip. And two dashes of balsamic for good measure.

Erik the Red

Fine lookin' sammie Erik, definitely need a scorecard to tell the players.

Regular dinner; Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Creamed Corn, Dinner Roll with Butter, Brownie & Ice Cream - 1500 calories.

Dr MadDog Mike Diet Dinner

Brownie, Ice Cream & Hershey's Syrup - 600 calories
Net Calorie Savings by skipping dinner and going straight to dessert - 900
(Disclaimer - My Registered Dietician daughter does not approve of this diet)



Hey their is some cooking going on the last few days here, great job all!

Tonights dinner is...
Char Sui Pork & Pineapple Ginger Fried Rice


Dang! Hungry now from last bunch of posts!

Mike,what your Daughter doesn't know wont hurt her right! :)

ATP, that grub look so fine I drooled a bit!

And Erik's sammich is on the to-do-list.



I know you SoCal folks think we, up north, are Heat Wusses, but for reals we've been experiencing unusually high temps.
Sans AC.

Therefore, dinner was popsicles: Frozen Trader Joe's peach juice. With a side of arugula and cherry tomatoes.

Amy, I'm all for frozen dinner - LIKE ICE CREAM!!!!

Tonight is steak, wild rice, steamed veggies and Kraken Pina Colada. Haven't rounded up the supplies yet for a KrakenTai :D Also bought some lye today and am working on some lye processed green olives. They will be ready in a week instead of 2 months!

Well after hours of slaving in the kitchen
I give you the Grilled Cheese Sandwhich, I think this one could go over big!


What?! No PEPPER JACK???

hmmm pepperjack ice cream....? just a thought

I don't know about Jack Cheese in ice cream but jalapenos make great jelly, why not ice cream!


Yeah, I don't know of too many cheesy ice creams... I guess cheesecake is one?

They have a cheesecake flavor at the local frogurt joint, but I haven't tried it (yet).

Here ya go Amy, vanilla ice cream with apricot pepper jelly (I just happened to have some in the fridge. And no, 9am is NOT too early for ice cream :lol: )



On 2010-08-26 01:51, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

That Grilled Cheese Sandwich looks perfect!

some things you just don't mess with, Sourdough bread, mild cheddar cheese
grilled in a pan with butter!

Don't mess with it!

Tasco posted on Thu, Aug 26, 2010 8:33 PM

I made this the other day. Kielbasa sausage with teriyaki rice. Sorry no pic of the rice.

Hey Tasco, looks good. I make all my Kielbasa into jambalaya and could use another recipe. Served over teriyaki rice I'm assuming some sort of Asian flavor? Red, yellow & green bell peppers? Onions? Sweet & sour sauce?


Farfalle pesto pasta again. This time had it with tofu, broccoli, pimento, pine nuts, Parmesan, and red pepper flake. It was pretty healthy except for all the butter & oil involved. :wink:

That looks pretty Tom! can not go wrong with the Pesto!

Tasco posted on Fri, Aug 27, 2010 5:59 AM

On 2010-08-26 21:11, MadDogMike wrote:
Hey Tasco, looks good. I make all my Kielbasa into jambalaya and could use another recipe. Served over teriyaki rice I'm assuming some sort of Asian flavor? Red, yellow & green bell peppers? Onions? Sweet & sour sauce?

Your right, it is a Asian flavor dish. I'm not a big 'American food' guy. No onions either. My wife and kids don't like them. As for sweet and sour sauce, I'm not a big fan of it. Hot and spicy is the way to go.

(Disclaimer: Atomic Tiki Punk did not make this Pizza) now back to our program already in progress....



All above look delish.

It's been 3 crazy weeks of nonstop fun, as evidenced by the stuff in my fridge when I went to clean it today. whoah.

Anyhow, I shopped and cooked on my first day off in a while.
Grilled eggplant slices (reheated in da oven) in a home made tomato sauce, with shredded mozz and provolone, parsley, side of garlic bread, red wine.

Fresh peach for encore.

ps- we joined a gym. Yay us!


Awesome Amy! Our house loves us some eggplant.


Eggplant makes my mouth break out :(

Amy, I never got in shape by JOINING a gym... seems you have to actually go there and work out. Whooda thunk? :lol:


Sorry about the reaction Mike. Gym's make me break out! :)

Yay for eggplant! Looks yummy!

This was more of an assemblage, but I guess I "made" it for dinner.
Mac & Cheese from the blue box with added pimento and veggie chili (out of a can) poured on top.
I've been carbo-loading these days.

[ Edited by: Tonga Tom 2010-08-28 11:38 ]


Mac n Cheese- always a winner!

All these delicious calories have finally tipped the scales over here. It's been quite cold this summer, so am glad I didn't spend
lots of extra energy getting bikini ready HAHA Have been going to the gym. It's one of those Fit-Lite gyms that are kind of ridiculous, but
better than nothing.

Doing a big BBQ Sunday,cleaning up the Smoker,Dry rub is on the pork and chicken
Will post pictures of the spread.

Does what I was going to make count? I was going to make a pineapple coconut curry with rice but I got called into work two hours early and can't make it till Monday now. So hungry and looking at all these delicious dishes is making me drool.

Of Course you can just post on Monday (Pictures Please!)
but what are you going to eat until then!!!!

Erk we'll give you a free pass today but you'd better post a picture on Monday! :lol: :wink:


Stuffed a paste of herbs, garlic and olive oil under the skin of these yard birds. Rubbed a little more oil on the skin and then smoked them with some pecan.

Chris, that looks SUCCULENT!!!

We had a "welcome home from Europe" lunch for my son today with some good old-fashioned Mexican food; Carne Asada, refried beans, Spanish rice and guacamole

(crappy cell phone pic)


3 days this week to the gym plus 4 bike rides etc etc.
Saturday is for celebrating~!

Suddenly out of propane, so cooked everything on the stove.

Amy, I'm going to pass on my only diet tip; salad plates. Several year ago, we started eating off of salad plates instead of dinner plates - you can serve yourself smaller portions and you still think you got a plateful :D


Great tip, MDM! I knew someone on this thread was using that technique, but didn't recall who...I'll see if I can sneak it into the mix w/out creating resistance to the Joie de Vivre over here.

I've had a LOT of fun gaining every pound, and I'm committed to having fun getting rid of them!

[ Edited by: amybean 2010-08-29 10:56 ]

Same portions on a smaller plate, no damage to the joie de vivre. I'm still gaining weight, but I tell myself O'm gaining LESS than if I ate on a bigger plate :lol:


Smoked some pork loin, tomatoes, yellow bell pepper and hot red pepper. Made a sauce out of the smoked veggies and an enchilada filling with black beans, onion, garlic and the pork. So I give you, smoked pork enchiladas with smoked pepper sauce.

That looks AMAZING! If I give you my address will you send me the leftovers? :lol:


On 2010-08-29 16:50, MadDogMike wrote:
That looks AMAZING! If I give you my address will you send me the leftovers? :lol:

Thanks Mike, your Mexican the other day was the inspiration. I'd be happy to send you some leftovers, or you can just stop by anytime!

OK, this is pushing it.
I combined some garlic penne pasta with some nacho cheese and jalapeños at Tonga Hut tonight. I mean, I did "make" it, and it goes with my heavy starch pasta diet I've been running this week. I washed it down with a "Two Black Eyes" and that's Sherriyaki's "Coconut Burn" next to it.

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