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MDM I actually like some empty space on a dinner size plate :) ...I piled high on Thanksgiving one year, and regretted it once and for all.

Hello everybody!

We had a "Is it Summer Yet? BBQ party"
Served Smoked Pork Taco's with all the fixings, Homemade Salsa,Guacamole,PEPPERJACK Cheese!BBQ Tortilla's etc.
Smoked Chicken Drumsticks, Smoked Italian Sausages,Fresh Herb Red Potato salad,Pasta Salad,BBQ Corn with Rosemary Butter
Jello "Everyone want's Jello" & a Serve yourself Ice Cream bar for Desert.
Stacey brought great corn bread & guests brought appetizers, Taking a breath now....

The only casualty of the day was the Jello, I made it in a vintage Tiki mold, one minute after plating it, it fell apart
like a staked Vampire.....

A few pictures of the Debauchery....

Mixing up Kraken Mai Tai's at the Tiki Bar & serving up Doug & Brent...

Julia & Brent

Doug,Chris & Pua

More Doug Horne

Nancy,Atomic Tiki Punk himself & Doug





More Wes...

Now the cleanup!!!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-08-30 03:49 ]


WOW, what an awesome spread! And some damn fine looking partygoers too! :drink:


Some great looking food here!

My first contribution to this thread is something my father grilled over at our house for my daughter's 1st birthday this weekend. These kabobs were amazing! Beef and lamb, marinated with my father's Cuban mojo. Also a nightime pic of one of my papaya trees! I was never a fan of papaya until my Dad planted these in my yard. They are amazingly delicious! It's got 2 offshoots and hopefully within a month or two I will show pics here of the fruit sliced up!


SHEESH!! Nice kabobs!!


Nice lookin parties, ya'll! Biggest bowl of PEPPERJACK I've seen all summer.

Yesterday we hosted nerdy role playing game day- a bunch of gamers and a bunch of snacks and a bunch of beer:
Home made tomato sauce, sauteed mushrooms, Trader Joe's pizza dough.

Olde skool Gamma World, via GURPS rules
(I married into this)
BYO dice:

HOLY COW!!!! :o It's an avalanche of food!

ATP and Chris, I never thought about smoke pork in Mexican food before but it's a perfect match. A little chili dry rub - hmmm...... ATP, I hope those habaneros were just for decoration :D

Tom, now you're thinking like Man vs Wild - eat what you have to to survive :lol:

Robert, welcome to the food fest, nice lookin' 'bobs you got there. I planted a papaya tree last month and it was looking a little wilted in our 110+ temps. I gave it some shade and more water and it is loving the heat now - putting on all kinds of new leaves. Who knows if it will ever fruit here though.

Yummy pizza Amy, you can blame your pizza cravings on ATP :)

Wow! big food Explosion on the thread this week, nice job everybody!

Amy,you may be right about the Bowl of PEPPERJACK,an awsome mountain of cheese that was, the game talk though, Gurps,the dice have BO or something ???
you lost me at Gurps? where is Gamma world? obviously I know nothing of gaming!

Mike, Smoked meats make great Mexican food! now I get to use the leftovers to make "Smoked Pork Taquitos!" a favorite in my house!
Those peppers were just for decoration, got a bag of mini red & yellow bell peppers, great for eating too.

between the "what does posting pictures of Pizza have to do with the subject matter" and "It made me want Pizza!" PMs I got from
my reign of terror the other day, I would say 2 percent of TCers were not amused,But the rest either made pizza,got a pizza or just lusted after Pizza, I think I helped the Pizza shops out a bit!

Thanks WestaDad! your turning into a BBQ Pitmaster!

Zerostreet! another artist who cooks,is there a correlation between creative types of personalities & cooking?
me thinks so, unless your LittleLostTiki, who is a fine Artist,but could not cook his way out a paper bag.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-08-30 12:08 ]


Gamma World late '70's post-apocalyptic role playing game

GURPS Generic Universal RolePlaying System

I am a large shaggy canine with mutant abilities, named Dauguerre. I've already said too much.

OK, I am on the verge of a new food invention - BELGIAN MEAT WAFFLES!!!!

I likes me a good meatball sub but the meatballs always try to squirm their way out of the sandwich. I considered an oblong, bread-sized meat patty but there is not enough surface area and the meat to sauce ratio would be off. But if you form the patty and cook it in a Belgian waffle maker it would have all those divots to hold more sauce and melted cheese! Will commence beta testing on my next day off :D

PS - My son had a Belgian waffle in Belgium last week, said it was the best waffle he ever had!


I usually just cut the meatballs in half before putting them on the bun, but always want to encourage playing with food.

Post pics Mike, I think that might be entertaining!

Got Smoked pork, make Smoked Pork Taquito's,Pepperjack,Homemade guacamole & Salsa
These Rock!!!

Thanks Chris!

Good luck with the papaya tree MDM!

ATP - Don't know how good a cook I am compared to some people here....I'll try to post a bit regularly here though!

Amy - I'm an ex rpg'er myself! Whereas you married into it (that made me laugh BTW)...I kinda married out of it! Haven't played in years!


Spaghetti and meatballs tonite. We've all seen that before!! :)

Nice taquito's ATP!!


On 2010-08-30 03:43, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Hello everybody!

We had a "Is it Summer Yet? BBQ party"
Served Smoked Pork Taco's with all the fixings, Homemade Salsa,Guacamole,PEPPERJACK Cheese!BBQ Tortilla's etc.
Smoked Chicken Drumsticks, Smoked Italian Sausages,Fresh Herb Red Potato salad,Pasta Salad,BBQ Corn with Rosemary Butter
Jello "Everyone want's Jello" & a Serve yourself Ice Cream bar for Desert.
Stacey brought great corn bread & guests brought appetizers, Taking a breath now....

ATP, you really outdid yourself with that incredible spread. The slow cooked meat was tender and delicious. It was also very spicey, requiring consumption of additional Mai Tais. I guess that was part of your plan!

Stacey's corn bread was also outstanding--I now know her culinary talents extend well beyond Lapu Lapu making.


[ Edited by: congawa 2010-08-30 15:30 ]

Thanks Brent! it was a pleasure having 3/4ths of the DingDongDevils in the lounge.
next time we will shoot for the whole band!

Bow Chicka Bow Bow!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-08-30 16:22 ]

Home cured olives progress:

Left to right

Traditional Middle Eastern Olives - Ripe Green - 4 days water bath, salt, citric acid (sour salt), olive oil, and lemon slices. Not ready until end of October!

Lye Processed Green Olives - Ripe Green - 24 hour lye bath, 3 day water bath, salt brine. Ready now, taste like canned black olives.

Spanish Gypsy Olives - Just a blush of Purple - 10 day water bath, saltwater brine, limes cubes (I didn't have any lemon :) ), cumin seeds, oregano, garlic, vinegar, olive oil. Ready in 2 weeks.

Up next, Kalamata style olives - Purple but Firm - 6 day water bath, 3 day heavy brine bath, 3 day dilute vinegar bath, pack in brine, vinegar, oregano, olive oil. Ready 4 weeks.

Mike, Outstanding! job taking on your Olive preparation, I don't think I have ever done such an involved
project, you may have a new thing going on with MadDogMikes Olive Co.

I am picturing you in one of those Greek outfits with the folding hats with a tassel
and a little ornate vest on.

Not this one!

Got a wild hair and made
Blue Hawaiian cocktail's for desert






Last night I made this Mexican influenced seafood stew with shrimp, scallops, mussels, clams, and pinto beans in a red tomato sauce next to a bed of rice.

On 2010-08-31 09:48, Tonga Tom wrote:
Last night I made this Mexican influenced seafood stew with shrimp, scallops, mussels, clams, and pinto beans in a red tomato sauce next to a bed of rice.


Day Three of BBQ leftovers....
Smoked Pork Taco's for lunch......again.

And for dinner something different....
Ham & Eggs with Ranch Potato's.


Oohhh, luvs me some brefast for dinner.


Yeah, breakfast for dinner!

It was TOO HOT yesterday.

So, dinner was a shared bowl of peaches and plain yogurt with chopped pecans and a cherry.
Accompanied by an icy Hefeweisen, and a nice tall bourbon and ginger beer w/lemon.

While watching Babylon 5, Season 2.
Ambassador Delenn has morphed into an annoying character. :/


Yay amybean! Sherriyaki gives that yummy goodness two thumbs up!

I was standing in my kitchen today and realized that it's been almost two months since I've cooked anything in it more then soup or a grilled cheese. I was determined to cook this Sunday but my boss keeps volenteering me for every shift someone else doesn't feel like working. I will have to just keep drooling over the fine meals posted here.

You can do it Erk!!!

I was rapidly passing through the canned food aisle today when I saw a can of Hominy Salad. I backed up and looked again, it was actually cans of hominy next to cans of 3 bean salad, but I said "Why not?" So I mixed Hominy, Corn, Black Beans, Salsa, Bell Pepper, Avocado, Lime Juice, Cumin, Salt & Pepper and served it as a dip with fresh made corn tortilla chips. Also Tilapia Ceviche Tacos, Fried Tilapia Tacos with Guacamole and PEPPER JACK CHEESE, and Sangria Punch

Hominy gets some love!

ATP. hominy is one of those under-appeciated foods like tripe and Limburger cheese (except I like hominy)

I bought some smoked paprika recently, it smelled so good I had to find a recipe to put it in. So tonight it's Hungarian Chicken over farfale pasta and panfried zuchinni with sour cream & dill. Dessert was apple strudel

Maybe I've posted this lament before but when my wife cooks I'm supposed to clean. Yet when I cook, I still have to clean - why is that? The missus says it's because I'm a MESSY cook (I won't embarass myself by posting pictures of the kitchen this evening) Actually, it's because I "married up" and I know it - I'll do anything to keep her :D Can I get an "Amen!" ATP?

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2010-09-05 19:10 ]

Wow! Looks amazing Mike....did you make the apple strudel?

Thanks Robert. Very simple recipe: sliced apples tossed with cinnamon, a little flour, and a little sugar (I used Splenda for my diabetic son-in-law). Roll a puff pastry sheet out a little, wrap the apples in the pastry, brush it with an egg wash and bake at 375 for 35 minutes. 10 minutes prep for a fresh warm strudel.

Excellent! MDM
and while I am a godless Tiki worshipping heathen, Amen!
Kudo's to the Smoked Paprika also.


Happy Labor Day everyone! I tromped around two state parks yesterday which made me hungry like a bear. So it was steak for dinner.

Saturday we visited a local orchard and picked some apples and delicious peaches. This is the apple of my eye with a tasty lunch of a grilled provolone & tomato sandwich and another peach.

mmm...'shrooms! And what a handsome "apple" :)

:drink: Is your kid drinking a Mai Tai? :drink:

Looks like some drunk driving too? maybe?

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-09-06 14:24 ]


Thanks Mike, he's a chip off the old block!

Break em' in early, right ATP? :)

He's got good taste in cars. Shelby GT500!

On 2010-09-06 15:41, WestADad wrote:
Thanks Mike, he's a chip off the old block!

Break em' in early, right ATP? :)

He's got good taste in cars. Shelby GT500!

Well put "Bullitt" on the DVD player and get the kid a Hawaiian shirt, pronto!

Tonight is Burger Night!

BBQ Pepperjack Burgers (Shredded Pepperjack in the patties,even) Homemade Macaroni Salad
made with these hands!

if I bring rum or beer, or money can I come to your house for dinner once a week?




On 2010-09-07 22:29, bigtikidude wrote:
if I bring rum or beer, or money can I come to your house for dinner once a week?


Sure Jeff, Bring the Rum,a large roll of plastic sheeting,Duct Tape,box cutters,a bottle of ether,adult diapers,a box of Almond Joys
a full face black ski mask and a nice "Road trip" themed Mix CD, you can ask no questions!

Thursday around 7:30pm sound good?

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-09-08 00:48 ]

On 2010-09-07 23:32, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Bring the Rum,a large roll of plastic sheeting,Duct Tape,box cutters,a bottle of ether,adult diapers,a box of Almond Joys a full face black ski mask and a nice "Road trip" themed Mix CD...

Whew! Now that's a shopping list!
PS - I love mac salad but haven't made any in years, I need to remedy that.


Tuna Mac Salad!

What's on the Road Mix CD?

On 2010-09-08 08:37, amybean wrote:
Tuna Mac Salad!

What's on the Road Mix CD?

Moterhead,Slayer,Dick Dale,
and Jim Croce, don't ask.....

On 2010-09-07 23:32, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Sure Jeff, Bring the Rum,a large roll of plastic sheeting,Duct Tape,box cutters,a bottle of ether,adult diapers,a box of Almond Joys
a full face black ski mask and a nice "Road trip" themed Mix CD, you can ask no questions!

Thursday around 7:30pm sound good?

Damn, I'm all out of Adult Diapers,
it'll have till wait til after payday.
sorry. ;-(


On 2010-09-08 07:25, MadDogMike wrote:

On 2010-09-07 23:32, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Bring the Rum,a large roll of plastic sheeting,Duct Tape,box cutters,a bottle of ether,adult diapers,a box of Almond Joys a full face black ski mask and a nice "Road trip" themed Mix CD...

Whew! Now that's a shopping list!
PS - I love mac salad but haven't made any in years, I need to remedy that.

Your welcome to come over for some Mike!
Oh....can you bring a Acetylene torch, Magnetic contact drill, Flash Bang grenades, Big container of Red Vines,Vaseline or cooking oil
extra large plastic wire ties & some BagPipes?

usual no questions asked of course,sorry you can't make it Thursday Jeff,maybe next week?
I almost forgot....one of those ball gags....Thank's Mike....

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