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Toast round with Apricot preserves and Brie, Apricot fruit paste cutouts
for garnish.
With pomegranate and red raspberry infused Asti Sparkling wine.

TIKISKIP: Maker of TIKI bar lighting, Let me make one for you.

Happy New Year TS! Looks like you know how to live.
Here’s my efforts at Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn after dinner at the Bali Hai (San Diego) With the love of my life on new years eve. ( please don’t tell my wife)_ Our fave holiday drink-red nosed zebra’s followed by Iron Horse California Sparkling at midnight. Sorry pic is a little out of focus.

Started up the Smoker for a New Years BBQ
and invited a small group of Post Apocalyptic New Years Eve survivors
over for BBQ & Cocktails (you know what's crazy, cooking & bartending at the same time!)
I was so busy I only took one photo....

Menu: Smoked Pulled Pork
Smoked Pork Taquitos w/ homemade Olvera Street recipe taquito sauce, Fresh Tomatillo Salsa & Pico de Gallo
Homemade Tortilla Chips
Smoked Chicken Drumsticks
Macaroni salad

Trader Vics Mai Tais,Old Fashioned's with Bulleit Bourbon & beer.

On 2014-01-03 00:54, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Started up the Smoker for a New Years BBQ
and invited a small group of Post Apocalyptic New Years Eve survivors
over for BBQ & Cocktails (you know what's crazy, cooking & bartending at the same time!)
I was so busy I only took one photo...

Lance, You’re an artist! That looks sooo good!
Happy New Year to you!

I see the New Year inspired us all to cook. It all looks great. I'll give that Pokey a poke Cammo

Cammo posted on Sat, Jan 4, 2014 1:12 PM

Made this in a hurry as a door prize for our party.

Gingerbread houses are EASY!

Just make the gingerbread:

Assemble it:

And decorate - done!

Happy New Year!

I want to make one! but in the "Mid Century" style of architecture.

Cammo posted on Sat, Jan 4, 2014 5:22 PM

This IS "Mid Century" - 1850!

I’m inspired! Gonna try either a tiki hut or a grass shack. Gotta work it out in my mind. Mahalo for the idea.

Just wolfed down a couple of sweet (dulce) dessert tamales slathered with agave sweetened whipped cream and dribbled with home made warm rum caramel sauce. Tamales were filled with pineapple chunks-some with walnuts and golden raisins. Diet starts next week after Murph’s party at the Waikiki Womb.

What! & no photos, cause that's sounds amazing David.

Dave I say go for it on the grass shack. GINGERbread IS tropical after all :)

I’ll be doing a repeat this evening and I’ll be posting a pic for sure.
I was leaning towards the grass shack but I still have not figured out what to use for grass over the GINGERbread. If I was in Colorado-problem solved!
Mahalo guys,

Cammo posted on Sun, Jan 5, 2014 10:38 AM

Yeah, I'd say Ginger is what I think of when I think tropical.


On 2014-01-05 10:31, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
I’ll be doing a repeat this evening and I’ll be posting a pic for sure.
I was leaning towards the grass shack but I still have not figured out what to use for grass over the GINGERbread. If I was in Colorado-problem solved!
Mahalo guys,

Green Frosting?

On 2014-01-05 00:36, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
What! & no photos, cause that's sounds amazing David.

Ate em so fast I forgot about pix yesterday.
Here you go! THe one on top with the long “tail” is the pineapple filled.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-01-05 21:53 ]

Cammo posted on Wed, Jan 15, 2014 8:41 PM

Hot fresh bread.

Slice it thick & spread with homemade strawberry jam.

Cam is that from a bread machine? I was just reminiscing about those today. We wore out a couple of them in the late 80s and early 90s. My daughter was in grade school at the time and hated that her sandwiches looked different than the other kids. Now as an adult she understands the appeal of freshly baked bread. I'd love to pick one up again but I know I'd put on about 20 lbs. It ain't da bread dat make you fat, it's da buddah! :lol:

Cammo posted on Sat, Jan 18, 2014 9:52 AM

Cinnamon & Golden Raisin Whole Wheat Deluxe

This was eaten so fast I took no pictures of the slices.

BBQ TriTip rubbed with salt & pepper, chili powder, and ground COFFEE!!! :o

Very tasty. I should have cooked it a little less, it could have been pinker inside. It wasn't burned, the coffee just gives it a dark crust.

Cammo posted on Fri, Jan 24, 2014 9:41 AM

That is the YUM.

I need to try some coffee recipes...


Awesome looking Tri-tip MDM...BTW, congrats on your engagement...you are truly a beacon through the fog w/ your attitude. I have used the coffee/ chipotle combo on grilled beef rib-eyes...the higher fat content works very well IMO. OGR

Soups on!

Scratch made "Chicken & Matzo Ball Soup"

Day before made a pot of homemade Chicken Stock...

Day two, mix up some Matzo meal, salt, pepper, garlic powder, Schmaltz & eggs
for the Matzo Balls

Into some salted boiling water for 45 minutes

Shred up the chicken from the stock pot

Slice up onion, carrots & celery
(no picture: cook up some egg noodles)

Everything goes into the big pot...

And you get a nice bowl of Chicken Matzo Ball soup!


That Jewish penicillin looks awesome ATP....send a quart my way as later in the week we will be making Reubens, as Kim now has a 5lb brisket brining in Penzy's Corn Beef spice for CB and Cabbage tomorrow, w/ Reuben sandwiches (on a fantastic Breadsmith Rye w/ caraway and sauerkraut fresh bread)to follow later in the week. Pics to follow....OGR

Thanks Got Rum! :) sounds damn fine.

Orange/cranberry/walnut bundt cake and Mexican coffee. Perfect with that rare California rain tonight.


Made a batch of Huli Huli Chicken for a superbowl sunday party . First time that I used this quick and easy recipe. Most of the “Huli” recipes are somewhat Involved. Took me less than 10 minutes to prepare and bag the chicken. I used skinned, boneless chicken thighs,fresh ginger and garlic and of course sherry instead of broth. Does not look like enough marinade once its prepared-trust me, it’s plenty! Give it a try and pass the word if you like-no like. I thought it was onolicious!
Sorry, no pix-chicken was gone pronto!

Huli Huli Chicken Hawaiian Version-Quic

1 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 cup ketchup
3/4 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
1/3 cup sherry or chicken broth
2-1/2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger root
1-1/2 teaspoons minced garlic
24 boneless skinless chicken thighs (about 5 pounds)
In a small bowl, mix the first six ingredients. Reserve 1-1/3 cups for basting; cover and refrigerate. Divide remaining marinade between two large resealable plastic bags. Add 12 chicken thighs to each; seal bags and turn to coat. Refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.
Drain and discard marinade from chicken. Moisten a paper towel with cooking oil; using long-handled tongs, lightly coat the grill rack.
Grill chicken, covered, over medium heat for 6-8 minutes on each side or until no longer pink; baste occasionally with reserved marinade during the last 5 minutes. Yield: 12 servings.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-02-04 13:35 ]

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-02-04 21:11 ]

Man U tiki dudes eat good.......

On 2014-02-06 23:47, hang10tiki wrote:
Man U tiki dudes eat good.......

And you know how to wash it down!

But Jon, you Las Vegas dudes, really, really drink well! :lol:

Hey Lance,
When do you sleep?

For every Summer & Winter Olympics my daughter has a party for Opening Ceremonies themed to the host country, so this time was Russian food

Caviar Appetizers

White Russians (yes, I know they aren't actually Russian)

Borst soup, Clockwise from top Knish, Golubtsy, Beef Stroganov served on Steak Fries, Pelmini, & Olivyer Salad

Russian Lemon Pie & Bird's Milk Cake

You’re too much Mike and it’s rubbing off on your family, maybe a little on me too.I found plenny recipes for the bird’s milk cake ( Ptichye Moloko ) Most take about 1/2 hr. prep time and claim it’s not as complicated as the finished cake looks. There were variations on the recipe but all the ingredients are readily available. I’m anxious to try this one.
Btw,”Moloko” sounds Hawaiian (tiki cake?) but it is not and it means mousse.

Always a great time when you do one of your theme parties, Mike!
but it needs more wild dogs.....

ATP - we always have a good time :)

Dave, mine wasn't too difficult, I used a combination of several recipes. I started with a cheating sponge cake - 1 package yellow cake mix and 1 angel food cake mix mixed together in a gallon food storage bag. Take 1 1/2 cups of this cake mix and 1 cup of water, mix and bake @350 for about 30 min. (they say this mixture is good for single serve microwave cake - 3 tablespoons mix, 2 tablespoons water, and 1 mug or bowl. 321 cake). Cream base called for 1 cup of milk heated below boiling and 2 packs of unflavored gelatin dissolved in. Mix together 16 oz thawed cool whip and 16 oz sour cream and add milk/gelatin mixture. Pour over sponge cake, smooth out and refrigerate. Then I covered it with a chocolate ganache made of chocolate chips and cream. I was worried about the gelatin and milk, sounded pretty gross. But it tasted really good!

Mahalo Mike.
Gonna try your version asap!

Had dinner at the Tonga Hut Palm Springs on Saturday, you should go as soon as you get a chance. I ordered Chef Sherman Chan's Kalua Pork - I expected shredded pork as it is usually served, but was surprised to get a couple of large chunks instead. It was delicious, tender and juicy with just enough sweetness in the glaze and a hint of Chinese Five Spice. I decided to try an "inspired" version. I took a 4 pound pork loin and cut it into 8 portions. I dropped it in the Crock Pot on low for 10 hours with a bottle of Spicy Hawaiian Mango marinade. Then I carefully pulled the braised chunks out and placed them on a cookie sheet. I sprinkled a little Five Spice on and brushed them with bottled Honey Teriyaki, stuck them in a 350 oven until the glaze started to caramelize (about 10-15 minutes) and then garnished them with a little toasted sesame seed.

Turned out excellent (not as good as the Tonga Hut of course :D ) Elegant and very easy, total hand-on time was probably only 15 minute, a nice addition to the Tiki Food repertoire

I could use a plate of that right now!

Fresh whipped cream between the layers of this chocolate cake , dribbled with chocolate rum sauce. Gonna wash it down with kioke coffees. Yes , decadent!

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-02-12 21:56 ]

That looks good! I could live off just desserts (well, and maybe pork)

I hope all you cooks out there are making special meals for
your more then significant others, tonight!

I am working away in the kitchen myself & will post pics later, as I hope
the rest of you will, Mike? David? Cammo?

In the meantime, Here is something Jungle Ginger sent me today:

Atp, I’m almost too stuffed to type.
Ribeye’s,creamed spinach, french baguette washed down with Cab.For dessert I baked a heart shaped yellow cake. I needed two “hearts and only had one pan so I baked em one at a time. The plan was to “fuse” them together sorta tattoo like. Unfortunately the best laid plans..... The final result was something that looks like someone lying on the beach with their butt in the air. Oh well.. I hope a new cocktail I’m trying for the 1rst time works out mo betta. Cranberry juice, Passionfruit syrup,Grand Marnier in a flute topped off with Champagne. Sounds promising- gonna post on “what are you drinking... if it’s any good.
Happy valentines to you and Nancy!
Here’s a pic of the “cake”

Top em each with a cherry

Happy Valentine's to you & the Mrs. also David!

Special Menu tonight:
Grilled Aged Filet Mignon with sauteed onions
Pan seared Pork Tenderloin Medallions with a Balsamic Reduction
Loaded Baked Potatoes
Grilled Rosemary Corn

Classic Grey Goose Martini
Lemon Drop Martini
Knob Creek Old Fashioned

H10 who ever heard of a butt with cherries? ( I got it!).
ATP When you gonna open that restaurant? "The Atomic Tiki Palace”.

On 2014-02-14 22:41, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
H10 who ever heard of a butt with cherries? ( I got it!).
ATP When you gonna open that restaurant? "The Atomic Tiki Palace”.

and “BAR"

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