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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

What's "Cooking" in Tiki Central?

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Bilge, by definition, is "for drunken, waaaay off-topic, time killer or non-informative posts. And Lamprey discussion" I don't think that is the right place for a food thread.

But maybe "Beyond Tiki" would be an appropriate place for it.

EDIT - ATP, I'm not trying to relocate your thread, I'd just like the drama to go away. It's pretty amazing that this thread has been here for most of a year with 1200 posts and 50,000 views - now all of the sudden it's the greatest threat to Tiki since Jimmy Buffett! Funny thing is that up until a week ago, there were only 10 people who came here on a regular basis.

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2010-10-12 17:19 ]

Randy,This is a Thread about what Tiki Central members are cooking at home,it includes so called Tiki related dishes
but we have established that many of you here don't have a clue what "Tiki Food" is,Hey guess what?there is no such thing as "Tiki Food!"
so you don't have a foot to stand on when you judge this thread as non-Tiki and should be sent to bilge.

It is a "Food" thread that is in the "Tiki Drinks & Food" category how hard is that for you and Mai Tai etc. to understand?

The fact that you and a few others feel that you can just show up and completely disrupt this thread "Because you Disagree"
after all its a "Cooking Thread" not a "what is Tiki and what is not" thread, you are clearly posting in the wrong area of TC you hypocrite!

just shows what rude jerks you are,just go and start your own thread and bitch about what you think is Tiki & what isn't,I promise I won't
show up and disagree with what is being talked about,then demand you,be sent to Bilge.

If anyone else has a problem with my point of view or disagrees with me then take it to the appropriate thread or start one! or PM me.
but no more bullshit here, its about TCers who prefer a positive Thread about cooking,period!
this is not a "what I don't like about Tiki central thread!"

Oh and Randy if you think just because you have a different opinion,it gives you license to forego any semblance of manners
well that just makes you rude & ignorant.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-10-12 17:57 ]


The rebel!

To summarize ATP's main points:

  • There's no such thing as "Tiki food"
  • I have no clue what "Tiki food" is
  • I am a hypocrite
  • I am a rude jerk
  • I have foregone any sense of manners
  • I am rude & ignorant

He's got me pegged!

And yes, clearly everyone who has commented on this thread being non-tiki considers it THE GREATEST THREAT TO TIKI!

See? It's not so hard for us all to agree!


If you got a beef with me take it off the thread,everyone is tired of your crap.
please stop posting here and yes it is very bad manners!

So if you want to force your opinion on someone,vent,complain,disrupt etc.
Here is the thread for you.....and it's even in Bilge!

Any posts not about "What's Cooking" on Tiki Central i.e. "FOOD" should be posted there.

Mai Tai you now have a place to bitch about what is Tiki & what is not,enjoy!

"What's my Beef" with Atomic Tiki Punk

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-10-12 22:54 ]

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-10-14 19:22 ]

when are we gonna get a yawning emoticon?

and dammit I wanna see some food pics.


Well said Jeff,F.A.B.!

ATP, thanks for smoothing things out here. Know it alls who think it is their "duty" to highjack a thread really should have their own spot away from others to gripe. Shesh......



It's too hot to cook. or argue.

I'm heading over to Trader Vic's to check out the new menu.

This is one of their recent posts:

My aunt told me the key ingredient to awesome sweet and sour meatballs: it's grape jelly.


Grape jelly? Who knew... Those look very yummy. Must go soon...

My uncle uses grape jelly as part of his marinade for a pork and poi dish. It's um.....an interesting combination of tastes. I don't remember what else is in it but he serves it in a grill roasted hallowed out red pepper.

I am so glad this thread is back on track! I am sorry to all of you for my outburst
but since no one seemed to be moderating Mai Tai's disruptions,I took it upon my self
to confront him, very unpleasant episode I know.

So what's cooking?

Hey, I think that the first dish you posted was an awesome tiki dish. And most of the old tiki establishments pretty much served Asian food that they re-branded as tiki food, including the Stockton Islander, including the Bali Hai's "Chicken Of The Gods", including the Oyster Beef at Minnie's, etc. That's not what my argument on this thread is about.

Mai Tai, not to be contrary, but Chicken of the Gods is the consummate Tiki Food. In my way of thinking, tiki food is any food that is altered in some manner in order to make it seem more exotic.

This could mean revisionist versions of traditional asian dishes to chicken liver and water chestnuts wrapped in bacon. Tike food is food altered to provide the consumer a sensory feeling of escape.

I think Sven might be able to agree with this definition of what constitutes tiki food and could even improve upon it.

I don't believe tiki food has to be Polynesian in its origin. In fact, some tiki foods actually have become asian classics - I give you Crab Rangoon.

In closing, it is important to remember why we have tiki restaurants and what their purpose is. These temples serve as places for average Americans to side step the bonds of time and space so that we can find "our own island" if even for a moment.

And why an island? Because they don't have bridges to the mainland.

So, whether it is tiki drinks, atmosphere, or food, it is all about severing the bonds of our 9-5 existence if only for a moment.

Islands are a part of our primordial existence. They are important to our psyche. And so it is thus, that Chicken of the Gods is truly a tiki food.

Welcome and well said Telescopes, but if you don't mind I am trying to get the thread back on topic
and we should continue the "what is Tiki Food" discussion elsewhere, like my "what's your Beef" thread if you like?
but you are on the right track with what you are saying.

Do you cook? any meal Tiki or otherwise would be most welcome! here.

Telescopes, I think yours is a wonderful summation of what should be posted on this site. Right on track, as opposed to just anyone's personal cooking show that could be posted on any other social site of which there are so many out there.

Ouch! Sven make me cry! :lol:

Is this backlash from what I said in Bilge? still its good to see you coming around.

Look, nobody has the right here to declare this their own reserve where they can post just anything beyond Tiki's realm, no matter how many pages it has been going on uncontested. The manner in which this has been gong down is just way un-Tiki, no matter what the foodie minions around this thread applaude.

Moved to Beyond Tiki.

So I am the bad guy here? the way I see it food and Tiki go hand in hand
this thread is not about stroking my ego, people who cook are passionate about what they do
and that's why a certain group of TCers like to post & interact on this thread
including myself.

Listen we are Tiki people who love to cook,what the hell is wrong with that?
why is a small group of Tiki Centralites so hell bent on shutting down this thread?

Sven, I would not presume to match your knowledge on all things Tiki,but I sure have been around it all my life, certainly as long as you have
and I do know a thing or two.

So its time to ether shut this thread down,because you (at least is sounds like you..) and others don't want it or enough people say otherwise
because its no fun with all these jerks around (not talking about you Sven) but it only takes one pinhead to wreak a party.
what could be more "Tiki" then that?

well I see the jerks have won & a fine bunch you are.....

"well I see the jerks have won & a fine bunch you are....."

Hey, don't include me in your list of "jerks." I tried to get this thread moved to Bilge.

This thread is not shut down. It was just moved so it could continue on as it was intended.

woofmutt you were born a jerk


On 2010-10-13 20:20, telescopes wrote:

Hey, I think that the first dish you posted was an awesome tiki dish. And most of the old tiki establishments pretty much served Asian food that they re-branded as tiki food, including the Stockton Islander, including the Bali Hai's "Chicken Of The Gods", including the Oyster Beef at Minnie's, etc. That's not what my argument on this thread is about.

Mai Tai, not to be contrary, but Chicken of the Gods is the consummate Tiki Food. In my way of thinking, tiki food is any food that is altered in some manner in order to make it seem more exotic.

This could mean revisionist versions of traditional asian dishes to chicken liver and water chestnuts wrapped in bacon. Tike food is food altered to provide the consumer a sensory feeling of escape.

I think Sven might be able to agree with this definition of what constitutes tiki food and could even improve upon it.

I don't believe tiki food has to be Polynesian in its origin. In fact, some tiki foods actually have become asian classics - I give you Crab Rangoon.

In closing, it is important to remember why we have tiki restaurants and what their purpose is. These temples serve as places for average Americans to side step the bonds of time and space so that we can find "our own island" if even for a moment.

And why an island? Because they don't have bridges to the mainland.

So, whether it is tiki drinks, atmosphere, or food, it is all about severing the bonds of our 9-5 existence if only for a moment.

Islands are a part of our primordial existence. They are important to our psyche. And so it is thus, that Chicken of the Gods is truly a tiki food.

I absolutely agree that Chicken Of The Gods is a tiki dish, if not THE consummate tiki dish! I was trying to make that point, but it all got lost in the wash, and I didn't really clarify that anyways. I also agree with Crab Rangoon. Also poi. Also Rumaki. Rumaki rocks! Didn't Donn Beach come up with that one?

I also wholeheartedly agree with food needing some type of interpreted asian type "exotic flair". I think I mentioned that somewhere, but it's deeply buried back in the thread. I'm getting hungry now!

I'm going to state in Atomic Tiki Punk's other thread in Bilge that I won't be posting on this thread anymore. Just because it got moved to "Beyond Tiki" doesn't mean that I want to see it closed. In fact, I would love to see it carry on. So, carry on, peeps! Mai Tai out!


On 2010-10-07 18:12, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:

If we kick this thread over to "Bilge" or "Beyond Tiki" it will probably die, as it has less to do with those two forums than it does with this "Food & Drink" forum.

I fear Sabu might be right. And I'm starving !!

What do you mean we can't order in food at the Tiki bar ??

:evil: :evil: :evil:

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-10-14 02:35 ]


On 2010-10-13 23:33, Hakalugi wrote:
Moved to Beyond Tiki.

No arguments from me.

[ Edited by: swizzle 2010-10-14 05:08 ]

All the Histrionics's and Drama from the last week has left a "Bad Taste"
to this thread, all the regulars who made this thread what is was
have lost any desire to post here on this thread anymore.

To the few who did not think we were Tiki enough for you,I hope you are proud of yourselves!


My first experience in a Tiki restaurant was the Tahitian Terrace at Disneyland…that combined with the old school Chinese restaurants we used to have around here in SoCal.

I like authentic food, but I also like highly un-authentic food….and that’s what I personally think Tiki Food should be. Something shiny, fake and watered down….loaded with MSG and food coloring, garnished with pineapples!

Jim Tikiyaki once described it best! (Can’t find his thread any more) but it is the fake Cantonese food that I think is so awesome!

The last time I came across anything similar was at the Kon-Tiki in Arizona…they had some sweet and sour Hula Chicken (or something like that) that was exactly as I remembered fake Polynesian food as being!



That's a wonderful menu Lucas. And yea, thake Cantonese food and add pineapple and flower garnish and voila..."Polynesian DInner"

Not really, but ALOT of Tiki Restaurants did just that, and I love it !


If you multiply all those menu prices by 10, you will roughly be at today's prices (maybe a little less)....

And an interesting fact about the Monte Cristo sandwhich...it really was essentially the same as the ones currently served at Disneyland (Blue Bayou and French Market) with the exception that they added pineapple juice to the batter, and garnished it with pineapples as well!

Somewhere on the internet I once saw the original recipes for both variations, and lots of other cool items like those Mint Juleps (non alcoholic) that they also still make!

Jim, you would have loved the Tahitian Terrace...it was the only other really "classy" dining experience they ever had. If you go there now, it is right in between the Tiki Room and the Jungle Boat cruise, right were the aladin show (which is never open) is.

I am looking forward to the new polynesian restaurant they are thinking about building in downtown disney....!!

You know what guys? If you keep talking about "tiki" directly "related" aspects of tiki food, we just might have to move this thread back to where it started.


Telescopes, should'nt you be at one of those Tea Parties right about now???

Anyway, I found the Disney recipes....


On 2010-10-14 17:49, lucas vigor wrote:
Telescopes, should'nt you be at one of those Tea Parties right about now???

Anyway, I found the Disney recipes....


You got me dead to rights, Lucas, I am a mad hatter. How hats fit into the tiki scene may take some real juxtapositioning.

Mrs Boo and I are baking home made Tiki Banana Breads tonight.

Nanners grown in our own garden. Yummy.

why are you people posting on this thread Now! where were you last year?

On 2010-10-15 19:09, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
why are you people posting on this thread Now! where were you last year?

Bananas wern' t ripe yet.

And, I think I was building a tree house with no internet 6 k up.

You got some sort of Beef with that?!?

The Bamboo Ben's Tiki Banana Bread came out arrrsome!

pics soon.....

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build stuff for you!

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2010-10-15 20:36 ]

On 2010-10-15 19:09, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
why are you people posting on this thread Now! where were you last year?

Hanging out here in the basement, of course.

MOAI posted on Fri, Oct 15, 2010 10:50 PM

On 2010-10-15 19:05, RevBambooBen wrote:
Mrs Boo and I are baking home made Tiki Banana Breads tonight.

Nanners grown in our own garden. Yummy

Send some my way! When will it be ready??????????

[ Edited by: MOAI 2010-10-15 22:55 ]

[ Edited by: MOAI 2010-10-15 22:56 ]

[ Edited by: MOAI 2010-10-15 22:57 ]

these bananas are from Don's. i'm hope'in they will make fruit
next year, if we get a summer. The other bananas below are my
dwarfs that i've had for a long time. the Banana bread is Raison,
almond, choco chip, brown sugar, coco nut, and all mixed too.
Got 2 pineapples almost ripe and will add those to future BB's.
Also a Papaya. Hope next summer is Summer!

p.s. more tiki food!

[ Edited by: revbambooben 2010-10-17 19:08 ]

Ben kicks arse! Bananas = Tropical = Tiki! and Tikis too! = Tiki X 2! Tiki2Rific!
Thats TikiSmackTacular!

On 2010-10-15 22:50, MOAI wrote:

On 2010-10-15 19:05, RevBambooBen wrote:
Mrs Boo and I are baking home made Tiki Banana Breads tonight.

Nanners grown in our own garden. Yummy

Send some my way! When will it be ready??????????

[ Edited by: MOAI 2010-10-15 22:55 ]

[ Edited by: MOAI 2010-10-15 22:56 ]

[ Edited by: MOAI 2010-10-15 22:57 ]


What? peoples post on TC sober?
TC is where I spend all my time after falling off the wagon.......
I thought everyone here is drunk......like....alot!

Nice looking breads Rev! If I remember to, I'll post some pics of my banana and plantain trees tonight!

I hope to see this thread go back to is usual business. I was disappointed to see it move, but the people and this pics are what make this thread, not the location.

this post is slippin away.......

aint' nobody eatin tiki food anymo-???


I always liked this thread, but didn't have anything I was proud enough to post until now. (Better late than never?...)

I made this pumpkin cake for our Halloween shindig last night: buttery yellow cake base, pumpkin pie filling and a cinnamon and sugar crust on top.

Happy (almost) Halloween! (~~)

I'd seriously be interested in seeing that pumpkin cake recipe.

• • • • • • • • • •

Here's my hot dog setup for the fire outside at Sweetpea's annual Bavarian themed party (used to be at Christmas time but she always managed to make it snow whenever she cooked German food).

I did this last year cuz I like spending the whole time hangin around the fire. It was well received so I did it again this year.

The hot dogs were all individually bagged, the buns individually wrapped in aluminum foil so they could be heated by the fire. Mustard, relish, saurkraut, chopped onions, and ketchup (apparently a hot dog sin back east) available to go on top.

Cooking with fire is the best.

Master hot dog chef Fishsticks.


Here ya go, woofmutt:

1 yellow cake mix - save out 1 c. dry mix
1/2 c. melted butter
1 egg - beaten

Mix rest of dry mix with melted butter and egg. Press into greased 9 x 13 pan. Beat the following ingredients until smooth, then pour over crust as filling.

1 - 1lb can pumpkin
2/3 c. evaporated milk
2 eggs
3/4 c. sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Mix the following like crumbs for topping

1 c. dry cake mix
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. butter

Bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes

[ Edited by: MauiRose 2010-11-01 10:29 ]

[ Edited by: MauiRose 2010-11-02 11:49 ]


Thanks, it looks like a really great recipe.

The old man roastin a hot dog in the picture up above, Fishsticks, is the guy who makes great desserts for my friends and I. I passed the recipe on to him.

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