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Nice Hilda!!!!!

On 2015-06-16 06:58, Matt Reese wrote:
Ha!! That's hilarious. It won't play like a steel drum, but my tummy was singing after that meal. If you can I strongly suggest getting one of these things. I'll be using it this Friday for the guys at work and again for Fathers Day when we have all the family over.

Okay Matt, enough teasing-Where do you get the comals and how do it work? After seeing your pix I gotta have one

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2015-07-12 01:27 ]


I want it!

Sushi success and failures -
Success: Yin Yang Roll - white rice, dyed brown rice, soy sauce marinated tuna, cucumber.

Failures: Panda Roll - white rice, avocado and cilantro green rice, soy sauce marinated tuna. The one on the upper left almost looks like a panda :lol:

Siracha and Soy Sauce "Pearls/Caviar" - hot liquid is mixed with agar-agar and dropped in cold oil. It was supposed to make round spheres, not rat turds :wink:

Damn, Mike! cool,cool,cool!


Dam, I want one now too!

AND at 50.00 bucks plus off now's the time.

I did order this today.

I'll tell ya at this price you will not get the best quality stainless.
Would be best to get an old one from the 50s as the stainless was best in the good ol days.
I have a "stainless steel" sink that is rusted all to heck.

Sooo if you get one of these put oil on it right away and cure it in your oven
as this will help to get this thing on it's way to being coated in a way much like the
old iron skillets.

Will let ya know how good this one is when I get it.

On 2015-07-12 16:40, tikiskip wrote:
Buy it here....


Perfect! They sell the whole set up on there too. I already had the burner. The comal alone goes for $50 at Chef City here in San Diego. If any of you get one try and go to Northgate Market. You can feed 12 to 15 people 4 different kinds of tacos with all the sides for under $40. I love the comal. It is really fun to use.

[ Edited by: Matt Reese 2015-07-16 16:15 ]

When life gives you Yellowfin Tuna and Yellow Tail, you make sushi!


Always doing the best seafood, Dusty!

Nice Dusty!

Just read "Bulls Before Breakfast" about running with the bulls in Pamplona (great book!) It inspired me to cook some Spanish food. Gazpacho and tapas a couple nights ago and paella tonight.


Mike, nice paella. last night I made up this combination.

fresh tomatoe basil garlic sause from the garden.

pasta with fresh basil and cherry tomatoes.

shrimp, green peppers, butter basil oregano thingy with lemon zest.

All looks delicious Hilda except the sea roaches (shrimp) :lol:

Continuing to explore Spanish flavors I bought some jarred sofrito (sauce made of tomatoes, onions, garlic, bell pepper, and olive oil) today. It was pretty good, put it on grilled tilapia. With grilled zucchini and white rice

Dat looks ono Mike. See you at Oasis?

David I will be there tomorrow from noon to 4. Hope to see you my friend!!!

More experimentation with Spanish flavors. Parrillada with mojo rojo and more tapas. Mojo rojo is an amazing sauce - 1 c olive oil, 8 CLOVES GARLIC!!!, 2 rehydrated dried peppers, salt, cumin, smoked paprika, vinegar. Lemon sorbet for dessert

Looking good, Mike
what kind of dry pepper did you use?

See you at Oasis today?

On 2015-08-15 06:45, MadDogMike wrote:
See you at Oasis today?

We had an emergency at home so I had to pass on going at the last minute, literally!
I was packed & ready to go.

But look out for Nancy, she is there having a good time for the both of us.


Fish patty, saffron rice with cranberries, veggie and salad.

Looks delish Hilda!

I broke out the vertical rotisserie. Gyros on Saturday and Tacos de Pollo al Pastor tonight (the pineapple was splitting so I put a foil band on it :lol:) Maybe Schwarma later in the week? Al Pastor is "Tiki" 'cuz the pineapple looks like a fez :wink:

Hellz Yea!

Our pescatarian daughter came home from college for the weekend so we had seafood paella. Scallops, clams, mussels, and salmon. Sorry, no shrimp. A bit fishy for my taste but it was good. I would have rather had chicken and linguica :lol:

Thai Red Curry Pork, rice, stir-fry veggies, & naan.

For dessert, coconut milk ice cream with Chai Tea syrup.


Stuffed cabbage.


Wow !! You guys are really going all out. It's starting to get a bit nippy around here in the evening so comfort food is on the menu. Stuffed peppers.

Well, what did you stuff those peppers with?
Classic Italian, Mid-West style?


On 2015-10-05 15:46, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Well, what did you stuff those peppers with?
Classic Italian, Mid-West style?

I guess it would be just a standard make as you go recipe. Ground beef, white rice, minced garlic, chopped red onion and bell pepper from the tops. All heated through and just before stuffing the peppers added a bit of cheddar cheese and a couple of tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce with half a cup of tomato sauce. Stuffed the peppers and topped the with the remainder of the tomato sauce mixed with half a cup of water. Covered the peppers and cooked them for thirty five minute at 350 degrees. Topped with mozzarella until melted and served them up. Oh, I forgot to mention that I parboiled the peppers for five minutes first. So after that long winded answer I guess the recipe sounds kinda standard. They were really good though :D Next time I'll try ground pork or lamb. As I've said many times before the FAB 400 makes cooking pleasure.

Nice looking peppers Trav!
It is an Indian co-worker's b'day today so I brought the toaster oven in and made Indian Pizzas in the breakroom for everyone :lol:

Naan flatbread, Tikka Masala sauce, Mozzarella cheese, Chicken Biryani, and Mattar Paneer. Delicious!
For the less adventurous we also had regular pizza sauce, pineapple, ham, and pepperoni.


That pizza makes me think of this Hawaiian pizza pasta recipe:


Might be good to add some linguiça sausage to, as well

[ Edited by: Tele295 2015-10-14 19:08 ]

Linguiça is a good addition to almost anything! :lol:

Tasty postings, guys!


I know it is hot but why not. My first attempt to making Matzo ball soup. I took some of the skin off was not sure I wanted full fat broth.

After chicken was cooled I added vegetables and noodles.

still enough chicken fat there to give it good taste.

Time to make Matzo balls. I added dry dill to the mix.

final product, it was real tasty.

Not sure if I will make this anytime soon, it took about 4 hours to make.

Nice hiltiki, Yes, it is a lot of work to make from scratch, but worth it
it will taste better though when consumed during cooler temperatures. :D


Banana Bread

On 2015-10-28 21:37, hiltiki wrote:

Banana Bread

Hilda, Wat’s the recipe, that looks good.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2015-11-02 20:28 ]

Felt like some sweetness. A take off on Key Lime cake. Tried some fresh cream and crushed pineapple filling. Compliments the cream-cheese frosting real well.


Dave here is the recipe

Banana Bread

oven on 350

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
3/4 cup brown sugar (if you like real sweet breads use white sugar)
2 large eggs
1/3 cup yogurt ( I used vanilla flavored yogurt)
2 cups mashed bananas (about 4 bananas)
1 tsp. vanilla
mix all set aside

2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon (I added dash of cloves, ginger, nutmeg)
mix together

Add dry stuff to the wet stuff don't over mix
add 1/2 cup chopped walnut and 1/4 cup golden raisins and 1/4 cup craisins
fold in gently
bake in a greased 9 by 5 pan
60 minutes or do the toothpick taste

Tanks Hilda, can’t wait to try this.


My first attempt at making Chicken Cacciatore, it was fun preparing and it came out real good and I will make it again. Here are some pictures.


Christmas time is always time for baking, here are some pictures.

Lemon chocolate cake with chocolate chips and roasted pecans.

Cookies for Christmas
Ginger snaps

Oatmeal raison cookies

And last, my pistachio chocolate chip cookies

I feel like the Wendy Cevola of the cooking thread hehe..

I'm the Wendy Cevola of the cooking thread
That's a good thing :lol: Great looking food Hilda!

In honor of Christmas I made White Boy Pozole - leftover pulled pork, chicken broth, hominy, red enchilada sauce, El Pato sauce, oregano, lemon, shredded cabbage, cilantro. It didn't taste much like pozole but it was a good soup.

Made Ethiopian food tonight - Injera and Wat. Clockwise from the top Key Wat (Beef Curry), Doro Wat (spicy chicken stew), Timatim (tomato and cucumber salad), Yataklete Kilkil (vegetables), Mirs Wat (lentils) and Injera in the center (sour spongy flatbread). Served with Ginger Tumeric Lemonade.

Nice Mike, going full frontal ethnic cooking!


Very nice Mike!!! I nearly licked the screen looking and the picture :D

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