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Official Introductions Thread. New Members, Post your introduction here...

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new to the forum, but have collecting tikis for awhile . live in delaware not much tiki around . heading to the hukilau in september with my wife and 2 friends . if anyone wants to say hi we'll be the 4 very heavely tattooed crew drinking many mai tais


Welcome Mai Tai Matty. I hope you, your family and your tattoo's have a blast at the Hukilau. We look forward to hearing more from you.

Howdy fellow newbies!

Max here from Houston. I'm a graphic designer and 80s music collector. I've also recently become a rabid tiki fan. In fact, this past Saturday I bought home a vintage bar and I'm building a tiki room around it. Originally I was gonna do a guest bedroom with a tiki motif but no sense in doing two rooms at once. So will work on the bedroom last.

Max aka DJ Mexstacy


New guy as of yesterday. Met some of you at NW Tiki Crawl. Always interested in new art. As an artist myself, I hope this can be a great new format to trade or sell some of my tiki work. People keep telling me to log on here. Hope this will help to unload piles of artwork in the closet. Love the site so far. Do you have origional art for trade?

Hey RobotParts!

Hearty welcome aboard Tiki Central! Wish you'd made yourself known before ITD (Internationla Tiki Day). Kilikopela, his wahine, and I celebrated it for Texas, with sushi and Painkillers (the liquid kind). A small, but loyal group are we.

At the risk of restarting a stupid, off-topic "discussion" (aka name-calling session), here's an old thread about the Tiki Tiki in Houston:

They KEEP taunting me with "it's gonna be next week" about the opening!!! AArgh! They said that the week before ITD, even (which always falls 2nd Saturday in August)!

Email me and let's meet up for a cocktail sometime.

BTW, if you got that fab bar here in town for cheap, i hate you, so don't bother writing...... :wink:


Thanx Formikahini!

Looking forward to meeting all the Tiki Texans in the group at some point.

Yes, after a long wait the opening of Tiki Tiki was today. I will be there friday to check it out (wonder which Hawaiian shirt I should wear?).

By the way our part-time accountant at work is a great bartender (#1 student at bartending school) working a sucky job so I tried to convince him to apply at Tiki Tiki but could not. Not his scene I guess. Damn, he could have hooked me up!!!!!

Max aka DJ Mexstacy


Thanks for the welcome! Raffertiki, if I were the one at the top center of the picture I would be one happy lesbian. :D


Aloha! Been lurking and reading over LAWebChicks shoulder for months now; it's time to come outta the closet. After living in our home, and not being able to decide upon a common decor for several years- we stumbled over TIKI! It's fun, it's haphazard, it looks great dirty AND it hides the fact that we are packratting slobs! So, the home, and especially the recent addition of the Durukuli Lounge has made our home a vacation destination. She,(LAWebChick), is crafty and I'm artsy, so it is an on-going funfest. Just this last week, I've started carving a sign for the Lounge, and tried my hand today on an old walnut trunk.I LOVE IT! Stay tuned for more, Tim


Yay! Tim is here! With his own name & everything! Welcome to TC.

I just like to say that I`m really glad about this forum.
Hopefully I can improve my English.

Aloha Moneypenny,
Welcome to the world of Tiki, can't guarantee that your English will improve though, but you will grow more tikified.


Aloha Everyone!

I have been bitten by the Surf bug for a while now (even though I am trapped in landlocked Ohio!) and have recently gravitated toward tiki as well. Due mainly to info garned on this forum, I have transformed a portion of my basement into a tiki paradise, I have become a flea market hound on the weekends, I have purchased a ukulele and am learning to play it and have started to carve again after a few years layoff. Most of what I have carved to date are blatent copies of the works found herein (these are for my own families pleasure - never for sale!)but I am working on my own style. Keep up the great work and great comments!!



My facination/gravitation of all thing tiki originated on my first visit to Walt Disney World's Polynesian Resort (that and the talking carvings in the Tiki Birds attraction).

Thirty years later I happen upon this incredible culture via this site. In less than three weeks I built my first patio Tiki bar. It's collapsable as I too am land-locked in the Chicago suburbs. All the decorations were inspired by suggestions from the forum. My neighbors absolutely love me!

I have found my people!



Very adolescent remark to follow...

Wahoooohoooo page 69! Giggle, giggle, snicker, snicker.

Drifting the virtual ocean in my imaginary Kon-Tiki with my trusty companion, Lulu,for too long now. It looks like we may have marooned on friendly islands. Cannibals or wahines? We'll see.

Howzit everyone?

Hanford, this site rocks!

...been surfing this site for a while now and REGRET not registering earlier.

Glad to be part of the Tiki Community.



Congratulations on morphing from a lurker into a full-blown Grand Member. Welcome!

Just wanted to WHOA! Great site and some awsome talent here!
Thanks marshouse for turning me on!

i think Ill stay for awhile if that ok...


Aloha! New guy SuperFly here. Been in the So Cal tiki scene for about a decade now. Some of you know me as the quiet observer in the corner -------- :wink:

Hello, all. I've been posting for a couple of days here now, after surfing your site for the past couple of weeks. I'm new to tiki, and I'm really floored by the artistic and creative talent that congregates on thes forums. Although the lore of tiki is new to me, I can't help but feel 10 years old again, when I grew up in the exotic wilds of Covina, CA, where my parents would throw frequent luaus with crazy drinks, tiki torches (the smell of kerosene still makes me nostalgic and somewhat homesick. Come to think of it, it just makes me sick), leis, and lots of loud, boozing, laughing adults. The crazy thing is, most of those adults were younger than I am now, but they'll forever be etched in my mind as thes unattainable celebrities who seemed to have the world all figured out.
I remember when a trip to Bahooka was the highlight of my month--something my brother and I would look forward to like a trip to Disneyland.

I've since relocated to the Great Pacific NW, where I have the--some would say dubious--honor of making the acquaintance of both Monkeyskull and Chongo. (though not at the same time. Monkeyskull can't stand to be in the same room with Chongo, for obvious reasons).

Actually, Monkeyskull and I will be schlepping to Hukilau together, so I'll look forward to making many of your acquaintances at that fete.

I am still new in here, but very excited! And, forgive the childlike humor, but I had to post since I would be on page 69 (snicker!).

Anyway, I may pay for that later, but at least I got a laugh out of it. And besides, you have to laugh at life because no one gets out alive!

I am a Japanese. king konga of TIKI farm is looked for. Please sell king konga.

RemyC posted on Sun, Sep 5, 2004 6:18 AM

I've been hard working organizing a regular Tiki night in Fairfield County, Connecticut. The website: http://www.tikimoon.com will be live in a few hours... so keep trying... I've always been a big Tiki fan lamenting the lack of Tiki bar scene where I live. But a few weeks ago, a Tiki bar opened at Papaya Thai in South Norwalk. There's hope for the Nutmeg Tiki gods :sheckymug:


HI I'm Moe and I met my husband in a Tiki Bar. He was a bartender at the time. That is about all the fascinating info I can come up with at the moment. Thanks.


Good enough for us Moe. Welcome. Welcome.

P.S. What concoction was he making for you?

Hey I'm Steve Legend, Punk Rocker from London and love Tiki! Me and Pickle (my girlfriend, posted on here about California) have been into Tiki stuff for a couple of years now after discovering Trader Vics in the Hilton hotel (damn expensive but very cool!) and Londons South Pacific! We picked up a couple of books and now hunt high and low for Tiki stuff for our 'Tiki Shelf' which is quickly turning into a Tiki wall and will probably end in being our 'Tiki Flat'!!

Hello people!! :)

cheers, steve, always glad to have new crew come on board!

if you're so inclined, photos of your prized possessions are always happily discussed!

there's lots of creative folks here, so you all should feel at home.

Hi everyone.

I have been digging Tiki stuff for many years, but I don't like spending much time in front of the computer. But I was reading some of the posts here and thought I might chime in once in a while, so here I am.

Joai posted on Sat, Sep 11, 2004 9:24 PM

I'm a new member... I've been reading the posts for a while but I just decided to show some pictures my wife took of our tiki room. Here's a link to them here:


We've been adding things gradually for the past three years. Our plans were originally a bit grander but the realities of thatch and bamboo cost made us scale down. We actually came up with a good compromise for the ceiling using greenery and a bamboo grid, but I don't have any good pictures of these yet. Also, like any lounge, the environment feels more immersive than the pictures suggest when the lights are low.

[ Edited by: Joai on 2004-09-11 21:32 ]

[ Edited by: Joai on 2004-09-11 21:37 ]

[ Edited by: Joai on 2004-09-11 21:46 ]

On 2004-09-09 07:28, Steve_Legend wrote:
Hey I'm Steve Legend, Punk Rocker from London and love Tiki! Me and Pickle (my girlfriend, posted on here about California) have been into Tiki stuff for a couple of years now after discovering Trader Vics in the Hilton hotel (damn expensive but very cool!) and Londons South Pacific! We picked up a couple of books and now hunt high and low for Tiki stuff for our 'Tiki Shelf' which is quickly turning into a Tiki wall and will probably end in being our 'Tiki Flat'!!

Hello people!! :)

Aloha Steve, good to have another Uk tikiphile on TC..


[ Edited by: Kon-Hemsby on 2004-09-12 01:53 ]

I'm hamfoot. Like everyone here I love all things Tiki, though I'll pass on the REALLY sweet drinks... Make mine a watered down honi honi... A "hamfoot honi honi"... Please excuse me, I'm sore--and somewhat delirious-- from building a tiki bar in my roommate's garage. He and his girlfriend want to paint the beautiful walls (lahala, bac-bac, and abaca matting) with clear acrylic. I have this feeling it will destroy the texture of the matting...warp it? ... I think that now I've built a pretty amazing Tiki Bar with my own two hands, I have a responsibility to join this little group... I need to stop obsessing over this. Folks are dying in Iraq...

[ Edited by: Hamfoot_Larry on 2004-09-12 01:51 ]

I like your bar, Joai. Better than mine! Welcome to TC.

My tribe!
I've been collecting tiki for a long time now but had know idea there was such a huge revival.Just happened to find TC the other night, and was glad I did.And Hukilau...
I just happen to be in Ft. Lauderdale.Looking forward to meeting people and having a great time!

Hey, Freaky Tiki:

Welcome! I see you're from Dana Point. Are the Wind & Sea and Harpoon Henry's still in business? Back what seems about 180 years ago, I was a waiter at the Wind & Sea.

Thanks poi,
Yea, there still here.It seems everyone who grew up in the area worked at one of those restraunts at one point or another...the Quite Cannon, Harpoon Henry's, Wind & Sea etc.You still living in CA?

hewey posted on Wed, Sep 15, 2004 7:37 AM

Aloha and G'day from Australia.

I'm a tiki head from down-under, Sydney to be exact.

Currently i'm studying land management at uni and fulfill my island fantasies with drawing tiki themed stuff. It started with Hawaiin shirts 'cause they're so bright and colourful. I've always been into cars and I started to get into traditional rods and kustoms, and Tiki culture. I got the book of Tiki and it just fot worse...Hello Ebay!

I want to get into Tiki art (skateboards, surfboards, art on canvas, carving etc) I really would like to have a go at making a tiki sculpture with stainless steel and fully polish it... and wood carving too.

Current ride is a fairly standard '70s Beetle, with Tiki pin up stickers, lei off rear mirror, and Hawaiin print parcel shelf. Next ride is '70s VW kombi with a full wrap around mural covering the whole thing, to be dubbed the "Tiki Wagon" - Keep you posted

hewey posted on Wed, Sep 15, 2004 7:40 AM

Me again

has anyone heard anything about Tiki stuff in Oz? Everythin I get is US based stuff from the net

Hi Hewey,
Tiki is pretty sparse outside of the USA I think. But speaking as a UK tikihead, things are there if you seek them out. We've got a bit in Europe and I guess with the American post WWII influence on Australia you might find some in OZ, but there;s none that I know of. Although I'm sure I'll be corrected.

Hey Hewey,
Is it true theres a tiki cafe on Bondi now?
Gonna be down your way for most of Nov if you wanna meet up for a drink, where in Sydney are you?
By the way sydneys where I got one of my favourite tiki items - my Von Franco bike from the bike store in Manly
Ther is also a guy from over here called Josh Collins who has moved to Perth and meant to be Building a place called The Zombie Zoo at the old Perth Zoo, its gonna be a tiki theme park

[ Edited by: cheekytiki on 2004-09-15 08:30 ]


Hello all!

I've been lurking for awhile and figured it was time to post. Besides, I just had two trips recently where I got to check out a few tiki places, and I didn't want to just barge into the "Finding Tiki" forum without introducing myself first.

My conversion to the tiki religion took place several years ago, approximately two seconds after walking through the front door of Portland's Alibi. Since then I've made it a point to seek out tiki whenever I travel (and occassionally travel just to seek out tiki, of course).

I'm also a long-time fan of mid-century modern (space-age, danish modern, googie, etc.) and classic cocktails, so tiki was a natural progression I suppose. It all fits together pretty well--my nacent mug collection is displayed right next to the atomic-patterned Salem North Star dishes I also collect, and my dog-eared Trader Vic's books are shelved right alongside my other vintage bar guides.

Unfortunately, the pickin's are a bit slim around here in Nashville. We do have the excellently-decorated Omni Hut a few miles down the road. In true bible-belt fashion though, they are one of the few (the only?) tiki joints to not have a liquor license.

  • Jeff
hewey posted on Wed, Sep 15, 2004 5:45 PM

Hey CheekyTiki

I would love to meet up with a fellow tiki head. I live in Penrith (think 75km from Sydney itself - about an hours drive depending on traffic). I will probably be busy 1st section of November cuase that is when uni is winding up.

I am gonna have to try and track down that Tiki cafe in Bondi though...

As far as WWII influence, my grandma has a genuine WWII era grass skirt from Hawaii in a trunk, from when her and Grandpa were in the military!


[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:49 ]

hey that sounds good... i think i might go

Hey everyone, Aloha! I am new to the site and can't believe how much tiki stuff is out in cyber space now. I have been collecting for about 7 years and love the culture. I am currently in the begining phase of construction of the ultimate tiki bar! The wife and I also just retuned from Oahu for a fantastic tiki vacation. Can't wait to talk with alot of you about the scene!!

Ka Maka Koa Tiki

[ Edited by: ka maka koa tiki on 2004-09-15 22:34 ]

On 2004-09-15 22:31, ka maka koa tiki wrote:
The wife and I also just retuned from Oahu for a fantastic tiki vacation. Can't wait to talk with alot of you about the scene!!

[ Edited by: ka maka koa tiki on 2004-09-15 22:34 ]

Don't forget to post any cool Hawaii tips onto the forum for other future Hawaii travellers (i.e. me)

[ Edited by: Kon-Hemsby on 2004-09-16 04:54 ]


On 2004-09-15 18:55, TNTiki wrote:
Makato, why don't you join us at Trader Vic's in Atlanta Saturday for Tiki Torch Nights and then come over to Knoxville on Sunday for a 2nd concert by I Belli di Waikiki? We would love to have ya.

I'm tied up this weekend. Rats!

Is Tiki Torch Night every Saturday in Atlanta? I'm going to be down there next month.

  • Jeff

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:50 ]


Aloha to all!!!
Just made it home from HukiLau, WOW what an event. I went with my husband Tiki Toa and I am glad we went. I had to come on and register for myself. I met so many nice and fun people and through this I hope to meet more. I have to say thank you to Dr. Z who helped me come up with my name. I hope he was able to recover from the party after the party at the hotel. I know I won't be consuming any alcohol for awhile. It sounds like a crime I'm sure to some but just ask Toa how our trip home went and you will know it's a good thing I am saying this. Well, after this tiki event, I am defintely hooked.

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