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Official Introductions Thread. New Members, Post your introduction here...

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My name is David Doris. I used to be a musician, but these days I write about the history of African Art, and also teach it to unsuspecting university students.

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, I visited an old Chinese restaurant in Washington DC--the Yenching Palace was its name, and it was up on Connecticut Avenue, where it had been since the early 1960s. I took a look at the drink menu, and said to the waiter, "My, but this 'Flaming Volcano Bowl' of yours sure does sound interesting! May I have one please?"

The waiter--his name was Sam; really, it was--retreated to the bar with his Mandate. Time passed. Soon returning to the table, Sam, now strangely wreathed in a glowing halo of clearest white light, set down with quivering hands the Golden Gift of Destiny that would dramatically and irreversibly transform my life. In the flash of yellow flame that blossomed forth from a wee ceramic volcano, erupting amidst a lagoon of tiny, tiny ice floes, I saw... The Word. And yea, The Word--TIKI--burned itself into the walls of my skull, searing my consciousness, and making me very, very thirsty indeed.

Fortunately, I did not have to look very far to quench my thirst--or so I thought. The answer, it seemed, was just at the far tip of One Very Long Sipping Straw. But even that Cool Libation did not fully satisfy, and the Fire of Pele still burns within... And so today, in humility and with respect, I come to Tiki Central, that I might learn the Way of Tiki, and that I might continue to seek, among this Society of Fellow Tiki-Seekers, the Profound Truths that bubble and froth beneath the cool shade of all those Little Paper Umbrellas...

Thanks for having me. Please return your trays to their locked, upright position. May All Good Things be yours.

David (tikifa)


Alohaz Gramps welcome to da village.

Tikifa howzit braddah, I like da story you wen sed about da kine "volcanic drink" and da tiki being burned into your brain!! you will meet da same kine peopo here wit da same problem. welcome to pardaise.


Good evening Mr. Gramps and Mr. Tikifa. Will you be having your usual tonight?

Welcome to Tiki Central Gramps & Tikifa. BTW Tikifa, that's a hell of an introduction!


Hey hey Gecko Tiki, Basement Kahuna, and Polynesian Pop!

Thanks for your kind words o' welcome! And from three Tiki Socialites, at that! I'm honored. Can't wait to see what's in store here, and my heart's just a-poundin' in anticipation. I'll be heading down to the Hukilau in Fort Lauderdale in June--perhaps we shall share a heady brew or two then? That'd be suave...

May All Good Things be yours,


.."I'm sorry, Sir, (Brew?)...You'll have to explain...we've never served that here. Perhaps you would be more comfortable in this jacket as well"... :)


Ah oui, monsieur le Basement Kahuna! I must be more precise wiss ze language in ze future. For now, please allow me to correct myself: by "heady BREW or two" I surely meant "unusually complex, somewhat suspect, but singularly tingly CONCOCTION...or two." No hops around here, bub! And I want my glassware to be a-starin' and a-grinnin' right back at me, too! You betcha!

All Good Things,



Aloha, I'm new to Tiki Central, and this is my first posting. I am Mr. Tikibars evil stepdaughter, and am looking forward to my first trip to Tiki Oasis in May. Hope to see y'all there!!

Welcome DiTiki. You need an "E" ticket for this ride.

Welcome Gramps, Tikifa, and Ditiki!

Tikifa, I just did some google digging on ya, and it looks to me like TC's got itself another very good potential tiki historian newly in its fold! Hoorah! Now all we gotta do is steer you away from Africa and towards the lovely islands of Polynesia; ever think about sailing a boat from South America to Tahiti? :wink:

Wlcome to Tiki Central Gramps, Tikifa & Ditiki,
Gramps, I get this visual image of you as a young William Burroughs, which is cool since he was one the greatest American writers of the 20th century. And Tikifa...Who in the hell do you think you are?...MICKEY SPILLANE! You are one silver tongued devil...keep up the good work. And Ditiki, It's good to see some 2nd generation TC'ers gettin onboard. Someday we'll be dust and all this will be yours.

[ Edited by: Shipwreckjoey on 2003-03-23 00:21 ]


Aloha Tikifa,

And welcome!

The Yenching Palace still exists, and it's sign- a true beacon in the night, http://www.clevelandpark.com/yenchingpalace/,still beckons!

Here's a small article about this true DC Chinese landmark- http://www.washingtonian.com/dining/Profiles/yenching.html

I was just wondering if you're still somewhere in the DC area these days?

I am drunkentiki.

"I am drunkentiki."

Aren't we all!!! :D
But seriously, welcome, drunkentiki!

Thank you tikivixen!:)


I'm TikiBud, and I hope all is well to all!

Welcome TikiBud!

Glad to have you aboard.


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2003-03-25 10:24 ]

Welcome Tikifa, drunkentiki, and TikiBud.


I am tiki junkman. My name is Chris and I live in Chicago in my tiki bachelor pad!

This is my first post and just signed up yesterday to tiki central.

Glad to meet everyone.

Hello, my name is Tiki Bong and I'm an alcohol..., opps, wrong meeting.

Atomiktiki here, enforcer for the Chicago Tiki Mafia, protector of all things that are Tiki!

Remember when in Chicagoland be sure to visit the fabulous Chef Shangri-La in North Riverside!

[ Edited by: atomiktiki on 2003-03-26 12:22 ]

Mambo posted on Thu, Mar 27, 2003 7:02 PM


I just surfed onto this site from konakai.com while tiki searching.
Awesome Baby!
I have been castawayed in Fort Lauderdale for the past 10 years with no tiki bradduhs.
Cant wait til Hukilau!!

Mahalo Mon


Hellos and heys and hi-hi-hi's!

To you, Shipwreckjoey: thanks for the good words. Nah, I don't think I'm no Mickey Spillane, 'cept when I got my hands around a nice warm gat or a naughty cool broad...

And to you, Formikahini: you googled on me? Eek! I feel so very...naked, so vulnerable! Yeah, I have a strange, creeping feeling that somehow, at some point, all this Moist 'n Chewy Tiki Goodness is gonna work its way into some sort of written something or other, probably an academic thingie in which I can use words like "exoticism" and "fetish" and "distillation process." I once ranted about my Tiki fixation to an Eminent African Art Historian over a couple of Moai-mugged Mai Tais, and I said, "You know, I think this Tiki thing might be my entry point into the study of Oceanic Arts!"

His response was a gem: "Yeah, right," he said. But I was serious. No, really, I was. Seriously.

Anyway, that Sven Kirsten feller has done a truly suave bit of historical work with that Book of You-Know-What, and it's sure to keep us all busy and giddy for some time to come. That chunky volume is one luscious, joyous romp through the tiki-fields, and it's got all sorts of brightly colored pictures to boot. Won't find THAT coming from any academic press, I tell you whut...

As for traveling from South America to Tahiti on a boat: who HASN'T dreamed of doing that? Me, I'd love to go. Got a boat?

And to you, Sabina: thanks for the fine info on Yenching Palace! I was just there a couple of weeks ago, suckin' down all those happy little nectars and chompin' away on a mound of Yu Ling Duck. I'm not in DC now, but I'll be back for most of May. Have you been to the Honolulu restaurant in Alexandria? Right on the money, that joint. And Politiki, on Pennsylvania Ave? Hoo HOO, those Presidential Tiki Mugs are quite the little somethings, ain't they? And then there's a place that seems to have opened up just recently--can't think of the name or the street (sorry), but I'm gonna try and retrace my steps and find it again when I'm back again in Our Nation's Capital. I'll be sure to make a report. Perhaps I'll run into you there?

All Good Things,


My I'm luminoir and I'm a tikiholic.
My girlfriend (now my wife) showed me TC a few months ago, but I just de-lurked on the "what got you in" topic, so I thought I should do the intro bit.

I was a passive collector until about a year ago, when the mild fever seemed to sponteneously blossom into something far more, well, I guess manic is the word...

Glad to 'meet' you all.

[ Edited by: luminoir on 2003-03-28 18:27 ]

[ Edited by: luminoir on 2003-03-28 18:44 ]

Hey all, dig it. I'm totally new to the scene here, can't wait to meet you all!

[ Edited by: SwingingTiki on 2003-03-28 20:55 ]


hi all, i am Viti Levu, completely new to this forum. I am wondering if anyone else is from Houston and if we have anything close to a Tiki Bar here.

Welcome to Tiki Central TikiJunkman, Mambo, Luminoir, Swinging Tiki and Vitilevu. Any offerings for Tiki?
You would get more greetings but The O.C. Tiki Crawl and Pre-Crawl are in full swing. A toast to all the hoity toities.
Ziggy zoggy ziggy zoggy oy oy oy.

I'm new so a big ALOHA!

If I can score a reasonable plane ticket to Vegas hopefully I will meet some of you at Mondotiki!


Thanks jungletrader!

It is great to be here! Trying to scrounge up some pennies for that Mondo Tiki Vegas extraveganza but being in Chicago, that might be hard to do.

need lots of pennies...

NormaGonzalez13 welcome to TC. You would get more welcomes but many of the regular TCer's (I suspect) are still recovering from the O.C. Tiki Crawl.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-03-31 19:05 ]

Hi, new to Tiki Central. I like retro stuff, collecting tiki from thrift stores, making cocktails and love Hawaii! Navy Vet, Native American descent, like making drums, breastplates, chokers, etc. After seeing the great carvings by TC people, might have to try my hand at that. Really enjoy reading the posts. Yahey, and aloha.


Welcome to Tiki Central Sneaky! We're glad you came! Why don't you make yourself comfortable and stay for awhile.

(By the way, the extra towels are in the linen closet across the hall from the Bathroom.)

Stunrut, Mahalo for the welcome! My speakers aren't working right now but I'll check out your station soon. do you play exotica?
I like exotica, bebop, swing, rockabilly and all kindsa' tunes.

Sneaky, welcome to TC. Read your post on the "What got you into it" thread. I've got over 30 books on American Indian culture & history and I've read them all. I could tell you about a few places in the southwest that I've visited and other things but oops, this is Tiki culture message boards. What tribe? Nez Perce?

Don-O posted on Tue, Apr 1, 2003 7:24 PM

Hi! Um, my name is Don Fields and.....I'm a Tiki fan..

"HI, DON!"

Well, nevermind the gag!

Anyway, I bumped into this board thanks to a few tips from the old L. A. Mod Com people. I posted a question about an old tiki pad in Long Beach and they said to take a trip over here.

Not bad at all!

Well, ain't much to add here; yup, I have the issues to Tiki News, got The Book Of Tiki, a few Shag books, a few nice Martin Denny/Authur Lyman CD in my collection and took a few pic of old apartment buildings in the South Bay area that, in the end, everybody eles had.

I have other pointless pursuits: Negativland, 'Daria', Xanadu, 1964 Worlds Fair, Googie, Monty Python, 'Josie & the Pussycats', Fred Lane....blah, blah, blah.

...and I finaly got published! 'The Whatever Of Shmuck-O Rat'; a "graphic novel" (compilation comic) about a rat living on Venice Beach: http://www.landwaster.com/shmucko.html

O. K., I'll get out of the way now,

Jungletrader, Thx 4 the welcome, Mohawk nation or Haudenosaunee "People of the Longhouse" (Iroquois) also Scottish, Italian
and Irish tribes... Glad to see you read about all native cultures, polynesian and Amerind. You live around S.F. right? Beautiful city! I just saw some petroglyphs out here the other day, one of them, a dragonfly, is thought by local scientists to be a polynesian carving/motif, got in big discussion with this guy about Amerind polynesian contact in Rapa Nui, S.Amer. WA. and ID. state. blah, blah...
Thanks again,

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki on 2003-04-02 08:48 ]

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki on 2003-04-02 08:51 ]

New here as well, live in Berwyn, suburb of Chicago and my husband and I are in the process of furnishing and completing our tiki room with a kickass tiki bar that Ill submit pics once its finished. We're counting down the days til Vegas, we're going for the vlv, but definitely plan on going to the Mondo Tiki and cant wait!!!

Welcome Don-O & AmazonAnne.
Where's our usual greeters? They might be in the jungle collecting coconuts or carving tikis, or on the beach pickin' up flotsam. They'll be back soon I hope.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-04-04 07:49 ]


On 2003-04-01 15:20, Sneakytiki wrote:
Stunrut, Mahalo for the welcome! My speakers aren't working right now but I'll check out your station soon. do you play exotica?
I like exotica, bebop, swing, rockabilly and all kindsa' tunes.

All exotica all the time!!!

Hello to everyone! I'm new to this forum as well as Tiki culture in general. I'm going to be building a Tiki Lounge this summer. It will be an open patio first, then enclosed into a sunroom/greenhouse. It'll be great for all those lush plants! I've just realized what I'm getting myself into, tiki obsession! Yayyy! :)

Tikiwahine, AmazonAnne, Don-Ho, tiki junkman, normagonzalez13, vitilevu ....


Welcome to the tribe! Pupu's are to the left and the bar is to right. Try the Zombie - its a real kick in the pants.

Welcome to TC TikiWahine. You've got some tiki sisters and brethren up there in the Great White North on this board.

Well I sure as hell will be trying many, many zombies while we're at the Mondo Tiki...cant wait!!!! You cant miss me Im 6'2 so hope to meet you all!!!! Course I know you James,but cant wait to get your book!

Thank you for the warm welcome PolynesianPop and jungletrader!


I'm hoping to fill the North West full of Tiki love eh! :wink:

Glad to be here, off I go to explore a little more!

Tikiwahine, I missed the post about where you're from. NW? Oregon? Washington? I'm in Portland myself... Welcome!

On 2003-04-11 12:27, Tikiwahine wrote:
Thank you for the warm welcome PolynesianPop and jungletrader!


I'm hoping to fill the North West full of Tiki love eh! :wink:

Glad to be here, off I go to explore a little more!

Greetings TikiMaxtonI

I'm from Victoria which is on Vancouver Island up in British Columbia.

Great to meet ya!

JTD posted on Sun, Apr 13, 2003 8:19 AM

Aloha y'all (I'm workin' on it),
I've been lurking for a couple days, trying to catch up. Thanks for the great site and info.


JTD, Welcome to the Tribe! :)

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