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Wendy Cevola - The Eyes Have It ....Black velvet is finished.

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(or perhaps get a Mac? :wink: )

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2013-10-15 09:35 ]

love all the pictures!

Here's my contribution:




On 2013-10-17 02:33, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

Ha ha ha!

MadDogMike thank you for posting the notice. I found out that I am addicted to TC. After a couple of days I bought my first laptop so I could still be on-line during the repair of my table top. Well the laptop was defective and after the Geek Squad worked on it for a few days they traded it in for the one I'm typing on now. I still haven't found where my emails are located but I'm back on TC.





Atomic Tiki Punk

Jungle Trader

Atomic Tiki Punk

Bruddah Bear

Atomic Tiki Punk

Tiki Tower
The Art of Robert Jimenez

Atomic Tiki Punk




Atomic Tiki Punk

You all kept my thread alive and lively while I've worked to get back on line. I've spent my crawl mug money to get our first laptop so that we'll always have a back up and never be off line again. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Logging on for the first time this morning and finding this party was super.

Now I'll see if I can find my photos and finish off the crawl.


Sunday October 13th a lucky number for the last day of our crawl.

The first stop of the day was with Randy and Milly. This is Randy.

I picked up this magazine and

Randy showed me that his tiki bar was one of the photos in an article. See bottom right. Dan didn't know he was in the photo but I wanted to show the bar behind the article.

I turned the page and saw that the picture of Sven ogling my Zombie Torch mug was in this article. Randy gave me a copy of the magazine and I was so happy to get it.

The bar

and behind the bar.

VampiressRN and Corona Countessa.

Chop Top and daughter who was so well behaved the whole day. What a doll.

In the back yard was this wonderful hut. The company has gone out of business so they were so happy to have gotten theirs.

Milly the host and Audrey.

Tacky Tiki and Randy.

Tacky Tiki's super cute sandals with limes.

Someone brought it to Dan's attention that a tiki pole had his butt (which is on the crawl mug) on its backside.

Close up, they did a good job without Dan modeling.

Milly opened up the box and showed her crawl mug. This is such fun for me throughout the crawl.

Randy and Milly had a bowl of pink flamingo rubber duckies. They told us each to take one. John from Colorado took one that was different. I thought it was a ducky in bondage but Randy called it a suit. It. turned out that it was placed in the bowl by a cursed Monkey and whoever took it had to now take possession of a cursed purple mug. Now John has the cursed mug and Randy and Milly are no longer cursed. Poor John he traveled the furthest to end up with this mug.

Group photo without me.

Group photo with me.

Just around the corner from Randy is the home of Tacky Tiki and her mom Audrey. They said, why not just walk over and add our home to the crawl. A beautiful tiki home and

tiki bar.

The back yard was also a treat with stone laden creeks with small bridges. We were so lucky to see their home.

The second stop of the day was at Steve Soto's home, Dan went to high school with Steve and they each separately found there way to tiki. The party was hosted by Steve and Laura. In this photo are Scott, Steve and Cathi.

Every house on the crawl had some of my ceramic art. I had fun looking to see if any was displayed. Steve had a lot!

Markmywords, wife Selena, Dr, Tiki Mojo, Lauren who owns Swanzburgs and Brenda's Tiki Hut.

Miss Monk-ii and husband. She also picked up my Somethings Fishy Bob at Mahalo Tiki's. Thank you Miss. Feel free to post of photo of you and the mug on my thread. Sorry I didn't stay long enough to do that.

Tikitastic (Mark who has the South Bay Crawl this coming weekend) Deb, Laura a host, VampiressRN, Miss Monk-ii and husband, Audrey and the Corona Contessa.

Steve's backyard.

The last stop was at Mahalo Tiki where Nelson and Mary had a car show and barbeque meal. It was an over the top ending to our last day. His shop is piled full with tikis for sale. Please stop by for all your tiki needs.

I believe the couple in the photo are rizzeaux. If any of my photos are wrong please re-print them with corrected names or additional names.

Savage tiki who each year drinks from my crawl mug. Nelson of Mahalo Tiki, Mr. Aloha, son and Tiki Hula.

The crawl for 2013 has ended and now its time to keep the party going. We all need to continue to get together and to have even more fun. Our Sacramento Ohana rocks and all our friends who joined us from other places do too. Everyone who visits me on my thread I treasure. I guess all tiki people are special and fun.

This has taken two hours so please forgive any miss-spellings etc.

Oh it is so good to be back. Hugs, Wendy and Dan

Wow, while I was posting you all added some more fun photos. THANK YOU!




Atomic Tiki Punk




Atomic Tiki Punk



Glad you got it figured out Wendy. We were so bored without you :)

Looks like you had tons of fun at the crawl. Very cool.

I now return control to you until next time in the.....Outer Limits!

ATP- strong work brother......


So glad that you & Dan are back! We missed you SO MUCH!!!
(although we did have a good time playing while you were away)
Really enjoyed all the pics from the crawl.
You are so fortunate to have all of these wonderful people in your life.

hang10tiki you bring me happiness.

lunavideogames we had the best time ever. Especially fun because we hung out with Moai Mike and Polynesian Pattie. I'll have to work hard to relieve the boredom, I liked that comment.

Atomic Tiki Punk I'm going to miss all these fun posts. We'll have to be absent more often, NOT!

hang10tiki ATP- strong work brother...... I didn't know you were brothers.

WaikikianMoeKele the Sacramento Ohana is a great group of huggy people with fun homes to visit. We are already looking forward to next year. I hope you will all play here whenever we leave because I sure had fun returning to see it all.


Today I'll start some catch up.

Duane O. aka Psycho Tiki D invented the Sacramento Crawl 8 years ago. I hope that means he did the first one in 2006. He started something very special because these events bring us together as friends. We see each other between crawls and always enjoy our time together.

Marlene aka VampiressRN wanted Duane to be honored at the crawl this year for all the work it takes to organize the crawl. We all wanted to say thank you for all the fun and joy he has brought to us.

I volunteered to make a mug for him, kind of a trophy. So I altered a Tiki Bob by putting a goatee on it to resemble him.

First I printed the text in the size I thought would fit on the mug.

I added his goatee.

I carved the words into the backside of the mug.

The rest of the lettering shows here.

I turned it into palm wood.

After the bisque fire and scrubbing I added black glaze to fill in the words.

After it dried I wiped off all the excess glaze leaving it in the lettering grooves.

Next I painted over the lettering with the palm wood glaze.

I painted his face. Hi Duane - Psycho Tiki D.

I left the mug in the shed to dry.

The lettering in black is now hidden by the other glaze.

After firing the front looked like this.

The lettering wasn't perfect. I think I put the palm wood glaze on too thick.

The bottom.

Duane came over to pick up his severed head mug. I had hidden his thank you mug.

Final photo in the MadDogMike studio.

Psycho Tiki D gets his mug. In case you haven't met Duane he is one of the nicest guys ever and a dear friend of mine and the entire tiki community.

Thank you Duane, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-10-18 08:08 ]

If you have a crawl mug on order I'll be contacting you soon to see if you still want it. Or you can PM me here or by email.

In the Sacramento area:

Rugby Matt



Far away:




Loki Tiki

Tiki Ano

Atomic Chick



Even if you cancel I enjoyed having your names on my list. I also have number 37/50 available for sale. $70 plus shipping.

Almost 12 inches tall and almost 4 pounds.

Cheers, Wendy

Wendy and Dan.

Not too often do I come on and post on TC threads anymore but your actions, efforts and words make it too difficult not to post. I am a very lucky person to have become friends with so many who share the same passion for Tiki that I do. I am humbled by the thoughtfullness of our Ohana and for the wonderful Tiki Bob mug you made for me. You are the greatest hands-down.

Our very first attempt at a Sacramento get together was back on December 10, 2006. Wendy, you are correct, this would be eight years of celebrating our local embrace of sharing our homes and our collections with our community.

Through a series of emails our first gathering was born. moondog426 was the one who originally posted the thread for the first meet-up, Sacramento Day December 10, 2006:

I was brand new to collecting Tiki at the time and was eager to meet those of like mind.

http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=21867&forum=17&hilite=Sacramento Day

Many of the original attendees have hosted and/or attended over the years-

Dave and Eva, Brad and Melanie, Ken and Beth, Mike and Alia and Brooke.

This has grown from a one afternoon/evening event to a full blown three day extravaganza and over the years we have had the pleasure of viewing and sharing so many wonderful spaces.

In 2010 I approached Wendy Cevola, whom I considered a treasure, not only for the massive and impressive collection she and Dan had amassed, but because of her incredible talent as an artist and I asked if she would be willing to create a mug for our crawl. I had no idea what it took to make a mug and little did I know what I was asking. If you have followed this thread from the start, you will see the result of Wendy's creativy since she began making our crawl mugs, which incidently has been done for the past four years. Not that Wendy wasn't making Tiki sculpts before this...Dan's collection has many unique one-of-a-kind items made long before Wendy started making our crawl mugs (which is why I thought it would be so easy for Wendy to make us a mug)!

After a six year run of organizing the local event, I felt it was time to hand off the mantle to someone else. Fortunately for our local Ohana, Marelene took up the torch and has expanded and improved this event and for this I am truly grateful, not only that Marlene took charge, but that it continued on.

So I was very humbled last Saturday night when I attend the crawl for the first time in two years. At Matt and Melody's house I was presented the mug Wendy made for me along with a copy of a Minnie's menu signed by the guests who attended this years crawl with well wishes and warm thoughts.

I want to express my appreciation to everyone who has attended or hosted our local event from the inception through this year and beyond. We have always been able to rely upon our local Ohana to come through with specatacular showcasing, some pretty incredible shows and of course, tasty food and drink for the guests. Mahalos to you all.

And it might seem it goes without saying, but I cannot thank Wendy, Dan or Marlene enough for all they have done to contribute to our Ohana and these events. You are very special people in my and I cherish being able to call you my friends!


Pyscho Tiki D

Duane, I can't hug you enough for your wonderful post. Thank you for taking the time to share so much history. I love having it here on my thread and I shared your post on the event thread too. You brighten so many days for us all. You are a treasured friend.
Wendy and Dan


I am truly back to work. Today I'd will share the steps to make the thank you mug for Marlene aka VampiressRN. It's easy to guess what her mug will look like.

Yep it's a VampiressRN mug.

To make small objects like teeth I use a tiny wet paint brush to shape them.

Next I carved a line around the face.

Added eyelashes and the RN in the heart. Marlene has the dearest heart of anyone you'd meet.

I carved the Sacramento Ohana thank you on the back.

Now it slowly dried in a loose bag for a couple of weeks and then was bisque fired. Here I've just glazed the inside of the mug.

For this mug I filled each word with red glaze and then let it dry.

Next I filled each letter with wax resist so that the black glaze for the body wouldn't fill in and hide the words.

NOw I painted the body.

See how the black glaze pulls away from the wax resist? Even where it didn't pull away it did when the mug was fired.

Front done and drying.

Back done and drying.

Now it went into the kiln to fire over night.

Front done.

Although the back was ok I later painted the letters in red enamel and set the enamel by baking it in the home oven. I thought it looked better without any white showing.

Marlene aka VampiressRN was totally surprised by her thank you mug.

And now you have the rest of the story.

Cheers, Wendy

Kool mug for the Lady Vamp
Two thumbs up

Very nice of you to make these mugs for the Ohana! Wendy and Dan are the best!

The VampiressRN mug is gorgeous as is the Psycho Tiki D mug.
Your tribute mugs are a beautiful tribute to your talents!

hang10tiki Lady Vamp is DA Bomb. She put on a terrific crawl.

lunavideogames I'm lucky to have the resources. It's like baking cookies in the wild west. Thank you.

WaikikianMoeKele Ah you are so nice to me and I appreciate it.


I need my ACER computer back. I am not organized.

A while back hang10tiki asked me to make a Suffering Bastard Bob. This idea was MP's. I asked him if it was OK if I made some and he gave me a thumbs up. Mine do not look like his but similar.

Dan had been begging for one ever since I made the one for hang10tiki so now is the time since Dan works for tikis.

I cleaned up a Bob mug and checked out a Tiki Farm Bastard Front

and back.

I started with the hands on the forehead and the chin.

Then I roughed out the arms and legs.

This clay is very soft and sticky so now it's time to let it firm up overnight.

I needed some more supplies so we went to Alpha's Fired Arts. My favorite store. The guy at the cash register has a mug of his face on the counter.

We also went to an antique mall where Dan found these treasures.


Sleep well a week of work is ahead, Wendy

Suffering Bastard Bob returns
Love that mug

:) :) :)

On 2013-10-20 21:02, danlovestikis wrote:

We also went to an antique mall where Dan found these treasures.

Love that album cover. What a great picture!


Wendy , Aloha to you and Dan!
Mucho mahaloz for sharing your fun with all of us.
David and CeCe in SoCal

hang10tiki I need to see how they differ in the sculpt. I didn't look back at yours I let Dan tell me how he wanted it. I'm so happy you love yours and Dan says he loves this one too.

WaikikianMoeKele it seems that there are a lot of great album covers for Hawaiian music. It's a fun search at thrift stores.

nui 'umi 'umi thank you. Sharing makes for a really fun day. I'm happy you stopped by.

Thank you all for letting me know I'm not alone here!


Back to Dan's Bastard Bob. Bob is a ham and loves to pose for photos.

When I sculpt I also turn the project upside down. It helps to see things from a different angle. I find lots of mistakes this way. When glazing you can find areas you skipped.

Now I'm working on elbows and smoothing the clay.

At this point I had Dan check out the sculpt. I told him Bob looked like Abraham Lincoln. He agreed.

So I removed the chin, enlarged the eyes and shaped and smoothed the arms and legs.

Next I changed the mouth so he looks like he is suffering over something.

Now for his pinup shots.

Now he'll slowly dry for a few days until I tweak him some more.

Thank you for the visit, Wendy


I'm already envious of Dan - Bastard Bob's looking great!

Ebtiki needs one to add to his HUGE collection of like 30,000 mugs

Lookin sweet W

On 2013-10-21 22:22, danlovestikis wrote:

Did Dan pose for this too? Hee-hee! :P


ebtiki has 50,000 mugs hang10. Dan earned this one. I'm so lucky he'll work for my art.

hang10tiki 50,000!

WaikikianMoeKele I should have had him pose again because this is a Bob mug and I've been told this butt and waistline looks very feminine.


I finished off Dan' Bastard Bob with some super carving. This is by far the best tool for carving clay. Tiki Ano has one too.

I just started off by outlining the face. I still use a wet brush to smooth the lines after carving.

This is how it ended up.


Now Bob will take a break to slowly dry in a loose plastic bag. He's really thick. Cheers, Wendy

The super carved Suffering Bob is looking great!
Now it REALLY looks like a Wendy original.


Yes, I LOVE that tool- though you're quite a bit better with it than me. :wink:


Yes, I LOVE that tool- though you're quite a bit better with it than me. :wink:

WaikikianMoeKele thank you Kele. I guess I've done a lot of that style of carving. It gets easier over time.

TikiAno it just takes practice and lack of fear. I was always afraid I would ruin a mug when I would start carving, now it's much easier to look and to know where to make the cuts.


Hula Girl altered version.

I did this cast a month ago and she's been in a plastic bag waiting to get out.

When I did this sculpture I had her leaning back too far. To fix her posture I just cut out a wedge.

I add some sticky slip as glue and bend her forward.

I then smooth out the line. No surgery scars for this girl. I put her on her side so that it has time to set. I let her rest this way.

The next day I started adding flaps that will become her grass skirt.

Every flap is glued on with slip so that no air bubbles are trapped.

All done for now and back in the plastic bag to let this all firm up.

Now this girl is ready to sleep too. Good night everyone, Wendy


Suffering Bob looks amazing - if you make one without the super-carving (maybe with traditional rings), I'm in!

hang10tiki, you're confusing me with Dan - he's the one with 30,000 mugs!


W- the new girl looks great

Eb- :)

Lil Grog during his C-section

I LOVE your Bastard Bob!

Hula girl looks great!

I look over at mine & smile!


ebtiki I'll ask you about SBBOB when I open the next Wish List.
Thank you for the check.
No 30,000 is your collection. Dan has 29,999.

hang10tiki thank you more steps tonight.

hang10tiki you were the photographer at GROG's birth? Now that's special.

Tiki Tonie the idea came from MP so I always want to acknowledge that. I'm glad you like my version.

WaikikianMoeKele that gives me pleasure. I hope this one will make someone smile.


Hula Girl Sculpture.

First I made the bottom of the grass skirt jagged.

hen using a wire brush I made the grass strands.

All done.

I started to make some strands of hair and uncovered a piece of plaster from the mold.

It was huge and by the time I dug it all out she had a hole in her head.

I carefully filled in the hole making sure there were not air pockets. Then I carved it so your couldn't tell.

She just looked at me until I got the message. She needed a good lei.

So I added it on and now she looks finished.

She's been put aside to dry.

Oh and I added a little design to the skirts belt.

Thank you for your visit and messages. Until tomorrow, Wendy


Love the new Bob and the Hula girl- the detail on the lei and her skirt are phenomenal, can't wait to see it bisqued. I guess I need to get a wire brush tool now, too, huh?:)

Wow, she looks fantastic...........

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