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Wendy Cevola - The Eyes Have It ....Black velvet is finished.

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It was 116
In the shade


Great new project ya started


Only hit the bootlegger
It's awesome

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-06-21 13:58 ]

Lovin' the Huge Maori Jar, Wendy! It'll be great to see how each of these unique pieces evolve. Great design!!

Tyber Tiki

hang10tiki Dan would not have left the hotel room with heat like that. Coming from Vegas were you two OK?

Tyber Tiki you really started something with your wish. It's one of my favorite projects of all time. Thank you!


Progress Report on the HUGE Maori jar for the show that Tiki Roots Rocka aka Michael Sbicca is putting together.
This was three days work shown step by step.

I forgot to take a photo with the lid on. That will show up later in the process.
Playing with clay sure is fun, Wendy

Holy detail, Batman! Amazing! I can't wait to see this done.

That's incredible......

(We were good in Palm Springs, the AC saved us) :)

Awesome detail! The side clay pieces running down both sides of the Maori look fantastic!


Wendy-the Supacarved Maori Jar is just sick. Can't wait to see it glazed, finished, wrapped up, transported, displayed and, finally, oogled at by show-goers. Really cool.

It's great to see you having taken that retro Bali Hai logo and done something with it. I while back I came across it and thought that turning it into a mug had some merit...but the way it turned out when you did it was better than I had pictured it....again, great job....another great mug from the Cevola studio....and the legend grows on....

Biotron2000 your words just make me blush.

hang10tiki you were too hot for words while in Palm Springs.

Tyber Tiki you really had a terrific wish. I just love carving these. This one took three days for the body and about a days worth of work to make the lid just right. It's all worth it.

RVICTOR now I would like all of that on my tombstone! The Bali Hai I used is one from the Sacramento area and not the San Diego Bali Hai. Which one were you thinking of using?

lunavideogames you are too much. Thank you so much for the Goonies movie. We will watch it soon and have fun looking for the scenes that show the house and jail we viewed on our last trip. You are so nice.


A few years back I sculpted some sea creatures etc. for Roge's chunk lamps. After he had molded them for resin I took them home and made one big mold so I could make necklaces. I've run out so it's time to make some more.

Pouring the mold.

Two hours later I poured out the excess slip and let it set over night upside down. The clay dried and came loose.

Here they are ready to be worked on.

Cut each one loose and then

used this tool to closely cut around each necklace.

All done.

Time to work on their bottoms. This made them lighter weight.

I also cleaned out un-needed clay using this tool.

My mess as I work.

For the first time I noticed that the clay I cut from the bottoms of the sea turtles looked like Hawaiian petroglyphs. So I kept them.

I just fine tuned each one as I did each step.

Now these will dry while I move on to the next type of necklace.

The swap mug and HUGE Maori need to be fired so I needed a few more pieces to make it worthwhile. These necklaces will do just that.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-06-25 09:59 ]

Ooh, I love the petroglyph / scrap piece turtles! One of the most fun things about this thread is how great your "failures" or "side effect" type pieces are. Plus the amazing intentional sculpting work, as always. I wish I had talent!

On an unrelated side note (going back several pages) to the TMJ sufferers: I've found that acupuncture really helps a bunch.

You are welcome. Everyone should have a copy of the Goonies. :wink:

Keep up the great mug making and we will see you soon at Tiki Oasis!


Wendy-The same picture you are using (the black and white) is the same that caught my eye.

bamalamalu my husband and I couldn't remember the word petroglyph and just gave up. Thank you so much. I went and changed it on that post.

If you look at the first tiki I ever made in clay you would laugh. It just comes down to practice. I've been doing this for a number of years now. My first sculpt that wasn't laughable was the Bloody Maori that Gecko molded and produced since we were and are friends. Get some clay and just play with it. I started with Sculpey.

TMJ is not fun. I'm lucky that it only hurt when I dislocated my jaw, now I'm careful and it's not painful. Good advice for those who are suffering.

Thank you for your post. Reading messages like yours is what makes my day.

lunavideogames we are looking forward to seeing you at Oasis. Dan is so excited to own the movie that has always been one of his favorites though he's only seen it twice 30 years ago. Now he'll watch it many more times. I'll watch it once with him.

RVICTOR isn't it a small world of tiki. If you run into any more from my area...share, please. I need inspiration for next year.


Part Two of making necklaces so I have extra stuff for the kiln.

The second Sacramento crawl mug was a decanter. When I broke up that mold I kept the one piece from which I could cast Tiki Bob necklaces. This photo is an optical illusion. It actually is inverted.

The molds are not flat so to keep enough slip filling Bob to the top of his head I make a dam. The next time I did this I just shimmed the bottoms with pencils.

I fill them up for 2 hours and then pour the excess out.

The next day I was able to easily remove them and

later to trim off the excess clay. On of the molds always makes a whole bunch of tiny air bubbles in the slip.

The holes are bigger than they look and you can't glaze over them. So I press then flat and then add clay on top and smooth it.

Four done with holes for the string.

I decided to make a few Moai necklaces too. So I cast one.

Now I'm getting a pile that will help off set the cost of firing a mostly empty kiln.

I started carving this Moai and when I finished

he had a hand grenade belly.

This one is just a fun in the garden Moai.

I made a couple more and now it's time to let everything dry out. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-06-25 13:27 ]

Love those Bob n huge Moai necklaces

hang10tiki me too. I doubt they'll leave this house!


The next steps for the Swap mug, HUGE Maori jar for the Xiem Clay Center Show and the necklaces.

It took three weeks for the HUGE Maori jar to dry and just a week for the two mugs and necklaces to dry. Now they are all ready to sand.

This shows how I sand the bottom of the mugs and a mesh sheet of "sand" paper. That's the Swap mug.

Using plaster and sanding both require a mask. See the flash reflecting off the particles? All done.

Dan's job is to air compress off the dust while I load them into the kiln. We both wear ear protection and the masks.

This Maori is so large that he's holding it while I take the photo and aim the nozzle at the inside.

Down and

up and


All done.

The last one was the Swap mug.

I loaded them into the kiln one by one. They could have been stacked on top of each other but I wanted to say I'd made enough to fill one shelf. I'm done with sculpting and casting and I'll only be glazing now for months!

The bisque fire is done and cooled and ready to be washed.

One of our washing tubs cracked so we got a couple of short garbage cans this time. Our plants get excited when we wash ceramics because they know they'll get a drink. We try to do different shrubs each time.

Waiting to be washed you can see the HUGE Maori jar with the lid on.

Top view.

Starting to wash.

All the next loads will be glazing loads. Now the real fun begins! Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki you always make me smile.


Catchup photos.

Out in the wild Dan found a Mark Thomas Outrigger Pineapple mug for $2.25!

BAck home he redid the sawhorses making them taller and stronger for the next time we make a mold.

This was a Wish List Failure. I just couldn't get the dot's how the person who ordered them envisioned. Worked out well because Dan liked it. But now he decided to have me change it and fuse the two pieces together.

So I glazed it and

after firing the dots where still there. Suborn little dots. Someday I'll try it again. These were CN glazes on top of CN glazes.

I'm working hard and I have many more photos to post as I free up some time. Cheers, Wendy

I like it! If you sell it, let me know.

Biotron2000 this is an actual cast of a Frankoma War God. I was given the copy write to the tiki line by my dear friend Joniece Frank so it's legal. I'll let you know if Dan wants to sell this one or you can order one when I open the next Wish List at the end of this year. Thank you.


I'm behind in posting photos of my work because I've been working so hard I'm to tire to post!!!

I'll just ahead here to show that I have glaze my Swap mug for the Enchanted Tiki Room Swap. It's a lot of fun.

Cheers, Wendy

Dan-0 nice find (pineapple)
Good idea to make the sawhorse taller, easy on the back
WarGod looks sweet
Swap piece, wow, it's looking great (hope it makes it to Vegas :) )

hang10tiki thank you for the visit and cool comments.


Last December as I started work on the Sacramento Crawl mug and Wish List #5 I added to that the pouring of Tiki Bob's.
I posted many of the mugs on page 116 because they were for sale. Some sold and some of those are still waiting to be glazes.

I've continued to carve Tiki Bob's whenever I watched TV. These are all new Tiki Bob's that haven't been shown here before. Some have been claimed by Dan and some by Mahalo Tiki. The rest will eventually be up for sale.

Right now I'm just catching up posting and soon I'll be showing those that have already been glazed.

After all of these have been made I plan to stop making Tiki Bob's unless they are requested on a Wish List.

  1. (First held for KonaKaiBaby), Second or Third.

  1. Red Brick Chimney Bob.

  1. Torch with flame.

  2. Tapa Doodles.

  1. Tapa Bottle.

  1. Bamboo already claimed by Dan.

  1. Re-do of a Wish List Order for K.G.McN.

  1. Mid-Century Cat held for lunavideogames.

  1. Maori carvings.

  1. Peanut and mid-century.

11, Deep carving.

Thank you for the visit, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-01 15:36 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-03 13:15 ]

I'll take the Cat Bob if it is not already sold. My wife loves the cat mugs. She bought a girl Bob from you at the Marketplace a while back, but she seems to like Bobs and wants everything cats :)


"Many more one-of-a-kind Tiki Bobs"? Now that's my kind of headline!
I'm digging the 'modified tapa' Bob, btw.
Cheers! e.

lunavideogames I am behind in posting. The cat mug is available. As soon as it is fired I'll check back with you to see if she still wants it.

We watched the Goonies and we loved the movie. Thank you so much. Having just been in Astoria, Oregon we recognized so many of the places seen in the movie. Sending that to us when they were celebrating the 30th anniversary made it even more special. Thank you so much.

ebtiki it's fun for me when it's fun for you!


This year I cast 100 Tiki Bob's. Some were used as bases for other creations and many were just carved for fun.
Here are all the rest. I am in the process of glazing them and firing them. They run from $75 to $95 depending on complexity of carving and or glazing. Plus shipping too.




These eyes are human, from outer space and whose knows what. I will glaze them accordingly.

E. - #1 or #2





I forgot to take more photos of this one.



Dan has claimed this Spider Bob.

I've lettered them in case you want to place a hold on one until you see it glazed. I'm going back to number the first set.

Oh my goodness! I want one of these Bobs soooooo bad. They all make me smile from ear to ear! I think the one I like best (at least unglazed) is the one in the first batch on the left that almost looks like the pattern is ferns or other foliage fronds? I'd looooooove it, if it's available. But if it's not, I'd be thrilled to have any of them in our home Hokulani Lounge! :)

Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Bob!

Thanks Wendy, keep me posted. I am glad you enjoyed the Goonies, it was one of my favorite movies from my childhood. Keep up the great mug making, we all love your work.

KonaKaiBaby I like your Tiki Central name. Welcome to my thread of step by steps to tiki ceramics. I'm smiling from ear to ear from your comments. I went back and numbered or lettered each mug. You can let me know which one you mean using them.
I have already begun glazing and firing so if the color I chose for that mug is one you don't like there's no obligation to take it. I'll be showing them all here soon. So I can hold it for you just in case post which one it is by number/letter or re-post the photo.

lunavideogames I'm addicted to smiling when reading these posts. Thank you. We have kids in our family that are going to love this movie too. I want to go on the water slide.


I just noticed that we are #1 on Cool and Current. Thank you to whom ever put us there. Dan and I are thrilled.


I have posted so many photos here that they will have to speak for themselves. I'm showing not just the latest Tiki Bob's but all of Dan's Wish List #5 projects. He doesn't work for free. I make many things for his tiki collection.

So the process is...sculpt a tiki, make a mold, cast with slip, carve and fine tune the cast. Let it dry. Sand and blow off the dust. Bisque fire and wash the ceramics. Glaze and fire.

For Tiki Bob's it's do the inside then the outside. Then the eyes and mouth. Then the white face and then the clear coat which is green.

Everything has to be dry before firing or it will boil.

I hope you enjoy the process. This is many months of work to get to this place. Wendy

Now I need a break before I go back to work. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-02 10:26 ]

1st photo
34 Bobs
U guys rock it......

Ps- Treg - goodies came out in 1985
I'm old

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-07-02 20:58 ]

hang10tiki you need to keep counting. None of those you counted are in this photo. Many of these were also waiting to be glazed. My table was going to break in half so I'm working on them all. More photos every day. It's so much fun when the kiln opens. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-02 21:08 ]


Wow, has been awhile since I was on here but I see you are as busy as ever Wendy! It was SUCH fun to meet you and Dan and take in all the wonder of your tiki land. Amazing collection and inspiring.

Love seeing your work happen! I have a few mugs I am really happy with, but still experimenting with glaze myself. So much fun though! Love your big Maori piece for Michael's show.

Yay! I'm SO excited :)

Oh Wendy, they are all even more wonderful now that the glazing has begun! They all really have their own personality. The one that really jumped out at me because of the cool pattern was the one you have labeled as the very first one in the very first pic. But if for some reason that one is already spoken for, the one next to it (#2) with the spiral on his forehead is also really fun.

My husband is building the mug shelves for behind our home bar now, and I'm going to tell him to make a special nook for the new happy Bob!!

Woodtiki multiple thank you's for all you wrote. We enjoyed our visit with you two as well. I am trying to finish off tiki projects some which started in 2012. I hope we see you at Oasis. Come back any time.

KonaKaiBaby I put your name on the mug to hold it. I believe it has been glazed in purple. So once you see it you can change you mind or claim it as your own. That mug is $75. I saw your shelves, you room is going to be beautiful.


Purple is my favorite color! :)

KonaKaiBaby that is a wonderful coincidence. It hasn't fired yet. I am working on the next load. They photos are of things done prior to your mug.


It's easier to find things for sale on the last page because they hadn't been glazed yet. The batch just out of the kiln has been raided by my husband Dan. Most I'm about to show were part of his Wish List. If you see something that is already taken you can keep it in mind for the next Wish List #6 at the end of this year.

Opening the kiln is such a blast. Sometimes it's not fun when problems are found but this load was not one of those times.

Ready to go inside for some black velvet photos.

A quick look at Dan's Wish List Bowl with Frankoma tiki's by Joniece Frank.

The very scary Phantom of the Oprah Bob is available.

Dan took the yellow mug with colored tiles. The other two are available.

Dan took the last one with swirls the other two are available.

These are available.


DAN'S WISH LIST ITEMS OUT OF THE KILN AND INTO HIS COLLECTION. Dan doesn't work for me for free. He works for tikis.

A specially carved Coral Reef mug. Dan took it/

Dan took all of these.

Dan took all of these.

Dan took all of these.

I gave Dan's necklace to Johnny Barajas so I had to make Dan a replacement.

I cut the bottom off a mug and to not waist it I made a goofy cup. Dan took it.

A peanut face (I sculpted it) on a coconut bowl. Dan Took It.

A coconut bowl with Joniece Frank's tikis. Dan took it.

A volcano bowl with Joniece Frank's tikis. Dan took it.

I made this Tiki Bob with holes so that it could be a torch. Here's how we made it. Dan took it.


This mug was Jen Tiki's Wish List #5 request. She now has it in her hands. Thank you Jen.


Wow I just spent 3 hours getting these ready and posted. I hope you enjoy them even though Dan took off with most of them.
I have many more tikis to show but the next batch will have to wait until tomorrow I have tikis waiting to be glazed!

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-03 14:40 ]

ebtiki posted on Fri, Jul 3, 2015 6:47 PM

Gorgeous mugs, Wendy - there's a few I'd love ... Only Dan beat me to them!
Cheers! e.

Great mugs

Dan-0 you're going to need a bigger house

ebtiki I tell Dan I need to sell them for travel money and he says, "I hate to travel". At least I get to see them in his collection.

hang10tiki then he would fill the next one. I am not giving him my living room, no way!


Every day I've been glazing and here's some of what I've gotten done.

Tiki Bob necklaces, painted the backs.

Painted the fronts and the white faces.

Painted on the eyes and mouth.

Drying in the sun.


These are the flames for the torch Bobs.

Time to glaze Dan's Enchanted Tiki Room mug.

All covered and then

I went back and removed a lot of the glaze. This will be buff like a peanut mug.

One coat in one direction then the next in the opposite direction and then the last one back again.

This is a torch mug and it will have a flame.

lunavideogames has claimed this one for his wife if he likes the colors I chose.

This one is spoken for by KonaKaiBaby. I'd already glazed it in purple when told that's KKB's favorite color!

Another supercarved mug.

I bought a new glaze and decided to use it here.

This Bob will look like a Dalmatian dog. I was careful in the placement of the black crystals.

This one has some peanut texture.

Glaze choices displayed.

I filled in with swirls with a CN Glaze.

I wiped off any that went outside the carving.

I've used a glaze with crystals and I'll hope that they stay put.

I took this photo of a torch mug and the rest of the photos are still in my camera. Story to continue.

This is many days of work. I'm still behind in posting so there's a lot more glazing and opening the kiln photos to post.

I hope you all had fun yesterday. We were in bed with the TV on by 8 PM. We be old timers! Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-05 16:21 ]

Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy

Remember to take an occasional Krispy cookie break

I can't wait to see Mrs. Luna's mug :)




This speckled orange glaze is fantastic and may need to be on my next mug.

hang10tiki I love crispy cookies. My best friend since jr. high just sent me a photo of crispy ginger cookies and said they are wonderful. I need to go shopping.

IDoVoodoo I like that.

JenTiki the name of the glaze is CN Orange Speckles. You were right on.


Catch up photos.

I snapped this photo of the Goonies while we were watching the movie. Thank you so much lunavideogames for the gift.

We searched for these Vernon Kiln Trader Vic's mugs for many years. They were found by Tiki Hula in our own home town just a few miles away. Dan feels like his vintage collection is as complete as he needs it to be.

HB Tiki aka Roger and his wife Margi came by for a visit and to pick up his Hot Tub Hula Girl mug. We had a fun visit.

Johnny Velvet sent Dan this license plate. It is now in Dan's man cave.

I am glazing like crazy right now and the only things that slows me down are accidents. I did this twice. Thank goodness we have this cat scratch rug over the real rug so catch it.

I'm going to stop now because I need to work to get done so I can fire. Thank you for the visit, Wendy


Whoa, looks like you're going broader & deeper with some of your carvings now.
The design really jump out.
I like it!

Back from camping yesterday & just saw the pic of my purple Bob!! I love him SO much!!! Can't wait! :)

Philot I have a lot of fun carving but as GROG would say not so much glazing.

KonaKaiBaby . He'll be glossy after he fires and the purple color will change. Fingers crossed that you still like him.


There are so many steps to making Tiki Bob. Here's the latest group of photos as I work my way through the Tiki Bob marathon. Each glaze was three layers and this took many 12 hour days. I'm just posting a few of too many.

I removed the green glaze with a toothpick and then painted the flowers yellow.

Each Bob that I glaze here will still need the white face and eyes and mouth painted so each of these is only half way done. I'll keep trying to post each day.

I appreciate the comments and the visits. Thank you, Wendy

I know I will! :)

All that glazing - whew! Can't wait to see everything fired!!!! :)

Geez, Dan-O is grabbing up all the Bob's!

Hang10 - Yep, I was 7 in 1985 :) I am also excited to see the Cat Bob! I will let some of my dog lover friends know about the Puppy Bob!

Looks good Wendy! I am excited to see how all of these Bob's turn out. They are all so unique.


Wendy - Way to Go. Your really putting out allot of good work. The frankoma volcano bowl is my favorite...what an awesome job. There are so many good ones...the carved Coral Reef, bamboo bob and black widow bob (honestly didn't think I would like it earlier on but you did such an amazing job on the glazing)...All such great work and u make it look so easy. :)

KonaKaiBaby (:

LoriLovesTiki me too.

lunavideogames I told Dan he has to wait on the next batch. Sales then he can go over the leftovers. He doesn't work for free.

I may leave Tiki Bob behind now and just do them if they are requested on the Wish Lists.

RVICTOR we'll see if the kiln delivers good works or messes.


Here's more of what many 12 hour work days can provide.

Not done yet. I'm past this point and just catching up posting photos. I look forward to each morning when I wake up to fun messages. Thank you all, Wendy

Lookin good

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