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Wendy Cevola - The Eyes Have It ....Black velvet is finished.

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We'll be meeting at the Shady Lady in Sac (14th & R) around 5'ish to ? Thanks for the answer on my question :)


As a mustachioed man, I weep for Dan's loss. However, he does look good, and about 5 years younger without it. And as an attached mustachioed man, it's probably much more pleasant to receive a kiss from him.
My poor wahine.

Anyway, WHAT'S WRONG WITH DAN!?! Is he okay? I seem to have missed the post with why he'll be in bed for a few weeks. Or is he hibernating for the winter? Either way, here's to hoping for a speedy recovery!

The Blue Kahuna maybe some kind sole will post a few photos that I can enjoy. I hope you all accept a imaginary hug from us.

Hale Tiki I took Dan for a fast walk in our neighborhood and he got a sharp pain in his knee. He couldn't weight bare for about 10 minutes and then we slowly walked home. That was in June. The pain didn't go away and it turned out he tore the cartilage. So on 12/12/12 he's getting it repaired. hopefully he won't be limping any more while he mops!

Kisses are really different after 34 years of bristles. He does look younger and sweeter so now I call him my boy toy.

Progress Report:

Take it easy in the knee.
Rest, Ice, compression, elevation and junk food...


Ps- if I lived close by I'd come sweep up the garage
in a cool had at the end of each busy day...


Thanks hang10tiki. He's in surgery right now and will be ready to come home in three hours. So I'm taking this time to post my Progress Report. Dan does have a few cool hats! Come visit and we'll let you try out his mop.

Roge of the Chunk Lamp fame came for a visit. We had a blast showing our collection to him. In addition he was able to verify that the chunk lamp we found years ago was made by him. It is on top of the bookcase right above his head.

Here he is examining it.

Then we took him to Dan's man cave to see where we hung a lamp we recently acquired. Again one of his. He said that the panels were made in 1978 (the year Dan and I married) and that he put it together this year! Lucky us.

It's hard to photograph the detail when the light it on so here's a photo with it off.

He said these chunk lamps can be different colors with differently colored light bulbs. He suggested we try purple in the future. What a great idea.

Wish List #3
Atomic Chick's Pac Man Bob needed two more layers of glaze.

When all three layers are done I then go and do a fourth layer with back searching for areas where the color had run over or smudged.

Waiting for each layer to dry before doing the next takes up a lot of time so I have to do each mug in stages. However last night it dawned on me that I could us the heater to dry them faster. A new trick!

Severed Head Progress:

This has to be the best mold we have ever made. I easily pulled off the end and top piece.

One by one they all separated without effort.

Looking at each piece I could see they were clean and didn't have bubbles or any damage.

The original is fine. I can pull off the clay when I'm ready and I believe Dan will get his head back.

We know have a fan blowing on the pieces 24 hours a day. It will still take weeks to dry. I'd try the oven but I'm so busy with projects that I can just wait.

Two more hours and I'll bring Dan home. I miss him already. (: Wendy


Best wishes for a speedy recover Dan!

Does he have a little bell that he can ring when he needs another mai tai?

It's fascinating watching the severed head project take shape.

You guys are adorable.

The mold looks awesome. I can't wait.

And please give my best to Dan! And tell him to be sure to keep on the physical therapy/bed rest. I didn't listen and my legs are all sorts of not right!

Best wishes to Dan for a speedy recovery! A couple of my friends had knee surgery recently and they are doing great. I am sure he will feel better in a couple weeks!

Haha, I was born in 78. You two have been married for a long time. :)

Speedy recovery Dan! You should wait at least 2 weeks before you kick Wendy with that foot :D

Hi Wendy,

I hope Dan mends quickly. We'll understand if you have to take some time off to play nursemaid to your "boy toy!"

Excellent work, as always!


Feel better Dan real soon, Wendy needs the slave labor :lol:

Pac Man Bob! That is SOOOO brilliant!!

Brilliant, I say.


how many mugs does DAN-O have???

get well soon...

Philot I haven't found a bell loud enough so I just check on him every couple of minutes.
It is fun to be making the Severed Head since I did them in clay back in 2005 and this is better. I'm glad you like the photos.

Hale Tiki thank you we like to be adorable! He'll follow instructions or I'll hide his coffee.

lunavideogames it is good to hear your friends did well with their knee surgeries. We've both had this surgery before and did well so we expect that again. You were born in a wonderful year.

MadDogMike don't give him any ideas. I'm working to get him well so he can get back to mopping.

LoriLovesTiki thank you. I'm going to try to work and take care of Dan however I have a raging sore throat this morning so I may take it easy.

Atomic Tiki Punk how right you are. Dan is my right arm and left leg.

Robb Hamel SM Bacon came up with the Pac Man idea. After this one I'm doing two Ms. Pac Mans. I'm so happy you like them.

hang10tiki ( danggggggggggggggggg how many mugs does DAN-O have??? )

hang10 we sent a friend out to count them in 2000 and he's not back yet!

Thank you everyone. Dan hopes to read these tomorrow when he's up a bit more. You are all wonderful, Wendy


[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-12-13 08:38 ]


On 2012-12-13 08:33, danlovestikis wrote:

Whoa, what's with the Star Trek glowy thing, is Dan a cyborg now?!!

Me and Mary wish Dan a speedy recovery... I got a present for you and Dan when he feels up to a visitor.

I hope Dan has a speedy recovery!

They let you watch the surgery AND take pictures?!?!?!?!?!

My guess is that Wendy did the surgery and put clay in Dans knee...


"Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the pottery. We have the capability to make the world's first ceramic man. Dan Cevola will be that man. Better (at mopping)...stronger (at slip-shaking)...faster (at dust-busting with an outdoor hose)."

Geez . . . I don't know if I owe apologies to the writers of "The Six-Million-Dollar Man," Terry Pratchett or Team Cevola, but, at any rate, get well soon, Dan.


Wendy, wishing Dan the very best. Missed a few days of posts, now getting the update. Hopefully the healing will be easy and quick. Maybe he can enjoy the process- just take it easy on him and don't work him so hard! :) Just kidding....

MahaloTiki Ahhh, he'll like that. I have a bad cold now so we'll see you when we are both well.

Tavarua Tiki I will pass on you well wishes.

LoriLovesTiki we always ask the person who doesn't have to scrub in to take photos for us. Most of the time it is the anesthesiologist. We put our name and address on the camera and hand it over when instructions are being given. I wasn't in the surgery suite. I would have loved to have been in there but back seat drivers are not allowed.

hang10tiki next up a knee mug and the tools will be the straws.

Professor G ("Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the pottery. We have the capability to make the world's first ceramic man. Dan Cevola will be that man. Better (at mopping)...stronger (at slip-shaking)...faster (at dust-busting with an outdoor hose).") Dan laughed at this, a really good sound. He wants to know if you can put it to music?

TikiAno catch up is good it makes me smile.

Progress Report:

Taking care of Dan and having a bad cold hasn't stopped me from working. All the germs will be killed in the kiln. I started the day by painting the insides of the jaguars.

Now the outside of the bowl has been painted with a gray glaze that will seep into the crevasses to show detail. It will be a bit darker when it fires.

I worked on Vampiress RN's Flamingo Bob. She left having the face white or pink up to me. The beak and eyes will be black on the front and back. We decided against white because it would make it look like a penguin. Scuba Bob now has all but his white face painted in under-glazes and clear glaze.

Thanks for all the well wishes. Dan really appreciates them. I'm looking forward to glazing some more today. Cheers, Wendy

PS now I'm off to infirmary to post one more silly photo

OMG I want a Ms. PacMan too! And a suffering bastard Bob...ugh stop making cool stuff Wendy! (but no really, don't stop)


If I lived closer, I'd happily pour mugs and mop your floor while Dan's laid up.
Speedy recovery, Dan!

Killer Kiln Indeed---hoping for a speedy recovery

That's a heck of a bump on your shin (infirmary pic)

I hope you both get well soon...

Atomicchick it's fun to see how the wishes of others reach out and grabs others. SM Bacon came up with Pac Man Bob and hang10tiki and MP came up with Suffering Bob. I get to fill wishes without having to come up with them. Thank you everyone.

ebtiki may Dan have a rain check in case you move here?

Holler Waller thank you we are working on it.

hang10tiki I conked out yesterday and couldn't move from the couch. Dan limped to the kitchen twice and microwaved TV dinners for us. I felt so guilty to let him do it but he has stamina after all the mopping and mold lifting.

I changed the dressing for Dan's knee and he's doing really well.

I worked on and off during the day to paint the white and black faces.

I'm so happy to be able to dry each layer faster on the heater. I locked my images but I don't know what it did because they still rotate back here.

The last two are done.

I loaded the top layer of the kiln.

The Temple of the Jaguar Bowl for Philot is done. He requested swirls of color. I hope he likes what I've done. First is a glaze that fires with black, red, orange and yellow.

Next a glaze that fires yellow and red spots.

Then a deep orange was added.

Then a deep red.

I added more to the black so that it would show up the best.

Into the kiln to fire.

I also put the Severed Head mold into the kiln shed so the heat would help the pieces to dry out.
I wish Dan and I were well enough to jump on the next projects but that's not yet a reality. Doing this work
set me back a bit but I'm so excited to have this wave in the kiln. When we are well I'll start on the rest
of the Wish List #3 projects.

Thanks for the visit and all the "get wells" for Dan and I, Wendy

This is your brain

This is your brain on fire! :lol: Can't wait to see how that turns out.

Get well soon Wendy & Dan :)

Suffering Bob looking right at me...

MadDog- u funny

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2012-12-16 14:48 ]

Wow that is wicked cool!

I can't wait to see how that fires! Will the glazes blend together?

Feel better Wendy & I hope Dan mends quickly.


I love the jaguar bowl...I have no idea what to expect....

And the face on the suffering bob made me snarf. My oldest thought it looked like charlie brown. Very cute.

Wendy, I love the colors on the jaguar bowl, can't wait to see how it looks after firing.

Sending get well wished to both you & Dan. I hope you'all feel better fast!

Looking good Wendy. Shout out to Dan and that knee!!!


Into the kiln to fire.

Oh myyyy.... /George Takei voice
This looks promising. I'm eagerly waiting to see how this comes out.


Wow! So much to love in here....

Mahalo Wendy & Dan


hang10tiki he is done, do you want him?

Atomic Tiki Punk ohhh I like that description.

LoriLovesTiki this is the first time I've tried this technique. See how it played out below. We are getting better thank you.

dartharnie he does look like his is worrying and I agree he is cute. My first step to making a mug is to think it through. That's what I'm doing now with your Mummy request. Soon I'll be well enough to start on him.

WaikikianMoeKele thank you kele.

VampiressRN check out your Flamingo Bob. Do you want it?

Philot it's close but not ready until it fires one more time. I'm very happy with the interior glaze. Today I repainted the skipped areas and added one more coat to the outside the bowl and jaguars. Finger crossed that it will look good this second time around.

McTiki do you have a kilt? If so please post a photo.

Progress Report: The kiln is open and here are the photos.

Top Shelf.

MadDogMike said I didn't have to thank him for the gift of the portable photographic studio every time I use it so this time I'll say thank you Mike for being such a great friend.

Here I have finished Swizzle's Bob (he hates Bob but had to have one of mine, I'm honored), VampiressRn's Flamingo Bob and Atomicchick's Pac Man Bob.

I have finished Matt the Cat's Blue Palm Bob, Marone Tiki's Scuba Bob and hang10tikis Suffering Bob. I learned a lot about glazes on the Scuba Bob. I even mixed in a metal glaze on the tanks.

Bottom Shelf.
Philot's bowl turned out just as I had hoped. There were a few small glaze skips that I've repaired today between coughs. I also added one more layer of grey. I'll fire it again as soon as I do a couple more projects so that the kiln won't be completely empty.

This one is with a flash.

You know I live for feedback. I was so happy to have all these earlier messages. I think you helped us get better. Cheers, Wendy

The Flamingo and Scuba Bobs are spot-on! And the Jaguar Temple Bowl is just all kinds of AWESOME!!!


Beautiful! The Jaguar bowl is mind droppingly beautiful. The sculpt, holy cow, not to mention the glazing. The widening of the Bobs continue to make me grin each time. I personally love the Scuba Bob, the metal tanks are incredible. (Though I still love my Bob the most). :)

Do I want him?
Do I want him?

I already have a spot waiting for that lil Suffering Bob masterpiece
in my Wendy and Dan area ( it use to be a shelf, now it's an area).

They all look awesome...

Christmas came early

I like what you did with the Flamingo Bob, the beak and eyes are great! The Jaguar Bowl is pretty epic too! Of course the Pacman Bob is looking great. Glad you are feeling better.

The jaguar temple bowl is out of this world Wendy! The glazing came out beautiful, I was nervous it would all run together or something but it came out so gorgeous!!!!


Flamingo looks fabulous...will you be able to mail him to me? Let me know $ including S/H and I will send it to you. FLAMINGO BOB

First off I need to just say a huge Thank You to each of you for your posts and greatly appreciated comments about my art. Here are just a few comments minus the thank you.

MadDogMike I posted on the swap today.

TikiAno it just shows how much fun you have to look forward too.

hang10tiki I love having and area in your terrific tiki room.

lunavideogames I have 3 Ms.PacMan's to do. When I stop coughing.

LoriLovesTiki I didn't know how it would turn out either. This last bunch taught me a lot. It's good to see you in MDM's swap.

VampiressRN I have printed the address slip for your Bob. Soon he'll be on his way to you.

I needed to fire up the kiln again for Philot's Temple of the Jaguar bowl so to fill up the space I glazed some more of the pieces that I made a long time back.

I made a couple of bowls. One for my great niece and one for my great nephew. I think I used too much of this product and the names will most likely melt into a mess. Doesn't matter too much kids will find it weird I gave them a bowl. However I'll fill them with treats that will distract them.

I just glazed another bowl as a test layering glazes on top of each other.

I added glaze to the inside of Philot's bowl.

I put one more layer of gray on the outside. That's only two layers. I didn't want the texture to disappear and the Mayan Temples are very light in color.

Philot's bowl is on the bottom and the rest I made to fill up the kiln are on top. The tall vase is my project for the Sea Creature Swap.

I have all the Bob molds and the Severed Head mold in the kiln shed. The heat helps them to dry out during this cold and wet winter.

Back to bed to rest and read. I go in waves. I know Dan is recovering well because he's in the jungle room arrainging tikis!
Happy Holidays, Wendy

I hope Samantha and Nathan know how lucky they are, cool bowls for the kids...

Wow did you all see the auction yesterday where Notch's head went for $372. I hope to see that happen some day with the heads I'm about to make. Mine are priced at $125 each and I'm taking orders now.

Thank you hang10tiki. I have a green glass bowl I won at the California State Fair throwing dimes when I was 8. I've loved that bowl ever since, my sister has a turquoise Fiesta ware bowl she won the same way 12 years before and its special for her. I hope I make a good Christmas memory for them with these. I've covered their last names which are also on them.

Progress Report: we have really slowed down being ill and getting ready for Christmas but I've done a few things.

We opened the kiln and found that the Nathan Jr. and Samantha bowls were just fine. Now I need some goodies to fill them with.

See how far away from each other the bowl and mug are? Well that mug spit on the bowl making a blue spot on top. Warning, any chunky glazes have the possibility of doing that.

On the bottom shelf was the Temple of the Jaguar bowl, 2nd glazing to cover some tiny glaze skips between different glazes.

Another glitch. But this shows my Sea Creature mug glaze really well.

On close inspection of the jaguar bowl I found than new glaze skips developed between glazes. So it was back to work on it adding more glaze again.

I had two more pieces from the dry series that had been bisque so I glazed them so that the kiln wasn't so empty.

I've always wanted to see if glaze could "glue" a piece to another piece so I added a puffer fish.

This is the third time I've glazed the jaguar bowl. I hope that this time it has worked. It is cooling in the kiln right now.

Next step for the Sea Creature Swap.
I used Super Sculpey to make 3 deep sea fishing poles.

I baked them in the home oven.

Then I painted each one.

The mug is the ocean. What can be caught when fishing from its depths?

It is just so much fun to be on Tiki Central and to spend time with each of you, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-12-20 08:49 ]

Saw that
MoEye MAX sure gets his hands on of a lot of good mugs

Dang double posts

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2012-12-20 08:26 ]

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