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Wendy Cevola - The Eyes Have It ....Black velvet is finished.

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Aloha W
Thanks for the luck
It worked

Got all 5 changed out and didn’t get shocked or cut

1st the lil one

Then a lil bigger one
(Forgot The before photo)

Then the 3 real long ones
(Top is one of the before pics)

I know
I know
Very shiny
Wahine likes that sparkle

Happy wife, happy life

Almost forgot
More lighting updates

Found these great solar
flickering tiki torches recently

And picked up this one for the tiki room
rechargeable flickering tiki torch with Bluetooth for music

I’ll let ya know how it works

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-05-20 06:36 ]

Wow hang10tiki that was a lot of work. Beautiful crystals. The tiki lights are so fun. Next they should have the lights dance to the music. Thank you for posting. I'll take a break tonight. Cheers, Wendy

Thanks Wendy
These Bluetooth torches work great
And loud :)

hang10tiki seeing my Tiki Bob's in your photos is like seeing a photo of a relative. I'm glad your speakers work well.


Wish List #8 Phase Four has all been bisque fired. Here is the last load. If you didn't see your wish posted then I haven't gotten to it and hopefully by the end of this year I will be sculpting again and working on Phase Five. I don't think I will ever be done.

These Harvey's shakers had to be done.

So all the last pieces of Phase Four were taken out to the back yard for sanding.

The last four Diver's Helmet finally dried and were ready to be fine tuned, sanded and fired.

Dan is the star of my show because I always look this wonderful while working and I don't want to show off how lovely this hobby is.

Dan dusted and we filled the bottom of the kiln.

He dusted what was left and

when it went into the kiln there was room to spare only I had nothing left to fire.

Two days later we scrubbed it all and took it into the house.

Now I have a home full of projects to glaze. First I will do the Sacramento Crawl mug since it has a deadline. Then on to the Wishes.


So much cool stuff Wendy! Hey, I came up with a new technique for sealing leaky molds. I know sticking some clay in the seams but you can pour the mold about half full, slosh it around to coat the inside, dump it out. Give it about 5 minutes then pour the mold as usual.

Love these updates! So many projects. It all seems so overwhelming to me, but there is so much joy in your's and Dan's face. You can tell you love what you do and it shows in the craftsmanship. Can't wait to see the painted pieces.

MadDogMike we do that also. It depends on the size of the leak. If it comes out like a hose I plug it. If it's a slow leak we rock it. It's good you mentioned it because it's been years since I mentioned it on my posts.

littlegiles sometimes even I have to take a break. I worked this morning for a few hours and then we went for a walk and then watched TV all afternoon. I feel so guilty!


Winter is over. I have nothing left to sand. It's time to start to glaze and finish projects. So it was time to clean out all the dust from spending the winter sanding in my kiln shed. It wasn't a good idea because everything was covered with dust.

You can't even see the pattern in the linoleum on the floor.

To do it right we took out everything in the shed so we could dust the shelves.

Once it was out I went through all the drawers and threw out anything that was no longer useful.

I had to dust every thing that was removed from the shed. It was a lot.

While I did that Dan mopped the floor and

cleaned the shelves.

He tried to get a good photos of me.

It is so nice to have it all cleaned up. This should last until I retire from ceramics.

My work tables are now bare.

This feels so good. Wendy

A well deserved, relaxing afternoon and nothing you should feel guilty about. Nice job getting your shed cleaned out. That is a lot of work!

Hamo posted on Thu, May 23, 2019 6:27 AM

Winter is over? Wish someone had told us about that....

littlegiles it's a joy to walk into the shed. I will never sand in there again.

Hamo when it's 50 or below I stay home. You must have many pairs of long underwear.


We have been told that the drought is over in our area of California. We stopped watering our lawn a couple of years ago to conserve. Since our yard is all wild weeds its fun when a beautiful flower shows up. Nope I didn't pick it but someone did as it disappeared by the end of the day. I'm glad I took a couple of photos.

I wish you all a fun three day weekend, Wendy

It's a three day weekend and I bet you are all out having fun. I've been glazing since this morning and now I'm taking a break. I decided to post something I made for Dan awhile back. Here are all the steps.

Many years ago we bought a set of restaurant ware dishes etc. We recently sold the set but I kept this odd numbered one because it had a imperfect tiki decal. I wanted to do something to this dish as an experiment.

I tried out some sandpaper and it worked to remove the tiki.

I left the words because they were good for my design.

I had this product that I had bought at a thrift store and I wanted to test it.

I started to draw. It had a very fine tip.

I filled in all the parts a squirt at a time.

Once I finished I let it completely dry.

Here it is fired.

The words remained and didn't burn off. I had guessed an 06 clay and that's what it was.

Dan hung it in his tiki jungle room.

That was fun. Now I'll watch for blank plates like this at thrift stores so that I can play again in the future.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2019-05-27 21:22 ]

Hamo posted on Sun, May 26, 2019 4:36 PM

Love that plate, and the shed floor is clean enough to eat off of.

Plate came out great
That’s a steady hand right there
You should use that stuff n put that Moai all over Dan-0s car

Such a cool re-use for the plate. It came out really nice.

This week Dan and I celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary. This is what I got for him. He'll enjoy the photos a lot. He gave me a home made card which is what I love best and lottery scratcher tickets. He picked them well. We turned $35 into $100. hang10tiki we followed your luck trail. Wendy

Happy anniversary

How’s the book Dan-0?

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-05-28 21:39 ]

We had a good time relaxing in our courtyard tonight
Tiki torches going strong

hang10tiki thank you. He's only a few pages into and likes it already. Another great book with photos of artwork from people like Babalu.

Are there mosquitoes in Las Vegas in the evenings? I sent you an email last night with news of your wish. Wendy

Hamo posted on Fri, May 31, 2019 9:45 PM

Must. Have. More. Tikis....

Hamo I've been working too hard to post. Soon I will start a catch up and you'll be posting Noooooooooooo more tikis.

We do have them in LV
They avoid us
They know that they will be eaten by Tikis in our yard

hang10tiki how about guests in the backyard?


I am so happy to have noted that I've passed 1000 replies. It took many years to get there. The next milestone will be 5,000,000 views. I love numbers.

OK time to start to Catch Up again. This run of photos will start on 4/18/19 and run through 4/20/19. This is back when I did 14 hour days.

These are Wishes and glaze test Sacramento Crawl mugs (more on these after I catch up).

If you see something and have a question please ask. Thank you for looking, Wendy

Hamo posted on Sat, Jun 1, 2019 11:06 PM

Ahh, that's better.

Love to see that Zombie Village mug. And are those Bob lamps?

Hamo yes, the three tallest have sold and shipped out to Eric Allred who will wire them for use at his home. I don't wire them.


Wish List #8 Phase 4 continues with a mug that was a challenge. Here are some of the many steps.

MadDogMike would have done a perfect mug without problems. He would have used underglazes. Then he would have fired it and when cool dunked it in water. That would have shown him if there were any imperfections. If not he would have painted on the clear glaze and fired it the last time. If I had a small kiln I would have done his wonderful method. Instead I did a whole lot of work and ended up with a less than perfect mug for which I charged half of what I would have if it had turned out better.

Here are my messy steps that I DO NOT recommend anyone follow. That is why I pulled them out of my glazing catch up files because they were here there and everywhere in them.

These steps were done from 5/1/19 to 5/28/19 with work done almost every day.

The Rainbow for the LGBTQ community was the inspiration requested. I found the glazes that were close to the image.

I would do a layer and put the mug

out in the sun to dry and then I would do more.

Each color had to be done in three layers

so I was in and out of the house a lot.

This is the mistake I made. I felt that where the groves were the glazes didn't come together in a straight line.

I asked if I could separate each color with this black liner which is an underglaze. The answer was yes so I proceeded to draw it in.

It was a bit wobbly.

Once it was finished I let it dry and then did some touch up glazing.

I checked it over

and I was happy.

Once the face was done and it was all dry I glazed it with three layers of clear.

When it fired the black product moved and made


So Dan dremmeled them off and I re-glazed the mug and we fired again.

The dremmeling and firing took place a couple of more times until it was as good as it would get. The flash has bleached the colors. The mug has shipped to the owner. I will know in a few days if he is happy.

That product worked well for the South Pacific Moai plate project. I will only use it that way in the future.

Cheers, Wendy

Shame about all the extra work from the bleeding, Rainbow Bob (Rainbob?) is absolutely lovely!

*"MadDogMike would have done a perfect mug without problems. He would have used underglazes. Then he would have fired it and when cool dunked it in water. That would have shown him if there were any imperfections. If not he would have painted on the clear glaze and fired it the last time. If I had a small kiln I would have done his wonderful method. Instead I did a whole lot of work and ended up with a less than perfect mug for which I charged half of what I would have if it had turned out better. " *

:lol: You give me a lot more credit that I deserve Wendy. I have plenty of glaze fails, I just don't post them all :wink:
But you're right, I would have used underglaze on that project :D

Sandbartender it's funny but once something is done all the past fails and work memories fade fast. I'm so happy you liked him.

MadDogMike all the problems came from the black liner which was an underglaze which moved when it shouldn't have. The colors stayed in place, they were Duncan CN glazes. But I love your technique of firing before you do the clear glaze and then dunking it in water to check if the layers were thick enough and how they were placed.


More glazing catch up photos. Fast and furious! I picked out the Tiki Bob's so I could do a glazing marathon.

One layer done out of three. Eyes on the end and firing. Cheers, Wendy


Thanks Wendy

Split personality Bob

hang10tiki those are wonderful photos. Maybe you should do one with a big knife stuck between the two halves.
I only say that because today...

I did it first and then it was Dan's turn. 41 years of marriage you become very similar.

Cheers, Wendy

Hamo posted on Wed, Jun 5, 2019 9:23 PM

Yikes; I hope those aren't your tiki-carving or vinyl-spinning hands....

hang10tiki those photos are a dream come true for me. I am going to share them on fb.

Hammo every finger I have works clay and Dan's touch vinyl every day. But paper tape saves the day.


More Glazing Catch Up Photos. These were taken 4/11/19 until 4/15/19. There's a lot of walking when glazing. In and outside, to the garage for glazes. To the sink to wash up. Here's a few of the steps taken during those five days.

I glazed the Tahiti mugs that were cancelled. They are now in the latest garage sale we are slowly adding too.

Scrabble likes to spy on me but I caught her.

I show one but I did six one layer

at a time until three layers were done

on each of the six mugs.

To hurry up the process I put them in the sun to dry. If you do this and see cracks in the glaze form those cracks will turn into glaze skips. So what I do is scrap those cracks down to the bisque and re-glaze those areas. So if the glaze is thick let it dry slowly rather than in the sun. Wonder how I figured this out???

I do the Hot Tub Hula Girls in waves. First I do all the insides and then clean up all the overrun areas.

The next project was a fun small one. A carved green coconut with a Frankoma swizzle stick locked in place.

I always have a Tiki Bob in there someplace.

Now I made some necklaces and little Frankoma statues.

The Catch Up is going well. Now I'm up to mid-April. I will keep them coming. Have a sunny day, Wendy

Great set of photos on that update

So much goodness in this update. Those Tahiti mugs look great, Love the mermaid/hula bowls too!

Aloha Wendy
Temps over 100
Pool time

hang10tiki that last photo was a good one. We now have three friends with melanoma. One is stage four and one has had six removed. All were fun in the sun people.


I'm back to doing catch up photos of my glazing progress while I also glaze the Sacramento Crawl mugs. Here's what else I've done.
These photos were taken from 4/15/19 through 4/26/19.

I always to the water line several extra times. This makes a barrier to prevent the skin glaze from moving down. I use an under-glaze but it still moves.

I then do all the bottoms leaving a small box for numbering the mug.

I do them all and leave them to dry before I do the next step.

I had forgotten to glaze the opening so I just stood at the counter and did them all.

Next I did the sides.

Then they sit until completely dry.

I had a wish for a Zombie Torch mug. Great because I had one flame left. I will make them as mug with a regular top

but I'll not make the flames again.

Glazed in brown and ready to fire.

The Tahiti mugs are in our next garage sale. We don't have enough yet but he'll purge one more time.

Just one little glaze skip and I'll have to glaze it and re-fire.

If the glaze goes in too thick and cracks when it dries the cracks do not heal they cause huge glaze skips. I already re-glazed and fired this mug and all the skips went away.

It's really fun when one of your mugs sells for $100 more than what you charge.

I did a marathon.

I finally did some black velvet photos of projects. Now I can put them onto my gallery page.

A Tiki Bob wish that has gone to his new home.

I do Tiki Bob lamp bases. The buyer has to do the wiring.

I do the required number of layers for the girls but even underglazes run. I always have to glaze twice and re-fire every single one.

I carved a tapa fogcutter. It's on hold for Terra W. I glazed it in brown then scrapped and wet wash clothed it off of the outer areas.

Once it was done I glazed it in the tapa colors.

That was a lot of posting. I appreciate hang10tiki doing it with me. Sometimes I take a night off when he does it.
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Even if you are at work I hope your free time is great. Wendy

Guess What? Even more catch up photos of glazing projects. These are from 4/27/19 through 5/1/19. I skip around when glazing so that layers can dry before I start the next one. So my photos jump around too. Many of these have already been shipped to their new homes so you may wonder how you recognize them. My post are as organized as I can get them. Oh well, I do try hard.

I'm letting these photos speak for themselves. If you have a question or comment I appreciate either. Thank you always for the visit, Wendy

Hamo posted on Sun, Jun 9, 2019 3:38 PM

Everything's looking great. Love those tapa fog cutters.

Good update pics

More catch up photos of my glazing days. These are photos from 5/1/19 through 5/5/19. I'm less than a month behind!

The black I used was an underglaze so I needed to go back and cover it with clear glaze.

This wish is in the owners hands. It's a another Tapa Bob version.

Here's the back.

This many mugs were in need of re-glazing, here they are waiting to go into the kiln.

Here are two that were glazed and let me know they were happy with how they turned out.

I am working on 11 Hot Tub Hula Girls. This will bring me up to number 129. I have a long waiting list so I'm not yet stopping.

There as so many glazing steps and requests for

hair color and even flower color.

Scrabble thinks she owns the place. She just squeezed in beside me and rolled over.

I was mixing glaze and it looked like an egg.

This one started with a light pink base and

then a whole lot of other colors.

Her boyfriend does this for clients.

It's not easy to do so many colors. Here's my version.

Now it was time to paint the coconut rim in bright white.

This hair color was to be black with a tinge of red.

I dried the white glaze outside.

Then I did two layers of clear and


I dried them outside.

Hot Tub Hula Girl mugs always require two glazing and two firings before they are ok. There's always defects and blotches but as long as these are forgiven I will do the work to get them done the best I can.

Cheers, Wendy

Love these

Looks like a hula girl convention

My sunscreen

Keep the Tikis happy


hang10tiki the best time to swim is in the dark. Drunk tikis never drive.


The catch up glazing photo marathon continues with these from 5/6/19 until 5/8/19.

I hope I retire before I run out of Liquetex Glossie enamel paint. They stopped making it. I will buy pin-striping paint for cars if I do run out.

The Hot Tub Hula Girls are out of the kiln and waiting to be inspected.

Meanwhile all of these Tiki Bob's went on to their new homes.

I wanted a group shot. The four mugs on the right starting with the pink one are still for sale.

I checked and every single one of these mugs needed to be re-glazed and re-fired. It's always that way. If you put on too much glaze it runs into the water. Not enough you do it all again.

Glazing does go faster the second time.

Once they are dry they go back into the kiln.

Catch up is going well. Wendy

Love the wall of BOB
And I see my favorite


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-06-13 09:57 ]

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