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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet painting is finished.

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Thank you Sandbartender. It's a bit inaccurate. We did spend around $300,000 since 1997. To do that we drove the same cars from that year and took most vacations at tiki events. The 8,000 items counted everything including simple shell necklaces. That's how many price tags I used. However some things just went right out the door from our rooms without being tagged. This is the life of a working couple with no children.

Thank you to Ray Wyland for sending PUNCH to us.

Here's a shorter link that takes you to the same place as above.

Link is here: https://punchdrink.com/articles/secret-lives-tiki-cocktail-bar-fanatics


So I photographed the photographer as he took his photos in our home. Again the flash shows all the spots on the wall where I filled nail holes. They don't show otherwise. One day we will have the inside of our home painted but I'm in no hurry since I need to work on the Wish List.


Now these are photographs of the photos and text of the article. To see some of the photos you have to click on underlined words and it wasn't then easy to get back to the text. So here it is exaggerations and all. Of course I'm NOT 68!

We have a few things left in the garage to sell but after selling 90% of the collection we are now happy with our tiki decorated home and no massive collection. You can visit many of our items at Max's South Sea Hideaway in Grand Rapids, MI. We shipped entire rooms to him. It took us a month. We hope to visit there one day to see all our tiki babies on display.

Meanwhile I will be back to work on the Wish List. This is the month I would be working on the next crawl mug but I have retired after 10 years so I can catch up. Thank you all for the visit and all the support these past years. It's been a blast and it's no where near over. Cheers, Wendy

That was awesome Wendy
Love the photos
Great article


The Sacramento Crawl begins with three stops on Friday October 4th, 2019.

This year Robyne and Kurt put together a pamphlet on the crawl with interviews of all the hosts and myself by Kurts wife Jennifer.

I made 76 crawl mugs and they flew out of my truck and

into homes and hands. Sold Out.

First stop of the crawl at Veronica and Neds. Stop A

Second stop at Missy's and Nate's. Stop B

Last Stop at Robyne's and Jimmy's. Stop A.

Looks like a great day
Love the award

Thank you hang10tiki, it's always fun to be surprised.


Day Two of the Sac Ohana Tiki Crawl 2019. October 5th.

The first stop D was at Britt's home.

Hanging out at the truck waiting for people to pick up their mugs turned out extra fun when visitors arrived!

My girlfriend Leah kept me company during the day. Dan brought us water and food.


Second Stop E was at the home of Kurt and Jennifer.


Stop F at the home of Amelia and Randy


Stop G. Hosts Monica and Scott.


The fifth and last stop for this day was H at the home of Stephanie and Jeremy.


One last day to go. Wendy

Amazing pics
Thanks for posting

Sac Ohana Tiki Crawl 2019. October 6th.

The first stop on the Last Day of the crawl was at Swanberg's on J. Dan and I found Christmas gifts for each other while here and we will be good and wait until then to open the bag again.

Lauren goes all the way to Lockford and stands in line to buy this Hawaiian sausage. It is so good.

The next stop was at the Jungle Bird for brunch.

The very last stop of the crawl was at Whylee Raven's aka Dave and Eva's.

Marlene and her mom were their to greet everyone. Marlene has coordinated the crawl for the past few years after Psycho Tiki D retired. We have been so fortunate to have people step up to keep this going.

Eva prepared all this food for guests. We were co-hosts but didn't lift a finger.

Dave gave detailed tours through different rooms of their wonderful horror movie, tiki, pirate home.

Chuck was on a tour but he didn't look frightened.

I am so fortunate to have nooks in homes where all the crawl mugs I've made over the past 10 years are displayed.

Arthur has a Shag set of ears from Disneyland.

Here is Eva finally getting some rest.

The plaque is now in our home waiting to be hung. We are so honored that they did this for us.

I was also interviewed for the crawl booklet by Kurt's wife Jennifer.

When the crawl ended a few people came by to check out our on-going tiki garage sale. This couple took home a Alien clinging to a bowl that I made around 2006. One more empty spot on the table. The downsizing continues.

The crawl has ended! I don't think it could have been better. Cheers, Wendy

Awesome pics Wendy!

zerostreet thank you. We had a lot of fun. Next year I will not be selling mugs so I will get to visit with everyone instead. I'm looking forward to that.


I'm back to work glazing, firing, re-glazing and firing again Wish List #8 Phase Four wishes. Here's what I've done and re-done.

I can't believe I missed glazing one eyebrow. Another mug to work on.

I added enamel red blood and 24 hours later I baked it in the home oven to set the paint.

Next I will have their final Black Velvet photos. Cheers, Wendy

Good batch o big mugs

hang10tiki they are huge. I should measure them and also see how much liquid they hold. Meanwhile here are photos of some that are completed.


Wish List #8 Phase Four has some finished mugs that will begin to ship out in a week or so.

Who said this should be called Tiki Bobanaut? Did I spell it right? This one is for Gregory Liebig.


This is the Alien from the planet Zintron. No matter how I tried I could photograph his mouth. His microphone kept it hidden or maybe it was for my own protection. Thi is for Eric Sacht.


Next up is my version of a 1950's Robot mug.

Out of the kiln he is a bit plain but I had ideas to jazz him up.

I have lots of bling supplies.

Even expensive ones. Also some great cement.

I also sent away for eyes. First I put on a disk of mother of pearl and then the eyeballs.

Then I did all the inner workings of the robot. I used abalone and gems.

I also used pinstriping paint.

Here's what's under the lid.

It's wonderful to have some finished pieces. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2019-10-27 09:39 ]

cy posted on Wed, Oct 16, 2019 8:43 AM

Wow, what great work Wendy!!

Cy, thank you so much. Seeing you pop up here makes me smile.


These are the O2 out Diver's Helmets. I am going down the list of wishers seeing if they still want one.

Number 1 for Alex Reaney claimed.


Number 2


Number 3

Number 4


Number 5

These all start as blanks and then I hand build the skulls and all the tubes and decay. These are lots of fun to go. Wendy

Great colors on these Wendy
Nice work

Heath posted on Wed, Oct 16, 2019 9:33 PM

Those turned out really well.
The patina finish makes them look like they haven't seen daylight for a long time.
They make me wonder what their lives would have been like had they not run out of oxygen...

hang10tiki thank you, it's fun to try and show the helmet decaying away in salt water.

Heath just in time for Halloween. You do cause us pause to think about that.


I used to wonder if I would make 5,000,000 views before I gave up ceramics. Now I'll have to adjust that number to 6,000,000!
Thank you all for every time you have logged on to see what I am working on. More photos soon. I'm having a visit with my sister
and her family right now.

Smiling at you, Wendy

Those Out of O2 pieces came out absolutely AMAZING! Definitely some lucky wishers getting their dream mugs here.

Those all came out great! Really like that green "crud"!

Sandbartender I had seven orders by people on the Wish List and I went down the line in order. Six needed to cancel. So I went to the waiting list for them and all five are now paired up with people who were ready for them. Ceramics are so slow to make, at least for me that I always expect cancellations. The waiting lists are people who sign up as soon as I post them and it's gratifying that they are so happy to grab one. The best part of this hobby is all the people I meet. You included.

MadDogMike if I ever make them again I will try other "cruds" because you are right that's fun to do.


Back on track. Wish List #8 Phase Four is once again in progress.

This idea for a morphed mug between a Ren Clark Severed Head and a Frankoma War God came from Trey Goodwin.

Ren Clark head have a lot of cold paint. I thought I could just do it all in glaze but the red didn't pop. So I did the cold paint.

I did all the usual areas and then two days later I baked it in the home oven to set the paint.

All done and ready for your inspection.

The most fun I had in doing this mug was matching up the mouth on each mug so that it became one mouth.

Cheers, Wendy

Love two face

hang10tiki thank you. We are missing you and SewTiki. I think we are getting closer to a visit!!! 2020 is just around the corner.


Wish List #8 wasn't exactly involved in the next two heads. I just needed to "cut" loose and do something not ordered. I made it and it was snagged by Trey Goodwin before it was even glazed.

Ren Clark's head was found in possession of some head hunters. They didn't even have to sever it. Came ready to shrink.


Then this Ren Clark severed head started out just fine until I dropped it. I titled this version "Smacked". It too was grabbed by Trey Goodwin before glazing. Here it is finished.

When we bought a real one from the sister of Ren Clark's son I asked for permission to bring it back and he was all for it. Ever since I've had fun doing just that. On the bottom they say Ren Clark back from the Dead.

Cheers, Wendy

Guess What? As usual I am behind in posting. September 9th, 2019 Dan and I left for Maui. I will not day by day show you our trip. Then it will be back to the Wish List projects.

Day One 9/9/19

We got to the airport super early. We had around two hours to wait so we had breakfast and then walked around. We found this keyboard. I typed in I love Dan.

The music came our like a sad cow mooing. Then we posed for the photo where the music played.

We were so happy when we got on the plane and our trip was starting.

5 1/2 hours later Maui was just below us.

We drove to our hotel and then spotted Roy's and decided to have lunch.

In the parking lot we spied this and worried about crowds.

No worries we were the only ones there for a late lunch.

We had our choice of seats.

Now it was time to check into our room For this trip we asked for a full view of the ocean on the ground floor.

Big mistake. Full ocean meant full sun for half of the day. Maui was in a record breaking heat wave for 14 of the 15 days we were there.

The view was beautiful but in another hour the sun was lower and you couldn't look out. We kept our drapes drawn and the view blocked for most of the stay.

We tried to see the sunset each night but missed a few. Since we were on the ground floor everyone out walking could see our entire room so again we drew the drapes for privacy.

This trip taught us that high up garden view rooms, which we have always had before, are the best for privacy and for a view.

Cheers, Wendy

Day Two of our trip to Maui, Hawaii in September 2019.

We woke up at 7:30 am California time. That's sleeping in for us. However it was 4:30 am Maui time. We got up and dressed and went for a walk in the dark.

We saw hotel employees with head lamps out cleaning the pools. We walked for 2 hours.

As the sun came up we spotted tikis here and there.

Then it was time for Dan's favorite part of the day. Breakfast buffet at the hotel. We have a garden view. The temperature was increasing.

We had never been and we needed a place with air-conditioning so we went to the Maui Aquarium. It was really nice. We even saw a 3D movie on Whales.

We returned to our room to relax and to read and found a gift from the management. Good we have a refrigerator in the room.

Later we went to Leilani's for lunch. By accident we found that our silverware was magnetized.

It was fun to play with them while we waited for lunch.

Oh no a blurry sunset. It was a fun day.

Cheers, Wendy

Continuing our Maui trip. This day was 9/11. No matter where you are you pause to think of that day and hope there's never another one like it. Being in Hawaii makes you think that we have been attacked from one side to the other side of our country.

We continue to get up at 4:30 am and to take a 2 hour walk.

Then it's off to the breakfast buffet at 6:30 am. This is our garden view. This is a huge tiki. The largest we have seen on the island.

Each morning this cat joins in at each table until he is given affection and fish. He loves to be scratched. Our waiter said he comes at breakfast and dinner every day.

After reading for most of the morning we took off for the Hana Highway. That is where you find Mama's Fish House. Our travel agent Woo Hoo Wahine gave us a gift certificate to spend here. Even still it takes a lot of cash. We consider this an activity like renting and taking a boat ride out on the ocean.

It is a very small area with a beautiful beach. You can't go there without a reservation and it's valet parking only. We almost didn't get to go. I logged onto the computer and found they were booked out for a month. While I was on=line one reservation freed up and I snagged it. Make a reservation from home a month in advance to be safe.

The entry into the restaurant.

When you are waiting to be seated you have photographs of previous famous guests to look at. Here's an example.

We were so fortunate that we were given a table at the open side. We had a beautiful view clear out to the ocean.

All of the meal was elegantly presented and well prepared with wonderful flavors. It was hard to beat the desert.

After the meal we walked the grounds and looked at the ocean and beach. Such a beautiful place to visit.

On the way back to the hotel we stopped at Maui Tropical Plantation. Good for shopping or a walk.

They now sell duck food so you can feed the birds.

I'm enjoying the books I brought. We spend a lot of the hottest part of the day reading. Because I have had skin cancer and lost the top on my nose I have to avoid swimming and direct sun. So to beat the heat we read in our room and wait for the sun to set.

Another day in the hot paradise. Wendy

Next up is day day four 9/12/19 of our trip to Maui, Hawaii. Record temperatures and humidity each day. 97 degrees.

We started our day by driving to the Tommy Bahama's restaurant near Kihei for lunch.

Pretty view of plants and good food. On our trip to Oahu we were given a gift certificate from our travel agent Woo Hoo Wahini. We were to ill with colds on that trip to use it so we brought it along for this vacation. Woo Hoo thank you!!!

In the shopping center I noticed the suit, the one on top. When I was in high school I made all my clothes. My mom said if you are going to do the work it should be on something worthwhile. So I made suits like this one. My school friends thought I came from a rich family but the truth was I had a super smart mom and a Singer sewing machine.

Guess where we went???

Scott was home ill with the flu but we were able to meet his wife. I miss the days when we collected tiki art. Now we too sell it.

We love driving through tree arches.

Our next stop was at the Iao Needle.

We keep meeting really nice people who offer to take our photograph when we haven't even asked.

This is looking down the valley back to town.

This plant is for Moai Mike.

Our routine is the breakfast buffet with lots of fruit, a fun meal someplace nice and then a meal from an ABC store for dinner.

We had a visitor.

I keep hoping for a colorful sunset but it's fun no matter what it looks like.

There is no chance for the heat to let up on this vacation so we continue to walk at 4:30 am and then to read books in our room. From now on we will figure out the weather before we book a trip. We thought it would be 80 at the highest and we were so wrong.

Cheers, Wendy

Day five of our trip to Maui Hawaii. 9/13/19

On our 4:30 am walks we have inspected each hotels grounds on Kaanapali's beach. We still believe for us this is the best laid back hotel. We really enjoy how easy everything is from parking to dining. It's right in the middle of the beach so we can walk either direction each morning.

Today we drove to a park and got out to walk and ran right into our desired destination. Duke's.

The view is outstanding. We requested to sit under a ceiling fan and that helped. Today was the worst heat and humidity so far.

It was essential that we cool down and this hula pie really helped. We will do this again on other hot days.

The rest of the day was spent reading in bed and then for dinner we had half of this food. The rest will be for tomorrow night. Once again saved by the ABC store nearby.


Day 6 of our trip to Maui, Hawaii. 9/14/19

On our early morning walk along the ocean we not only saw the sun rise we got to see the moon set.

The day before was so hot we decided to go up country towards Haleakala to our favorite place on the island.

We made it and it was cooler around 80 degrees.

It wasn't cool enough to dress like this but having had skin cancer and losing my mother to a melanoma I dress to protect myself from the sun. It's hot but it's worth it. The white shirt is from REI and is 30% sun proof.

I took 100 or so photos but I'm showing my favorites. I take so many so I can use them when I do black velvet painting.

This is part one of this day. We were only half done. Wendy

Have to take a break here for Halloween. Dan is so nice to do these each year. He has the Halloween Spirt!

May you all have a wonderful evening today and every day. Wendy and Dan

We hope you all had a very safe and happy Halloween. We handed out more than 400 pieces of candy (we had 450 but we ate some) and then went inside at 8 PM. When we looked outside later on there were now teenagers roaming the streets looking for treats but we were warm and cozy in our recliners.

We sit at the edge of the sidewalk so no one has to go far for candy.

Most all of the adults were also in costume and that made it a fun parade.


Part two of Day 6. 9/14/19 in Maui, Hawaii.

Next we set the GPS to take us from Kula Gardens to Surfing Goat Farm. It was one very long but beautiful drive. We finally found the turn off and wow what an entrance. Nope this went on to a private residence, maybe Oprah Winfrey's. There was one more sharp turn into the goat farm.

We checked it out but didn't stay for the cheese tastings. Too hot and

too dusty now that it's afternoon.

We decided to go back to Kihei to see Scott and Rob. It was lunch time so we looked around and spotted this place.

The hotel is beautiful with Hawaiian petroglyphs.

The Indian restaurant was terrific with a beautiful view.

I stuck my camera out the window and got this one too.

We were a bit late for lunch so we had the entire place to ourselves. Note the poles.

Inside and out the place has tiki poles as supports. We found a wonderful place and enjoyed the food too.

Scott was still ill with the flu and we were told that Rob wasn't feeling well so we headed home and read waiting for this sunset.
One of the best so far.

It's hard to beat the Hawaiian islands even when it hot. Most of you can go into the ocean and pools to cool off.

Not done yet, Wendy

More of our trip to Maui, Hawaii in September 2019.

Sunday Day 7. 9/15/19
Our event for the day after our morning walk was the Sunday Buffet. Champagne and

a mile of choices. The service was really good as was the food.

This was an extra hot and humid day so I finished my second book since we started the trip. Then the sun set beautifully.

Monday Day 8. 9/16/19 we drove all the way downtown to see the Maui Nui Botanical Garden.

As it turned out this used to be a zoo. Now there are concrete structures here and there that are tiny and that shows the zoo did need to close. It was hot and dry and there were not many plants to see here. They need an influx of money to buy more plants.

What to do? Hmm, how about driving back to Kaanapali Beach to Duke's. When you have a meal there you are given a coupon for another Hula Pie. We couldn't let that go to "waist" or could we?

The Korean Barbeque tacos were excellent.

Back to the room to start book number three and to figure out what to do the next day. The road to Hana is calling my name. However it's not calling Dan's.

Cheers, Wendy

Day 9. 9/17/19. Another day in Maui begins.

I always buy local newspapers when on vacation. This was the headline I thought should show up every day so far.

This is a view of the beach we are staying on.

This is how the sun effects our room.

Dan spotted a huge snail. It's the kind they eat on Naked and Afraid XL one of our favorite shows. A man on a balcony yelled at us, don't step on my breakfast!

It's time for an adventure. Wendy

Since we walk at 4:30 am and then go to breakfast at 6:30 am we usually have the place to ourselves for awhile.

Except that we are joined by this fellow every day. He is on well fed cat.

Later in the day there were some clouds and even a drop or two but they passed on by and we were sad.

Part Two of Day 9. 9/17/19

I told Dan that I wanted to see the road to Hana again. It's a 6 hour drive to go 48 miles because there are so many one lane bridges and the road is also a 10 to 25 mile an hour road. Then of course you need to stop to look at waterfalls and scenic views. He said it was torture the first time we drove it and he didn't want to do that again.

Soooooooooo, I found a helicopter that would take us to Hana and drop us off. There we would board a van that would return us to the airport. So that would cut the drive time in half plus we wouldn't have to do any driving.

He said yes. The best part was no one else signed on that day so we had the helicopter to ourselves! I was bent over so the blades wouldn't cut off my head.

Dan road in the back seat and

I sat up front with the piolet.

We took off and saw that the clouds were back. I wondered if this would interfere with our flight.

These clouds were hiding the volcano Haleakala.

I was so happy when the piolet took us above the clouds and

the volcanic crater came into view.

We were really close.

On the rest of the way to Hana we viewed many waterfalls in which there are no roads leading to them.

Then we saw the small town of Hana and

then the airstrip where we would land.

The helicopter lands like an airplane. It was above the airstrip but it went all the way down the airstrip.

Then we landed and walked to the building where the driver and the van were waiting for us.

We had a really fun flight and I didn't forget to tip the pilot. Loved his socks.

One last selfie with the helicopter.

This ends part two but part three is coming up soon. Wendy

Part Three of day 9. 9/17/19.

We are off the helicopter and we were taken to the van. It was full of people who had gotten up at 5 am to catch the van to drive to Hana. As we boarded we heard the whispers. Do you recognize them? Are they one TV. Not sure maybe the movies. I guess arriving alone via an helicopter made an impression. We later confessed that it was only because they hadn't sold the other seats.

Our first stop was for 30 minutes. We were given a lunch the others didn't get fed. They hurried away to find a beach.

We spotted them down below.

A real black sand beach.

We spotted an arch of lava and then

we walked back to the van.

This is what it's like to ride on the road to Hana. It's not in great shape. I was trying to take a photo.

We passed some waterfalls but the vote was to not stop. We didn't care.

Another stop was a hike to the top of an overlook.

Then the hike back down.

We drove through Paia. This is a fun town to walk through but today we just slowly drove through in the van. We were dropped at the hotel. The ride back didn't take 3 hours. Our driver knew every turn by heart and was able to speed safely so he cut the trip to the airport down to 1 1/2 hours. But the other passengers still had 45 minutes to go on their ride to their hotels.

We stopped at a Wallgreens for some chips and enjoyed how different it was from the stores back home. So many choices!

So many bright colors.

This day is done. Five more days to go and then the trip home. Thank you for visiting my trip photos. Wendy

The trip to Maui continues with day 10 and 11. September 18th and 19th, 2019.

Our day started with a visit from a friend.

After breakfast we drove to Lahaina. It's so crowded later on and so hot we went early. We still had to stay in the shade to survive.

We walked from one end of town to the other and then back to our car.

The Banyan tree is always worth visiting.

By the time we got back near our car some stores were open and we snagged a good tiki photo.

Dan came up with a good idea. He had use walk under the shower that is at the beach. Once we

were drenched with cold water we walked to the Whaler's shopping

area and had an ice cream cone. By the time we walked back we were dry.

The next day we read until it was time for lunch. Then we went to Duke's again.

We can't resist the view or the free hula pie. This is our third and last time for this trip.

For the first time I have a sunset photo without the boat in the picture.

A few more days are left. Wendy

We are now at day 12. 9/20/19 of our trip to Maui, Hawaii.

We looked at the map to see where we needed to go and found a place called Sacred Gardens. Hopefully it will be cooler there.

We arrived and found that it is a garden shop. They have made it fun. Plants in all kinds of containers that they have found here and there.

It's a large place with many nooks and crannies and even an outside space.

It was fun to find a Trader Vic's mug with a plant inside.

A cookie jar and

some metal art and

really good use made of a huge broken pot.

Just before it was time to check out, Dan found a CD he wanted in the gift shop, we found a tiki to admire.

After Sacred Gardens we drove to the town of Makawao looking for a good place to eat.

We chose middle eastern food.

We sat outdoors and for once there were clouds and we had a cool 80 degrees. I loved these roots.

We relaxed until the food was ready.

If you go here let me warn you. The hot and spice garlic sauce should be avoided because it's not just hot you can brush your teeth your mouth everything and you will still taste it.

On the way back to the hotel we had to stop at Hilo Hattie's for old time sake. We picked up a bag of Mac nuts.

Another fun day in paradise. Wendy

Hamo posted on Tue, Nov 5, 2019 7:36 PM

On 2019-11-03 20:06, danlovestikis wrote:
As we boarded we heard the whispers. Do you recognize them? Are they one TV. Not sure maybe the movies. I guess arriving alone via an helicopter made an impression.

I thought for sure you were going to say they recognized you both from Tiki Central.

Those wet t-shirt pics were a little shocking; maybe that post should have a parental warning....

A few months ago, I found this great Hilo Hattie shirt at a thrift store here in Colorado:

[ Edited by: Hamo 2019-11-05 19:37 ]

The last three days #21, #22 and #23 were easy days. We did some driving to see if there was anything besides Duke's north of Kaanapali Beach. Nope just a lot of homes.

We continued each day to enjoy the cat who joined us for meals.

You can see the cats leg under our table.

Everyone gives him food and attention.

I just noticed that he had lost the top of his ear.

In our room we turned on the movie The Big Heat. While a woman is dying in Glen Fords presence a Moai is looking on. We sold on just like it to Moai Mike. We still have one in brown that Dan will keep for a few more years.

We made a quick trip to Kihei. There is a quilt store that sells bark cloth. I bought enough to fill my suitcase to it's limit. Then we walked over to this antique store. It's crazy inside.

This juke box belonged to Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. For a dollar you get to tour the off limits area and I did just that. It was fun.

Our last night produced the very best sunset of our trip. I like to pretend those two heads at the bottom are Dan and I.

We are obsessively early but we didn't even see any security.

We guessed we were being watched from a video monitor someplace.

Eventually (hours later) people arrived an checked us in. We have easily identifiable suitcases. I painted the flowers on mine.

The plane came and we boarded.

Leaving Maui.

Arriving in Sacramento, CA. on 9/23/19.

We had a great trip and learned a lot. Next up on my pages will be the trip that hang10tiki just returned from. Here's comes Oahu, Hawaii in all it's glory. Bring it on hang10tiki. Cheers, Wendy

Aloha Wendy

Love the tour via your photos
Thanks for posting
Great food, flowers, tikis and what’s with the cats?
They love you guys!!!
Helicopter to Hana :)
Looks like you had fun even with the heat


I’ll post
10 days on Oahu

A big portion of our vacations include walking like yours do.
In 10 days we walked 70 miles.

Day 1
Day flight so most of this day in the air

Our airplane
Our hotel view from the Hilton Hawaiian Village
Lunch and a beer with the Tikis

I still can’t believe our favorite macadamia nut pancake
breakfast place closed :(

And we have never seen these before.
Giant pods that looked like candy corn.

Getting dark already.
But you can’t mistake the pink lady.
That’s what Janelles grandmother called the Royal Hawaiian.

Thought the day was over, we were wrong...

It was a great show.

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-11-06 12:06 ]

On 2019-11-06 09:01, danlovestikis wrote:

I just noticed that he had lost the top of his ear.

That almost always means that the little critter has been spayed/neutered.
Cutie, we love vacation cats. :) Last spring when we were in Antigua my son had
a tiny grey and white tiger striped little thing chase him down and crawl right up into
his lap for half an hour of petting. LOL


Hamo posted on Wed, Nov 6, 2019 10:36 PM

Wendy, we must have been watching The Big Heat at the same time. I was excited to see that Moai, which I don’t believe has been documented on the “Tiki in Film” thread.

Welcome back, H10.

hang10tiki what a great start to your vacation. We are ready for more delicious photos to absorb!

Sandbartender that was wonderful news. I went to the web page and read all about. We had never heard this before. Thank you.

Hamo that is so cool. You are welcome to take our photo and post it on that thread.


We just got back from a short tiki trip. When hang10tiki is done with his trip I will post ours. Right now after a nice rest for my hands I have gotten back to work. I am glazing a whole lot of hula girls right now Hamo's included. Cheers, Wendy

Aloha Hamo

Wendy- another trip for u? Great

Day 2

Always start off with out favorite coffee

Let the walking start

View from our room
We can see a little piece of the Ilikai hotel
Seen in Hawaii 5-0 opening

Royal Hawaiian Tiki
Had to pull the vines back again
No security seen, so I jumped in

Turtle Time

Here’s where you can see the turtles
2-5pm ish
If you walk 1/2 way out on the stone pier thing

Looks like they knew we were coming

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-11-07 13:43 ]

On 2019-11-07 09:57, danlovestikis wrote:
Sandbartender that was wonderful news. I went to the web page and read all about. We had never heard this before. Thank you.

Wendy, yes, this is done to try and humanely control feral cat populations. Our neighbors behind us were feeding strays and have since moved. The area strays have migrated to our place, so we've started trapping and taking them to the local spay/neuter program. They're not too happy about it, but if it can prevent a litter of kittens, that's a win. Two were already clipped before we started, and there's about four to go. It takes persistence, because those cats get wary...

On 2019-11-07 14:52, Prikli Pear wrote:

On 2019-11-07 09:57, danlovestikis wrote:
Sandbartender that was wonderful news. I went to the web page and read all about. We had never heard this before. Thank you.

Wendy, yes, this is done to try and humanely control feral cat populations. Our neighbors behind us were feeding strays and have since moved. The area strays have migrated to our place, so we've started trapping and taking them to the local spay/neuter program. They're not too happy about it, but if it can prevent a litter of kittens, that's a win. Two were already clipped before we started, and there's about four to go. It takes persistence, because those cats get wary...

Prikli Pear- thank you for doing all of that! I wish more people would. We live on the edge of a massive park (625sq acres of densely wooded and swampy terrain) and the feral cats are always an issue.
I've tried a few times to cage them, but the ones that survive the winters here are very tough and extremely wily. They'd have to be, with the raccoon, coyote, fox, wolves, badger and other things out there.

We had a tiny little black fluff ball lurking around one of our older windows for warmth, but I couldn't ever even get outside with it. Every time it saw me it would dash away, and it never took any food from the trap. Not even tuna or salmon. :(

Hamo posted on Thu, Nov 7, 2019 11:26 PM

Turns out The Big Heat’s Moai has been posted; not sure why I couldn’t find it when I looked the first time.

If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at stevekh‘s post over on Tiki Finds.

I’m glad you’ve rested up, and I’m enjoying hang10’s pictures, but I’m really looking forward seeing how my bowl is coming along....

Days 3 and 4

Prikli Pear we thank you too. We love cats and wish everyone would take care to neuter their pets.

Sandbartender ( = ;

Hamo Thank you for checking. Today I did the second coat of skin on each of the three ladies and each one is a different tone. Another coat tomorrow if they have dried. hang10tiki and then some catch up and then your photos.

hang10tiki I haven't ever seen the candy korn pods either and I take hundreds of plant photos when we go to Hawaii. In the first set of photos is the turtle eating a jelly fish? I like the photos where you and Sew Tiki are in them best. However I like all your photos. It think its fun that you search for those feet each time you go there.

Keep em coming, Wendy

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