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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet painting is finished.

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Speedy recovery Wendy! PM and email sent.


Hope all goes well Wendy!

yikes. Speedy recovery! ankle and knee injuries are tough.

Wendy...you are such a trooper. I am going to open a thread in bilge dedicated to injuries and such...we are the walking wounded girlfriend!!! Hang in there.

Goodness Wendy! Get better Soon, follow the second Tiki star to the right and straight on till morning (this is how you will probably feel after the pain meds :wink: ).

Hi Friends, the surgery went well and I've only taken 1/2 the meds allowed. I'll be working on art again today. I'm doing really well, no complaints.Dan's injury was medial and mine lateral. Scroll fast if you don't want to see my photos.

Marlene, your broken wrist is still more swollen than my broken arm or from this surgery. You still win the prize! I'll check out bilge soon for all of us medical types who find interest in these kinds of photos. MadDogMikes still wins the prize for best photo with Grog looking very handsome.

Dan keeping me company.

Arthroscopic view on monitor.


All done now pass me the makeup!

Thanks again everyone for your kind words. Time for breakfast, Wendy

:music: Wolf Whistle :music: Look at that leg!

Glad things went well - now let Dan cater to your every whim while you recouperate

a speedy recovery to you,Wendy!
i can't believe you're already wanting to work!
you are a truly dedicated powerhouse!

Sending you love
Heal baby heal!


Aloha Wendy! I'm so glad all went well but be sure you do what the Drs. tell you, don't try to be Superwoman! :) At our age we just don't bounce like we use to! :lol: Speedy recovery.


Wendy, so happy to hear it all went smooth.. That's great!! and your all ready to get your hands dirty already.. Too COOL!!
My mom had that surgery a couple years back and it really worked good for her..
OK, No more breaks from now on.. OK!;)



First a broken arm, now a broken ankle, that's enough of that you hear. Get well soon Wendy.

Hi Friends, dang it my knee woke up and reality has hit. I can't get around without crutches and I will just have to have more down time before I get back to the clay. I guess I still had meds on board from the surgery that wore off last night. Oh well the clay will be there waiting for me. Thank you so much for your notes they help me heal. Cheers, Wendy

That Marcaine is wonderful stuff, keeps things numb for 24 – 36 hours – I’m glad the dentist doesn’t use that, I hate that numb feeling in my mouth!!! So sorry your knee woke up grumpy and in pain. Hope you're feeling better real soon.


Wendy, hope you get well quickly. You are a hard working artist and I love your work. Hurry up and start creating again. :)

Hi MDM and Hiltiki, I'm better today, yippy. Thanks for checking on me.

I was contacted yesterday by a man who was well known in the 60's for his chunk resin swag lamps. He's decided to make a few and wants to cast resin tikis to go on them between the chunks. As requested I'm making two tikis for him. One a classic Moai and the other a full body tiki. He needs them an exact size so that they will fit his lamps. I've made a guide so that I stay right within the boundaries.

Sit down projects work for me right now so the timing was perfect. Here's the start. Thank you for the visit. Wendy

I drew the measurements onto a card.

I used a baggy to cover the card.

I began to form the Romo #4 clay keeping it within the lines.

Glad you are feeling better today Wendy. Have fun with your clay. :wink:


I'm glad your surgery went off without a hitch, Wendy. Feel better soon!


On 2011-10-24 18:37, danlovestikis wrote:

I was contacted yesterday by a man who was well known in the 60's for his chunk resin swag lamps. He's decided to make a few and wants to cast resin tikis to go on them between the chunks.

All right, lamp stuff! I'm excited to see this go forward.

Hope you're healing well Wendy!

Ohhh fun I've past the 50,000 mark for views, thank you everyone this is so fun.

Well I'm still working on the first Moai tiki for the resin Chunk lamp. Here's what I did today.

I'm waiting to hear back if he wants ears or a thicker chin. Cheers, Wendy

Wow! That's looking great! Glad to see you're at it! :)

Your on fire as usual...

Hi zerostreet, its better to work than to focus on the pain. Your new Maori painting is terrific.
Hello hang10tiki, I looked at your gallery page again today, smokin.

I've just finished the Moai for the lamp except for surface preparation to make it look like stone. Here's how it went today. Cheers, Wendy


Oooh, dark and mysterious! Perfect Moai!

Looking great Wendy, I can't wait to see the other one and the completed lamps!


Great-looking moai, Wendy! I'm thinking up other things he could be used for ...

Wendy, your Moai turned our great! I know it had the dimensions written on the card but with your hand in the picture it’s bigger than I envisioned. That will make a very interesting lamp.

Hi Guys, thank you. The lamp maker sent me photos for the two tiki he wanted. The Moai is not done yet but I've started on the second tiki which is the God of Light and Life. Perfect for a lamp. I went to look for more examples of the tiki and all I found was the same photo he sent to me. Here's the link to the photo.


Do any of you own this tiki? Could you send me photos for fun?

Thanks for "cheering" me on! Wendy

_Tiki #2

Next up aging it by 100 years.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-10-27 15:31 ]


Looks awesome Wendy, hope you are doing well with your knee. :)

Hi Linda, thanks for asking. It's slow but I see progress. I love your thread!

I think I have finished the God of Light. I'm waiting for Roge to say if he's happy.

Here's how it looks aged.

Nice "aged wood" texture Wendy, I'm diggin' it!

Coolness Wendy! Did you use the fork in the background to make the wood grain texture?

Hi MDM, I'm so happy your diggin it!
tigertail777 I would have used a fork except that this is going to be molded and the groves must be in a V shape. I used a wood carving tool. This will be a rubber mold so fine detail will show up so I used a stiff brush to add the tiny lines.

I've got the sculpt done for the Moai head done. I still need to to the texture. I'm taking a break to hand paint some special Tiki crates that I found I'd missed. I need to put them on eBay, maybe tonight. Then I have the rest of the week to bake them.

Check out the difference between the start and the finish. The Lamp master knew just what he needed and changed the tiki from a mug type to an Island type tiki.

Thanks for being here, Wendy

Mug Style

Island the final style

Next up texture.

Wendy, that looks great, I can't wait to see how they turn out of the mold and what colors end up getting used. Keep up the good work!

the God of Light and the Moai are sculptural perfection!
You have such a good eye and your charm always shines thru in your work!
You are a Force of Nature!

Ah Kinny you make my day feel special, thank you.

Dan said I looked like a volcano last night so I'm posting my costume. I made it for Oasis 10 Zombie theme. We had Halloween Chaos and we ran out of candy at 450. Our neighbors were better prepared and topped out at 1000. I hope you all had a great Halloween. Wendy

Our neighbors had a haunted house and this photo looking at their home doesn't begin to show the crowds!

Now its time to work on the surface of the Moai.

Wow...looks like your neighborhood was rockin' for Halloween. Love the moai...you are such a talent!!! See ya at TT tonight!!!

Hi Vamp, we were just saying a few hours ago how good it would be to see you out and about. Thanks for the Moai comments. Here's after another couple of hours work.

I used a huge grain sandpaper. Pressing down is not enough. That leaves small holes. You must press and twist. Over and over the same spot too.

I'm waiting to hear if removing some chunks as if hit and chipped is needed for the lamp or if this is it. Cheers, Wendy

umeone posted on Tue, Nov 1, 2011 4:27 PM

Love the wood texture and the stone look is spot on! Great job as always!


That stone effect looks great Wendy. I've been wondering how to achieve that type of finish. Now i know.


Wendy, I love the stone texture, but I would like to see a little more definition/detail remain in the lips. (Maybe it just doesn't show in the pictures.)

Nice texture on both of those Wendy. Do you know the timeline for the finished products?

Wendy .... You are a texture queen. Smart use of simple tools. Sandpaper was a great idea ....... Gene

Amazing job on that Moai texture Wendy!


Wendy, I love your work and energy. It nice to see you always making something beautiful.

Love it Wendy, that texture is great. It reminds me a lot of the ocean worn lava rock I used to find on beaches growing up. Your works in progress are always fun to see.

Wow I have to do surfaces more often!

umeone, zerostreet, hiltiki and tigertail thank you for keeping an eye on my work it means a lot.

Swizzle I can't wait to see you use the sandpaper. Now that you are a ceramicist I can learn from you too. I've only got a years head start.

Mikeytiki it was the photo hiding the lips but it did cause me to take a second look and add a chip there.

MDM we are due to deliver these to Grass Valley tomorrow. We'll go to the antique shops and tiki hunt too. We have found some good ones there in the past. I don't know how fast he'll hop on these but I hope it is soon. I'll post photos of our trip and his shop.

Gene S Morgan Queen Kamehameha grabbed the title of Queen first darn it!

Thank you all for the compliments and for cheering me on. This journey wouldn't be fun without you.

I chipped it up today and I'm waiting to hear back if it's enough damage or not.
(: Wendy

I heard back. I'm all done and ready to take them on the road. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-11-02 16:43 ]


Love it! :)

uoneme thank you much. I slipped the photo of the two in there after you posted.
We need to run off to take care of mom so Grass Valley photos tomorrow. What a treat the trip turned into! Wendy

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