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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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Cook her and let's see her shine


TikiAno thank you its been really relaxing to just glaze instead of pouring, cleaning, firing, washing and with all of that a lot of lifting. Your cannibal bowl with the tennis shoes is super cute for a gruesome subject. I was happy to hear that the glaze glue worked. I just used it too.

Buzzy has the Midas touch for tiki hunting.

hang10tiki soon I'll have a kiln load glazed and ready to fire. I'm working every day because I want to see how they turn out too. Counting the days to Oasis?

Yesterday we had two repairman and one delivery. I think I have two families out of the three that will join Tiki Central. It is important to keep tiki alive by inspiring more to join.

We gave him a Harvey's and a Trader Vics coconut mug to get him started. We hope he will sign up and attend the Sacramento Crawl.

We had a shower door installed.

We choose a rain pattern. After it was in Mr. Moules said that he should have showed us the bamboo pattern that would have been perfect for us. I don't know what it looks like but we are happy with rain.

Then the UPS guy brought my package and saw some tikis. He said he and his wife just did their backyard totally tiki. So I slowed his work day down enough to get him information on Tiki Central. I hope he'll also join our group.

Glazing Progress Report

Years ago I sculpted the Missionary's Downfall bowl and topless wahine to go with it. I shipped them off to Gecko in Hawaii and he made molds. He tried to cast the bowls but each time he fired it the bowl cracked. He had shipped back my sculpts so I tried to mold the bowl and ended up with a huge frustrating mess which I shared here on TC. (each time I type TC I think of Tc-99m the radioactive material I used throughout my career) Back to tikis. I ended up hand sculpting one of these bowls for Psycho Tiki D and in the kiln after glazing it cracked and I gave up.

Years pass and I couldn't get this off my mind. I recently saw Gecko made two sets and sold them on eBay so I paid him cast two and send them to me unfired. So I'm trying again to make the set for Psycho Tiki D.

I'm making two that are just alike in case one cracks.

I've got my fingers crossed for a 50% success rate.

They both survived the bisque fire.

Hopefully they will survive the glaze firing. Psycho I'm trying again!

Next I went to work on the bowl for the test volcano.
First I sprayed the bowl with distilled water to get the glaze to stick well.

I painted the bottom three times.

I didn't want the bowl to be exactly the same as Pilot's temple of the Jaguar bowl so I used different glazes. First I made the cooling lava ridges with French Dimensions. This is a glaze that doesn't go flat. You can make designs that stand out.

I tried to squeeze in some red with sprinkles glaze.

But once in awhile a glob would make a whole bunch come out. I ended up using a brush to move it around.

Each area is ringed with Red sprinkles then Orange sprinkles and then the center is yellow sprinkles.

It will be fun to see how different it looks from Philots.

Time to get back to glazing. I hope you are each having a good day. Thank you for the visit. Wendy

GROG posted on Wed, Jul 24, 2013 1:23 PM

GROG packing up a big batch of bisqued ceramics to send to you. GROG hate glazing.

I can't wait to see how the lava bowl turns out or the cannibal pot. Great work as always!

Since you and Dan like to thrift shop on your road trips check out http://fleaquest.com/.
It's an online vintage shop guide which lists flea markets, antique malls, thrift stores, etc.

Wendy- everything looks cool
Grog- congratulations, no double post
Dan- stay thirsty my friend



Wendy, forgot to say I'm looking forward to see how Ukelele Bob turns out w/ your re-glaze. Everything else awesome, no surprises there.

I'll have to come up with some repairs to do when I finally make it up there for a visit. It seems workers do pretty well... :)

Grog, though you hate glazing, I have to say I completely dig the glaze on the bowl I picked up from you this Sunday at Tonga Hut....

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2013-07-24 22:44 ]

Hi Friends, a couple of my severed heads are on eBay. It is really fun and scary to see if my art holds its value. So far they have. #2 is starting high so it may not get any bids. I think I know he seller, he bought three from me and I've had fun watching them go.
This auction is by Mahalo Tiki and we are sharing the money on this one. This one and the one with the snake were the hardest to make although they were all a challenge.

GROG don't send them drive them down and we'll have a glaze off. Don't forget to try Aqua Net on the one that has never held the glaze. I know you don't personally use this product but it doesn't cost too much!

tikilongbeach me too. It's always fun to open the kiln, then its either oh yeah or oh no.
Thank you for the link. We don't have smart phones but I can print out some info on paper to take with us. http://fleaquest.com/ very cool.

hang10tiki that's right no double post for GROG. He's cured, next up curing his heart. Well wishes for him every day.

I made Dan a pineapple snow cone yesterday. He'll be having these with real fruit juice every day. The machine is called Snowey and it does shaved Hawaiian ice. Good for hot days.

TikiAno I'm hoping the glaze doesn't just run off Bob's face and drip off the bottom. I've not tried this before. Gecko is the greatest at experiments and so is Babalu. I need to do them to learn as well. I hope it turns out well.

GROG I saw you in photos from the Tonga Hut. You're looking mighty good even if stressed by glazing and doctors visits.

Remember back when my volcano cracked when drying and I made a plug that fit nicely into the crack? Well it all bisque fired really well.

So I'm using a glaze called French Dimensions to glue the plug in place.

After pressing down I added more FD and smoothed it with my finger.

I also added and soothed the bottom and then glazed it with Red with black speckles.

My plan was to experiment with Fired Snow which makes pits and holes during firing. I tried once before to make it black by mixing in glaze but it didn't work. The company said I could add a small amount so I did that and stirred it up.

Then I made a mistake. I painted on the snow to the bisque volcano. I was supposed to glaze it first and then paint on the snow. Oh well this will be an experiment that I didn't plan. I could have backed up and washed it off but with the plug in place it was too much work.

After it dried I added three layers of black glaze.

When that dried I added a layer at the stop of a sandy black glaze that has been discontinued.

Now I added the red lava runs down the sides.

I checked it out in the bowl.

Then I placed it outside to dry.

I loaded the bottom shelf of the kiln.

Now I'm finishing up a few projects so I can fire tonight. This is the Maori super carved mug. It will come out green and brown.

If you looked at this post earlier you read I was leaving for a diagnostic test. It was normal so it's back to work! Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-07-25 12:42 ]

Friday always is a special day. By the end of this one I hope to have filled the kiln and to set it to firing. It took all day Thursday to glaze the bowl with a small volcano inside and three topless woman on the outside. Yes men your votes counted. I hope I fixed it to your satisfaction!

First I painted the volcano with running hot lava.

The I did the woman's hair and the inside of the bowl.

Next the outside of the bowl and the bodies. The hair came next.

Flowers and lei.

Faces and nipples.

Different woman.

Inside finished.

Outside finished.

This took all day because every part was done three times or more.
GROG I didn't hate doing this because I had the TV on and caught
up on General Hospital. Too bad TV's haven't been invented for
you yet. (:

As a thank you for running my view numbers above 500,000 it is time for another Contest. Whoever has the right answers first wins. I have two necklaces that need a place to hang. They are totally my work/art.

First contest for a Turtle necklace.

Question #1. How many miles did Dan and I drive on our Tiki Kon vacation. We went from Elk Grove, California to Portland and then across to Lincoln City on the coast and home.

Second contest for a Puffer Fish necklace.

Question #2. What percentage of the drive did we each do. Example: Wendy 50% Dan 50%.

It's is OK to win both contests. Good Luck.

The Contest ends at 11 PM on Sunday 7/28/13. Winners announced Monday morning. Good Luck, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-07-26 09:21 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-07-26 09:25 ]

The wahine bowl is looking great! I hope I get a chance to see it in person.

I suppose that I will take a guess at the second question...

I know when Emily and I are taking road trips, I get to drive most of the time. Sometimes if I am lucky, she will let me have a drink and she will drive. But mostly I drive. So I think that possibly Dan drove 85% of the time. I might be horribly wrong, but at least I am getting this contest underway :)

Keep up the good work Wendy and Dan!

Every good bowl has it's day.
I know how frustrating cracks can be after a lot of hard work so the best of luck with 'em.

two great prizes, i gotta take a shot.

I'll say 550 miles on the tiki kon trip, completely uneducated guess.

And i think Dan did most of the driving, since he is in so many shots i assume the camera was in your hand most of the time, which makes it hard to drive.
75% Dan.

Dan did 70% of the driving.

Love this part!

Total trip miles 1,364
Wendy drove 85%, Dan 15%

[edit to add %'s]

[ Edited by: Loki-Tiki 2013-07-26 14:22 ]

cy posted on Fri, Jul 26, 2013 1:40 PM

1462 miles with Dano driving 80%.

1,114 miles and just a guess but I say Dan did 85% of the driving. Thank you for the fun contest !!

Ok, my guess on miles driven is...

1,390 miles round trip :)


1,846 kilometres and Wendy did 92% of the driving.

1500 miles
Dan-0 drove 100%

Grog was in the trunk


1846 kilometers = 1147.05122 miles for Swizzles guess.

1,600 miles. Dan drove 75%.

I think Dan created a Worm Hole in space & Time
and was able to fold space there & back, so he did it in zero miles!
did anyone see what I did with my drink....damn!

Great work as usual cannot wait to see how the volcano stuff turns out! :) I really dig the Wahine bowl and how you put them part in part out of the sides.

Not good with math, so absolutely random guess...
1,777 miles (see what I did there? :wink: )

I know you told me at Tiki Kon, but we are dealing with only two variables so my memory switches them back and forth. I am pretty sure you said Dan drove 100%, but someone already said that so I will hedge bets and say you drove 100%.

I was enthralled with your trip report and photos by the way. How is you found so many tiki things in Oregon??? I must be looking in all the wrong places! Guess I gotta get back to the coast to find the good stuff. :wink:


May I enter "Price is Right" (Bob Barker) style? The total driving distance was 1 mile. Dan, and Wendy, each drove 1% of the trip. I'm assuming that the Wendy & Dan driving rules state that if one goes over in estimating total mileage your entry is forfeit. If I'm assuming incorrectly I'll be very, very wrong. Here's hoping that my wrong is oh so right. No, I haven't been drinking.

1,400. You guys took in some of the sights.

He PM'd me so I'm putting it on for him.

I'm tidying up the posts for the Contest.

lunavideogames Dan drove 85% of the time. 1,390 miles round trip

Badd Tiki 550 miles, 75% Dan

ZeroTiki 1,400miles Dan did 70%

Loki-Tiki Total trip miles 1,364 Wendy drove 85%, Dan 15%

cy 1462 miles with Dano driving 80%.

uncle trav 1,114 miles, Dan did 85%

swizzle 1,846 kilometres = 1147.05122 miles and Wendy did 92% of the driving

hang10tiki 1500 miles Dan-0 drove 100%

TikiTacky 1,600 miles. Dan drove 75%.

Atomic Tiki Punk zero miles

tigertail777 1,777 miles Wendy 100%

TikiAno 1 mile Dan, and Wendy, each drove 1% of the trip.

Trader Tom 1,281 miles and Dan drove 25% of trip.

VampiressRN 1711 miles Wendy 100%

LoriLovesTiki 999 miles and Dan drove 98%

dartharnie 1771 miles. Wendy 81% and Dan 19%

lunavideogames it is a strange bowl and it was hard to glaze. I hope it comes out OK. Thank you.

Badd Tiki we have several good vintage pieces with hairlines. I wish I could fix them but its OK.

Atomic Tiki Punk me too, the kiln opens tomorrow.

uncle trav you are welcome.

swizzle you made me find a way to covert those kilometers and now I'll be able to do it forever.

hang10tiki Grog was in the trunk along with you and more of my friends. A new kind of party!

Atomic Tiki Punk I like how your mind works.

tigertail777 Tiki Kon was the half way point in our trip. We went to every open antique store along the coast. It was the best hunt in many years.

TikiAno the winner will be closest to the number above or below. Guess 50% and guess 53% and the answer is 51% then the 50% wins.

It is OK to post to alter your answer until the deadline. I'll change it for you on this page.

What have we been up to?

Here's the top shelf of the kiln that fired overnight.

We went to a antique and tach swap meet. We found out that means horses. We saw a huge riding room and looked at lots of horse items. It was different from looking for tikis.

There are cowboys in Hawaii, especially on Parker's Ranch so it was worth a try.

Alas no tikis in the stable.

I have been working on a few Bob's while I glazed. Here's the first one.

I carved it all and did not add any clay.

Then I did some peanut texture.

I named him Bamboo Bob, maybe Ben knows him.

I further carved the bamboo stalks.

All done.

Thank you for the visit. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-07-28 20:42 ]

1,281 miles and Dan drove 25% of trip.


Awesome bamboo bob. Carving is my jam so I definitely appreciate this one.

1711 miles Wendy 100%

I am going to have to come back and visit all your pictures again...they are great!!!

Did you remember to let Grog out of the trunk?

GROG are you out of the trunk? GROG, GROG? Where are you?

Today is special. I hope to take some photos of photos being taken. Mitch Tobias of the band APE is a professional photographer. He is going to homes in the Northern California area to document tiki bars, décor and collections. LiddleLola/Darilyn sent him our way. He will be here from 11 am until at least 7 PM taking photos. It's wonderful to be included in this project.

I've updated the contest entries as they come in on the past page. There is still time to put in your answers or to amend those you have already submitted.

Another couple of Bobs in the works. This one is Intoxicated Bob
He had a crazy Saturday night.

This is Worry Bob. Just put your worry's into Bob and relax.

Now its time to get ready for Mitch. Cheers, Wendy

All the new Bobs are lookin good
Congratulations on the photo shoot


Hi Wendy,
I was at the beach last week so I had a lot of the Dan & Wendy show to catch up on, which is a treat! I'm so jealous of the successful tiki hunting that you did. no tiki hunting here. so sad!

Can't wait to see that new bowl come out of the kiln. An amazing glazing job and it's not even fired!!!

For your contest I'll guess 999 miles and Dan drove 98% of the time. Can't wait to see who wins.

Worried bob is adorable...Definitely a great way to drown your sorrows...had me whistling "Don't worry...be happy" for the last 15 minutes.

1771 miles. With Dan's knee, as repaired as they are, can't be much fun driving on...I'm going with a split of Wendy 81% and Dan 19%

Thank you all for participating in my contest which ended last night at 11 PM.
Some were close but there were those who were exactly right.

First contest for a Turtle necklace.

Question #1. How many miles did Dan and I drive on our Tiki Kon vacation. We went from Elk Grove, California to Portland and then across to Lincoln City on the coast and home.

I had zeroed our odometer at our home before we left and checked it as we arrived home.

1535 miles which means hang10tiki with a guess of 1500 miles wins the first contest. Congratulations on adding another turtle to your Honu Hideaway.

Second contest for a Puffer Fish necklace.

Question #2. What percentage of the drive did we each do. Example: Wendy 50% Dan 50%.

Dan and I recently entered another research project for pain management with light waves. Prior to starting this study we both had sciatic pain as well as other areas. I had not been able to drive for more than 45 minutes without needing to stop and walk to get some relief. This study has been miraculous for us. I've always been the driver in our family but on vacations we had to switch off often due to pain.

This trip was a test. I drove 100% of the time and didn't trigger the pain. This is going to be the next over the top medical discovery. If you live within a drive of this study you can call to sign up.

Because tigertail777 said I mentioned driving the first half at Tiki Kon I am awarding a prize to him and also to VampiressRN. They both guessed that I drove 100% of this trip. Congratulations.

I will mail your prizes soon.

If you live in the Sacramento Area and are interested in participating in this study for pain control just send me a PM and I'll hook you up. It is perfect for migraine headaches too. He's worked on this for 13 years and his first half of the research was just sent to the FDA. Right now treatment during the study is free.

The light-wave machine.

Dan having his knee done. He limped all the time but the treatment worked and the knee doesn't bother him now and he is no longer limping.

The name of Allan's company. His hope is to do away with pain meds. Dan and I haven't taken any so we were the best subjects he's had since there's no interference from drugs.

Now back to tikis. I opened the kiln and saw more weird defects than I could have expected. We also had Mitch of the band APE here for 8 hours photographing our tiki collection.

I'll be back with photos later today I have an appointment right now and have to run. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-07-29 09:08 ]


Wendy, glad to hear the Lightwave treatment worked- that's amazing that it did so much for you and Dan. I wonder if it could knock some sense into my head... with light? Hmmm....

Love the new Bobs, and look forward to seeing them progress. What happened in the kiln??? It's a cliffhanger episode of the Wendy & Dan show....

Wendy, do I get a prize for the worse guessing???? Yeah, the booby prize. (pun not intended guys)

D and W
Wow, that was a long drive. Glad your pain free. That sounds like a great treatment option. Keep us informed. And I get a necklace, SWEET...thank you. You may want to get Grog in on that pain study, I'm sure that after doing a 1500 mile trip in your trunk, he might have a few aches and pains.

See you guys soon


Tiki Ano, thank you. It's been a blessing. I just posted on your thread and then found your post.

Today at a the Cancer Society Discovery Shop Dan found a black velvet. 2 x 3 feet. He moved a lot around and worked it into his collection.

First up the photo shoot yesterday was fun and very tiring. Here's the link to his web page. He's got some great shots there to share of past projects. He's a member of the band APE.

At the start of the day Dan hung out in the tiki jungle room.

Mitch carried a lot of equipment upstairs and still had energy to be goofy funny.

He made his way through the room by ducking foliage.

Sometimes the shoot was dangerous as he stood at the top of the ladder.

He even took photos of my bathroom.

He ended the day in the family room

and then after 8 hours packed to head back home.

Thank you Mitch it was a great experience and we look forward to the photos.

Yep I opened the kiln. Everything on the bottom was fine and most everything on the top had issues.
Sorry but Dan's calling so I'll be posting those photos in the morning. Tiki Ano the cliff is still hanging! Wendy

GROG posted on Mon, Jul 29, 2013 6:40 PM

1500 miles in the trunk. GROG was kidnapped. Only thing they gave GROG to eat was a stale bag of potato chips, and a warm bottle of water that had been half drunk already. Everybody thinks Dan and Wendy are so nice, but if they're stalking you like they do GROG, then beware. GROG has a restraining order out on both of them now, but not sure if they'll pay any attention to it. (Damned cops never prevent crime, they just show up afterwards.)

GROG posted on Mon, Jul 29, 2013 6:41 PM

Congrats for photo shoot.

Dang u Grog
I almost spit out my Mai-Tai reading your post
U funny caveman

Wendy n Dan-O. Great photos, every time I see photos of your Tiki Oasis I see tons of new stuff
U 2 rock the Tiki world


I missed two posts...

LoriLovesTiki only men want booby prizes!

hang10tiki it was such a great trip. I can only hope that Tiki Oasis will be as great. Another Turtle for your Honu Lounge (which we will visit one day).

GROG forgive us, please. We thought you would like it because it was dark and cozy like your cave. Sorry you got Dan's left over water. Next time I'll save you something better like rusty radiator water. You mug will be on the way to you tomorrow by United States Post Office. I hope you could read that since it wasn't carved in stone. Stay on your cave porch until it arrives. Hugs, Wendy

I come home from a hard night of slogging at work and what do I find? A wonderful Wendy and Dan prize! Wow! That made my night. Plus some more great photos and Grog's witty repertoire. That all made the night a little better. :)

GROG posted on Tue, Jul 30, 2013 8:12 AM

Looking forward to receiving the mug, Wendy. And, looking forward to seeing ya'll at Tiki Oasis. Going to call the heart surgeon's office today and see if GROG can schedule the heart surgery for the last week in August.

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-07-30 08:12 ]

tigertail777 its so super that we all get such enjoyment from tikis and our tiki friends. It was special hanging out with you at Tiki Kon and then you win a half of my contest. Cool.

GROG the best part of having it at the end of August is that we all get to hug you tight at Oasis because after the surgery we have to be gentle with you. See you soon.

Back in a few, Wendy


Excited to hear that Grog will be at Oasis. I hope that Grog had a flashlight (er, campfire?) in Wendy and Dan's trunk to ensure that the "leftover water" from Dan was the clear kind, not that amber colored "leftover water" stuff.

Man oh man, these cliffhanger episodes.... Still waiting.....

Apologies if the reference above was too lowbrow for those tuning in.... or too toilet humor-ish. My bad. :)


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