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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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Hi zerostreet, it is acrylic but mixed with water so that it will apply evenly. But it takes 20 or more layers before it shows up on the velvet. Have you done velvets? Do you have any in your brand new book?

Looks like I can get three hugs out of four men (posting here) at Oasis. Now that's something to look forward to. Thank you men for all your comments on my art. Without those the work wouldn't be so much fun.

See you soon, I'm so excited, Wendy

Wendy, I got a digital pyrometer for my birthday and I'm getting ready to try it out. I was looking at Orton temp charts and making some graphs, I noticed at the cooler cones (022 being the coolest listed at 1049 degrees) drop an average of about 50 degrees per cone. With a little math I calulated 350 degrees to be cone 036, so instead of saying "ceramic enamel cold paint and baked to set" you can say "fired to cone 036" :lol:

Wow MadDogMike, I didn't know you were a mathematician! Good job. But I fire the cold paint at 325 degrees can you figure it out again??? (: Wendy

Sacramento Crawl Decanter's

Here's where I am today, glazing and then drying them in the sun. Cheers, Wendy

Those decanters are going to be awesome!

I've never done a velvet painting. Would probably like to try some day!


as always.....tremendous!

Krikeeeee...that painting is off the hook Wendy. You are an awesome talent indeed.

McTiki posted on Fri, Aug 5, 2011 2:02 PM

Look at you!

Wow! The work that comes from you guys just astounds me.

From spectator to collector, to creator. What a metamorphosis!



The best part of doing this art is reading the comments.

zerotiki you should try it because its so hard to paint from the front backwards. It's a challenge like painting with your other hand.

VampiressRN, thank you so much, I can't wait until you are home and I can give you a big hug. I'm super happy that mom will be at the crawl, she gets a hug too.

ZeroTiki, see you soon, you are a very hard worker, I'll enjoy seeing your booth.

McTiki, we like to expand our horizons who knows we may whip out a kazoo and do some exotica music! How's your carving going? You know I love your tiki designs.

I've finished the black velvet just in time for Oasis. Now to frame it and get it boxed for the trip. It's so much fun to participate in these events.

It's title is Poele which means Dark Night

H 44 inches / W 36.5 inches with the frame which doesn't show here.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-08-10 08:53 ]

Wendy ... I really like your painting. It is so imaginative. I got to move to the Left Coast ... All of our velvet paintings out here in the Center of the Universe (The Midwest) are either Elvis or Harleys .... Gene

Hi Gene, those are two good subjects for velvets. I found a museum in Portland Oregon that is only for velvets. It's on UTube and fun to watch. I'm also watching your gallery thread, I'm ready for your next work.

Here's what I did so far this week. After doing one at a time and lifting them to my turn table over and over I decided to use the mass production technique. So I stood up to paint them all on one side. Left them to dry then painted that side again and so on until I can turn them all to paint the next side. There are six sides to paint because I glazed the bottom too. Then I did the volcano in black and then the red in two colors. Three layers each!

I can only fire 12 at a time because of their large size. 50 total.

Hand painting soon! Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-08-10 08:49 ]

and that velvet turned out stupendous!!!!!!
See you in a week sweetie! :)

Wendy, you're going to get dizzy walking 'round and 'round that table! Great velvet, hope I get a chance to see it in person.

harro posted on Wed, Aug 10, 2011 2:30 PM

Wow, you're whole home is turned into a tiki mug making madhouse!!! :)
Great job, you are a really talented artist!


Looking good Wendy. Just wondering how you went about glazing them on the inside? As you cannot see inside them how do you know that the top surface (with the opening) got covered properly with glaze?

little lost tiki you bet you will see me and Dan's going to take all the photos of the hugs. I'm so happy you like the painting I sure love yours hung in our home.

MadDogMike you too!

harro, nice to have you and Swizzle on my thread. This hobby consumes a shed, the garage, the kitchen and nook and the dining room table. But that's only for these large projects. The rest of the time we are a bit more normal. Thank you so much for the compliment.

Swizzle, for these I filled them half full. I covered the opening with the palm of my hand. Then I turned them every direction and upside down to cover every inside wall. Then I shook them super hard in each direction to make sure no corners had air bubbles. That's as good as I could do it. Then I drained them upside down. Then I used wet paper towels to remove the glaze from the inside of the volcano so that I could paint red glaze there. There are many steps that I should have taken photos of but I just get busy and forget.

Thanks guys, Wendy

OMG WENDY / DAN!!!!!!!!!!!
You Both are an incredible team.
Wendy your velvet really looks great and those those Tiki Bob decanters are awesome!

Beachbumz thank you so much.

I've been framed. I noticed in the museums in Hawaii that the old art is in traditional frames so I'm ok with doing it here. Now it's wrapped in stiff cardboard and ready to transport to Oasis.

With a flash from the camera.

I've started glazing my Missionary's Downfall hula girls. I'll hand sculpt a bowl for each one so no two will be alike.

I'm using under glaze. I'll do two with the same body color but the hair will be black on one and dark brown on the other. I'm working on 6 different body colors. I will hand paint the faces and other areas after they are fired.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-08-12 20:10 ]

Swizz, I work in a hospital - I have "borrowed" one of the fiberoptic scopes (fibreoptic in OZ) to look inside a blind mug to be sure it was coated :lol:

Hey look, mister. We serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast, and we don't need any characters around to give the joint "atmosphere". Is that clear?

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2011-08-12 21:12 ]

MDM, Really??? Was it covered? Wendy

Sure did! This one's got a short flexible scope and a color display - worked perfectly

MadDogMike, That is so cool. I hope you sterilized it first! Wendy

Oasis was terrific this year. I met so many of you that my dreams came true. Dan collects tikis and I collect tiki buddies. My collection is growing super fast. Thank you to everyone who came up to say hi. Some I can remember hang10tiki, Trader Scott, cdTiki, Trader Bill, John-O, Zoya, Jeffrey and his wife. Remind me if I missed you and feel free to post photos here.

Now it's back to work. I've four decanters that had glaze skips. Just in case I can't get them glaze in those areas I've poured a few more and they are drying. I've also started on my Missionary Downfall hula girls. My plan is to hand build bowls to go with them. All these projects are cooling in the kiln tonight and I'll open the lid in the morning.

I had so much fun at the Oasis art show. My large war god painting sold and so did one of the small painting of the Shriner moai. That was fun.

Art is such a joy. Try it you'll like it! Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-08-29 08:13 ]

The kiln is open and the hula girls are just fine. Next step cold paint. Wendy

Voluptuous Verde Venus Vixens :lol:

Wendy! Those hula girls are great. Congrats on the sales at Oasis!

Wendy ... Happy to hear you sold your velvet. It was a cool piece of art .... Gene

Those velvets WERE Awesome!
Congrats on the Sales,Wendy!
Those Missionary Downfall gals are looking great!

Sooooo great seein you at Oasis! Love your smile and talent and enthusiasm and HUGS!!! :)

Thanks for the shot of raves,you,and meself at dinner!
Just lookin at this makes me smile!

You ROCK...

Ah Kenny, good thing you don't live here or you'd be hugged to death!

Thank you hang10tiki. I'm so glad I got to meet you at Oasis. You are a very creative carver. I looking forward to seeing your work for years to come.

It's getting so close to the Sacramento Crawl in October so I've been working 12 hour days to get these done. I've now identified 6 "seconds" so I'm making from scratch 8 replacements just in case any of those fail inspection. By no means are any of them perfect like Tiki Farm productions. I just do my best and hope you are all happy with them.

This weekend I painted white flowers, art shapes, and 50 of the words Tiki Bob's. We hosed off the 8 newly bisqued decanters and I painted all six sides and the volcanoes. Today I start on Bob's face.

If anyone wants one and is not on the list send me a PM. I will ship to those on the list who do not make it to the crawl or are out of town - if I have any left.

I can only fit three decanters into the home oven at a time to set the cold paint. Poor Dan I'll be baking for 38 hours and he likes a cool home!

The photo also shows two wall plaques I made out of ruined decanters. Dan's grabbed those as one of his rewards for helping me every step of the way.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-09-05 09:18 ]

I spent around 10 hours painting Bob's face. Here's a couple of photos. These are now ready for the baking in the home oven three at a time. My math was off, this will take around 13 hours to accomplish. Cheers, Wendy

Check out the Going Primitive mugs under events that Grog's working on. There are some really impressive photos there. It's a terrific monkey mug with fez.


You never cease to amaze me. YAY!

They look great Wendy! On time and on budget! :D


Those decanters are so incredible, original, neat-o, and flat out cool!

The way you took that napkin and RAN WITH IT!! It's so great to see a non-mug piece.

I love cool and unexpected design.

Nice job, Dan and Wendy.

The T.C. community is a lighthouse in a wicked storm.


[ Edited by: Robb Hamel 2011-09-08 15:21 ]

GROG posted on Thu, Sep 8, 2011 11:36 PM

Makin' all dem ceramics is a lot of work, eh Wendy? Lookin' guud.

Nice seein' you and Dan at Oasis.


Thank you zerotiki, MDM, Robb and Grog.

In the trash last week.

In the trash this week.

Breaking molds that were a horror to make hurts! I have #1 left just in case. The crawl is almost here. Fun fun fun. Wendy

mp posted on Fri, Sep 16, 2011 8:30 PM

OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! Little tear.

More tears MP. Breaking the Tiki Crate statue molds.

I took off the eye protection for the photo.

We have started boxing up the decanters. Meanwhile our cat has decided to tear up our furniture so we have thrown protective materials over the couches to protect them.

See many of you soon, hugs, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-09-17 08:55 ]

I'm working on the woman for my Missionary's Downfall bowls. The bowls have not been started but I have 12 woman that I'm semi dressing. It's really fun to come up with the different outfits and my own fabric designs. Once these are finished I'll hand build the bowls. Here are the first four I've finishes. 8 to go.

I'll post them as I paint them day by day. Cheers, Wendy

TikiG posted on Sun, Sep 18, 2011 5:55 PM

OMG!! How does one get on a waiting list for one of the Missionary's Downfall bowls? I'm in!!

Wow, Wendy, these are truly amazing!

Hi Tiki G and Kele, Thank you for liking my art. I did the sculpture for this woman in 2009. It takes a long time for some projects. I have started a list for these women who caused the Missionary's Downfall. When I have the bowls done and this is a complete project I'll send a special shout out to those on my list.

Here are the next two. I'm half way, 6 more to paint.

I think I'd better redo those super red nipples they look painful in this photo.

Cheers, Wendy

Almost forgot. Today we visited the Lorakeets at the Zoo. They are so much fun. They ate the top of Dan's hat.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-09-19 17:07 ]

Almost forgot. Today we visited the Lorakeets at the Zoo. They are so much fun. They ate the top of Dan's hat.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-09-19 17:07 ]

There's your next mug, Wendy!

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2011-09-19 18:05 ]

Man Wendy your work is always just so awesome. I really love the fine little details of the different "costumes" for the women (what no tiger stripes? :wink: ). I am curious what do you do with the mold scraps once you have played "Godzilla" with them? Can they be recycled somehow or something?
The picture of Dan with the lorakeets is HILARIOUS...that may be my new wallpaper for a while just to see what people say. HA HA HA. :lol: (well I would if it were big enough anyways, I tried it just now, and it's a bit too small to work well for that purpose...oh well still hilarious.)

[ Edited by: tigertail777 2011-09-19 22:23 ]

Wendy, those "fabrics" are all fantastic - such patience and a steady hand! Give Dan my condolences on his hat :D

Beautiful work on those ladies!

Tiki Kaimuki, tigertail777, MadDogMike, thanks so much for taking a peek at the women. The birds are worth a hat or two. The scraps of molds just whet out in the trash.

Here are the next two that I finished today. 4 to go. (: Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-09-22 15:43 ]

Nice tapa cloth!

Thanks Mike, the tapa was Dan's idea. It's good to know a man can look past the rest to see the clothing, yeah right. Wendy

Here are the next 2 leaving 2 left to do. Cheers, Wendy

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