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Wendy Cevola - The Eyes Have It ....Black velvet is finished.

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I love how you are copying the vintage logos! I am so impressed by your artistic talent to be able to do that!

You are such a power house with great vision...keep up the great work.

Wendy, Otto is coming along quite handsomely! I love the way you do "left-brain" painting because that's the way I think too.

Thank you Kele and Vamp. It is fun to imagine that these places had mugs and that they looked like this. I hope that one day we'll have more information on this place. Psycho Tiki D started a good thread.

MadDogMike explain that to me. My right side is having a problem understanding. Maybe I got the sides mixed up. I do like to figure out tricks for all that I do. Tomorrow you will see another MadDogMike inspired trick that I did for the first time today!!!

Progress Report:

The Sacramento Crawl mug is now drying.

I carved in more detail on the Hawaiian Hut backside.

Our trip to see Miguel and Roge in Grass Valley was fun. I dropped off the Bumatay that now has a wave base. He will cast this as a statue like the Moai Head.

The Bumatay Sea Life Lamps are now available and can be ordered on Etsy. I'll post the information on Marketplace updating that thread. I did the sculpts and the lamps are all his creations. Here's the Bumatay with a sea turtle.

Here's a table with all the different sea life creatures I sculpted in a variety of colors.

I'm still working on Otto's face. It is not right yet.

The green-ware was dry enough to fire. I sanded them and Dan used the air compressor to blow off the dust. Sunday morning I'll open the kiln to see if they made it. I couldn't fit everything but those that had deadlines made it into the kiln.

My cat always runs when I want to take her photo. Yesterday I was so lucky to get these photos. On the top of the fence is the bird that squawks at her all day and bites her butt!

I hope you are having a fun Saturday, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-07-21 13:04 ]

What a pretty kitty! & your work is beautiful, as always!

Wendy, as I remember biology from the last century, the left brain is analytical and rational ~ responsible for the concrete & technical like math and science. The right brain is random and intuitive ~ responsible for abstracts like art & music. Of course, both sides of most people's brain work, but one is usually stronger. I imagine a typical right-brained artist to be someone like Kinny who stands in front of an easel and magically tranfers the image from his imagination to the canvas with nothing but a brush and paint. I have always considered myself more of a left-brained artist: I can't draw a straight line without a ruler BUT ~ I know how to use a ruler. I enjoy the challenge of breaking a form down into it's individual geometric shapes so that I can recreate that form. It's part of why I enjoy ceramics, the challenge of figuring out how to do it. What household object can I slump clay over and then reshape to make what I want? What can I leave inside to support it until it dries that will burn out when I fire it? Which parts can I glaze first so that when I glaze other parts afterward I can wipe off the excess unfired glaze from the already glazed areas? Where do you put the parting lines on a mold so that each piece moves in a direction to avoid undercuts?

Thank you Kele its always fun to read your comments.

Mike I think like you do finding ways to help projects along. I think it works well for us. I've always wanted to be like Kenny to just go wild and see what happens. Maybe one day you and I can have a go wild contest.

Progress Report:

MadDogMike you were instructing a person on how to indent the bottom of a flat cast. I always buy things I think I can use with clay. I had this sock darning tool that you insert into a sock and then darn. I used it after dunking in water to indent the bottom of my mug. Thank you, I was going to carve it. This is better.

I decided to make a couple of bowls. the first one I again pushed in the sides but this time I added Tiki Bobs.

Next up I made a Moai bowl.

I like to have the bowl suspended.

For fun I protruded the lower lip on each Moai just like the old China Sails mug.

After I attach parts I keep them covered for 24 hours to slow dry. Then I cover and uncover for a few days until I know they are not going to crack apart.

Today I open the kiln to see what has survived.

I hope you all have a fine Sunday, Wendy

Darn it Wendy! ~ that darning tool worked real well :D The bowls are progressing beautifully too. I'm working on a bowl now too, I hope I can make it look as good as yours.

lookin good lil lady...

Wendy, you never cease to amaze me with your creativity. It is so fun to watch your projects as they progress. The Moai bowl is great! Love the lower lip detail. Keep up the posts, I look forward to them every day.

  • Dale

MadDogMike I saw your King Kamehameha, I hope I spelled that right. It looks super. It's the best King bowl I've ever seen. About the darning tool, I got it for the inside of bowls and now it's for the outside too, thank you.

hang10tiki I'm sending you an offer by email, thanks for stopping by it reminded me.

littlegiles comments like yours will keep me posting each day. I love to read the comments or if there are none I check the numbers and I know that what I posted was looked at so that works too. I'm glad you like the Moai, that China Sails mug is one of our favorites. We all swipe ideas from the vintage mugs.

Progress Report:

I think that I have enough items poured for the next Wish List. I will open the list the first week in August. It will open Wednesday August 1st and close at midnight PST on Sunday August 5th. I will post photos of what's available to be made and what each item will cost to order. Shipping will be added to that cost. The first on the list may be able to snag those that I've already made but just need to be glazed. Remember that I don't work with deadlines. I work hard and as fast as possible but that's it. I will be making the Sacramento Crawl mug and going to Oasis at the same time. At least this time all the items have been poured and cleaned and I just need to take them off the shelf and go to work on the creative part.

I opened the kiln yesterday morning and the only cracks were in the mugs that Psycho Tiki D gave me as a gift. They were so fragile and thin. Of the ten only five survived without hairlines from the bisque fire. I'll glaze the survivors in the future. It has still been fun to work with them. Thank you PTD.

Top shelf in the kiln. When firing green ware it is OK to let them touch. Glazing is completely different, items would all stick together.

Bottom shelf in the kiln.

One of the five that cracked. Some the entire way from top to bottom.

Even though I sanded it all before firing I can see areas the need to be sanded again before glazing. Because of that we didn't hose them off yet.

Tomorrow morning I will sand and Dan will get drenched washing them off. One spec of dust and the glaze will not stick.

I was so relieved that the wedding mugs and the Super Carved for bavtech came out just fine. I will be glazing them by Wednesday.

littlegiles here are a couple of better photos of the Moai bowl.

Speaking of Moai's Dan was doing his Rosetta Stone yesterday and up popped this photo.

I've made several bowls with the Bumatay Fish design. Now I've made a couple with the Bumatay Tiki design. This one is with coconut carvings on the bowl. Or it could be a looked at as a woven basket.

Even though I wrap the cast items in multiple layers of plastic wrap they still firm up. Before I make something I repeatedly dunk them in a bucket of water and allow them to soak up some moisture. Here I'm cutting off the fins so that it goes from fish to tiki.

Then I assemble them and put them in a plastic bag so that they do not crack.

It is fun to change the shape of the bowl and to add carvings. This one is tapa.

Well friends that's it for today. I hope I'm keeping the Dan and Wendy show alive! Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-07-23 13:31 ]


The Wendy & Dan Show deserves top ratings as far as I am concerned!

I'm always excited to tune in to the Dan & Wendy show! And, as always, you do not disappoint. thanks for your constant updates.

As usual everything looks fantastic, but I absolutely LOVE where you are going with that Hawaiian Hut mug. How small can you sculpt fine details Wendy? I ask because I have an idea that sometime I would like to have you make me a new inkwell tiki style, and it would have to have one of those patented topless Wendy hula gals. :wink:

Thank you hang10tiki, Kele, LoriLovesTiki for your kind words they are appreciated.

tigertail777777777777 yours too. As far as detail goes it's hard to do that with the same clay that I'm baking. Sculptors clay is best for detail. The face of the woman on the Hawaiian Hut mug is the size of the fingernail on the smallest finger. I'll be hand painting the detail onto each face. You may send a photo of the ink well tiki and I'll comment on what I think about it.

Progress Report:

Horrors the dreaded Glug Glug happened to one of the War God mugs.

The first indicator was excessive weight and the caved in top.

It was my fault I usually check inside each mug with a flash light after we dump the excess slip out. Every so often it needs help with a stick to get it to move. I forgot and of course it happened. Here I have trimmed off the entrance clay and smoothed the bottom.

I like to rescue my mistakes and make something with them. I cut open the back.

I used a melon scoop to clean out the goopy clay.

I opened up the head wider and put some of the goop alone the edges and pressed it onto one of my blank mug casts.

It is all very soft. I added some clay along the side, I'll add more as it firms up.

Here is how it looks along the side of a regular cast. I think I'm glad it happened.

These are drying for the next bisque firing.

This many are sanded and already in the kiln waiting for the rest.

Today we sand and wash those already bisque fired. Then tomorrow I'll start to glaze. It is always so fun to get to this part.

Thank you everyone for stopping by, you make it worthwhile to post. Sincerely, Wendy and Dan

Sorry about the glugger Wendy - When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt!
Good use of a flubbed mug!

Interesting post on the repair job. Every once in a while, I forget to dump the extra slip out in a timely manner and wind up with a extra thick mug. Never thought about cutting one open.

As for the exploding figures, I found that drilling small holes into the thickest parts of a solid sculpt prevented explosions. I've never tried to sand a cast mug, however. Usually, I just hit them with water and smooth things out with hands tools and my hands.

MadDogMike I like making lemonade. Your King bowl is very special.

BeezleBug I've always enjoyed saving something. I use water, sponges tools for smoothing but I've found mold lines like to return so a bit of sanding helps. I get distracted and press too hard breaking my casts at times. I've also had mold lines come back after bisque firing and I've had to sand them again. That's common with the Frankoma War Gods. Below is a photo of me sanding the bisque fired War God bowl.

Progress Report;

I sanded all of the bisque fired mugs and bowls.

Dan then hosed them off. Today I will glaze and glaze until I finish the Wedding mugs and bavtech's super carved. I also have a few to work on for Dan.

I think I have Otto's face finished now and I can concentrate on the rest of the painting. Is he recognizable?

We fired another load yesterday and I have one more to go. I'm going to be ready for the next Wish List next Wednesday. Thank you all for hanging in there with me while I finish up projects and get ready for yours.

We hope that we'll see many of you at Oasis, Wendy and Dan

Oh yes Wendy, I can recognize that mastermind very well in your picture.

Great job of capturing Otto dressed to kill!

Nice Cooley hat Dan! :lol:

Tavarua Tiki I'm so glad. Now I can get busy finishing up the painting.

MadDogMike he used to wear his favorite hat when bike riding. I had to threaten no more tikis if he didn't wear a helmet. So now its just when mowing the lawn and squirting tikis. We'll be at it again today when the kiln opens.

Over the years Dan and I have collected a lot of shell necklaces. Yesterday Dan put a pole over the entry way into his man cave in the garage. He hung all the necklaces. This is so much more fun than having them all over the place.

To glaze 9 items it took this many glazes and supplies.

My new design Moai bowl done in buff stone with red interior.

One down 8 to go. At three layers each glaze color I was there all day.

A Tall PNG for Dan and one of bavtech's Super Carved in the back.

bavtechs Super Carved Tiki Bob's still need three layers of white and black and two layers of clear. That's part of what I'll do today.

I finished off the Glug Glug mug and put it out to dry with the rest of the items needing to be fired.

Now it is time to open the kiln and to hose off those that will be ready to glaze.

Thank you to every one who looked and to those who leave messages. Cheer, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-07-26 16:16 ]

Was so excited when I pulled up the board and saw you had done an update just minutes ago. YEA!! Love the new Moai bowl with the red interior. The slight angle to them gives it a completely new feel. Great update! Thanks.

  • Dale

Thank you littlegiles. I hope he looks good when he's fired.

The ElroyArtspace Show based on Munktikis mug for Tiki Kon is up. To see all the art go to: http://www.elroyartspace.com/whatmakesyourtikihappy-augsept2012.html

Cheers, Wendy

Love the Moai bowl!

Now that's a lot of necklaces
Love the 6 suffering bastard mugs above the necklaces
(maybe a future Wendy mug series???)

All the new mugs look great
Awesome update

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2012-07-26 22:17 ]

Wow - your Glug Glug Mug looks fantastic, not to slight the others

Atomic Tiki Punk thanks so much. I have made a second one with the Moai heads looking straight out. I'll have to do a comparison photo in the future.

hang10 tiki we pick those necklaces up where ever they are $1 or less. Sometimes they are free.

Holler Waller I like the Glug Glug too and I'm glad you do. It's drying now and will bisque in a couple of days.

Progress Report:

Here's the load we opened and washed yesterday.

The Sacramento Crawl mug master.

I began the second day of glazing doing the faces and the clear glaze. 5 layer total on the faces.

Once that was done they went outside to dry. Dan wanted a Volcano Pele Bob as shown

and a matching bowl. I turned the photo upside down.

I fired the glazed load last night and the kiln will open in the morning. It is always scary to see if the glaze stayed put or ran.

Dan suffers through this with me every day. It was really cold outside. As I unloaded the kiln he high pressured off the dust so I could glaze.

Dan was drenched and cold. I said, "hey, pour a bowl full of water on your head for a photo for our tiki fans." He did.

Then he asked, "why did I do that?"

"Because it was fun for me sweetheart."

More tomorrow. I hope your Friday night is fun, Wendy and Dan

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-07-27 21:27 ]

Have you crazy kids been watching FlashDance again?

Dan's a Maniac ... Maaaaaniac . . .


Those Bob's are looking pretty awesome Wendy! Can't wait to see them after they come out of the Kiln.

The things Dan suffers through for his art! :lol:

I remember that Flashdance scene Greg... STEAMY!!!!


Greg and Mike I agree Dan is a steamy maniac who works very hard to keep me happy.

bavtech in a couple of hours check your email.

Progress Report:

Yesterday while the kiln fired we worked on making two molds of the Sacramento Ohana crawl mug due in October.

I took a short cut using the blank mold to hold the bisque hardened master mug.

Next after deciding where the widest point of the mug was and drawing a line I built up the clay to that line and added mold locks. I extended the end to the top of the mold.

I put the box on and added the clay to all the seams to prevent leaks. Then I used mold soap so that the mold will come off.

After the first piece hardened it was removed. Now I took off the clay and the plastic wrap that protected the back side.

At this point the front had a mold piece on it and we have done the back side. We took it off and prepared to start on the second mold.

Mold number two. We now molded the back for a second time.

We took it apart to see how it was going. Three pieces down one more front piece to make. We are very happy because no matter what we have one good mold. We are soooo tired.

It was all downhill after that. First Dan says it's leaking but didn't put the bucket back to catch it so we had to fix the leak and mix another batch.

Then I remembered that I hadn't used the mold soap before we poured in the plaster. Would there be enough left from the last pour? It was stuck. I trimmed the sides trying to get it out.

That didn't work so I just hit it with the rubber mallet. I should have had Dan catch the mug but I didn't so it crashed on the floor.

The good news is that I only lost a couple of letters that I can carve back in on each mug.

We ended up with two good molds that are now drying in the sun.

It was a good day after all. Thanks for taking the journey with us. Now I need to find my maniac...man and get to work.

Cheers, Wendy

PS Dan did a good job mopping but I forgot to take a photo_______________

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-07-28 08:30 ]

Nice pics. Good example of how to use a bisque-hardened master sculpt - a technique I'll try down the road. Sorry about the breakage!

What a great team...isn't it funny when you think back about retiring and here you are probably working longer hours...LOL

it works really well just don't forget the mold soap. Three times I painted it on and wiped it off. That's what saved the mold when I forgot the second time around.

VampiressRN 7 days a week. I'm so ready for a trip to Oasis.

Progress Report:

I opened the kiln and then finished off those that needed hand painting. These are examples of what's available on the next Wish List along with whatever your imagination comes up with. Cheers, Wendy

PNG style

The mug on the right is for the Pele/Volcano swap that MadDogMike is running.
Dan liked it so much he had me make one for him. For his I used the new taller Bob mold.

Next Dan asked if I would make a matching volcano Bob bowl that he could sit the mug in for display.

Using the same clay sculpture I made for Roge's chunk lamps I'm making Moai Bowls.

The Wedding Mugs are finished. I hid the names and date at the bottom front. These are hand painted.

Super Carved Bobs that bavtech will be selling at Tiki Oasis 12. He has an indoor booth. He'll be bringing other tikis I've made. This is terrific because I'm not vending but my art will still be there.

Now I need to finish the Spy/Tiki painting for the Oasis show. My goal is to post the prices with a photo of each item on Tuesday night so the orders may start after midnight August 1st. Thank you all for watching my thread and bringing my art into your homes. I am one happy artist, Wendy



Morning Wendy!

Those Volcano Bob's are awesome! What am I saying.... All of them are awesome.

I really like the Bob's you made for Oasis. I am going to make some cool signature cards for all the stuff.

Look forward to seeing some Wendy magic on this Peanut Mug mold I am bringing over today!

Wow. I just caught up and .... WOW!

the glaze inside the wedding mugs (not that I couldn't go on and on about every mug) is spectacular. could you explain the speckled process, please? was this similar to the yellow orange swirly look inside of one of the volcano bowls from the last wish list?

the colors and textures are such a wonderful compliment to your carvings. You create the total package! (not that I couldn't say the same thing about you and Dan)


could someone please wipe my chin? I'm drooling everywhere! HAHA Amazing job on all those. LOVE the Moai bowl and I have to agree with dartharnie, the interior of the wedding mugs is really special.




Just magical!


Mahalo for what you guys do.


Hello men. You've all made my day special. I love reading the comments. Here are some of my own.

hang10tiki don't stop I could read a list like that all day.

bav tech see you again today for lesson number two. It's fun seeing a professional mold of an old tiki design. See your photos below.

dartharnie this is a glaze by Mayco. They put chunks of chemicals into the liquid glaze that melt in the kiln to creat this beauty. This is one of my favorites. They have lots of these in different colors. The swirly I did on hang10tikis bowl was different I painted red and yellow and let them blend in the kiln.

littlegiles congrats on figuring out MadDogMikes project. I love drooling comments. I'm really happy with how the Moai bowl turned out, thank you.

McTiki today I will work on adding another one of your tikis to my Spy/Tiki painting. Thank you for allowing me to use your styles for my project. I'm so happy you like my art.

Dan and I took yesterday off so I could have time with Nelson-bavtech.

We started his lesson with feeling the difference between clay that was ready for pouring and that which was too thick.

After his lessons he purchased all my left over art to take to Oasis to sell and he picked up his Super Carved orders. He also bought all my carving tools and some tikis that Benzart had started. I'm going to give up wood carving and stick with clay.

I sanded some more dried tikis and bowls. This is a new shape for the bowl with the small Tiki Bob's and check out the bottom lip on the moai.

They finished drying and have been dusted and placed in the kiln. I just need to fill up the kiln and then I'll fire and have more things prepped for the Wish List Orders. Here are the Bumatay Tiki bowls that have no fins like the Bumatay Fish bowls.

I'm working on the price list so that I can post it tomorrow. Then starting at midnight August 1st I'll take orders for the next Wish List.

I'll work hard for everyone but I can't work with deadlines. My goal will always be to finish pieces as fast as I can as long as the quality is the best I can accomplish.

You choose everything from the design to the glaze colors. Example: The Moai rock colors can be light tan to blue or a shiny glaze if you like that better. Just ask and we'll find a way to make what you desire.

I'll post photos as I progress through the work. This is a super fun time for me. I like the challenge of filling your wishes.

Now its time to work! Wendy

I remember you wrote about the glaze, but couldn't remember and at 110+ pages, i doubt i would find it. It looks so perfect inside the mug and the similar colored highlights on the carvings make it a great compliment. thanks for answering my question.

remember to thank the person who talked you into a light box, again, because your pictures really look as good as the real mugs and force me to drool over every mug.

Have you thought about making the Moai lips bigger like a plate. Think african discs (like we saw in National Geographic as kids) for tea lights or the like. might not work because of clay strength, cracking, etc., but it was the second thing i thought after..."WOW"

As always, you rock!

You just wow me everytime! I love looking at what you have in the works. That speckled blue glaze from the wedding mugs could be really interesting in the moai bowl. Give it a sunken, underwater treasure look. :) I know what you mean about deadlines. I used to sell handcrafted items and I hated taking commissions because people always wanted to set a deadline. It finally got so bad that I wouldn't accept them and just create and sell as I had time. I'm glad you aren't doing that! Your generosity, creativity and passion show in every post.

Keep it up!


Hi dartharnie, thanks for your comments and suggestions. I love being told I rock! The light box was a gift from MadDogMike and I'll forever be grateful for all the help he's given to me over the years.

littlegiles, I love that glaze. I've used it as a water effect with my Bumatay Fish bowls. You are right I think it would work well with the Moai bowls too.

Progress Report:

bavtech/Nelson came by to open his peanut mug mold. After it came out I showed him how to clean off mold lines. He also put Mahalo Tiki on the bottom, that's his business you may have seen it as the header at the top of the screen.

Over the past few months friends have let me know what they wanted to order on the next wish list. So this Super Carved Bob will be purple and it is for Steve Soto.

Now it is time for me to work on the Wish List price guide. I'll post it today as soon as it is finished. Orders may be placed starting at midnight tonight. We have worked hard to be better prepared this time with some things already bisque fired and waiting only for an order and a glaze color. This will be lots of fun, Wendy

14 1/2 hours to go

See next post with photos. You choose the colors so some of these pictures are in raw clay and made ahead. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-08-02 10:02 ]

July 31, 2012

Hi Friends I’m ready for your WISH LIST #3 orders beginning Midnight August 1st. I am placing the prices that are not accounting for shipping charges with each item. Those charges will be the actual cost at the time of shipping. If we are able to meet up at an event Dan and I would hand deliver your art.

You choose the glaze colors and all the variations from bowl shape to carving styles, you name it I’ll try to fill your wishes. For ideas check out previous wish lists on my Gallery Page (page 1) on Tiki Central and scroll 1/3 of the way down to find the first modified Tiki Bob’s. These start right after my painting of my dear friend little lost tiki holding two Tiki Bob mugs. Here is the link.

Prices in effect until the end of 2012

Frankoma War Gods all are made from molding an original. They are 10% smaller by the time all firings are completed.
I hold the copy write.

War God statue……………………………..$60

The King’s Goblet…………………………$150

With lava ………………………$170

Frankoma Bowl with s&p 3 tikis………….$150

Frankoma Bowl with 3 Large tikis………..$350
Huge and Heavy

Bumatay Bowls

Bumatay (3) fish bowl (fins)………$250

Bumatay (3) tiki bowl………………………$250
On the table you will see the first two I've just dried. One with tapa and one with a palm tree surface.

Bumatay necklace...............$40

Custom mug using this blank you tell me what you want and I’ll work with you. This is a large mug. My thought is that you should have a mug with the name of your bar on it and say a logo. My guess is between $80 and $160 depending on how much detail front and back.
First the Blank mug then the new Tall Bob and the Regular Bob.

Tiki Bob’s

Small Tiki Bob statue super carved……………………........$40

………………………with rings only……………………….$30
Like the Tiki Bob bowls have.
Small Tiki Bobs (3) as a bowl (round or triangular)……….$150
Large Tiki Bobs (3) as a bowl………………………………$300

Super Carved Tiki Bob mug no additions regular height……$75

Super Carved Tiki Bob mug no additions new tall version….$80

Additional sculpts for Tiki bob mugs will add $10 (example palms with tiki)

to $25 (example the turtle, creature and Wedding Mugs additions)

Hats for Tiki Bobs such as;


Fez (I need to make a mold which will slow this order a bit)…………………………………$45

Large (3) Moai Head Bowl………………….……………..$225

I will also take on total customs such as volcano bowls……???
Or a Volcano that will just sit inside your bowl.
Here's a Volcano Bob that would be...since he's easy enough $80 for the tall Bob and $10 for the addition of clay to make a volcano with or without his face.

If there's something you were looking for that I did not post let me know.
I look forward to the challenge of making your Wishes Come True.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-07-31 15:35 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-07-31 15:42 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-07-31 15:44 ]

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