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Great scores everyone!!

Slacks your wonderful finds make me want to take my lunch time hunt early!

I can just imagine everyones excitement when they find something.
Whether it's the first or one hundred and first find, the thrill is exactly the same!(for me anyhow)

hiya - just picked this beauty up at my neighbourhood ValuVillaj:

don't know much about it tho - it's black, almost 8" tall, no handle, and no markings to speak of.

i sure do like it.

[ Edited by: Tiki A. Moaikingbird on 2005-03-08 12:38 ]

Aloha Moaikingbird!
Looks like you found one of the Munktiki wanna-be's... Slacks found some of these up here in Canada.



On 2005-03-08 12:21, Tiki A. Moaikingbird wrote:
hiya - just picked this beauty up at my neighbourhood ValuVillaj:

don't know much about it tho - it's black, almost 8" tall, no handle, and no markings to speak of.

i sure do like it.

[ Edited by: Tiki A. Moaikingbird on 2005-03-08 12:38 ]

Isn't that a Munktiki

On 2005-03-08 13:06, Hale Tiki wrote:

Isn't that a Munktiki

Actually, that looks look the knock-off fake Munktiki "Kreepy" mug that was being sold by Zellers. It is mentioned in this thread:



On 2005-03-08 13:05, Tikiwahine wrote:
Aloha Moaikingbird!
Looks like you found one of the Munktiki wanna-be's... Slacks found some of these up here in Canada.


I must have that dreaded "invisible post syndrome" :wink:

Congratulations on your first post, Tiki A. Moaikingbird -- after only a year and a half. Why don't you do an introduction here: https://tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=6&forum=1&1248

An illegal Chinese knock-off, eh? At Zellers? Crazy.

My local library was giving away the books they couldn't sell in their book sale, and I found copies of:

Typee by Herman Melville

Kon-Tiki by Thor Heyerdahl

On 2005-03-09 07:33, freddiefreelance wrote:
My local library was giving away the books they couldn't sell in their book sale, and I found copies of:

Typee by Herman Melville

Kon-Tiki by Thor Heyerdahl

[Napoleon Dynamite] Luck-y! [/Napoleon Dynamite]

My wife found this mug today at a thrift store (they ARE still out there!). It's from the Huki-Lau Restaurant in Metairie, Louisiana. I found some info on the place here:

"The Huki-Lau Restaurant/Bar, later known as the Huki-Lau Supper Club, was a Polynesian-theme restaurant located at 3701 Hessmer St. in the area we used to call Fat City. The decor was Hawaiian, but the food was Chinese, and it was in business for about six years during the 1970s."

I didn't find anything in Critiki on this place, but it can't be a "new" find. (Is it?)

OOOPS! Misspelled the name of the city, which is why it didn't turn up in any searches. Oh well, still a cool mug.

Classic Silver Line Boats

[ Edited by: SilverLine on 2005-03-10 07:11 ]

got this postcard last weekend for a buck at a local flea market.

"Hawaiian Enchantment," postmarked 1951.

interesting, fact, the tiki in the background is the same as in the middle of the second postcard page in Tiki Quest, but it's a different wahine.

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2005-03-10 07:37 ]


My 2cents (no, now it's 3 cents due to sniping).

I wish Snipeing would not happen. It's uncapitolistic. Let the one who will pay the most for it, pay for it and the rest should get over it. Sneaking in at the last minute is downright communist. (okay, the last part I through in for humor). Seriously though, I hope the one to whom it means the most will win (although it is nice when some people with small bank accounts and score a rare, legit win). Oh well, good luck to all.


original oil on canvas by George Thomas. He is exhibiting in Palm Springs right now, and IMHO is really underpriced at the moment. His web site is www.artby georgethomas.com

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-03-26 13:44 ]

I just received this Trader Vic Sufferin' Bastard Shot Glass Checker Set for a wedding present!!!!!

i just scored the BIRD BOWL(page 3 of QUEST) and the mug on the right of page 18 of QUEST. anyone know if either of these rare? thanks TD

On 2005-03-12 16:35, TIKI DAVID wrote:
i just scored the BIRD BOWL(page 3 of QUEST) and the mug on the right of page 18 of QUEST. anyone know if either of these rare? thanks TD

Rare? naaah. you don't even want 'em. send them to me, I'll send you back something you'd like better :)


a while back i was in Calgary and found two of the coolest damn Hawaiian shirts i had ever seen (pictured below, both of the yummiest barkcloth).

alas, they wuz WAY too small for me, but that didn't stop me from bringing them home.

soon after, a conversation with SweetDaddyTiki led to the idea of turning these otherwise-unwearable (by me) Hawaiian shirts into Q U I L T gold!

one quick phone call to my Mom, and the tiki quilt project was underway!

i've now got 10 shirts in total, plus some bits of aesthetically similar cloth. just need the back of the quilt (solid dark colour, perhaps?), and then it's time to fire up the Singer!

here's the rest of 'em (i really like orange/brown/yellow, so i probably won't use the green one), and a slightly larger sample of each pattern:

*with bends like these, who needs anemones?

  • jacques cousteau*

[ Edited by: Tiki A. Moaikingbird on 2005-03-12 22:54 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki A. Moaikingbird on 2005-03-13 09:36 ]

Now...did you find these ALL in Calgary? WHERE?? And if so:


I feel better now.

umm...Nice shirts...

there, there, get a hold of yourself - i only pirated 2 of them away from Cowtown.

if memory serves, they both came form the same southside Goodwill store... i think my uncle mentioned that the store closed down?

[ Edited by: Tiki A. Moaikingbird on 2005-03-12 22:29 ]

Tiki A. M. : it seems a pity to slice and dice such beautiful shirts -- couldn't you just shrink yourself to size?

I'd break up the patterned squares with solid colors (or a very small pattern) or it's going to be too busy. Are you planning to sew this quilt yourself?

note to self:

get Mom to
a. sew me a tiki quilt, or
b. construct a Matter-Reduction Ray™

On 2005-03-12 21:35, Tiki A. Moaikingbird wrote:
one quick phone call to my Mom, and the tiki quilt project was underway!

I just passed this message along to my mom, who has been quilting nonstop since she retired.

Something like this can be done by anyone with some basic sewing knowledge. It can be as simple or as complicated as you want!

Found at an Auction House in Petaluma I had ALWAYS meant to check out and finally did

for $175. It was listed as "Carved Totem Pole", and most people thought it was Alaskan.

I've got to do more research, but heregoes.

Awesome score tikimonkey. I would love to find an old Marquesan pole like that!

And Tiki a Mockingbird: I think the Hawaiian shirt quilt idea is a good one. Maybe I'll try to find someone to sew one for me.

OK feel'n zombified,where do i send them? TD

Tiki A Moaikingbird,

That's a great idea! I've been collecting shirts that are not the right size with that purpose in mind too.

This is the quilt my Mum made for my husband and I when we were married. I bought these fabrics in Waikiki last summer. This is a 'tiki find' that will be staying in the family for generations to come.

Every one is a hawaiian print, including the white tone-on-tone print. I managed to find a blue print with tikis in it, it's neat to see them peeking out at you from the blocks and border. We designed the pattern together. The presence of white adds quite a bit to the colourful fabrics.

There is a quilt made with different coloured hawaiian print fabrics in my Mum's quilt shop where I work. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow and post it for you. It's a very simple pattern that lends itself well to many bright coloured fabrics.

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2005-03-13 10:05 ]

that's awesome!

ok, while I've got the camera out, here are some of the shirts I've been collecting.


[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2005-03-13 11:10 ]

that would make for one crazy-arse quilt! :P

the tricky bit seems to be finding some nice solid fabric for the back - in my daydreams, i find a huge dark dark brown piece of barkcloth with subtle little tikiheads on it. so far tho, the only thing i've been able to find is this. (it's about 3 feet by 6 feet, so not quite big enough. i'm not looking to make this a bed quilt, more of a curl-up-on-the-couch kinda quilt)

buying retro hawaiian fabrics on the 'net seems a little expensive, altho if i don't score something in my thrift store travels, i may just bite the bullet...

WAITAMINNIT, pleeeeease....before y'all start slicing up your vintage Aloha shirts, please think twice, consider their collectability, and spare the ones with Tiki prints.
They might eventually find a place in my upcoming book on Aloha shirt design entitled "The Look Of Tiki" (which will become LOT, I guess). All the Aloha shirt books out so far mostly ignore the cool modern graphics of the 60s and 70s, and I plan to change that by putting something out that makes a visual splash just like the shirts did!

On 2005-03-10 07:32, Johnny Dollar wrote:
got this postcard last weekend for a buck at a local flea market.

"Hawaiian Enchantment," postmarked 1951.

interesting, fact, the tiki in the background is the same as in the middle of the second postcard page in Tiki Quest, but it's a different wahine.

...and filslash wrote:

"It's also the same tiki (on Maui) as in the Boyd Rice article, and pictured on the back of some denny cd... Current whereabouts unknown"

...AND what makes this Tiki design even MORE interesting is that two of them were flanking the entrance to the ORIGINAL Trader Vic's in Oakland (BOT p.82). It proves that the early Trader Vic's decor, like the Tahitian/Marquesan posts were imported from Hawaii and Tahiti, because the American Tiki carving tradition had not yet formed. I wonder if we ever will find out who the carver of the these sleek, very modern Tikis was. He must have worked in Hawaii...


*Found at an Auction House in Petaluma I had ALWAYS meant to check out and finally did

for $175. It was listed as "Carved Totem Pole", and most people thought it was Alaskan. *

Now that is a Tiki find!

Great score, monkey. Congrats. This Tiki deserves its own topic, as I fear it will get lost in the many pages of this topic. There has to be a few TC'ers with some knowledge of this carving.

$175? Wow.


On 2005-03-13 13:03, midnite_tiki wrote:
Great score, monkey. Congrats. This Tiki deserves its own topic, as I fear it will get lost in the many pages of this topic. There has to be a few TC'ers with some knowledge of this carving.

Done and done


Yeah, I'm ultra-stoked.

I've been busy searching, and lazy on the picture posting. Below is a few of the lastest finds.
I picked these two up just as a antique mall was closing. Tag read two tropical framed pictures Reg.$16.00 now 1/2 price $8.00. Had to wait till I got home to pull off the back of the frame and yes, they are complete Matson menus.
The next two pictures are of differant matches and swizzles

and last a strange decanter and shots set made by QUON-QUON. Don't know anything about this except ebay list all QUON-QUON items as being made around 1980 or 1981. anyone know more?also a half price find paid $11.00 for the set

[ Edited by: exotica59 on 2005-03-13 19:22 ]

On 2005-03-13 12:34, bigbrotiki wrote:
WAITAMINNIT, pleeeeease....before y'all start slicing up your vintage Aloha shirts, please think twice, consider their collectability, and spare the ones with Tiki prints.
They might eventually find a place in my upcoming book on Aloha shirt design entitled "The Look Of Tiki" (which will become LOT, I guess).

"The Look of Tiki"? Very Cool! And a VERY good idea! Most of us can't afford thousands of dollars for WWII vintage shirts.

Now about cutting up shirts for quilts . . you wouldn't grind up prefectly good mugs to make a serving bowl (would you?). Save the good shirts (and your money) and buy damaged shirts. I used to buy shirts for 40 cents a pound at Goodwill, resell the nice ones and salvage the buttons off the torn ones to replace missing buttons on otherwise good shirts. Ask around at your favorite thrift stores. They usually cull the damaged shirts before anyone ever sees them.


Classic Silver Line Boats

[ Edited by: SilverLine on 2005-03-14 09:29 ]


My brother brought me back a can of Tiki Toheroa soup from NZ.
He had it in the Te Papa museum of Wellington, it's a can from the 50's of a shellfish that is now forget to sell...The guy at the museum gave him. cool...

He also brought me some Ti toki liquor with a cool design, and some Hei tikis...
Thanks bro.


Virani - love the tiki soup!

Again my parents came through for me! On a weekend outing to Ocean City Maryland they stopped at an antique store on the way home and picked up these...

Homemade Tiki Ashtray - over a foot long, really well done.

Mai Kai mug that I've never seen before...

...looks like it's an OMC judging by the diamond shaped sticker residue on the bottom...

Great finds, everybody!

I just wanted to bump this post before it becomes forgotten, I am really very interested in finding that Tiki's carver:

On 2005-03-10 07:32, Johnny Dollar wrote:
got this postcard last weekend for a buck at a local flea market.

"Hawaiian Enchantment," postmarked 1951.

interesting, fact, the tiki in the background is the same as in the middle of the second postcard page in Tiki Quest, but it's a different wahine.

...and filslash wrote:

"It's also the same tiki (on Maui) as in the Boyd Rice article, and pictured on the back of some denny cd... Current whereabouts unknown"

...AND what makes this Tiki design even MORE interesting is that two of them were flanking the entrance to the ORIGINAL Trader Vic's in Oakland (BOT p.82). It proves that the early Trader Vic's decor, like the Tahitian/Marquesan posts, were imported from Hawaii and Tahiti, because the American Tiki carving tradition had not yet formed. I wonder if we ever will find out who the carver of the these sleek, very modern Tikis was. He must have worked in Hawaii...


Unfortunately I am not too familiar with menus. What are Matson menus? My fiancee's grandma just gave me four of the exact same pieces all framed and I haven't taken them apart yet but she had said that she remembered them being "menus or something."

It's possible that they're just prints. I have that set of four matching prints in matching frames that I found at a thrift store. They are marked on the back that they came from a Hudsons Dept. store travel agency... To me this was twice as nice: Detroit history & tiki art in one.

On 2005-03-15 06:48, Tiki D wrote:
Unfortunately I am not too familiar with menus. What are Matson menus? My fiancee's grandma just gave me four of the exact same pieces all framed and I haven't taken them apart yet but she had said that she remembered them being "menus or something."


Tiki D - Matson was a cruise line that ran from the U.S. to the South Pacific throughout the early to mid-20th century. The menus came from their ships the Lurline, Maripossa, etc. I know nothing about the menus other than I wish I had some! :)

On 2005-03-15 07:55, johntiki wrote:
Tiki D - Matson was a cruise line that ran from the U.S. to the South Pacific throughout the early to mid-20th century.

For the record, Matson is still around, just not in the passenger business anymore.



you guys are the best, thanks for the info! now it looks like I am going to have to do some investigating when I get home tonight to see if they are the full menus or just the prints. still cool either way.

On 2005-03-15 07:55, johntiki wrote:
Tiki D - Matson was a cruise line that ran from the U.S. to the South Pacific throughout the early to mid-20th century.

The Matson route can be appreciated on the map "Course of the Matson Liners in the South Pacific" on pages 30/31 in the BOT. The icons of Polynesia are strung on a pink flower Lei surrounding Matson's ports of call.

The best known series of menus among Hawaiiana collectors were designed by artist Frank MacIntosh in the 30s, and Eugene Savage in the late 40s (the ships were put to war use until 1945). The imagery of these two artists has been used and copied so much that it has become a clichee twice, on shirts, plastic trays and murals.

The above menus must have been in use throughout the 60s, the most desirable one (which is always missing nowadays) is the New Zealand one with the big Maori Tiki in the foreground.

Hey Sven! This is jumping way off topic but I'm curious...do you happen to know what became of the Matson's ships when they got out of the cruise ship business? I'm in the market for a 900 foot cruise ship...no seriously, I've heard bizarre stories of former cruise ships being sold to some off-the-wall third world countries and in some cases they still remain in use.

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-03-26 13:46 ]

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