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Tiki Finds

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Nice score on the Trader Dick's S&P Matt!
I've never seen those before.

I found 4 Westwood mugs and 1 Don the Beachcomber Rum Barrel this weekend. I paid $3 each for the Westwood and $1 for the RUm barrel. Not a bad weekend for me. Oh and on top of it all, my friends and I ended up going to Bahooka for drinks on Saturday night. We each drank our own Scorpion bowl....

I found this one yesterday, It's a coffee mug and quite sturdy. It's refreshing to know that they're are good examples of tiki coffee mugs out there besides those cheaply made Kona Coffee Mills variety that are either flimsy, hard plastic, or have tacky rhinestone eyes.


On 2005-04-15 14:30, SilverLine wrote:
Picked these guys up last weekend at an "antique" mall in Lowery City, MO. We'd seen them a few weeks prior but didn't get them, then I spent the next couple of weeks kicking myself for passing on them SURE that they would be sold when we got back. Well, no surprise, Tiki is NOT big in rural Missouri. These are Otagiri imports, marked and complete with OMC sticker.


It's not often I get to flex my photographic geek muscle.

On 2005-04-19 06:58, Hale Tiki wrote:


It's not often I get to flex my photographic geek muscle.

Actually, no special equipment here. A white sheet taped to the wall behind a desk and two old movie lights bounced off the ceiling. For smaller objects I like to use one of those translcent plastic storage boxes laid on it's side and position hot lights around it. Cheap and effective (portable, too)!

Finally scored a Don The Beachcomber mug without having to sell the farm to get it. I found this baby at a neighborhood sale and the tag on it said "Cowboy Mug $3.00", hee.

now THAT is a score!.....nice one!.....cowboy don....lol!!


That's a super find! We need yard sales selling more "cowboy mugs" and less ugly curtains and plastic cups!

I found these itmes while traveling through IN and OH this weekend. I really like the book of the White Witch Doctor.The lone glass completes a set I already had.Somewhere in all my unpacking I still have to find the 6 records I bought.

where in ohio did you travel?

Springfield, Dayton, Columbus, and cincinnati.
Missed out on the real heavy snow, but still too much for the time of year. On Friday while heading from Bloominton IN to Cincinnati we ran right into one hell of a storm!Went from high 70's to 4o degrees! Terrible winds, with bits of trees flying by, lots of flooding too. Then colder yet and snow!


i got a black harvey's sneaky tiki http://i.b5z.net/i/u/1549862/i/vt16_ezr2.jpg and a green harvey's sneaky tiki http://www.hipwax.com/tiki/T_fig/mh_hst.jpg saturday at the uptown whittier antique street festival for $9 each. they lady told me she had more of those "things" somewhere, but didn't know where she put them.

damn Nauga, those are some good scores. Especially the DTB mug!
Here are a couple happy scores from the last couple weeks: large trader vic's rum batter barrel & coco joe hula wall plaque. The hula girls are a dark red color vs the all black version.


Had a great music find today... was doing my daily scan of the local Goodwill - checked all the shelves for anything tiki but found nothing - went to the record racks and right there on top beside all the Mitch Miller was Yma Sumac's "Legend of the Sun Virgin!" The jacket has some scratches but still looks decent and the vinyl appears perfect! This is my first Yma album and the $1.00 price made it all that much sweeter!

Does anyone do what I do? You find one exotica album and instead of being content you have to dig through the stacks of Mantovani hoping for more. I have visions of an old-timer having to unload his exotica record collection and me going to get a shopping cart to truck them all to the check-out counter! It never happens like that but there's always hope!

On 2005-04-28 18:39, johntiki wrote:
Does anyone do what I do? You find one exotica album and instead of being content you have to dig through the stacks of Mantovani hoping for more. I have visions of an old-timer having to unload his exotica record collection and me going to get a shopping cart to truck them all to the check-out counter! It never happens like that but there's always hope!

I always hit the record racks when I go thrifting and I find stuff all the time. I'll go through every single record - if it takes an hour or more to do so, then that's how much time I'll spend doing it.

A couple of years ago I hit paydirt. Went to Savers in La Habra one afternoon when they just put out their latest loot. It looked like someone dumped off their whole Exotica/Hawaiian/Hapa Haole collection. I filled a whole shopping cart with them all -- walked away with about 80 records! Best part is, I asked the manager if he did quantity discounts. He asked, "are you gonna buy all those?" When I said yes he said he'd sell em at 3 for a dollar! Score!

Struck out today but, has anyone ever noticed that there are excessive amounts of ceramic roosters in the world?

My wifes step dads brothers wife (whew!) collects roosters. I've seen more than one person should ever see.

I hope the folks over at Rooster Central don't peck me to death.

On 2005-04-30 11:37, Pomaika i wrote:
Struck out today but, has anyone ever noticed that there are excessive amounts of ceramic roosters in the world?

I didn't before, but I bet I do now. Thanks a bunch.

roosters and 'squirrels on nuts' and owls and mushrooms and... :)



Got lucky and found the twins today at a second hand store. :)

SCORED!! a 5ft. WITCO outrigger canoe on a light green background. YES!! TD


It was at a used furiture store,on sunday.they did not open until 12:00 noon so while looking though the window i spotted it hagging on the wall way in the back.i had to wait 2 hr for them to open{12:30}.when i saw the price,i knew they didn't know what they had.so i offerd 50% and they took it.and it's in perect shape. just needed some dusting TD


ohhhhh, your soooo luck eeeeee!
What a great score.Glad to hear that stuff like that is still out there waiting to be found.

Great find!
I found my first 10" Philippines tiki last week for $3 CAD! Also found tropical barkcloth robe, which is a first for me!

I spotted a pair of HIP dancers at an antique shop - they wanted $38 for the pair! I think not.

SCORED MY FIRST WITCO this weekend!!!

And a doozy it is: one of the masks mounted on fake leopard fur, like the "non-horned" one of this pair recently sold on eBay:


Shall we say, I did not pay anything like these went for :wink:

I hoped that the guy might have his mate in the back, but no such luck. Kilikopela scored his pair that way ("You like that? I have another one of those African masks in the back."!!) But I'm very very happy with my single guy.

In fact, this was pretty much the only Witco stuff I really really wanted (this pair and the Hugh Hefner trio of masks). I have to admit, the furniture does does not rock my (Viking) boat. It's great in The Jungle Room (and in Laney's home, I'm sure!), but it just wouldn't fit in my home.

Happy happy happy girl!!!

Kono posted on Mon, May 2, 2005 3:50 PM

OK, people...we need pictures!

All this text description stuff gives me a headache. Just post a pic so I can "ooohhh" and "aaaahhhh." :wink:

This is all I managed to find this weekend:

"Serves 3." I'll be the judge of that.

You want pictures? you got 'em...

I found some old, dusty things fer sittin'...

as you can see, the one in the middle needs some work. I found these friday. All three for $35... that's less than $12 each!

Today I thought I maybe I need to go back and see if there was a bar to go with these stools, but there wasn't. Instead they had this:

It's about 5 feet tall. Amazingly, these were brought in by different people in the same week at the same thrift store. I have found so much Witco in the past month (thrift, flea, private seller, etc.) it's almost laughable after YEARS of not finding a thing.

I just wish one of these were a Tiki (!)


Thank God The Tiki Bar Is Open
Thank God The Tiki Torch Still Shines...

[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified on 2005-05-02 17:54 ]

I have been sandbagging a bit, but here is what I have accumulated over the past couple of months since I last posted.

I found about half of these in the wild and the other half on eBay.

I am still no where close to where I was, but its really nice to have some tiki around again...

From left to right:
Hawaiian Inn - Tiki Leilani-type mug
Unmarked Tiki
Hilton Hawaiian Village - Dragon Mug
Hawaiian Cottage - Parrot Mug - OMC
Mt. Fuji Inn Omaha, Nebr. - Moai
Trader Pang's - Flipper Mug (This is the first one of these that I have seen marked (see below))
The Islands Phoenix, Arizona Mug
Brown OMC mug
Fisherman's Wharf Honolulu - Mermaid Mug
2 Hawaiian Inn Knife Lickers
New Parrot Mug
Harvey's Hula Girl mug
Harvey's Sneaky Tiki
Holiday Inn Financial District Chinatown San Francisco (I know its not Tiki, but I think its cool manchu)
2 Morganstown Wine Glasses

Tiki candle holder
Huge Harvey's Hula Girl bowl
Small OoH Hula Girl mug

I don't know if its tiki, but I liked it, especially for a buck. :)
S.S. President Wilson Cruise menu - December 3rd, 1954


I found this under the sink in the lunch room where I work. It was in a box of cheap vases.

The bottom is embossed "Trader Vics 1963"


S.S. President Wilson Cruise menu - December 3rd, 1954

Hey Cool Man, in case you're curious, here's a little more info about that series of menus. Notably, the illustrator is Don Clever, who also did the famous dinner menu for the Lanai in San Mateo, CA.


Kono posted on Tue, May 3, 2005 4:17 PM

And here's a link to a thread about Trader Pang's. You all had better luck than me.

On 2005-05-02 21:41, ookoo lady wrote:
I found this under the sink in the lunch room where I work. It was in a box of cheap vases.

The bottom is embossed "Trader Vics 1963"

you can be proud of that ookoo, a free random score is always satisfying!

Aloha Everyone!

Thank you for the links to the menu and Trader Pang's. :)

It was very informative. The Trader Pang's story really adds up. As I previously stated, I had never seen any of the flipper mugs with a location logo on it.

Today a new package from eBay arrived with a bunch of more common mugs and some that I hadn't seen before, but appear to be more recent. I love buying stuff in lots from eBay, you never know what yer gonna get. :)


Bad tiki pickings here in Scotland, a wobbling hula girl(£1) and four wee barrels suitable for holding toothpicks ( 10p each)

But yesterday i broke the drought with a Harveys logo mug found in a charity store in Leith for the grand price of £1, the best bit was the price sticker said that it had been on sale for a month, good evidence I'm the only tiki hunter in town.

[ Edited by: atomictonytiki 2009-01-21 09:37 ]


Atomictony - that has got to be a damn fine score for Scotland! Now it's got me wondering how it made its way from Reno to Edinburgh...


i'm betting, "by plane"




I'm envisioning a long and involved story regarding a lounge singer doing some gigs in Reno who ends up getting involved with a vicious gang of Austrian art thieves when he finds a Van Gogh tucked under the bed in his sleazy motel room. The singer who we shall call Jimmy Velvet, decides he's gonna make off with the painting and sell it on the black-market. He knows a guy in Kansas City with ties to organized crime that would probably be able to unload it and get him a sizable chunk of change. Jimmy has had enough of playing Rainbow Room's at Holiday Inn's across the country and one night after easing his nervous mind with a drink at Harvey's he keeps the souvenir mug. Feeling a little tipsy he exits the hotel to his beaten Ford Fairlane when two men on motorcycles with thick accents accost him. With a stroke of luck he manages to evade the semi-automatic gunfire flung in his direction, gets the car started and blasts back to his motel room. He packs up his junk, feels the mug in his jacket pocket and contemplates tossing it in the trash but when the Austrians crash the scene he just has enough time to grab the Van Gogh and the Harvey's mug. With a shriek of bald tires he rockets out onto the highway across the desert in the pitch black. Jimmy is worried that the thugs are following behind him waiting for the perfect opportunity to overtake his car, take the painting back, then riddle his defenseless body with bullets on the shoulder of the interstate.

I could go on but I don't want to give the ending away ...oh, we know the ending... Atomictony finds the Harvey's mug in Edinburg.

I think my writer's block may be cured... I'm onto something here!

On 2005-05-06 09:54, johntiki wrote:
Atomictony - that has got to be a damn fine score for Scotland! Now it's got me wondering how it made its way from Reno to Edinburgh...

Turn Right At Greenland...


I picked up a couple of cool vintage items this weekend at Oasis.

I found this great covered bowl (soup tureen?) and these salt & pepper shakers.

I also got this "ultra rare" Muntiki mug from their vending machine. It's numbered 1 of 1.

Just a mint Trader Vics Canada Coconut mug this weekend for me, 2 bones at the Value Village.

Here are my latest finds from the county flea market. My favorite is the vintage Bali Hai mug:

I found this lady selling tons of vintage fabric CHEAP. I paid $2.00 for this fabric.

I found some great vintage animal print fabric and some atomic 50's style too.

A pretty good day at the flea. I think total I dropped $50.

tiki junkman

I picked up this bowl for.........$1.50 at a garage sale!!!!


It's got the little yellow OMC Japan label on the bottom....Otagiri?

hewey posted on Tue, May 10, 2005 7:11 PM

That fabric looks real nice. My problem would be thinking up too many different ideas and not having enough fabric for them all.

It's been a while since I've shared some of my finds with the good folks of Tiki Central.
Here's an assortment of nuggets I've picked up over the last few months... or so.

Cool tapa cloth stretched like a canvas, vintage rattan half-round end table with solid top, three tikis.

Tikis L to R: Witco?, Blair Waikiki, CoCo Joes.

A sassy pair of vintage rattan and mahogany end tables.

Ashtrays from the Bali Hai, Trader Vic's (never have seen it called "The Trader", and The Lanai.

A green bucket mug with yellow inside from Kuo Wah, funky resin tiki head, tall, thin bucket from the Tonga Room.

Vintage, carved monkeypod lamp. Reads "Aloha Hawaii" around the base.


Fantastic finds tiki-kate, tiki junkman and tiki royale!

I took some pictures of finds yesterday, but once again, forgot my USB cable at home!

Finds I have here at work that haven't been brought home yet :wink:

I now have two of the shirt on the right, with the cool tiki poles on it.

Close up of really cool Moai fork and spoon set, nicely carved!

I just love shirts with tikis on them, Sven if you want pictures for your book let me know!

I found the shirts along with the Moai yesterday, the orange plumaria one has a perfectly matched pocket!

Nice finds TikiWahini! Those shirts are great and I'd love to hear the vinyl

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