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Tiki Finds

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sumu posted on Fri, Jul 1, 2005 4:08 PM

My son and I found this at a local antique mall - I've been looking for a cement tiki for awhile, one I could actually carry home...here he is, posing with my son - I guess we'll name it Ann Tiki....yuck yuck.

virani posted on Sun, Jul 3, 2005 8:27 AM

Here are my recent found, lots of tahitian LPs, CDs and tapes (I got 25 tahitian tapes from the 70's), tahitian souvenirs from the 60's, hawaiian plate, and 3 spanish tiki mugs.

I also got this fantastic silk handkerchief from tahiti, wich goes perfectly on my amazing carved frame from the great Monkeyman. Finaly, I found something to go with the frame, that don't monopolize the beauty of the ensemble.

Amazing find TikiWahine! Very impressive! Are those abalone eyes? I have some wooden salt and pepper shakers with abalone eyes and maybe the same kind of wood as your maori guy. I'm not sure where mine are from. Thanks for posting your find!

well here are our most recent finds. in case you were not aware tikicleen and i are stockton islander nuts! well we finally found some things from there besides mugs.

we had heard that there were some float lamps in SF that were from there but there was no way of authenticating at the time. lately we have been researching the islander an we spoke with the current owner of the building. he told us of how he had sold a bunch of stuff to a guy in the bay area including some small fence/stair rail tikis and several float lamps. that gave us the green light we'd been looking for and we called to see if there were any more. there were one tiki and one float we drove to SF and picked them up today!

you may recognize this tiki from an earlier post from mrsmiley.


it was tagged trader vics but this is exactly what the owner of the islander described that he had sold to the dealer. i think this is a case where trader vics demands more money!

we also bought some of the large tiles they used as screens from the owner of the islander building. they will one day be incorporated into our tiki room. here are some pics of the objects:

Scott and Colleen,
You two are freakin amazing!
I would be honored to have the first mai tai at the Islander Museum when it opens up!

Swanky posted on Tue, Jul 5, 2005 9:48 AM

Those float lamps are a real find anywhere. I asked OA about them and they just flat don't have them anymore. If they are out there, they are worth a lot they said.


i loved the graphics on these posters. just wish they were a more standard size (22x32) ~ cuz framing them is gonna cost a lot more than the posters themselves!!

If you've been enjoying my bad drawings, here's one more for you:

it's me jumping for joy when my digital camera came yesterday.

Now that I have a camera again, I want to show you photos of the Moai bottle I found and ask again if anyone's seen one like it, because I haven't.

Here's the back-

It says Made in Chile on the base. Is it a pisco bottle? I can't find any info on the web.

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 02:57 ]


Here's some candy my wife brought home a while back. I was going to toss it in the rubbish can (cause it tastes like shite) then I realized the box was kinda neat.

I scanned it


Found these at the Rose Bowl yesterday. Forgive the poor quality of the picture, it was taken in a Bahooka-induced stupor.

The fellow on the left is a paddle licker tourist tiki, with mother of pearl eyes. Probably as boringly common on the other end of the Pacific as tourist Kus are here, but I like him.

On the right is a relatively recent Coco Joe's hula girl.

Nothing too thrilling, but got each for just a couple bucks, so I was happy.



Nice scores Humu! I'm having major thrift store withdrawal.
Today, I go for sure!


On 2005-07-11 11:57, Tikiwahine wrote:


Ah, but you misspelled it -- that's Korn-Tiki, and he's Hanford's creation.

Not a major find by any stretch of the imagination… but it does hold particular significance because this Coco Joe's napkin holder is the first “tiki” item I’ve ever found and purchased from a yard sale! I paid $.50 and it made my weekend!

On 2005-06-29 19:29, Tiki Joe wrote:
Anybody got a used copy of Duke's Hoot Quest for sale?

A couple of pages later and this is still making me giggle.

Here's a Sunday flea market find. It's the first piece for my future tiki bar--coming this fall!




Went to NC for 2 weeks and spent a week at Sunset Beach. Found the usual hordes of Chiki Tiki mugs and some Accoutrements mugs, a couple of carvings and a small Coco Joes tiki. The picture frame came from Tiki Jims in N. Myrtle Beach, SC.

While in N. Myrtle Beach I stopped by Tiki's Woodcarvings and picked up this:

While the other people at the estate sale were rummaging through the upscale furniture I hit a kitchen drawer and found this crudely carved tiki hors dovers picks make out of some type of stone. A little too dangerous to hold garnishes but not bad for some rumaki derivative.


I have some of those, Naugatiki!


Juno, that was a great haul. Too bad we have to leave Texas to get more than one item per year.

Recent Finds:

-Home carved Moai slit drum (only about 7" tall).
-2 barrel toothpick holders(blue & brown).
-2 outrigger Hawaii shot glasses(ceramic) with pineapple on one side, writing & outrigger on the other.
-Black & green redware seashell ashtray marked "BEACHCOMBER CANADA" on the bottom.
-Freaky looking Coco Joe's bottle opener...black lava guy with one blue jewel eye, winking with the other eye, and he has one giant foot with only one toe. A menehune maybe? Looks more like a haole.
-9 Beachcomber Victoria Tiki Paddle Swizzlesticks(FINALLY!).
-2 Sambo's Wooden Nickels.
-Big clamshell monkeypod bowl(really nice one).
-Big partitioned turtle monkeypod bowl.
-Framed '59 Pink Caddy cardboard cutout advertising from Eatons(60s - 70s I'm thinking).
-Little 7" wood tourist Tiki(quiet Rodeo).

I'll post pictures of this stuff tonight.

Nice finds everyone. We have a major backload of finds that we will post pictures of soon.

Pappythesailor- we have that same table and matching CD holder. If you want more of that stuff, check out your local Target. They have a whole line like that and they all match.

Have you ever found a box of records at a garage sale and just knew that you were the first person to pick through them? Today I found these, (and several other really nice), lps for about 75 cents apiece in such a box:

Tabu, Batman, and Esquivel - all in mint condition.


Dang! Color me green with envy!

Gee Willikers!
Great scores Sabu!

About a gazillion postcards

mostly from French Polynesia (Bora Bora and Tahiti) plus a few from Hawaii. The Polynesian ones are dated 1985. Hardly any tikis to speak of.

Two records of Maori music from New Zealand

The Haere Mai one has Kiri Te Kanawa on it (singing the title song).

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 03:12 ]


Got this tray today at Veterans Swap Meet in Long Beach. Is it Trader Vic's? It's in great condition.

I really think I need to buy a Lotto ticket because I'm having a great week. First up...

This board is from Oceanic Art dealer Jerry Edler who had an amazing selection of pieces at Exotica. He's member name Auau on Ebay. I was lucky enough to win this in the raffle! Sorry Formikahini :wink:


I found my all time holy grail mug, the Mauna Loa Drum Mug! It was at a flea market that I only hit once a month because they rarely get in new stuff. I wasn't even going to stop there as I was on another mission, but I thought 5 minutes won't kill me. best part? the price...

$4 HA! funny thing was, it was next to a Kahiki mug (shown below) that is fairly common and was priced at $6. I left the Leilani for the next shopper.

from left to right: Trader Vics coffee grog, Exotica mug #61, a N.O. Bali Hi Tikibob that I found on Ebay with a Buy-it-now for 1/2 of the going price, Mauna Loa Detroit Drum, Trader Vics Port/Starboard lights, $6 Kahiki.


Thank God The Tiki Bar Is Open
Thank God The Tiki Torch Still Shines...

[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified 2005-07-17 17:40 ]

ok so Saturday RobRoy and I went out thriftin and antiquing for tiki goods and other fun with a buddy......wondering through a shop I passed by a mug I didn't own and he snatched it right up (rat bastard)........nothing exotic but another mug for the collection.......then a few booths later I came across these great prints in cheesy frames......so I brought them into work to hang in the cube.....he suggested I scan them so I could post them here and when we took them out of the frame......we discovered they were menus.......now I was never big on the menu ideas but I do love the look of them....there were more in the store so I may have to go pick them up......at 12 a peice I got the 2 koolest.....I'm not made of money so have to limit myself most of the time.......I scaned the cover and the insides so you could enjoy see the items served they both are form the 60s.....same trip I think.....

Well, I'm new at the collecting thing, but I've found a few things around town in thrift shops. No mugs yet that I haven't gotten from either Oceanic Arts, or Tiki bars I've been too. But I found one neat thing on ebay a couple days ago, and won the auction for it. Perhaps it's common, perhaps it's not, but for $25 I'm not out too much change, and it is a neat print, signed by Rolly Crump:

Oh well, just did another search, and a different seller has the same print for about the same amount I paid for it, with cheaper shipping.

[ Edited by: Kona Chris 2005-07-19 07:18 ]

Here's my last month's worth of thrift store/estate sale treasures:

top row: Three westwood mugs, a Kon-Tiki salt shaker, EFFCo ??, random skull mug. Bottom row: tiki spoon (back), Island girl with hut (more below), Trader Vic's coconut w/happy Menehune couple (made in Japan w/filthy sticks!), four beautiful barrel mugs marked only "Japan", a pair of Coco Lopez Pina Colada glasses w/recipe on the side, unmarked mug.

Here's a slightly better look at the "native" girl by her hut. She has nifty metal earrings and is marked "Hollywood ceramics".

Coconut monkey, three masks, risque nutcracker, more monkeys. I seriously can't seem to go to goodwill without finding one of these monkeys. They all seem to have glasses for some reason...

Closer detail of my girlie nutcracker. Hubba hubba!

Two lanterns. I thought they were nautical, but research tells me the one on the right at least was used in the railroads. No wonder I couldn't find a green one. Beautiful nonetheless.

Last but not least, something I picked up on a whim, even though it's not my thing...

Literally the night after I bought this little fellow, this thread turned into "Owl Central". Eerie.

Oh, late addition, this Parksmith "Goddess of Fertility" as well as the previous Westwood mugs were given to me by a friend of my wife, and the TV Pacific Island Cookbook was spotted on an estate sale bookshelf by beloved betrothed.

That's all for now. Hopefully this next month will bring more treasures. Happy hunting!


On 2005-07-23 23:40, Rum Demon wrote:
Here's my last month's worth of thrift store/estate sale treasures:

Coconut monkey, three masks, risque nutcracker, more monkeys. I seriously can't seem to go to goodwill without finding one of these monkeys. They all seem to have glasses for some reason...

Those are all great finds man! I picked up two of those masks like the tallest one in the center for $2.50 each. Anyone know anything about them?

Here are my finds from Spain.

I had one of my first finds in the wild today. Massachusetts seems to be limited on stuff most of the time.
Picked up an Orchids of Hawaii volcano bowl for $6. Not usually my style for mugs ,but I never pass up tiki in the wild.


These are some finds from the past couple of weeks.

A really weird coco Joe's bottle opener, winking one eye and a jewel in the other. Treasure Craft Menehune. Pineapple mustard jar. Mass produced tiki. GIANT monkey pod bowl, the nicest shell one I've ever seen! These are the first two I've ever bought.

Two rum barrel toothpick holders/shot glasses. Home carved moai-esque slit drum. Treasure Craft pineapple ash tray/small dish. Two Outrigger Hawaii shot glasses with outrigger on one side, pineapple on the other. I think this is a Beachcomber Canada shell ash tray, it's marked 'BEACHCOMBER CANADA" on the bottom. Big monkey pod turtle bowl! I love turtles, so had to get this one.


Tikiwahine - that's one hell of a haul for Canada, or anywhere for that matter! I'm salivating over the monkeypod shell and turtle - I've never seen either of them before!

Tikiwahine, those monkeypod items are (what is it you kids say?) zazz!

Could you take a close shot of the Beachcomber ashtray, I'd really like to see it better.

Here's my meager find of the day:

Coco Joe #280, with a gemstone in its belly (a real one, I'm pretty sure). a buck 99.

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 03:27 ]

My thrift shops have scads of monkey pod, so I've never been inclined to buy any, until these two pieces called to me.

They said:
Shaaaaaniiii....BUY ME!

SDT that coco joe is awesome!
I love his primitive look, straight lines, pointy teeth, really cool!

He looks like one of the earlier ceramic-y ones(as opposed to the more recent resin-y ones)

On 2005-07-27 21:43, Tikiwahine wrote:
My thrift shops have scads of monkey pod, so I've never been inclined to buy any, until these two pieces called to me.

They said:
Shaaaaaniiii....BUY ME!

SDT that coco joe is awesome!
I love his primitive look, straight lines, pointy teeth, really cool!

He looks like one of the earlier ceramic-y ones(as opposed to the more recent resin-y ones)

What's really odd is that monkeypod bowls say the same thing to me, and my name isn't Shani...

I've had a good month myself, but I don't have any pictures yet. I found that Monkeypod Honu's baby brother, a Harvey's Reno Bucket & a Volcano Bowl.

Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Freelance, Ph.D., D.F.S

[ Edited by: freddiefreelance 2005-07-28 12:29 ]

I saw a three-decker pu pu platter at the flea market last week for $25. It had water buffalos on it but no tiki or anything overtly south seas. Nothing on top--looks like the sapce was for the little hibachi which was missing. Should I get it?


Found 2 hula dancers at one yard sale and the guy there said he had one on his dashboard for years and threw that in too. I just hope this doesn't violate the Tiki Manifesto of "removing these elements from their original settings" also scored a cool Okole Maluna liquor stopper that is already being used.


I picked this up for my dorm room today.

hewey posted on Sun, Jul 31, 2005 3:32 AM

I scored 3 arthur lyman records on ebay Australia for AUS $10!

Description: 3 Hawaiian themed albums from the great Arthur Lyman, as follows:

"Call of the Midnight Sun", with Lyman's special tropical arrangements of Hello Dolly, Black Orchid and Girl from Ipanema.

"The Many Moods of Arthur Lyman", with native Hawaiian instruments, Latin and pop tunes.

"Bwana A"- Very moody, featuring tone pictures of Hawaii and a traditional Chinese bamboo flute.

What do you reckon? Is this a good score? Now I can find out what the hell tiki exotica is!


I found a few items on my recent trip to Michigan to see family. I had a few minutes to spare and went hunting. I found all three of these items in the same antique mall in Williamston. The coconut mug isn't one I've seen before if anyone has an idea of where it came from let me know (no markings on it).

[ Edited by: oddtiki 2005-08-01 11:51 ]

Here's two Sunday's worth not counting 1947 Hawaiian Cookbook.

I think the glass might be from Huke Lau in Chicopee, MA. Not know anything about S & P men but they say Kon Tiki Ports on the back and I like them alot.

If anybody can ID them, that would be swell.

[ Edited by: pappythesailor 2005-08-05 08:24 ]

Here are my Tiki Finds from the last week.

From left to right:

  1. I am surprised that I purchased this after my opinions on lava, but y'all swayed me and I couldn't pass this one up for five bucks - A HIP Original 1974. This is one of the nicest lava pieces I have ever seen. And my luck has really been very good since I bought it. :D

  2. I just bought this beautiful wahine off of eBay. Its a hand-painted reproduction, but she is so beautiful that I couldn't pass her up.

  3. I found her at the flea market last weekend for five bucks. She is my first official stand alone hula girl. She is pretty tall, made of plastic and rubber. She has no markings, but she is also a music box, when you wind her up, she slowly spins around to Aloha Oe. I really love this....

  4. Just a Hawaii Kai mug I found on eBay.

  5. I found the picture frame for 25 cents, I already had the luau postcard, a perfect marriage. :)


Tiki finds from my Vancouver Lushy/Waldorf roadtrip.

Got this Tiki plate in Red Deer for a buck.

2 Hawaiian shirts, also from Red Deer.

2 more shirts. The one on the left was a gift from Slack Ferret. Right: Bill Blass from Value Village, Calgary.


Mugs (L to R):

  1. Tiki Farm Ape from Funhauser Decor.
  2. Slacks bought a bunch of white Japanese restaurant mugs in Kamloops hoping to trade them. No one was biting so he unloaded this one on me. I don't collect this type of mug but I liked this guy's huge cranium. On the back it says "Suehiro at the Airport Inn."
  3. Trader Vic's Hawaii. Got this mug back in Edmonton after the trip.


  1. The Virgin Megastore in Vancouver had a whole bunch of Taschen Icon books at 35% off -- I bought Hula for myself and Tiki Style as a gift.
  2. Hawaii: An Uncommon History by Edward Joesting. Described as episodes from Hawaiian history written about in depth. 25¢ in Calgary.
  3. Shag's Around The World in 80 Drinks. A gift from Tiki A. Moaikingbird.

Also bought a book called Drawing for the Artistically Undiscovered by Quentin Blake and John Cassidy. Not Tiki except for these Slacks Ferret sketches:

And finally, I got a few postcards in Ponoka (I think). Not terribly Tiki except for Las Vegas Don the Beachcomber. Four are from the Madonna Inn. Is that a Witco in the Flintstone Room?

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 03:20 ]

On 2005-08-01 11:46, oddtiki wrote:
The coconut mug isn't one I've seen before if anyone has an idea of where it came from let me know (no markings on it).

I too have found a couple of these mugs in my adventures. No markings or imprints. I assumed they where from OMC. "A generic coconut mug for restraunts to purchase in bulk" was my theory.


My Tiki Lounge http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi

[ Edited by: Unkle John 2005-08-07 11:14 ]

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