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Tiki Finds

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I know a bit about antiques as well..

ANd A 7 foot tiki pole. or anything.. is VERY cool, and a desireable height, since you can use it as a 'column' in your house, if you build a cutom base and cap to make it floor to ceiling height..

Would be AWESOME in a corner or something, if you can get it to look built-in!!

Well, I've struck out with the seller of the poles. He says he bought them at a large auction that included a hodge-podge of stuff from around the country and has NO idea where they may have come from. I call again on the vast knowledge-base of TIki Centralites to help me find out where these came from. Chicago Trader Vics? The Kahiki?? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller?

O.A. used to make and sell these, so they could have come from the K.C. Kona Kai.

i have 2 of the same (2 - 2 piece poles) but mine are not painted . mine came from the KON TIKI in Cleveland.closed 1976


I found some freaky ceramic skull "mugs" at a Spirit Store, its a place that sells halloween stuff in California. They are about 10" high. I just wanted to let people know if you want to have some cheap mugs (five bucks) you might want to pick them up before they all get chipped and broken. They also have matching platters, chip bowls and other stuff.

Not tiki, but somehow seems to fit in with my decor.


Okay, my roommate came back from a trip to her parents with this big guy.
Her parents got it on a trip to the Phillipines in the early 1960's on their first wedding anniversary. So I know the origin-country, and the approximate date, but does anyone know what it represents? My roomie dubbed it the God Of Waiting In Long Lines For The Washroom from it's bent-knee, groin-holding posture, but I was afraid of some spiritual backlash on that one (say, the upstairs neighbors' toilet exploding again). I'm guessing it's just a generic pose, but who knows?


cool stuff


Sure does look like a WITCO piece. Not sure how it got to the Philipines?!?

Yes it looks more like it's from Washington state Witco than Manila monkeypod. Looks to be swamp cedar.

Kono posted on Sat, Sep 16, 2006 11:05 AM

I get up so early on work days that on my days off I like to sleep in. Usually I'll sleep until 9:30 or so but today I was wide awake at 7:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. It was really bugging me until I took it as "a sign" that I should get up and go to the flea market. Glad I did.

A marwal type Polynesian gal and a post card from the Mai Kai.

The first two mugs are from Otagiri. The third is an Al Harrington.

This is the rear view of the first Otagiri mug. It has some petroglyphics on the back. I'm not familiar with this one and for some reason I can't find my copy of Tiki Quest to look for it.

My favorite score: a couple of small cups from the Luau.

In the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room...

The Goodwill where I got this record also had a Libbey mug in their display case for 15 bucks :lol:

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2006-09-16 19:59 ]


Nice finds - I soooo want one of those busts, and there's a local pawn shop with one in a window but they are rock-solid steadfast in not selling it, and it's sat there for years. Not sure why it's there, then...
As for the supposed Witco - here's another shot. It could be that it's not from the islands - after all, that anniversary was a loooooong time ago, with some drinks thrown in for good measure...


Ok not really a " tiki find but close. we were just at tiki & terros II and i was able to not only pick up the lmt ( 1 of 10) Squid event mugs but I ran home, well was driven cause I had a couple of drinks, and picked but 14 of my " Squid" mugs to bring back to be signed by Chris. was a good night. 3 great drinks, some ribs, 4 new mugs and the sigs! hope all had a wonderful weekend and no hang overs.

Here's a photo of my antique-mall mug score. I found these near Alexandria, VA last Friday. L-R: His 'n' Hers Kahlua Hut, green Hawaiian Inn paddle licker, and Otagiri Moai. I was pretty excited about finding the moai, and was looking forward to showing it off here, but it looks like Kona stole my thunder...:) There is a photo of it in Tiki Quest, but no information about which restaurant(s) used it. Mine still has the original sticker on the base.

I hope somebody on TC will come through with info on the Kahlua Hut. Nobody seems to know anything about it apart from the mugs. I love a mystery!

Weblog: Eye of the Goof

[ Edited by: MrBaliHai 2006-09-17 07:14 ]

I'm not sure where to post this, but found these patches in my volunteer job at Hickam AFB. In addition to my duties tagging merchandise that is consigned I am in charge of removing patches, name tapes and rank from donated BDU's so we can sell them! The 154th Wing is the Air National Guard unit at Hickam. I love this Tiki Guy!


Kono....no sense in me going out on a treasure hunt any time soon. Good on ya for the finds!


[ Edited by: Karbora 2006-09-18 18:09 ]


*The 154th Wing is the Air National Guard unit at Hickam. I love this Tiki Guy!

I have a mug, older OMC style cross-armed growling Tiki, from Hickham AFB Officer's Lounge. It is one of my favorite mugs; I've never seen another . I'm going to have to look for some patches from the 154th. I mean, they're Air Force and all, but it's still tiki.

On the one mug mentioned above, the tall orange-brownish one found by two TC'ers. I once had one and it featured a Hawaiian Inn (Daytona) paper label on the back. That's the only one I have seen with any type of location markings. The Kahlua Hut? Nada. No one I have ever spoken to knows a thing.


I had to fight Midnight at an estate sale for these two fantastic tiki statues. He was willing to pay $14 for the pair, but I slipped the owner of the house an twenty-dollar bill and they were mine! (Sorry about that, Midnight).



Sabu, They look like Mr. & Mrs Limpett ! (they are defiantely Tiki with me) :)

Nice finds!



On 2006-09-17 07:11, MrBaliHai wrote:

There is a photo of it in Tiki Quest, but no information about which restaurant(s) used it. Mine still has the original sticker on the base.

I hope somebody on TC will come through with info on the Kahlua Hut. Nobody seems to know anything about it apart from the mugs. I love a mystery!

mine has a sticker on the back. it reads hawaiian inn, daytona beach fl. i still have never seen this design marked from anywhere else.

why they used a sticker to mark the mug is still a mystery to me.

ps. good score on the kahula hut mugs!

i ain't drunk.......i'm jus drankin. albert collins

[ Edited by: the drunken hat 2006-09-17 21:01 ]

On 2006-09-17 20:59, the drunken hat wrote:
mine has a sticker on the back. it reads hawaiian inn, daytona beach fl. i still have never seen this design marked from anywhere else.

Ah, makes sense that I found it together with the Paddle Licker then, which is also from the Hawaiian Inn. Thanks for the info!

There were a bunch of Kahlua Hut mugs at the antique mall where I found these. I thought it was a cool coincidence, since I'd just been reading a TC thread requesting info on them a couple of hours earlier.

I recently changed jobs, so I don't have a chance to hit my favorite thrifts anymore. However, I seem to have had a good run of luck with my hunting over the past 1 1/2 months.

I still believe if you don't spent huge bucks on tiki, you will have good karma. I recently lost an Ebay auction for 10 Tiki matchcovers (my bid: $7.95) only to be beat by somebody who paid $81.00. Sorry, but I think that is just crazy.

Anyway, here is what I found recently:

A small scorpion bowl from Trader Dick's, in Sparks. The wahine got this for me, so the cost is unknown.

A Mark Thomas Outrigger Moai mug, and Fresno Luau/Leilani Moai mug. Ok, I splurged on the Outrigger mug... $15.00. Luau/Leilani was $13.00

Two barrel mugs from the Kono Hawaii, in Santa Ana ($7.50 each)

A Kon Tiki-style mug from the Kon Tiki Hotel, Phoenix. I've never seen one of these before. I got it broken, but was able to repair it nicely. Ten bucks.

Front of matchbooks from Don the Beachcomber (both from Marina del Rey); The Castaways, Las Vegas; Trader Vic's in Denver; Trader Vic's Matchbox from Honolulu; Sam's Seafood, Seal Beach (then called Seaside); Coco Palms, Kauai (location for Blue Hawaii); Mark Thomas Outrigger; and the Kona Inn.

Backside of the same matchbooks. I really like the Kona Inn (lower right) matchbook. I got all of these on the same day, from several different locations. I paid between $0.25 and $1.00 each.

Some sweet albums, most in excellent condition. Martin Denny's Exotica; Les Baxter's Caribbean Moonlight; two Taboo albums by Arthur Lyman. $0.95 to $1.00 apiece.

A record called 'Hawaiian Luau'.. I love the pix; music from the T.V. show 'Adventures in Paradise'.

Two different ashtrays from the Bali Hai, San Diego (my fav spot). Got these for $6.99 each.

nice finds! two tabu? that rocks.


Caribbean Moonlight? Sweet! I found a copy of that at a Salvation Army not long ago, but the sleeve was a bit messed up and the record was scratched really bad. I was bummed, but bought it anyway, with the intent of maybe trying to put it in a frame.
And the Kono Hawaii buckets are too cool! Good job!


Been a little quiet from me lately. Not that I've not been hunting, just been busy moving. I'm mostly settled in now, and here's a record of a couple of good finds lately, mostly flea markets--
First, what looks sort of like a candy bowl, interesting wood grain, sort of Witco-esque, but I'm not sure who made it, no identifying marks that I can find. Anyone know anything about this?

A matchbook from the Kono Hawaii, my local (and defunct) tiki paradise:

Sorry about the glare.
A trader vic's mug from Hawaii. He was only $8 but he's got some chips off the rim, and a couple of hairlines. Still, for $8, he looks good on a shelf.

And last, but not least, a Strikow decanter. Didn't come with a cork, but I found a few laying around that fit, the best fit is actually from a small bottle of 10 cane rum.

He's got sherry inside right now, I've been using it for Fogcutters.
Also found a TV fogcutter mug last weekend for $10. New, with the 1993 date in the bottom. Got a chip on the rim, but it's still okay for drinking fogcutters!

The Witcoesque piece is from Spain TJ. They still make pieces like that for the tourist trade, they're pretty cool, kinda flintstony or wood- age not stone age I guess, nice finds.


Damn! Some great finds on this page!
Finding tiki in my area lately is like locating an igloo in Ft. Lauderdale!
Unfortunately, in the early 00's I know of 5 thrifts that closed down during a small 'antique-craze' - "junk" shops re-named themselves either 'antique' stores or 'retro' (with mostly mid-50's-early 1980s stuff) and subsequently closed up shop because the market was smaller than they believed (and their prices were exorbitant - I recall one shop that had figures so high that I almost hatched plans to sneak over one night to add "Holding Memories For Ransom" on the window). This, and skyrocketing rent in the 'hip' neighborhoods they're in killed a lot of establishments.
I know - quit whining and git hunting...:D

On 2006-09-23 09:21, twitch wrote:
Finding tiki in my area lately is like locating an igloo in Ft. Lauderdale!

Have you seen what Taboo Dan's found in Van? That phrase just doesn't hold water after what I've seen come out of your area. Hell, even I came home with finds and left a few behind last time I went hunting at the flea market.


Not much in the way of mugs in the last couple of months.

L-R Trader Vics coconut, Ports O'Call S&P's, toothpick holder

Fared much better with postcards:

Bali Hai


Macao room at Kon Tiki Ports Chicago

Mai Kai

Mai Kai

I found 2 of these. One says The Traders and the other says Trader Vics. Palmer House, Chicago.

Trader Vics, Scottsdale, AZ.

The Polynesian Room at the Yankee Clipper, Ft. Lauderdale

Matchbooks from Dobbs House Luau & the old Dallas Trader Vics

Also received as a gift a brochure from the Outrigger Motor Inn. I posted earlier about it here.


On 2006-09-23 01:14, Sneakytiki wrote:
The Witcoesque piece is from Spain TJ. They still make pieces like that for the tourist trade, they're pretty cool, kinda flintstony or wood- age not stone age I guess, nice finds.

Thanks Sneaky! I've been wondering about where it came from!

Just picked this up the other day. Does any one know where this is from?
Is it tiki? I got it for free. But the crane cost $350.00.
Did I pay too much?

Another good day at the swap meet today. Scored the four Westwood mini mugs for $2.00 each! They were covered in dust and looks like had been sitting around for quite some time, but they are in perfect condition!

Awesome finds, all!!!

On 2006-09-24 14:07, TikiDiego wrote:
Another good day at the swap meet today.

Great finds on the Westwood, TikiDiego! I love those mini-mugs.

Did you find them at Kobey's??? I never find anything there.

This is an original 1930's built Tiki Bar that is fully functional and is in flawless, near mint condition, having been in storage for the better part of it's life. It's going to the centerpiece for our warehouse Tiki Bar, Mugoomba. I hope to have the aquariums up and running and stocked by the time of our party on October 15th.

Kono posted on Sun, Sep 24, 2006 3:33 PM

On 2006-09-24 15:11, smogbreather wrote:
This is an original 1930's built Tiki Bar that is fully functional and is in flawless, near mint condition, having been in storage for the better part of it's life. It's going to the centerpiece for our warehouse Tiki Bar, Mugoomba. I hope to have the aquariums up and running and stocked by the time of our party on October 15th.

God, that bar is unreal. Outstanding!

Make sure you stock the tanks with puffers...


That bar's killing me, too - beautiful, fish tanks, AND authentic 1930's...
I may have to add a tank to my own bar, now....

On 2006-09-23 10:05, Tikiwahine wrote:
That phrase just doesn't hold water after what I've seen come out of your area.

Unfortunately, the phrase is holding a lot of rum, though, which just may be what's holding me back. :)
But seriously, the dam broke (or leaked a bit) today at a flea held at the Croatian Cult. Centre nearby, where I found a few goodies;
charm bracelet, looks from the 60's

nut\candy dish & the familiar s&p shakers

Yay! Pufferfish for $5 - would've got all three that were there, but I didn't bring enough $$$ (who the hell goes to a flea market with only $35!?)

...and some old rum labels from France (plus a 1960's U.S. beer label I've only seen before on rusted cans)

Also found a long-sought-after 1956 ish of 'Whisper' gossip-rag detailing the sordid affair between James Dean and Vampira!!

Does anyone know anything about these particular rums? Taste? Still in production?
Looks like the same artist did both the Arome and Bobby labels.


OOps - forgot this one - wall-vase. Could be used as a mug in a pinch, but it's pretty clumsy.

On 2006-09-24 14:07, TikiDiego wrote:
Another good day at the swap meet today. Scored the four Westwood mini mugs for $2.00 each! They were covered in dust and looks like had been sitting around for quite some time, but they are in perfect condition!

Are these full sized mugs? I found some shot glass versions of these at a second hand store for $7.50. They look exactly the same!

On 2006-09-24 14:29, tikipedia wrote:

Did you find them at Kobey's??? I never find anything there.

Yup! It's hit and miss, some days I get totally skunked, some days I find real treasures! I've found some real nice pieces hidden in the junk at Kobeys. These mini Westwoods were sitting on a table right out in the open. I blindly walked right by them, but the ever-sharp eye of my wife pointed them out.

[ Edited by: TikiDiego 2006-09-24 17:11 ]

On 2006-09-24 17:04, finkdaddy wrote:

Are these full sized mugs? I found some shot glass versions of these at a second hand store for $7.50. They look exactly the same!

These are the mini shot mugs!

Sorry, now I just feel silly. :blush:


On 2006-09-24 12:37, tikiskip wrote:
Just picked this up the other day. Does any one know where this is from?
Is it tiki? I got it for free. But the crane cost $350.00.
Did I pay too much?

Incredible find Skip!!
You must have almost everything from the Kahiki by now!
Great pic!

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