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Another week's stuff

Wooden Sam's Ku cup:

I saw this guy sitting on a table of crap from all the way across a stall yesterday. I went to go get it, but I was stuck behind someone and I couldn't get to it right away. While I was waiting for the path to open, some dude picks it up and holds it for a while. Looked like he was going to get it. I went over there in case he changed his mind, and sure enough he did. He set it down and I ookooed it up right away!

A beautiful Tapa lounge robe.

A NIP Tahitian dancer:

She has a neat little shell necklace

I saw a big box of stirrers. I swept my hand over it to see the range of them and up pops the Don the Beachcomber right away. A little more searching yielded two more:

A couple Castaways and Harveys matchbooks:

I found a lot of random Maori stuff this week. It seemed to be all over the place.

A book called Maori:

Two wooden statues:

I really like the one on the left

A couple little Maori dolls:

One has Moko

One is NIP and has a little Hei tiki. $6 original price tag.

Another Maori doll with the original box:

On 2008-07-25 08:31, Swanky wrote:
Yipwon inspired? Looks like the real thing.

I figured if I just put "Yipwon carving", Bigbro or someone would come along and say "That was in an old OA catalog and were made in Mexico and were in every Mid Modern century PolyAfricanAsian restaurant until the post tiki heyday revival...."

Hiltiki: We shall see...

Buzzy Out!



On 2008-07-26 13:31, TIKI DAVID wrote:
found this today

WOW ! - Is that a Witco or a newer Witco-styled piece ?

Damn, that's REALLY nice.

On 2008-07-27 12:35, tikiyaki wrote:

On 2008-07-26 13:31, TIKI DAVID wrote:
found this today

WOW ! - Is that a Witco or a newer Witco-styled piece ?

Damn, that's REALLY nice.

EVERYTHING about it says,original WITCO to me. but you would have to ask someone with a WITCO catalouge.

Wow, some pretty nice stuff from everyone lately. Only went out for a couple hours this morning and found these things...

Monkey pod tiki marked "Hawaii".

Tiki Farm mug. Same design as the one on the right, different glaze.

Cement tiki, no sure of origin or if it was supposed to be planter?

I seem to be finding this Islander mug more and more?

Vintage Aloha shirt.

Nice velvet painting of a typical island landscape. I found two nudes from the late 60's/early 70's that were in matching frames, however not Polynesian or Hawaiian, but I will probably go back and get them next week.

Total on today's finds came to $25.00. Wish I had more time to look this week!


Picked up these 2 mugs today, need help identifying them...

A quon-quon perhaps?

Similar to a Westwood W-9, but with ears? Marked MK-1 on bottom...


I believe you are correct, the first one is Quon-Quon. The ones with jeweled eyes are theirs and the ones without are Treasure Craft.

The second one is a Westwood knock-off. I have one similar to yours except the ribbing is open, kinda like a candle holder!


On 2008-07-28 16:44, Psycho Tiki D wrote:

I believe you are correct, the first one is Quon-Quon. The ones with jeweled eyes are theirs and the ones without are Treasure Craft.

The second one is a Westwood knock-off. I have one similar to yours except the ribbing is open, kinda like a candle holder!


Cool, I couldn't find these on OOGA-MOOGA, thanks for you help Psycho Tiki D!


Found these chairs today at a Goodwill, $9.99 each. There are no cushions, a few scratches & the banding is coming off on one chair. Still a great deal. Any one know the style & age of these & a place (in So Cal) that refurbishes this type of furniture?

A tiki is still a tiki...even when it is a $10.00 Witco lamp...

Stamp marked Hawaii on the base, the lady I bought it from brought it here from the islands. New wiring for the lamp, original lampshade.

Gotta love it!


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-07-30 14:28 ]

Coco Joe's 4.5" lava Moai. :)

Evening here....

[ Edited by: QuietVillage 2008-08-02 05:28 ]

[ Edited by: QuietVillage 2008-08-04 20:30 ]

no witco (yet) this week, but i did score a few boxes of stuff from a garage sale today,


the resins,

panning right to left



plus this, an '8' string ukuelele

and a made in hawaii grass skirt

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2008-08-02 10:07 ]


I don't know how much you paid for the uke but this is a great find, from the look of it it's old, like 1910 or something.
They are called Taro patch ukulele. Usually tune like a regular uke with 2 set of strings. Sometimes the 4 middle string are tuned an octave higher (like a tahitian uke)
I'll died to get one like this. You're probably looking at an instrument in the $1000 even with the crack on the top.
That's my guess.
Great find man!!!


thanks Tahitiki, so do you think i should have cleaned up and restung? or just put it on ebay as is,or just throw it up in the fish net above the bar?thats where it 'WAS' going to go.


The Outrigger Trader Vics Seattle. large drink menu, folding postcard ad/promo mailer, stained cocktail napkin set.

[ Edited by: hecktow 2008-08-03 23:06 ]

Zeta posted on Mon, Aug 4, 2008 6:40 AM

Aloha everyone,
Stuttgart, Made in Germany, paid 27 Eur. including shipping to Spain. 20 Euros for the mug and 7 Euro for shipping.
Bigbrotiki: How rare is this mug? Where it comes from? Did I payed too much for it? Or was it cheap?

The ooga-mooga description of this mug in my collection: http://www.ooga-mooga.com/cgi-bin/my/mug.cgi?mode=view&mug_id=358&ind_mug_id=23947
Complete Tiki Spain : http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=27562&forum=16&44



Hey Zeta, I think that style mug was used at the Movenpick in Switzerland?
Nice score, I have two different versions of the mug....one of my favorite designs.

Zeta posted on Mon, Aug 4, 2008 8:20 AM

On 2008-08-04 06:52, Tikinomad wrote:
Hey Zeta, I think that style mug was used at the Movenpick in Switzerland?
Nice score, I have two different versions of the mug....one of my favorite designs.

Thanks Tikinomad,
What else do you know about the Movenpick in Switzerland ?
How much you paid for yours?
It seems like Accoutrements got "inspired" by this Mug to produce this tiki-tape I bought in the U.S.


"Found" these in my PO Box today...

Arrived safe and sound. Thanks to Big Kahuna for the trade!



Came home to these today, courtesy of the M-I-L. Apparently, she made them back in the day, as her name is scratched into the bottom. The outside is painted, the inside glazed.

I remembered seeing the Moai a bunch of years ago, but I didn't remember seeing the Trader Vic's coconuts.

When I purchased the Witco lamp in Reno last week, I noticed this tortoise shell on the wall. I asked the lady who sold me the lamp if she was going to sell it. She replied it would probably have to go.

She called me on Friday and asked me if I still wanted it. I told her yes and my buddy Kevin went and picked it up for me. Don't worry, she had it for over 60 years....from Hawaii and it hung in a house she purchased so it is probably much older than that!

Normally I don't go for the dead animal theme, but it's a beauty, isn't it? $50.00 was a real

I had to promise I wouldn't go to the flea market last Sunday in order to buy this, I am o.k. with that!


Another week, another pile of stuff makes its way into my life.

My first two finds are kind of interesting ones which I am seeking any other morsels of info that any of you collectors may have on them.

The first one is this tiki:

I carried it around forever thinking it was wood. Closer inspection showed it to be a resin casting. It's 16" tall, by 4" wide, and 3" deep.

When I bought it, the guy told me it was from Alaska. I laughed internally because I thought that he was confusing totem poles with tikis. Then I turned it over and read this:

Creed Totems, Anchorage Alaska. The only info I found on Creed was that they made resin castings of Native American art and they were from Alaska.
Any other info on Creed out there?

Second is a mug.
Says Pat's on the front

Jeanne ceramics hawaii on the bottom

As well as Jeanne Molds with a date of either: 1999, 1989, or 1987

Most probably pat's at Punalu'u. I know Pat's had a Daga mug. No other mention of this mug or maker that I could find.
Anyone know more about this mug or maker?

Now the easy stuff:

A pair of Strikow decanters

dark one from 1958

White one from 1961

Maoi tissue box holder:

Air New Zealand HeiTiki pendant

Large size Trader Vic's Menehunes stirrer stick

Some Hawaii postcards

My favorite is this one:

Funny thing is, that's how I spend my leisure time too!
The description:

Buzzy Out!

In addition to the velvets I posted in the velvet paintings thread, I also picked these up today...

Some kind of huts, not sure of the origin?

Vintage Ui-Maikai Aloha shirt, blue to match the red one I have!

Great finds by everyone lately, especially Tiki David and Bay Park Buzzy!



Around 1983, (I was 10 years old) I was crusing around the Long Island neighborhood that I lived in on my BMX bike and came upon a garage sale. I saw this little necklace charm statue, & had to have it. I paid whatever the lady had it marked for & cruised home & showed my dad who proceeded to yell at me for buying a statue of the Buddha when I wasn't even a Buddhist.
Anyway, I've held onto it all these years and here it is:


On 2008-08-05 15:45, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
In addition to the velvets I posted in the velvet paintings thread, I also picked these up today...

Some kind of huts, not sure of the origin?

Vintage Ui-Maikai Aloha shirt, blue to match the red one I have!

Great finds by everyone lately, especially Tiki David and Bay Park Buzzy!


i saw those for sale in the souveneir shops in Fiji


Tiki David-check your PM's .
Thanks Trader Bill


Couple of new additions. The mug doesn't have any markings, the shot glass is a souvenir, but I liked it (marked CHIKI TIKI). The junk store I got them from has a 6 pack of OOH Leilanis, as well as a couple of unmarked Leilanis that are shorter and MUCH heavier. Anybody have any ideas about where they may have come from? They are also a very dark brown as well.

Friends are those who bail you out of jail.
Best friends are those sitting next to you, saying "Damn! That was fun!!!!"
RIP MLG 1970-2003

[ Edited by: Staredge 2008-08-06 13:15 ]


Here's an ice bucket I picked up...

It's all metal, inside and out. There's no maker's mark of any kind. The design seems familiar to the back of my head (a record cover or a menu maybe) but I can't place it. I Couldn't locate one like it on TC via Search and my BOT is on loan (spreading the word to the neighbors). I'd like to get some info on it if there is any.


Here's somethin' to look for in the vase section of your local junk shop:

Trader Vic's Waikiki Tortuga Mug

The mug is pictured on the Trader Vic's Waikiki drinks menu posted by Sabu The Coconut Boy.


Great Trader Vic's mug!


On 2008-08-06 13:11, Staredge wrote:
Couple of new additions. The mug doesn't have any markings, the shot glass is a souvenir, but I liked it (marked CHIKI TIKI). The junk store I got them from has a 6 pack of OOH Leilanis, as well as a couple of unmarked Leilanis that are shorter and MUCH heavier. Anybody have any ideas about where they may have come from? They are also a very dark brown as well.

I have the same crossed-arms tiki mug in my collection, it's marked "Luau Hut" along the bottom. The Luau Hut was located in Silver Spring, MD.

Tattoo posted on Fri, Aug 8, 2008 5:09 PM

A really cool coconut mug from The Tikis in Monterey Park including a matchbook

...and a fine (small) menu from the Islander and a Trader Vic's Passport to exotic cocktails made with none other than Trader Vic's Rums and mixes.

I should really drop a courtesy line here to Joe and Bonnie at Tiki Toys who have many great Tiki items for sale on their web site (www.tikitoys.com). Check them out if you haven't.


On 2008-08-08 16:47, MrBaliHai wrote:

On 2008-08-06 13:11, Staredge wrote:
Couple of new additions. The mug doesn't have any markings, the shot glass is a souvenir, but I liked it (marked CHIKI TIKI). The junk store I got them from has a 6 pack of OOH Leilanis, as well as a couple of unmarked Leilanis that are shorter and MUCH heavier. Anybody have any ideas about where they may have come from? They are also a very dark brown as well.

I have the same crossed-arms tiki mug in my collection, it's marked "Luau Hut" along the bottom. The Luau Hut was located in Silver Spring, MD.

Cool. Local flavor. Got it up in Hagerstown. I've seen a couple of others in this thread. Any idea who made them?


On 2008-08-08 17:09, Tattoo wrote:
I should really drop a courtesy line here to Joe and Bonnie at Tiki Toys who have many great Tiki items for sale on their web site (www.tikitoys.com). Check them out if you haven't.

I second that. I used to be a regular at Joe's Aloha Collectibles. Many of my favorite things around the house were purchased at Joe's many many years ago. I was so sad when they closed the shop.


On 2008-08-08 17:09, Tattoo wrote:
A really cool coconut mug from The Tikis in Monterey Park including a matchbook

Love that coconut mug and matchbook - nice find!


On 2008-08-08 17:56, Staredge wrote:
Cool. Local flavor. Got it up in Hagerstown. I've seen a couple of others in this thread. Any idea who made them?

It's an Otagiri mug. Should be a sticker on the bottom.

On 2008-08-07 08:44, woofmutt wrote:
Here's an ice bucket I picked up...

It's all metal, inside and out. There's no maker's mark of any kind. The design seems familiar to the back of my head (a record cover or a menu maybe) but I can't place it. I Couldn't locate one like it on TC via Search and my BOT is on loan (spreading the word to the neighbors). I'd like to get some info on it if there is any.

That's a nice bucket for an ice bucket..(?!) Not in any of my books....yet! But you must have been channeling the new one, The Look of Tiki, because the fabric that it's from will be in there:

It is called "Pagan magic" and is from 195?....I would love to use that bucket as an example of Pagan patterns in the home bar! Would that be OK? If so, could you possibly take a high res pic of it, with the Tiki face in profile in the front, (and the side handle and lid visible) and send it to my friend Martin McIntosh in Melbourne?

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2008-08-08 20:13 ]


On 2008-08-08 19:46, MrBaliHai wrote:

On 2008-08-08 17:56, Staredge wrote:
Cool. Local flavor. Got it up in Hagerstown. I've seen a couple of others in this thread. Any idea who made them?

It's an Otagiri mug. Should be a sticker on the bottom.

Nope. Concave bottom, but no sticker.


On 2008-08-09 05:17, Staredge wrote:

On 2008-08-08 19:46, MrBaliHai wrote:

On 2008-08-08 17:56, Staredge wrote:
Cool. Local flavor. Got it up in Hagerstown. I've seen a couple of others in this thread. Any idea who made them?

It's an Otagiri mug. Should be a sticker on the bottom.

Nope. Concave bottom, but no sticker.

Not uncommon for them to get washed off over the years. It's still an Otagiri.

Wow, that's petty amazing the ice bucket and the material. Good eye.


My latest goodies by Bosko may not belong in this thread since they're not "finds" per se, but they're so cool maybe others would like to see them too...

The is one of two identical 8' poles that will be support columns for an existing cedar canopy over our back patio:

A-frame beam that Bosko custom-carved for this patio remodel (out of 4x material, it's big!):

Two pieces of this trim will be applied to the existing cedar perimeter beams:

I've got some Bosko wall-hangings (posted earlier in this thread) and a beautiful carving by Ken Pleasant that will go under the canopy once it's all done.

some records...

Box set from readers digest

and a bonus in the Savage! album. "Hula Hips" instructional on how to throw a hukilau, and how to hula dance from the Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel.



Having a great week!

Finally found my Suffering Bastard in the wild! Perfect condition w/ original label still attached, Old Trader Vic's Grenadine bottle, ALPS hula Girl wind up toy mint in box.

This is my most interesting find I think. Would like to get some opinions on it

This is a old Whale bone club of some type. The family I bought it from had traveled to both Alaska and New Zealand. So could be Eskimo/Inuit type club, or possibly Maori. But I also know whale bone was used as weapons all over the place. Looks a little like this one with out the handle notch: http://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/objectdetails.aspx?oid=115916&coltype=taonga%20maori®no=me015711

The photos don't really do it justice. It looks like a bit of wood until you pick it up. Then there is no doubt what it's used for .... WACK! Some more pics..


i believe that's an inuit club made from an oosik.

you may want to google oosik before you pick it up again. :P


Well that would explain why the wife wont put it down! Aren't those a bit rounder? this is flatter I was thinking it was more like a rib bone .. But I never crawled around inside any marine mammals before.

On 2008-08-10 11:02, pdrake wrote:
i believe that's an inuit club made from an oosik.

you may want to google oosik before you pick it up again. :P

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