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Not much to report lately, but a few good finds. First is a pool shirt with a terry cloth liner and belt to look ultra swank at those pool cocktail parties. This was a gift from Savage Sissy who found it in the wild.

close up.

Some more cargo for the lounge. Including new large rum barrel.

Another CoCo Joe to add to the collection and a pic of the S & P shelf with some other stuff.

I had a pretty good week this week. My weekly tiki fix set me back $36:

A Ti-Toki Maori decanter.

It's dated 1980 on the bottom

A Maori wood carving:

A little Hawaiian carving with some worm holes in it:

You can tell it was carved after the bugs got to it based on some of the exposed holes.

Two coco joe's:


Forkspoons set:

Guam tiki:

Westwood nodder with two chips:

And my favorite, a Rapa Nui breastplate kavakava guy pendant:

Or maybe it's just some Mexican aztec crap?

I'm destitute now, but I'm high on tiki.
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-08-10 19:26 ]

Paipo posted on Sun, Aug 10, 2008 8:02 PM

Nice Rei Miro Buzzy, I haven't seen a tourist version of that design before. Is it as big as the old ones (12-16 inches)?
That Ti-Toki is one of the good ones too (and one I still need) - which also reminds me, I have a pretty decent magazine article on the history of the company I've scanned and will upload sometime soon.


Congrats on the Ti-Toki decanter, that's a nice find.

Here's a few weeks of stuff...

Westwood shots $1 each. The one has no handle...anyone ever seen this one?

Dynasty stuff. $1 for the mug, $4 for the bowl

Two nifty shirts...same pattern different colors $4 each

Orchids of Hawaii coconut mug and monkeypod tiki mug $1 each

And my most favorite find lately...a Okolehao limited decanter for $1!!!
The ashtray is missing, but I'll take it for a buck!

And last, not really a find but my friend Junior brought me back some swag from the Trader Vic's in Taiwan!

i could be wrong....


..i don't think this version came with the ashtray like the green one did...i have the same bottle in the original box and the bottle is still sealed and full of booze....there was no indication or room in the box for a matching ashtray......

I have the non-handled westwood shot as well. I believe it is actually a tooth pick holder as opposed to a shot glass.

Nice finds there everyone!

Tis sad but true, this was all I found this week...

I even had to force myself to buy the glass tikis. But for $2.00, I couldn't resist! I found another wooden War God as well.

I did see quite a few things I already had and am trying not to buy more of the same stuff, however I will make exceptions for really low priced stuff.

And on a bright note, I am going to pick up a large carved Witco cat on Friday...pics soon!


Ok, we found this guy on our recent trip to OH for the HRHH. We've been collecting for over twenty years and thought we'd seen every Orchids of Hawaii mug, but this guy is definitely one we haven't. Anybody got any info?

On 2008-08-12 05:59, BambooLodge wrote:
Ok, we found this guy on our recent trip to OH for the HRHH. We've been collecting for over twenty years and thought we'd seen every Orchids of Hawaii mug, but this guy is definitely one we haven't. Anybody got any info?

..this mug may warrant it's own thread...if you are looking for info on it, it might be seen by more people that way as opposed to buried in the tiki finds thread though it coulodn't hurt to have it both places....

can you say FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!
I have been using my fancy museum studies education to work with a private collection. When I have the time I go over to this house packed to the rafters with museum quality collections. NW School art and studio pottery from the 50"s trough the 70"s, Japanese tansus, and items made by japanes who were interned during WWI. Its quiet the unbelieveable collection. So everytime I go, I unearth more treasure, get more paintings hung on the walls, shuffle boxes from room to room and try to unburry the biggest collection of Russell Wright furniture Ive ever had the pleasure to sit on.
Sooo Today I found this in the basement and got to bring it home as my prize!!!!!

On 2008-08-11 16:51, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
i could be wrong....


..i don't think this version came with the ashtray like the green one did...i have the same bottle in the original box and the bottle is still sealed and full of booze....there was no indication or room in the box for a matching ashtray......


Check out page 154 of TikiQuest... you just might find there's an ashtray in there somewhere!

On 2008-08-11 17:18, caffeinated wrote:
I have the non-handled westwood shot as well. I believe it is actually a tooth pick holder as opposed to a shot glass.


You mean people actually use these for something other than rum storage!?!?!? Does not compute!!

will do... but keep in mind there were a few different incarnations of this particular decanter design....various sizes and some with/without the ashtray.

my finds the past two weeks i dont no for sure if the mask is maori or not any one see anything similar it 12inches by 16 inches

On 2008-08-05 18:56, seafoamer wrote:
I paid whatever the lady had it marked for & cruised home & showed my dad who proceeded to yell at me for buying a statue of the Buddha when I wasn't even a Buddhist.
Anyway, I've held onto it all these years and here it is:

Next time I go to Mexico I'll pick up the other 31 pieces and the board and you'll have the whole mesoamerican inspired onyx/marble chess set like this one:

On 2008-08-12 21:35, brokeassbuilder wrote:
i dont no for sure if the mask is maori or not any one see anything similar

I think I know:
It's a bad news Good news bad news good news find...
Bad news is it's definitely not Maori. Good news is it's orgins are kind of Pacific Ocean related . Bad news (for the tiki finder) is it's Pacific northwestcoast. Good news is it's kind of nautical..
It's most probably a carving of a whale form the northwest coast. The eyes and mouth are pretty much dead on for the typical whale motifs used by a few northwest coast cultures. The nose is real close too. It looks to be a more modern and stylized carving than a traditional one.

On 2008-08-10 20:02, Paipo wrote:
Nice Rei Miro Buzzy. Is it as big as the old ones (12-16 inches)?

Half that. It's about 7" by 4".

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-08-13 02:15 ]

Hi all, I found this tiki at a consignment shop in Charlottesville va yesterday. I can't find any info about it. Anybody know any thing about this tiki?
I forgot to mention that the tiki is 24 inches tall and 4 inches wide.

[ Edited by: plutojohnson 2008-08-13 08:32 ]


That appears to be a Tiki approxomatly 2 ft tall carved from rare Milo wood possibly by Pali Woods who was working in Hawaii at the time. Hope this helps.

Just having fun. :)

Hmmm.. Boutiki you just might be right with that analysis. Thanks for the wisdom. :)

On 2008-08-12 21:35, brokeassbuilder wrote:
my finds the past two weeks i dont no for sure if the mask is maori or not any one see anything similar it 12inches by 16

Looks to be a PNG mask from the Sepik Region. Looks most reminiscent of the style of Kanganamon or Shapmeri. Probably a commercial one, which does not detract as most of the pieces I have picked up over the years are too. Not to common to find one that is just a burnished wood, with no earth pigment paints or forced aged patina. May be the flash on your pic, but it appears that that piece is a hard wood, a lot of carvings that come out of PNG are carved from softer wods, unlike say Samoan Ironwood, and it is common for them to crack over time. I looked back and they commonly have tongues sticking out, and place circles around what would be a cheek. Nice score!

Was at Oceanic Arts earlier this morning and saw a very similar mask they sell, the wood looking almost identical. I wonder if this is an older version of one of their decor masks from a bar/restaurant in your area?

[ Edited by: oceaotica 2008-08-15 17:28 ]

Today's finds...


I got these Trader Vic's salt and pepper shakers today for $12
Does anybody know anything about them? How old they are? I wasn't sure if they were from a new one or an old one, I've never had the pleasure of going to a Trader Vic's.

On 2008-08-16 16:08, hala_kahiki wrote:
I got these Trader Vic's salt and pepper shakers today for $12

Those look like the later Tepco versions to me. Oddly enough, that puts them earlier than the later "brown" versions that actually look better. But then again, I'm no expert.

there were three styles...these that you found in the lighter grayish color, the dark brown ones and the more common orange color ones.....don't know which came first though....

thanks for the info Tipsy and Silver! :)

Not too much in the way of Tiki today, but some cool music finds...

Standard unmarked Three-faced bucket and small Quon-Quon mug.

HIP tiki and hula girl and a Coco Joes Kane tiki.

"Authentic Music From the Kodak Hula Show".

"Webley Edwards Presents Hawaii Calls with Al Kealoha Perry".

"Alfred Apaka sings..Hawaiian Wedding Song and other favorite songs of the Islands".

"Pearly Shells From Hawaii-The Waikikis".

Front and back cover of the album "Arriba" By Edmundo Ros and his Orchestra".

"Martin Denny's Exotic Sounds Visit Broadway".

"Another Taste of Honey! Martin Denny".

"The Exotic Sounds Of Martin Denny-Hypnotique".

"The Exotic Sounds Of Martin Denny-Forbidden Island".

"The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny-Primitiva".

Front and back cover of "The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny-Exotica III".

"The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny-Forbidden Island". My second copy of this cover version.

"Martin Denny Live In Person-Recorded Live At Duke Kahanamoku's in Honolulu".

"The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny-Quiet Village". My third copy of this cover version.

"The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny-Exotica Suite"."Si Zentner and his Orchestra, Composed by Les Baxter and Arranged by Bob Florence".

Time to go listen to some tunes!


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-08-17 14:18 ]

Not much to report from the jungles of Kalamazoo other than some finds travel far from their port of origin. Found this Chi Chi Palm Springs menu cover today. Didn't know the condition until I got it home. Just the cover cut from the original huge menu. Still I am very happy with a rare find.


Found a couple of Pacific themed carvings in West Virginia on the way home from the Hot Rod Hula Hop.

First of all, an Easter Island Moai Kavakava figure - seems fairly old, due to the pateena and wear on arms, nose, and belly.

The following item was from the same vendor - I do like the angles of the piece.


Here are my finds for the summer. This could get a little photo-heavy...

A couple of HIP hula dancers

A few Asian-themed mugs; Orchids R-92, Japanese Village samurai, Suehiro geisha girl.

My best tiki find... ever! TV tiki-stem champagne glass (for $0.25 cents in East Vancouver).

Otagiri Kon-Tiki and Fogcutter mugs (with gold stickers intact) and a Don the Beachcomber Waikiki mug.

3 Orchids R-12 coffee mugs.

4 little stackers, probably Mexican/Aztec/Mayan rather than Tiki.

Blue Bosko mug from Tiki Lee's booth in Vegas - Damn, Lee! That's quite the collection! If I hadn't spent too much money drinking and gambling I would have bought more than just this guy. Also, I love the "business cards" made from old Stardust room key-cards.

A few miscellaneous finds; slightly crude Moai Kava Kava statue, old National Geographic book, and a Castaways ashtray.

Lots of records, some great, some just great-looking. That's it for now.

good little haul today

another mr.bali hai mug. anyone know the year of this guy? heres the bottom stamp

green westwood handle mug

any info on these s and p shakers? this one says KC CO HAWAII but the other one isnt marked.

this little orange shaker is unmarked, and double sided, any info would be rad. thanks

On 2008-08-20 17:26, tikithomas08 wrote:

any info on these s and p shakers? this one says KC CO HAWAII but the other one isnt marked.

this little orange shaker is unmarked, and double sided, any info would be rad. thanks

Both sets are from KC. The first one is stock #60019. That set has two different shakers in it: Temple Image and God of Money

The second set is KC too. Stock #60020. Wholesale price is $2.50 a set. I think that design on that is on a mug in Tiki Quest in the craft shop do it yourself mugs section.

Buzzy Out!

thanks buzz!

. . same question as above, different subject.

I just got this S&P set at an auction this week and can find nothing on them either here or on Ooga Mooga, which tells me they are either NOT tiki at all or the rarest of coveted tiki finds. (It's all or nothing with me.) I think they're kinda cheesy but they DO have little blue "JAPAN" stickers, so they can't be TOO new. Any ideas?

Picked these four up the other day, any info on these guys?



On 2008-08-17 18:05, ikitnrev wrote:
Found a couple of Pacific themed carvings in West Virginia on the way home from the Hot Rod Hula Hop.

First of all, an Easter Island Moai Kavakava figure - seems fairly old, due to the pateena and wear on arms, nose, and belly.


I don't think that's wear. It looks like sap wood. They probably carved it from a smallish log and the outer inch of wood is a lighter colored sap wood.
Great find!


On 2008-08-19 16:39, Brandomoai wrote:

Lots of records, some great, some just great-looking. That's it for now.

The one on the lower left is surprisingly great. Looks like it would suck being a tourist item. The Savage! record is one of my favorites. I listen to it and it takes me back to the Mai Kai better than about anything...

I'll start out with some in the wild finds:

17" wooden tiki

Maori salad tossing set

A piece of Tongan fabric:

Some donations I got from legendary tiki collector House of Ku.

Thanks again Freddie!

And a couple pieces I picked up in the wilds of the Tiki Oasis vending area:

A CocoJoes I thought I'd never own

A little wooden tiki

And my favorite HIP rascal, but in coral instead of Lava

I still say that one piece is Northwest coast.
Buzzy Out!


On 2008-08-21 06:05, SilverLine wrote:

I just got this S&P set at an auction this week and can find nothing on them either here or on Ooga Mooga, which tells me they are either NOT tiki at all or the rarest of coveted tiki finds. (It's all or nothing with me.) I think they're kinda cheesy but they DO have little blue "JAPAN" stickers, so they can't be TOO new. Any ideas?

Cool find! I say their Tiki! A bit "monster" looking but they do resemble the very rare Sam's Seafood Polynesian Village, CA. mugs. I can't find photo right now but maybe someone else has one.
It is also similar to those mugs called Johnny....something?? I think a hobbyist mug. Here's a picture of that one:


Picked this up this morning. Most likely from NZ as I'm in Australia. No obvious markings 12" top to bottom. AUS $4.

Not Maori style, sasquatch. More likely Tongan. Compare.


On 2008-08-22 13:28, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Some donations I got from legendary tiki collector House of Ku.

Thanks again Freddie!

----- :roll: You deserve it Buzzy!

And a couple pieces I picked up in the wilds of the Tiki Oasis vending area:

A CocoJoes I thought I'd never own

And my favorite HIP rascal, but in coral instead of Lava

--------a couple of rare ones there Buzzy...never seen the coral variations...Mahalo for posting :)

What a hip rascal indeed-dee!! Nice coral!

Picked up this carving over the weekend. No markings but I'm guessing most likely from NZ like much of the stuff I pick up down here in Australia...


On 2008-08-24 05:48, sasquatch wrote:
Picked up this carving over the weekend. No markings but I'm guessing most likely from NZ like much of the stuff I pick up down here in Australia...

Most of those type of carvings are from Tonga, I have found lots of em over the years and many have "TONGA" carved into them...
Cheers Maaaaate!

Schwag from my summer holiday ITD Seattle trip:
Bobblehead, Coco Joe and Trader Vic's ashtray from Woofmutt & Sophista-tiki's ITD yard sale.
Don Ho rocks glass from Spokane thrift store, 49¢
Trader Vic's Hawaii Seahorse mug from Cranbrook, BC thrift store - a buck!

Back home: 4 sweet little vintage gold-rimmed glasses with Hawaiian scenes.

Brandomoai and I decide to cooperate instead of compete. We hit the Saturday garage sales to plunder tiki treasure and keep it out of the grubby clutches of our foes. Of course we didn't find any, but B. pulled this tube of "Whizzle Sticks" out of a free box. Nothing tiki, sadly.

From today's outing...

Harvey's Lake Tahoe hula scorpion bowl.

Witco pineapple?

Two Les Baxter LP's "Teen Drums" and "Tamboo".

Two paintings by an artist named Val Ruel.

See ya later!


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-08-24 14:47 ]

Ruel ruelz!

Those glasses are amazing, never seen these before. Could they be one of a kind, hand-painted, like some of those men's ties were? The detail and durability of the paint job speaks against that, though....


Some of what I have found this summer.

I dream of tiki from Hard Rock Hotel

Moai is marked Blue Hawaii on the back side.

Many more matches & postcards just too lazy to take pictures.

Favorite find of the summer, needs to be re-wired to be used but still pretty awesome.

Last but not least I owe this from way back Lyons Bowl.

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