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I think a "Holy shit!" is in order. Holy shit!

WOW! Great score, Wendy!

nice score- please tell me you also bought the tretchikoff print. I see it in the background..... one of his balinese woman portraits I think. Also, love the maori ashtray - i believe it's from the 40's. I bought one similiar on ebay 12 years ago. I think they were for the tourist trade.

Last Sunday was pretty crazy...I think I'm still in shock...

Just the Stockton Islander Mugs...

The rest...

All together...



WOW! Biggest one-time score I have ever seen. What's the story??


C'mon! Ya gotta tell us the story!

Well, it looks to me like a mug collector liquidated his collection.

Wendy, that looks like the estate sale of my dreams! An authentic home of a WWII veteran who carried his experiences home with mementos and souvenirs, and kept it alive with its decor choices, up into this century. The art on the walls looks like it had some Exotica amongst it, too!

Is that an original Kava Bowl?


On 2012-01-21 11:07, Aquatic Safarinaut wrote:
Last Sunday was pretty crazy...I think I'm still in shock...

Holy cow - nice score! :o

You lucky lucky lucky blighter! A find of that many mugs needs it's own name e.g.

The largest gold nugget found was the Welcome Stranger, found at Moliagul, Victoria, Australia in 1869 by John Deason and Richard Oates. It weighed gross, over 2,520 troy ounces (78 kg) and returned over 2,284 troy ounces (71.0 kg) net.[2] It eclipsed the Welcome Nugget found eleven years earlier in Ballarat.[3] **Wikipedia**

Perhaps the Welcome Strangers of the Mug-erload?

Aquatic Safarinaut
Congratulations on that huge haul. Now it's time to start tiki arraigning!

Thank you to everyone who congratulated us.
Sven I agree it was a wonderful place to be. We waited 2 hours just to get in the door.

Happy Hunting, Wendy


Awesome haul A.S. !!

On a different note....

From the Crypto-Mugs thread:

On 2010-03-25 07:09, SilverLine wrote:

On 2010-03-24 23:07, kohalacharms wrote:

A scorpion bowl used by the Honolulu Trader Vic's; manufacturer Polynesian Pottery

GAD! I wonder how many times I've passed up something like this thinking it was just a child's first attempt at pottery.

Live and learn.

Hey Silverline, look what I found after Mrs. 8FT passed it up!

I've seen a couple of these in white but not in green.

Female figure

Male figure

It was a Trader Vic's sort of day. Here's a couple of site specific bar glasses from Vancouver and Munich:


along with a few other mugs, HIP & Coco Joe pieces I picked up these stilt steps today at the flea market. No idea of their origin or age, but the 80+ year old lady that sold them to me said she must have had them in her garage for 40 years... (who knows...) I thought they were pretty cool.

The fertility goddess mug unfortunately looks like it has some paint splatter on it, but she still has the original tag and price tag inside from lion country safari ($1.25)

Mahalo everyone for the congrats...

Sven wins the prize...it was a collector selling off his collection.

Every once in awhile we meet someone who is really cool…

I first saw the collection back in November on craigslist. I contacted the seller and arranged to visit. When I got there he was quite impressed that I would drive the two hours from Vallejo to see his collection. The guy turned out to be a prolific collector of all kinds of different things, tiki mugs being just one of his interests. He thought tiki mugs were cool and he enjoyed the hunt but he wasn’t really that into “tiki” and he felt that it was time he let the collection go.

We spent quite a lot of time talking about collecting, his collection and how he got into mugs. I was having a great time just chatting. Eventually we got down to negotiations. He wanted to sell the collection intact and was asking a price that was realistic but on the high end of realistic…For me it was quite a lot of money… I had many of the mugs already and was hoping I could talk him into selling just a few…but he didn’t want to part out the collection…eventually he lowered his price significantly but it was still more than I could bring myself to do…so we parted on great terms, no mugs trading hands …but I had met a really great guy, enjoyed looking at a very nice collection and the 4 hour round trip into the gold country was beautiful…

Fast forward to two weeks ago…I get an email with a new offer, one I just could not refuse. This time I come home with over 70 mugs…He told me that had thought it over during the holidays and had decided that he really wanted me to have the collection.

So that’s the story…

I’ve seen so many amazing scores on this site… it was my turn be lucky…the next time it will be one of you…and along the way you’ll make a lot of friends…keep up the search!


A few matchbooks from a collectors show in Glendale, CA. Mostly toys but I did pick up an old 60s skateboard and these matchbooks.

Some fairly common ones which I didn't have and a few odd ones like the Hawaiian Gardens and The Tropics in Denver. The only one I can't seem to find anything about is one from a place called the Temple Bar or Bombo in Oakland. It has a weird shaking glass on it with the words "Bombo" (?) and "carefree." Maybe the name of the house drink and it's desired effect?

On 2012-01-22 10:50, 8FT Tiki wrote:
Awesome haul A.S. !!

On a different note....

From the Crypto-Mugs thread:

On 2010-03-25 07:09, SilverLine wrote:

On 2010-03-24 23:07, kohalacharms wrote:

A scorpion bowl used by the Honolulu Trader Vic's; manufacturer Polynesian Pottery

GAD! I wonder how many times I've passed up something like this thinking it was just a child's first attempt at pottery.

Live and learn.

Hey Silverline, look what I found after Mrs. 8FT passed it up!

I've seen a couple of these in white but not in green.

Female figure

Male figure

It was a Trader Vic's sort of day. Here's a couple of site specific bar glasses from Vancouver and Munich:

Holy Cr*p! Where'd you find this??? That's WAY COOL!

BTW . . I have something for your Kona Kai Museum when we get together next!

Wow, Nice score on those Trader Vic's, were those made by Daga or Polynesian pottery or??

8Ft great find on that bowl...so ugly but yet so attractive of a find!


Silverline, found at the mall near us :)
beachbumz, It's a Polynesian pottery piece and is marked on the bottom.
SandraDee, thanks...yeah it is ugly but beautiful at the same time.


Holy Hannibal! Wow, that's superb. Never, ever, seen those with the Green Glaze... I have two of the white ones. They are absolutely made by Polynesian Pottery about 1968, just about the time Adele Davis sold PP to the Daga boys. These VIP bowls were few in number and in my mind are the apex of the locally produced pottery.

Waikiki Tiki; Art, History, and Photographs.
Available now from Bess Press Hawaii.

[ Edited by: Phillip Roberts 2012-01-23 20:19 ]

I dunno. I guess there are various criteria that can be used to assess the value of an artifact. One would be rarity. I think that's where this one scores most. Then there is cultural context: Another score here, though it is kinda late in the game. Next comes what I would call " level of artistry within the genre"...and that's were this one looses me.

I found a barely used Tiki Hibachi on Fiday. It was probably used just once and then put away. No grill lifter, table pad or skewers. I went back the next day to search for the missing pieces. Does anyone know what the skewers look like?



On 2012-01-24 08:52, Mr. NoNaMe wrote:
I found a barely used Tiki Hibachi on Fiday. It was probably used just once and then put away. No grill lifter, table pad or skewers. I went back the next day to search for the missing pieces. Does anyone know what the skewers look like?


I found one a few weeks ago - basically unused, it had the pad and the tongs, but I did not even know there were skewers to start with... I'd like to see that as well!


A good friend gave me this "outlaw" set. It is still in the original cellophane wrapper, and unopened. It is a mug, tiki stopper, and liquor bottle. I've never seen one before... Wonder what it tastes like? lol

Tom, the Okolehao is calling Youuu: "Suck me up...suuuck meeee up.." :music:

Tom, Take Bigbro's advice, that stuff is still good and worth cracking the bottle. I just tried some vintage Okolehao for the fist time and it was smoooooooth.


yard sale frame

now i have to pick which Doug Horne print to put in it...

the owner said she had it for 40 + years

I found a framed Marquesan design tapa cloth while in Palm Springs while on holiday. The tapa is 18.5 x 15 inches.

Erik The Red

definitely on a roll these days...

On 2012-01-23 12:28, Tattoo wrote:

The only one I can't seem to find anything about is one from a place called the Temple Bar or Bombo in Oakland. It has a weird shaking glass on it with the words "Bombo" (?) and "carefree." Maybe the name of the house drink and it's desired effect?

Tattoo, that Templebar matchbook is AWESOME! Oakland is home for me, and I'm heading to that area tonight, I'm going to check out what's there now (UPDATE: It's a CVS Phamacy, what a shame). I MUST find one of those matchbooks! With Oakland being so ripe with Tiki history, it's strange that a bar of the era is completely off the radar! I certainly want to learn more!

[ Edited by: FacesPlace 2012-01-26 16:58 ]


On 2012-01-23 12:28, Tattoo wrote:
A few matchbooks from a collectors show in Glendale, CA. Mostly toys but I did pick up an old 60s skateboard and these matchbooks.

Some fairly common ones which I didn't have and a few odd ones like the Hawaiian Gardens and The Tropics in Denver. The only one I can't seem to find anything about is one from a place called the Temple Bar or Bombo in Oakland. It has a weird shaking glass on it with the words "Bombo" (?) and "carefree." Maybe the name of the house drink and it's desired effect?

Notice how the 'TE' in Templebar is emphasized? I think Templebar is the Bombo's phone number prefix - as in TEmplebar 9805 - not the name of the bar/restaurant.

Ovarian Cancer Research

[ Edited by: LOL Tiki 2012-01-26 17:04 ]

LOL Tiki,

That's what I thought too! As posted here in the Templebar thread. Need to change the title of that thread to Bombo.




I have had this pineapple sitting on my shelf for a lot longer than I've been collecting tiki mugs. When I bought it I considered it a vase. There are no marks. Could it be a mug?


On 2012-01-30 10:04, ukutiki wrote:
I have had this pineapple sitting on my shelf for a lot longer than I've been collecting tiki mugs. When I bought it I considered it a vase. There are no marks. Could it be a mug?

Whether it was intended to be a mug or vase is hard to say. What I find interesting about this piece is that it looks like an actual pineapple was used to create the mold.

Found this pair of Harrington Polynesian Palace handled mugs. If someone needs one for their collection, pm me and maybe we can trade.

pascp posted on Fri, Feb 3, 2012 3:39 PM

Im new to all of the Tiki stuff but found this guy at a Estate sale in Dallas Texas

Any information on him would be appreciated

Ripper posted on Fri, Feb 3, 2012 5:52 PM

I found two of these at my local thrift store, I paid .50 cents for both. I love 'em ! Beachbum Burts Redondo Beach


Nice glasses, I have yet to find those. I did, however, hit the matchbook lottery this weekend. I had never seen or heard of several of these places before.

Will add a few to locating Tiki when I get a change.



Picked up this Orchids of Hawaii Blue Boy Surfer this weekend. It differs from a similar mug on Ooga-Mooga in that it is marked R 80, the arms are one up and one down, and the surfboard points to the boy's left. The bottom is marked :oRCHIDS OF HAWAII R 80 JAPAN". Is anyone familiar with this mug?

On 2012-02-05 10:28, Dustycajun wrote:

Nice glasses, I have yet to find those. I did, however, hit the matchbook lottery this weekend. I had never seen or heard of several of these places before.

Will add a few to locating Tiki when I get a chance.


Forgot to add these full matchbooks that I got as well.


Nice score on those matchbooks DC - I see some interesting ones in there.

I got this great Marquesan club and some other items from a gentleman who sailed there in 1968. He had originally priced the items rather high, but then dropped them drastically... I think I got a good deal.

-Trad'r Bill

Fugu posted on Mon, Feb 6, 2012 6:23 PM

That club is just lovely! Great find.

Indeed. I'd say you're in the club, now! :)

These two appear to be home crafts. They're just over 3 inches tall.

This wood carved guy looks familiar. He's about 24 inches tall and seems to have gotten a peg-leg somewhere along the way.

[ Edited by: Bongo Bungalow 2012-02-07 05:28 ]

Bongo Bungalow-

That tiki looks familiar to me too... I seem to remember a guy with perfect tiki recollection on this board...

Oh brother where art thou?

and these,i think i've seen this mug before.Has anyone else?
At first I thought each was home/hand made ,but they came from a mold.
they are identical.

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