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It's been a good couple weeks, my best ever.

4 Original Kahiki Zombie Mugs

And this found in the middle of no where Ohio

And not really Tiki but I have been looking for one of these for a long time and Exotica sounds great on it!


So did you find the wall art in the same place as the 4 Original Kahiki Zombie Mugs?

Dam nice finds! and in my back yard too.
Did the person you got these from have a link to Kahiki as in worked
there at some point in time?

I'm done collecting but would have bought those and thrown them on the pile here anyway.


On 2015-05-14 15:28, tikiskip wrote:
So did you find the wall art in the same place as the 4 Original Kahiki Zombie Mugs?

Dam nice finds! and in my back yard too.
Did the person you got these from have a link to Kahiki as in worked
there at some point in time?

I'm done collecting but would have bought those and thrown them on the pile here anyway.

Separate finds. Mugs were from the Dublin area and the lady was a patron only of the Kahiki. The Mosaic was from Salem/Canfield area.

Just....Wow Toli,

Those are some amazing wild finds! Congrats.

Those zombie mugs are amazing. They have been on my holy grail radar for a long long time. Congrats on the find.

Found some crap, this week.

Finally found the rattan I've been looking for.

Very very cool my friend!! Six band is the top of the line and that set looks great.


Big Kahuna that's quite a haul! All from one place? I'll just take the Maori tiki and the haole wahine snap... I'm not greedy. :)

BK, nice stuff! Great score on the rattan.

Went to the paper show today with some success.


Thanks, guys. That's 3 days at an antique show.

And, not exactly a Tiki Find, but this is going in the lounge side of my Mauna Kai Lounge.

This week's stuff:

The unmarked, looks like the OMC, but might not be, skull mug:

Polyart Poi pounder

Coco Joes upgrade of the newer version one that I had:

A set of tapa patterned barkcloth pillows

Buzzy Out!

Buzz- nice 2 walls

Hit a bunch of thrift stores in Palm Springs
One find


DC, nice finds at the paper show! I have yet to be that lucky at one of those.

last weekend's swag:

Scored one of those Conch shell bowls being talked about several pages ago. This is one of the "Atlantic Molds" variety. Glossy white with pink interior. No "JL" mark on any of the feet. This ones been used and abused with several chips. But only $5.

I asked a few collectors and none of us has seen this before so I figure it was a one off.
Gravel art/gem stone mosaic of the Trader Vic mask logo.

For comparison

On 2015-05-20 12:29, Thrift Tiki wrote:
I figure it was a one off.

It must be from a kit. That's the second one I've seen. Some chick I know on facebook found one like it on etsy a few weeks ago. The etsy seller didn't send it fast enough or something like that.

Buzzy Out!

Your remark was noticed & appreciated :)


On 2015-05-21 02:23, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Your remark was noticed & appreciated :)

Awesome, can't count how many times helpful comments go without a
thanks, no dollar, nothing.

Thought I was the only one.
No good deed they say.

On 2015-05-21 02:00, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

On 2015-05-20 12:29, Thrift Tiki wrote:
I figure it was a one off.

It must be from a kit. That's the second one I've seen. Some chick I know on facebook found one like it on etsy a few weeks ago. The etsy seller didn't send it fast enough or something like that.

Buzzy Out!

No Buzzy that was a DIFFERENT kit! This was already put together when I bought it--the other one...well we know what happened there!

On 2015-05-21 05:00, tikiskip wrote:

On 2015-05-21 02:23, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Your remark was noticed & appreciated :)

Awesome, can't count how many times helpful comments go without a
thanks, no dollar, nothing.

Thought I was the only one.
No good deed they say.

I also acknowledge your remark. :)
no good deed, indeed!

Made some great finds today: a set of 8 iridescent 6-ring Dunbar Aramis glasses and a pair of the ever-popular Disneyworld Polynesian Village 2-faced mugs. The glasses cost me $35, and the mugs set me back a whole $6. Time to make some Polynesian Pearl Divers!

[ Edited by: MrBaliHai 2015-05-23 14:38 ]

MrBali- score on the glasses...

Found THE album that's been on the top of my
"To find LIST" for quite some time

I almost went home empty handed after the entire week's worth of hunts. But, at the last minute, I found two messed up PNG pieces

I went by the guy's booth maybe 6 times before these were out. First time I went by the seller was getting "cockroached."Meaning, there were 5 people per square foot, digging through his boxes in a frenzy, making piles of finds/garbage, and filling up carts with shit. No cool stuff I could see coming out of there, mostly Asian antique stuff and oil paintings, so I moved on. On my way out, something told me to hit that row again first, despite it being out of my way... Then I see the seller drop the two on the table as I walk by, I say how much, I pay, and I'm walking with them two seconds later.

Unfortunate, but looks like there were eyes, a nose, and a mouth that were made from black clay that fell of this turtle shell. The left over black is clay, and the bottom of the shell is colored with red clay

I'll keep it, but I wonder if it's actually illegal to sell this?

And this guy is missing some threads on the ears and tusks, and is also missing his beard

It was either made of those bird feathers or this broom looking stuff, I imagine...

I hate busted up pieces. But at least they were priced as such. When I was once haggling over something broken, the seller told me that collectors actually prefer the broken stuff. He didn't take me up on my offer then to break the rest of his stuff up for him... to "increase the appeal to collectors", I explained.

Buzzy Out!

picked up this mai kai velvet painting the other day -

I know this is Sepik River, NG but does anyone recognize anything I'm missing???

I also have this mad, mad thing - 31" tall and i have no idea how old - again prob. New Guinea


Years of idly flipping through stacks of Ferrante and Teicher and Sing Along with Mitch records at every antique store I ever visit finally paid off!

...I'm not sure why the photo is upside-down. It was right-side-up when I uploaded it.

[ Edited by: tikimnky 2015-05-30 13:10 ]

Tiki Toli that's the first time I've seen one of those mugs that wasn't in an old photo. Wonderful finds.

Ball Park Buzzy we really would love to see your collection. PNG and Maori carvings are our favorites and wow you have a lot. Dan could talk music for weeks without a break. Music and Tikis are his great loves. Well I think I'm in there someplace too.

hang10tiki you sure are good at hunting in Las Vegas. I wonder if one day you'll end up like Dan.

Everyone, posting, I sure do enjoy seeing your finds, Wendy

Tikimnky- here ya go
(Windows 8 messes with photos)

Wendy- hi
Dan-0 and Buzzy both need to open up museums :)

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-05-31 09:54 ]

Hello to all, here are some of my finds from the last couple of weeks...

This is an unmarked mug, anyone seen one before? could not pass it up.

"The Royal Luau" An Italian made tray with the mural by Eugene Savage for the SS Lurline. Thirft store find for $1.50!

Thanks for all the great info and pictures, figured it was time to add some of my own.

[ Edited by: ModernArtifactsNY 2015-05-31 19:32 ]

It's been years since posting here. I found this little guy and to my surprise when I reached for him found out he was heavy as hell. Probably made of stone or some kind of ceramic material. The surface feels like a rubber material though...strange

This week:

Shot week: I didn't go out today in observance of Rock n Roll Marathon day.

Handled Westwood:

Museum exhibit catalog book:

Buzzy Out!

Found a few matchbooks...Threw in the HoJo for the memories :)

Neither are vintage, but both fit. Wife found the mirror somewhere, good on her for bringing it home.

The okolehao is from Island Distillers in Honolulu.


Neither are vintage, but both fit. Wife found the mirror somewhere, good on her for bringing it home.

The okolehao is from Island Distillers in Honolulu.


This week's stuff

Coco Joe Tongue tied Tiki ashtray

Couple numbered mugs from Tiki's Grill waikiki

Couldn't find any info or reference on these here, on ooga mooga, or in a ebay sales history check.

Tiki Farm High Dive marked mug

Buzzy Out!

Kahunaville White Mug


Kahiki Idol's Cast. 5 bucks at a flea market! My streak continues!


So i've been back in the U.S for just over three weeks now and i think i've done pretty well for myself so far. Here's all the stuff that i've found up until now in pretty much the order i bought them.

First a Coco Joe's from a swap meet and the two wooden carvings from two different antique stores in Bisbee. The one on the right is half of a S&P set from Samoa.

All of this was found in the same store and cost me a total of $39.82. Very happy with this haul.

Book from a second-hand bookstore and the bobble head, which was too tacky to leave behind, from a Goodwill.

This was from a day thrifting. The two shirts and the Coco Joes were from an antique store and the books and pineapple bowls from couple of different thrift shops.

Very cool pewter pineapple bowl from a thrift store.

This book i had read about a long time ago but never tried to hunt it down. I was fortunate enough to find it on the shelf in a second-hand bookstore.

From the same Goodwill i found the bobble head. Yes i know they are really tacky, but for $5 each i wasnt going to pass them up. I'd never find anything like this back in Australia so a couple of corny tiki torches for the garden at that price is OK by me.

I absolutely love this pineapple cushion. Same thrift store as the pewter bowl. I didn't buy it when i bought the bowl but decided i really wanted it. I went back twice and they were closed both days. Fortunately it was still there the next time i went back.

A small souvenir outrigger canoe from a thrift store.

These two i got at a yard sale for $3 for both. The thing on the left is an alarm clock and the little tiki drummer bangs out a great drum solo on the skulls. Probably my most favourite find so far.

And last but not least, i found a Jenny Haniver at a second-hand bookstore. Very surprised to come across this, and although i'd love to keep it i'm not sure it would get through customs when i go back home so i'm in negotiations at the moment to trade it.

I'm here for another 9 weeks so hopefully i'll find a heap more stuff that i can post here.

P.S. I also found two other aloha shirts thrifting and was at a private party in Phoenix a couple of weeks ago and there was a guy doing live painting who liked my pendant i was wearing (one of the ones i make) and i offered it to him for a trade and he gave me these two prints for it. Was pretty happy with that.

[ Edited by: swizzle 2015-06-15 15:06 ]

I just love checking out these pages every few days. You guys are terrific tiki hunters. Wendy

Wahine found a Witco Outrigger while I was at work
Gota love her :)

Buzzy, how far did you have to walk to get to the High Dive, two blocks? :)) I wanted one of those since Ballast Point first ordered them, I love the mix of nautical & tiki in it.

On 2015-06-26 05:53, freddiefreelance wrote:
Buzzy, how far did you have to walk to get to the High Dive, two blocks? :))

Ha! It is conveniently close! I like to order the Kraken burger from there. Might have to go today, in fact...
However, this one I bought at the swap meet from a guy who resells stuff he buys from Goodwill. Still had remnants of the goodwill tag on it...

Got $31 for it on ebay. high dive mug

Buzzy Out!


This looks like a real Steve Crane Coconut but it's unmarked. Very heavy and solid. Were all of these marked? Is it real?

On 2015-06-27 05:51, Tikisgrl wrote:
This looks like a real Steve Crane Coconut but it's unmarked. Very heavy and solid. Were all of these marked? Is it real?

It's probably this, although there are no pics in collections right now:


The notes in price sightings on this page state that it is identical to the Steve Crane Mug.

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