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Tiki Finds

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Resin, like a Coco Joe (but not marked as one)


Hey where is Mr tiki?

Also, Hamo there are three versions of that pick and a small fruit pick too.

I didn't know that, Skip, but I don't think I can be a completionist. The swizzles were the first Kahiki items in my collection, and now I've finally acquired a mug (and I do know there are other glazes):



(and I do know there are other glazes):

And even sizes, that mug when it is an early version is more crisp and a bit smaller. At the end you could not read the Kahiki on the bottom they were so sloppy.

I almost never find anything good in person, but here are a few of my favorite online pandemic purchases...

Huge tapa (about 9 x 13) Hoping to get this up on a wall or possibly the ceiling Tapa2

Couple smaller pieces TapaSmallRectangle TapaRound

And a carved island set HawaiiWoodIslands

Bama- nice

Thanks - really wish I had your hunting skills/luck!

No gold left on this Big Shot I just found, but that's okay -- now I don't have to worry about paint damage from washing after cocktails.




Just nabbed this Orchids Of Hawaii "Leafy Hula Girl" mug, at my favorite shop across the street from my parents' house. They were using it to display hat pins. Thankfully the inside does not appear to be chipped!

20220430_172229 20220430_172235 20220430_172257

A good week in the wild for Trader Vic's-related glassware.



Have to say i've picked up a lot over the past couple of years but don't really have photos of it all in my camera anymore but i do have these i've scored within the last two weeks.


And i did find this outrigger a couple of months ago. It had been in the antique store for quite a while and when they moved just recently pretty much all of the stall holders had a sale and this was 50% off so i ending up grabbing it.


[ Edited by swizzle on 2022-05-02 03:11:13 ]


That outrigger is killer!

Literally just got back from my lunch break at the same antique co-op where I discovered a complete set of tropical Siesta Ware barrel mugs in near perfect condition. At less than $7 each all told, I really had no choice but to bring them home!

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(Image dump from the last 2 years of finds to follow!)


Some various finds, some dating back to just before lockdown!

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TepCo! 20200702_121843 20200702_123444



Today's charity sale finds - finally the drought is broken!

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A shirt a bit too small for me, but it fits my Sister's asthetic better than mine anyway.


Recent trip to Colorado netted a couple thrift-store finds:

Trader Vic's coconut mug IMG_20220521_123532259

Rainbow Craft tiki clock IMG_20220521_123308548


Again I'm envious of everyone's finds - But I finally actually found something at an estate sale!

A little damage on the front, they said they think someone at the sale must have pulled the price tag off; otherwise in good shape.





Full view of each side:




I found this in Auburn, CA yesterday. It's not much, but it's one I didn't have.


As a collector of vintage swizzles, I am going to have to respectfully disagree. That is a score.

An eBay auction posted on the Tiki Swizzle Trade Facebook page a while back may add some context:

Screen Shot 2022-06-06 at 4.52.32 PM

It was most certainly the Bob, and not the other more common swizzles pictured, that led to that price.

I guess the dollar I paid for it wasn't too shabby ;)

Man, I've never been so successful in all my years thrifting along the Front Range. May I ask where you found these?

Good looking menu, bama. It reminded of some of the menus posted over in this thread:


My menu says "PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX OF APRIL 1944", so it's no earlier than that.

Thanks, Hamo! You inspired me to look more closely. I don't see any note about federal taxes, but prices on mine are a little bit higher than on yours. I'm guessing mine must be from a few years later, but the tax note was dropped at some point.

I'll add a link to my pictures in that thread in case anyone is looking for more comparisons; looks like mine is from sometime in between yours and the later one shown.

Found during the TC pause:

Tiki table-top fountain (very recent but fun) 20200328_091311 and some vinyl. 20200328_092520

Great page

Pulled off of Oahu


Keep on hunting

I was wearing this aloha shirt while running errands in Longmont, CO today, and two different ladies in two different places complimented me. Pretty good return on a couple of bucks, I'd say.


Hamo - if that's all you were wearing then we know why the compliments. :-o Cool shirt!

Results of today's foraging: Orchids R-71 and Bully Hayes Place AGA mug. IMG_20220621_151902963


Just nabbed this coconut mug for $1 at a local charity shop (TNR local feral cat populations). Imprint is by Tiki Soul. Can't seem to find any info on the maker. The Googles do nothing. Any insight?


Hawaiian Discovery piece

Hawaiian Temple Figure


Hamo - these were at the ARC thrift store off of South Academy in Colorado Springs.

Sorry to take so long to reply. I was just out there again last week but caught COVID before I could check it out again.


A stop at the Salvation Army after work on Friday. 5 Trader Vic's Hawaii mugs!


[ Edited by Cavemoai on 2022-08-08 08:53:19 ]

Jackpot !!! The largest single cache of real vintage mugs that I have ever seen !! It has given me a renewed hope for the “Hunt” !

[ Edited by hottiki on 2022-08-08 12:04:20 ]

Holy mackerel, Cavemoai! Great find!


Just found these signed numbered limited tiki art prints.

Anyone recognize the artist?

CM- awesome score

So, hit a garage sale today

Found some stuff


[ Edited by mike and marie on 2022-08-11 19:35:33 ]


WTF! All I see at garage sales is baby toys/cloths.

Great finds.

Thanks. Haven't been to the Springs for a few years, and never done any thrifting down there. The one mug I've found at a thrift store was at the arc in Littleton.

[ Edited by Hamo on 2022-08-12 19:32:14 ]


Hamo - I wouldn't make a special trip for it but if you're passing through it's worth a stop. I find something about every other trip, although not always anything worth bringing home.

WTF! All I see at garage sales is baby toys/cloths.

Great finds.

You will absolutely kill me when you find out where this garage sale was at. Hint, it was almost two hours south of us ...


Ha! well that is the name of the game ya gotta beat the other guy to the goodies.

Jeff here beat me by like 5 minutes to an Original Kahiki table lamp at the Scott it cost like 10 bucks or less, and I have an original shade for the damn thing.

He loved it so much he sold it to that Koala bear guy I think.

I wonder if he saw me at the door and ran ahead to sweep the place of all tiki, he did find me and rub in in though after.

Once saw Wendy at the Scott and we were walking together and that was nerve wracking as heck.

Never find tiki at the Scott as there are so many tiki hunters here but damn I think most of them just turn around and sell the stuff for profit.

At least I keep most of it and throw it on the tiki horde pile I have in my house, Ha!

Good job! See you soon.

There are tiki collectors here for sure but it's not like the old days when it seems like it was us and TIKIDAVID as the two most fervent of the bunch ... sometimes we would run into each other at a Goodwill and it was indeed harrowing ...

Latest acquisition ... giant fernwood mask from Ambrym Island, Vanuatu. Got it on bigbrotiki's birthday to celebrate our love for the modern primitive aesthetic ...


Today's modest haul at the Malvern Flea market here in the UK,Love the puffer fish as it is a proper old Taxidermy oneP1370775

[ Edited by TIKIWAGON on 2022-08-29 12:53:19 ]

Hamo posted on Mon, Aug 29, 2022 8:19 PM

Picked this up for a quarter at the local used bookstore this past weekend


[ Edited by Hamo on 2022-08-29 20:20:27 ]


Saw this at a thrift store nearby it was like 8.00 bucks, so I left it there still kinda cool.

They had three of them, plastic and new FYI.


Got a nice haul of large bamboo


And a lobster trap, from an old couple who bought it on their honeymoon 50 years ago



I scored a complete set of funerary feast items from The Solomon Islands. These are used once then discarded. It consists of the central shark-god totem canoe shown here, complete with bird bone anchor and the three paddles, along with two food scoops and a further serving bowl, all inlaid with mother-of-pearl shards. (Okay so the small figure is one I put in just for display.)


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