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thanks! once again the doctor has the infoz.

mahalo -> j$

Heres a "Hawaii Kai" "New York City" Teapot I got recently

On 2004-05-07 14:18, ErichTroudt wrote:
Heres a "Hawaii Kai" "New York City" Teapot I got recently

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-12 14:32 ]


Picked this one up on Saturday with the keen eye of TikiGav assisting in finding it.....for the grand sum of $10!! Stands about 4 foot tall and came from Fiji 27 years ago wrapped in a damp towel to stop it cracking.



2 sets of tiki gardens s&p shakers!

VERY NICE! May I use the images for the Tiki Gardens Memorial? If yes, just tell me how you'd like to be credited.

Great that they still have the tags. It amazes me that the glue on Tiki Gardens tags still holds up.

On 2004-05-22 12:10, TikiGardener wrote:
VERY NICE! May I use the images for the Tiki Gardens Memorial? If yes, just tell me how you'd like to be credited.

Great that they still have the tags. It amazes me that the glue on Tiki Gardens tags still holds up.

yes, of course. check your private messages.

This came from a yard sale on one of those shelves in the garage with rusty paint cans and such. Nice graphics but I doubt that I'll empty the contents and fill it with Martinique rum.

[ Edited by: naugatiki on 2004-05-24 18:20 ]

Nice find, Naugatiki!

It's good to see that someone else checks the garage shelves at estate sales. I've found old cans of tiki-torch fuel with great graphics on them as well - but nothing to match your teak oil can. That's beautiful!


I love that the Tiki Gardens 'Tikis' are actually those Haida Totem Pole thingys we were talking about a while back as being 'not tiki'. Well, looks like the Tiki Garden peeps don't care too much, heheh!

You can still see the sticker on the back where it says it is from British Columbia - that hotbed of tikiness, hee hee!

On 2004-05-25 11:35, tikifish wrote:
You can still see the sticker on the back where it says it is from British Columbia - that hotbed of tikiness, hee hee!

Man, maybe I should buy up all the totems and start touting them on e-bay as "Genuine Vintage Tiki" :roll:

It really surprises me that Tiki Gardens sold these items! I guess they were inexpensive, colourful, and to the un-sophisticated savage look just like them there Hawaiian doo-dads.

I just saw a tonne of those Haida totem pole mugs and salt shakers this weekend. Part of me wishes they were tiki...and now the folks at Tiki Gardens say they are!

Still a very cool find (with the stickers) and proof positive that even those in the Tiki-Know find the similarities between Polynesian and Haida (even this bastardized version) quite startling.

On 2004-05-25 12:21, Tikiwahine wrote:

On 2004-05-25 11:35, tikifish wrote:
You can still see the sticker on the back where it says it is from British Columbia - that hotbed of tikiness, hee hee!

Man, maybe I should buy up all the totems and start touting them on e-bay as "Genuine Vintage Tiki" :roll:

It really surprises me that Tiki Gardens sold these items! I guess they were inexpensive, colourful, and to the un-sophisticated savage look just like them there Hawaiian doo-dads.

Well, while they don't fall into what would truly be considered "Tiki"(tm), they do fit into the international market place aspect of The Tiki Gardens Shops.

And Trader Frank's trip to Morocco, haven of tiki that it is.


And I'm sure that without the several years worth of Tiki Central fine tuning of what is "Tiki"(tm), they were close enough.

On 2004-05-25 13:18, TikiGardener wrote:

And I'm sure that without the several years worth of Tiki Central fine tuning of what is "Tiki"(tm), they were close enough.

That is so true!
It's kind of cool to see where those little salt and pepper shakers ended up! Really, they're more tiki than fezs and pirates, but I'll never give up my red hat and eye patch! :)



Here is my first ever thrift store bought mug. It's in poor shape, but a must at a thrift store!

The Swank Pad Broadcast - If it's Swank...

[ Edited by: Swanky 2006-03-07 16:41 ]

Hey Swanky...
You mean to tell me that I found tiki mugs at a thrift store before you did???
That's an awesome find!
Mazel Tov!
I've yet to locate any Westwood stuff up here in Calgary,Canada. This truly seems to be Daga territory up here. Maybe other Canadians can attest to that?


I find lots of westwood! But we are far far apart, even though both Canadian...

On 2004-05-25 11:35, tikifish wrote:
I love that the Tiki Gardens 'Tikis' are actually those Haida Totem Pole thingys we were talking about a while back as being 'not tiki'. Well, looks like the Tiki Garden peeps don't care too much, heheh!

Yeah, the Butlins Beachcomber bars in the UK were full of carvings that were influenced by Vancouver Island rather than the Polynesian Islands! But then again, they are miles apart geographically, but stunningly closely related ethnographically.

Trader Woody

On 2004-05-28 01:27, Slacks Ferret wrote:
I've yet to locate any Westwood stuff up here in Calgary,Canada. This truly seems to be Daga territory up here. Maybe other Canadians can attest to that?

I've found a total of 2 westwood mugs in thrift stores but lotsnlots of daga & OoH.

I've never seen a westwood here, but have a couple of Dagas.


On 2004-05-28 12:03, Tikiwahine wrote:
I've never seen a westwood here, but have a couple of Dagas.

if you have no westwoods, gimmee yer address. If ya want 'em, will ship a couple extras (gratis) that I have including the one seen in the previous posts.

This is what Doctor Z and I found this weekend:

First, a nice rattan sofa and loveseat at and estate sale for $125. Excellent condition. Needs to be re-upholstered, obviously. This goes in Doctor Z's tiki bar.

Smaller things: A hula album, a boxed set of Mutiny On The Bounty records with book, Tiki table lamp, coconut monkey, and outrigger.

Also found this waterslide toy a few weeks ago. Didn't buy it as neither of us really had the room for it, but we did play with it a bit. Has anyone else seen this toy before?


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2004-05-31 17:31 ]


Found these goodies up north in Michigan over the holiday weekend:


Thought I would see if anyone knew about a set of McDonald's Hawaii tumblers. There were four of them and while they were not etched they had a white on the outside with different images. Stuff like an outrigger, a man fishing, etc. The sticker had $10 which I thought was for the set of 4 but come to find out that they wanted $10 a piece.

Oh I also got a Mr. Bali Hai Orchids of Hawaii R-18 for $10 in all places Washington, LA.

I think I've found a Witco lamp, but I'm not certain. It came with the cord, bulb holder and harp, but it had to be disassembled for me to cart it back to work. What you see here is 25.5" tall. Can anyone confirm this? There were no markings on it.

On 2004-06-01 06:48, mattfink wrote:
Found these goodies up north in Michigan over the holiday weekend:

Dang! nice score on the Mauna Loa goods. I've been searching high & low for a relic from that place for years. good one!



On 2004-06-01 11:28, tiki410 wrote:
Thought I would see if anyone knew about a set of McDonald's Hawaii tumblers.

Done in da 80s I believe. Surfah, outrigger paddlers, net caster and anodda one... they fetch from 8 to 12 clams each round these parts. (da islands) mo bettha li dat you gettum in da original box.


Hey, I've got another set of the Mauna Loa S&P's if you want to trade!

On 2004-06-01 12:09, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

On 2004-06-01 06:48, mattfink wrote:
Found these goodies up north in Michigan over the holiday weekend:

Dang! nice score on the Mauna Loa goods. I've been searching high & low for a relic from that place for years. good one!


Tiki D posted on Tue, Jun 1, 2004 3:20 PM

Nice finds Matt, I have not been able to find a handled PMP mug yet.

My friends just informed me that they picked up two Mauna Loa dinner plates at a garage sale this weekend. Score! You know it is a good weekend when you are on vacation and come back to good news like that. 8)

Kono posted on Tue, Jun 1, 2004 6:07 PM

Vintage Suffering Bastard decanter:

Please ignore the dust on the desk.

No sticker on the back:

The cap is broke off the cork and is missing. Other than that it is in excellent condition. Bottom says "Federal Law Forbids..." and "SF-R-22." I understand that there were two sizes of the decanter? This one is the smaller 7.5" one. I believe a rum was sold in it? Is this an official TV item or a vintage knock off? Any info at all would be appreciated.

I paid nine bucks for it total. :)

Looks like you got a great find there. Even the Tiki Farm repro would be a bargain at $9!

Trader Woody


Nice one!!!

On 2004-06-01 15:20, Tiki D wrote:
Nice finds Matt, I have not been able to find a handled PMP mug yet.

My friends just informed me that they picked up two Mauna Loa dinner plates at a garage sale this weekend. Score! You know it is a good weekend when you are on vacation and come back to good news like that. 8)

Kono posted on Wed, Jun 2, 2004 6:31 PM

On 2004-06-02 10:46, Trader Woody wrote:
Looks like you got a great find there. Even the Tiki Farm repro would be a bargain at $9!

Trader Woody

Hey TW,

Guess where I got it... :wink:

Kono you suck! Where did you get it?

Kono posted on Wed, Jun 2, 2004 7:40 PM

On 2004-06-02 18:34, FLOUNDERart wrote:
Kono you suck! Where did you get it?

That baby's actually an ebay purchase, believe it or not. I was just in the right wrongly listed place at the right wrongly listed time. Only two other people even viewed the 7 day auction. That $9 includes shipping!

I get a lot of stuff on ebay that I don't post (even if they're good deals) but I had to post this one. The last one listed sold at $130. Yes Virginia, you can get some steals on ebay.

I though maybe you got it at the antique mall in Orlando. I was just there on Tuesday and thought maybe you beat me to it. I was about to be very upset.


And while we’re on the Suffering Bastard subject, I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this one. It’s not a decanter or mug but a 9 inch heavy statue. Did Trader Vic’s put out paper weights?

[ Edited by: naugatiki on 2004-06-03 13:01 ]


Found this one in France, at a hot rod event near Paris.
Any idea where it comes from?

What about the flip side?

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-03-26 12:55 ]


On 2004-06-03 14:22, Tikifrog wrote:
Found this one in France, at a hot rod event near Paris.
Any idea where it comes from?
What about the flip side?

Some dont have the back carved as yours does, of course it adds value when the ceremonial paddles and the birdgodman icons are done li dat.
6 to 8 inch moai have gone for about 80 bux on ebay thru the last couple years.
these are carved with the topknot and without. These Moai are direct from Easter Island. Yours travelled a bit!


Tikifrog..wow, thats NICE.

if you run across any others, or want to trade that one.. let me know!!!

geez, now i have garage-sales-in-france-envy.


Kono posted on Thu, Jun 3, 2004 5:38 PM

Tikifrog, that moai is awesome. I've been dying to get something with a birdman motif on it. Great find.


First I must thank Dogbytes for bring this moai to my attention. This carving is NOT your normal Moai.Even just the front was done by a very experienced and inspired scupltor.
Tikifrog what is the size on this moai? And is it signed anywhere?
Really nice carvin, Thanks for sharing and Darn you for getting it first.



Not sure if this is the right place for it but if not I will move it, thought it was neat it's no SHAG Hot Wheel but I loved the card, found it at Wally-Mart.


Thanks Guys for your comments and info.
This Moai is approx.12 inch High. I paid 30 euros (35 bucks) for it in 2002.
Seems to be a good deal!

I can't find any signature on it.

It was the first and last time I saw one in France. I saw smaller ones used as doorhandles in a surf shop at Huntington beach

Could you recommend some books or websites to improve my knowledge on the subject?


There is a decent amount of info in the Google search for easter Island. Lots of history and Pix.

JonPez posted on Sun, Jun 6, 2004 1:40 PM

Hello all...
These are my latest finds form the last month or so.

The shirt is actually a barkcloth smoking jacket/housecoat-type thingy. Fits me well, I'll be wandering around the Hukilau in it on occasion. Now I just need pants...

The Hawaiian Inn mug was a color I did not have, should go well with the green one. The mermaid carving is African, but still mighty cool. 16 1/2" tall, not a bad size. $20 for the pair! Wheeee!
The big green tiki pitcher was from TJMaxx. Not Shoenfeld's, but came with a mix for "Beachcomber Charlie's Tropical Lemonade". Easily the largest mug in my collection. A Mai-Tai this size would probably kill me.

Finally got a Webly Edwards album, as well as the Exotica. Both were reasons I need to keep change in my car. Garage sale, no cash on hand. Had to scrounge through the floorboards to collect $1 in change for the pair.
The Fu Manchu is different than the one I have and the Surfing Girl mugs are from Latitude 20° in Torrance.

The Hale Tiki mug is in there because I was so happy to get it finally. Faaaboolous. The 2 seahorses seem to be made of rattan, with that weird add-plastic-and-bake-into-suncatchers-stuff. Definately vintage, found them in two different places. Anybody know anything about these? Sticker from TikiToes via Ron-Jon's.
The two brown mugs seem to ba home-made. They have "CW" scratched into the bottom. Cool inner glaze on the one!
And last (not too tiki, but still cool/bizarre):

Bonnie Anderson Wrecks 'The Wreck' LP. Recorded live at the Wreck Bar at the Yankee Clipper Hotel, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Its post 1963, has a Zip Code. Any ideas on this?


-On the eternal search for the recipe for Kobe's white sauce -

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