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The Molokai Mule mugs were used at the Sheraton Waikiki to serve a drink by the same name-- I believe that's all the info provided in Tiki Quest, but I've yet to see any photos of the mug in situ. They are pretty fun though, and not terribly expensive.

twitch posted on Mon, Oct 9, 2006 2:04 PM

On 2006-10-03 00:46, Paipo wrote:
I couldn't work out how to access the source image they used for that zoom application, so I took about 50 screencaps and then painstakingly pieced them all together. I'm sure I could have been doing something better with my time, but I've now got a 4.5mb jpg or 17.8m mb tif @ 3037 x 2047 pixels if anyone else wants it! (only the art one, couldn't be bothered with the others...)

I thought about doing that myself, but then thought about the neural damage I'd incur in trying...

Recently came across these two books -

The latter is by Tommy Murphy - every drink has a beautiful picture to go along with it (although the recipes aren't all that trustworthy; the mai tai is a frightening neon-red color). Have an earlier book by him, but the glue binding disintegrated so I pulled all the picures apart and framed a few. Strange thing - and I guess it comes from him being a long-time bartender - is that just about every second recipe carries a note that one shouldn't imbibe too heavily lest one suffer for it (in varied ways)...

...AKA "Thirsty Haole the 3rd"

[ Edited by: twitch 2006-10-09 14:06 ]


The only chance to buy some decent Tiki-stuff in Holland is on eBay, so you can imagine I was thrilled when my girlfriend found this 1966 Trader Vic's Fogcutter at a fleamarket for €6.
It shows a lot of crazing and was used as a vase, I had to scrub the inside thoroughly.

The imprint is mirrored, has anybody seen that before or is it normal?

Tiki finds have been mighty scarce here of late. The latest:

unmarked hula girl/pineapple mug.

I found the tiki shot glass (with a leather strap for wearing around your neck), Tiki A. Moaikingbird (pictured) found the wooden salt & peppers. We ended up swapping with each other.

That's all folks.

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2006-10-15 14:28 ]

My lucky streak seems to be continuing (knock on Treasure Craft-simulated wood).

My finds for the past month:

A Kahlua Hut mug and an Al Harrington.

A quick stop at a thrift turned up these two, large Westwoods.

Swap meet finds of four shotglass-sized Westwoods. Curously, Finkdaddy found a identical set not too long ago.

Trader Vic's Chicago menu.

A menu from The Tahitian.

A Latitude 20 barrel and a Harvey's Hula Girl mug (common, but I did't have this in my collection).

A drink menu from The Tahitian in fair condtion. It was folded (probably by the person who snaked it from The Tahitian). It also was water damaged, and there is some dry mold inside and the pages were stuck together (keep your off-color comments to yourself!). I am going to try to clean and repair this.

Inside view of the above menu. Note mold and damaged pages.

Matchbooks from: Zombie Village, Oakland, CA (2); South Seas Restaurant, Hollywood (2); The Royal Tahitian, Ontario, CA; Don the Beachcomber, at the Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas; Sams Seafood, Surfside, CA; and an old one from The Tahiti Bar, Philadelphia, PA.

Reverse side of the above matchbooks.

Paipo posted on Mon, Oct 16, 2006 1:08 AM

The pick of my last month's acqusitions - sometimes it's not so bad down here at the bottom of the world!

Trader Vic's Hawaii blue seahorse, $5 NZ (just over 3 bucks US), perfect condition:

Facsimile edition of the awesome "Te Tohunga" by Wilhelm Dittmer, originally published 1907 in English and German and containing some of the finest tiki art I've ever seen (and a great collection of Maori legends too). This guy was possibly the first European to interpret Maori art in a Western style. There are dozens of illustrations like the ones below:

3 1970 Matson Lines menus - Samoa, Tahiti, Hawaii:

Bamboo of China version of R-3 mug, gift from someone who attended my exhibtion opening:

Had few other good scores, but I will need to get some better pics of them.

Nice finds everybody. The hunting around here has been pretty dry lately. My favorite local thrift burned down about a month ago!


Someone at the carving club gave me these book-ends today, Really made my day!!


Found this recently. Anyone know which Castaways it came from and when?

On 2006-10-16 10:46, TikiJosh wrote:
My favorite local thrift burned down about a month ago!

Did somebody forget to snuff out a flaming volcano bowl?

On 2006-10-17 20:29, tikipedia wrote:

On 2006-10-16 10:46, TikiJosh wrote:
My favorite local thrift burned down about a month ago!

Did somebody forget to snuff out a flaming volcano bowl?

Not actually sure what it was. I went there one day on my lunch break, and most of the windows were boarded up and there was a red sign from the fire department saying the building was unsafe, etc. The fire must have been bad because it was a pretty big store and it was gutted.


no camera today and I got other stuff that I will post maybe later, but today, I found a handled barrel mug, with black rings with a naked girl inside. Sticker on bottom says Victoria (pic of crown) cermanics made in Japan.

Is this a tiki mug, and is it a good find? Worth anything? I think that I saw one posted somewhere, so I bought it.


On 2006-10-21 07:40, teaKEY wrote:
...I found a handled barrel mug, with black rings with a naked girl inside....
Is this a tiki mug, and is it a good find? ...

Hmmmm, sounds more like a barrel mug with a handle. I think a tiki mug would look like a tiki.



Hakalugi very "smart" remark. I was wondering if anyone was going to say that. I know its a barrel mug as stated but is it a mug that is part of the tiki-mug family of mugs. Or was it ever used in a tiki bar, (thats the biggie deciding factor). I like it the more I look at it and it certainly looks good in any mug collection.

Here are my finds for the day.
2 Daga "The New Otani" Kaimana Beach Hotel Mugs
1 Kao Wah Restaurant mug (no makers mark)
An interesting wood Fork/Spoon set (i've never seen one like this before)
Coco Joes Pipe Ashtray
Nice wood boat (don't know what to use it for yet)

Great finds everyone!

Here's a few I've picked up over the past few months. You may have seen one or two of them, but I've been cataloging my collection so I have better pics to upload.

First up, a Orchids Head Hunter & pineapple. I recieved the Head Hunter as a gift and I scored the pinapple (two actually) at an antique store that specialized in kitch. Sadly it was their only mugs and anything polynesian. I should stop in there to check up for witco or more mugs.

Next is an unmarked one & shown in TQ, but no maker. The other is a Kahiki coconut (scored both for 99 cents a piece).

I know everyone has seen the plastic ones, I picked a half dozen up at a thrift store (unused) for 25 cents a piece. I was pleased to get these to use for kids drinks for luaus. The other one is unknown and unmarked. I assume it's new, but for a buck I didn't care.

And finnaly, two glasses. These may have been posted when I first started TC, but here is a better view of them. Left is a Ports o' Call high ball glass (one of my first finds) and the one on the right is a Hukilau hurricane glass (they still use this particular design?)

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-17 17:41 ]

4 mugs or 4 menus?
Nice score either way...

Just picked this outrigger print up at a sale. Couldn't pass it up for 7.98$ Nearly five and a half feet long! Running out of wall space fast.

Not sure if they are finds but Dr. frankentiki went to HI for a couple weeks and gathered some gifts:

Since the place is going bye bye this Royal glass is kinda fun. Dr had to play 15 songs witht the band for a few glasses. I'm told the bartender is takin most of the place before it becomes a pool!! - sad

theres some Hawiian connection to this girl mug

If you go through the airport in Hawaii you'll see these!

Sufering from NYC Ottos, Muntiki broken from FreddieBallsomic and Emeril Chop from Waikiki Wallys - NYC!

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-17 17:41 ]


Vintage tiki mugs are hard to come by on Oahu, so I nearly wet myself when I spotted the familiar shape of a Tiki Bob mug amongst the standard Hawaiiana in a local antique store. Kinda worn, some crazing - gotta be the real thing. Then I saw the price - $250. I asked at register if that price was right - yup, $250.00, but they'd give me 10% off.

Very kind of them. The search continues.

Mrs. Bali Hai and I found the following items in Minneapolis yesterday: coconut purse, Coco Joe's Ku figurine, Daga Sun mug, and a very exotic box of goat-brain masala curry mix (goat brains not included)!

Is this a TV Gun Club Punch mug or just a waste of $10? Text on bottom says 'SURE SHOT' 'XXXXXXXXX'

We've been finding some good stuff at the flea market in Long Beach, CA:

Souvenir plate. No markings on back.

Palm wood tiki mask and two bamboo tiki poles. The mask is 4 feet tall and the poles are 5 feet.

The tiki poles are almost identical. Krustiki thinks they might have been carved with a CNC or tracer mill. They still look pretty cool.

yeah, yeah, yeah, another weekend, more great scores for ookoo lady. :D k'den sistah! great finds as usual.

On 2006-10-29 07:37, pappythesailor wrote:
Is this a TV Gun Club Punch mug or just a waste of $10? Text on bottom says 'SURE SHOT' 'XXXXXXXXX'

Fine find, Pappy! I've only found them in green.
I believe that is indeed a Big Shot glass, made by Imperial Glass. It was used by a small handful of restaurants including Trader Vic's, but I'll always consider it TV's. (They also made the port light and starboard light glasses.)

Funny thing, though. Mine has "Big Shot XXX" on the bottom. And my medium sized one reads "Half Shot XX," while the little says. "Tiny Shot X."

Anybody know if anyone else besides Imperial made these?

Fugu posted on Sun, Oct 29, 2006 8:53 PM

I think the sure shot is just a different sized version of the big shot (one size smaller?) Someone had posted this picture with their ebay auction awhile back and I thought it was interesting, so I'll repost it here. It's not the best quality, but it shows the different glasses that were made by Imperial. I think the second one from the left may be the "sure shot" although its pretty hard to tell. Perhaps someone else has a clearer picture of this page?


Fugu, thanks for posting the picture. I was always wondering how many different glasses there were and the shapes. Great picture.

here's one of my best ebay finds ever. buy it now mint condition kelbo for $17.99.


Today was a great day. I found a Coco Joes egg timer and a OMC bowl (seen on bottom corner of page 84 in Tiki Quest). First bowl I've found ever. But I want to know, what other weird items did Coco Joe slap their name on?

Paipo posted on Sun, Nov 5, 2006 10:16 PM

Quite a few new additions to the collection lately, mostly ebay/online purchases and not really worth sharing. One cool thing I did get is these - common enough, right?

Wonder where these were from - Hawaii? Florida? Guess again...

Now I just need a set of Maori S + P shakers marked "Hawaii"!

So, back on the road over the weekend, to the town up the coast I mentioned in one of my earlier posts here. A real old-fashioned Kiwi town, where it's always worth checking out the garage sales and op-shops (thrift stores).
Saturday morning garage saling - I was given these, along with a cushion cover and a tablecloth with Maori motifs. Teal Airlines became Air New Zealand in 1965, so these are pretty old. Just over an inch in length each:

Next stop, the op-shop, where I got this nice enamel Maori ashtray for 50c. I have a few of these with hei-tiki already:

On our way home today, Mrs Paipo said "Is that a tiki on that sign?" as we drove past another op-shop. Turns out it was! Looks like the sign probably belonged to some other business in a previous life:

I took this as a sign from the Gods. Filled with anticipation, I ventured inside, expecting great treasures. After fruitlessly browsing for several minutes, the tie rack yielded a small reward for my efforts:

All in all, not a bad weekend. Total expenditure: $1.20!


While leafing through a Playbill (not Playboy) magazine from 1964 I found this small ad for the Hawaii Kai


My finds from the last month or so:

mugs: Orchids R-74, Tiki Farm Tchoup Chop mug (where's the earrings?), Orchids R-70
matchbook from TV in Houston
large black carved tiki
menu from Frances Langford's Outrigger

plus these postcards:

Aku Tiki Inn Daytona

Orchid Island Hotel, Hilo, Hawaii


I found this while passing by the Tiki Farm refrigerator!

and I found this while perusing the WinkyTiki website...

[ Edited by: MakeDaMug 2006-11-08 16:33 ]

dibroc posted on Wed, Nov 8, 2006 4:30 PM

so that is where I left my arrowhead pocket decanter.

Kenike posted on Wed, Nov 8, 2006 5:34 PM

I found this while passing by the Tiki Farm refrigerator!


I wonder what I would find if I rummaged through the Tiki Farm dumpster.

A couple of the boys in the lounge. These two masks used to hang in the lobby of the ALOU motel in South Bend Ind. until 1963. A woman who knew the owners bought these when the place closed down. She said the entire lobby had polynesian decor and all items were sold at an action held at the motel. I have a couple of postcard from the motel but no tikis on the outside can be seen. Couldn't pass them up for the price.

I found bunch of patches today mostly from New Zealand and Hawaii, I particularly like the Maori in the aloha shirt. Do they still make these?

Al-ii posted on Mon, Nov 13, 2006 6:05 PM

Kono posted on Sat, Nov 18, 2006 4:05 PM

Ah, what a fine day at the flea market!

Coconut savage:

Trader Franks swizzle:

This is a neat brochure for St Petersburg. The cool thing is that on the cover is a pic of a couple eating in the long lost St Pete Trader Vics!

Trader Vic and Kona Kai salt and pepper shakers:

Ashtray from Imperial House, Pompano Beach FL. Thats a stylized tiki in the center. The ashtray is in perfect condition even though the camera flash makes it look otherwise:

Best ever "in the wild" mug day for me! A Hawaiian Inn paddle sucker; the center mug is (according to Tiki Quest) likely from the Hawaiian Cottage; and the last one is from The Waikiki, Washington DC:

$58 for the whole lot. :)

Phenomenal finds, Kono!

Those Kona Kai S&Ps are worth almost as much as that Waikiki mug. Really like the ashtray too. That stylized tiki is a representation of one of the real tikis that Basement Kahuna obtained from the Imperial House several years ago, and which appear in the BOT.


A great find for sixteen bucks total! A divers helmet ice bucket made into a lamp and a Mauna loa. The Mauna loa is the first and only one I have seen in about eight years of collecting. Both found in the wild. Tiki starts to get scarce around here when the snow starts to blow. I think they migrate to a warmer clime.

Kono posted on Sat, Nov 18, 2006 5:22 PM

On 2006-11-18 17:03, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
That stylized tiki is a representation of one of the real tikis that Basement Kahuna obtained from the Imperial House several years ago, and which appear in the BOT.


Uh oh. I forgot that's where those tikis came from. KGeoff now has two of them holding up his tiki lounge ceiling and he knows where I live. :(

I'm gonna go hide that ashtray and lay out some tripwires.

Thanks for showing me up uncle trav! :wink:

That Mauna Loa mug is awesome.

Found this nice little TAI Tahiti mug for $8 in an antique mall in Eastern Minnesota.

On 2006-11-22 14:16, MrBaliHai wrote:

Found this nice little TAI Tahiti mug for $8 in an antique mall in Eastern Minnesota.

Mrs.Mojo and I snagged one of those awhile back also!
I was bitchin that it didn't look "Tiki" enough. Told her not to buy it. She bought it anyway and when we got home and started looking not only was it in "TIKI QUEST" but we found all sorts of posts on it.
Shows what I know! :P

A functional tiki spoon and fork set that isn't carved and less than 3 feet long.

[ Edited by: naugatiki 2006-11-24 20:47 ]

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