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Tiki Finds

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OK, it's been a while since I posted here so I better get caught up...

A sampling of the mugs I've found recently

funny enough, the little Westwood in the front was found at my Mom's house. I remember drinking out of it in my (much) younger days. It has a green twin somewhere, but she hasn't found it yet.

Some presents brought back for me when the Mrs. went to the Atlanta Gift Show this month:

Can anyone tell me about the surfer?
Or why Shutterfly cut off my lighter on the bottom?

Moai candle holder with lightup eyes...

that's all I could get before my camera's batteries died. Have a nice day.


I FINALLY got batteries for my camera! I've been waiting to jump in on this topic..

here goes.. ALL thrift store finds!

This was bought mainly for the cover, but it's a handy reference book for tropical plants..

little brown westwood to match a few green ones I have

unknown tiki I'm guessing mexican

my new fishy fifties t.v lamp

Pineapple purse!! (not thrift store find)

book about the history of early hawaii

another book

SCORE! it came with two identical dust covers if anyone is in need of one

(side view)

new hawaiian shirt (the one thing not found in a thrift store)
note the tiki's fabric print.. and hula dancers:

Sorry for the backlog!

I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum..

[ Edited by: Velvet Ruby on 2004-07-17 19:26 ]

[ Edited by: velvet ruby on 2004-07-17 21:09 ]

Zombie, I too have one of those wood surfers. I got mine at a 2nd hand shop, but really have no idea about them. I do know that there are various colors in the hair and pantalones they wear and that there are many other "carvings" associated with the style.

Feelin' Zombified wrote:

I found one of the mask on the left last year. Mine is not painted, but someone took a black marker to the horns & put a diamond shape on the forehead.

This abuse of masks must stop; a couple of mine were vandalized too. These are two of the masks shown earlier when they were still on the wall at Aloha. See the red stuff on their lower lips? Yep; lipstick. It mostly came off, but before we realized it wasn't paint it got all over my girlfriend's white blouse as she was carrying them out.

Found this in Walmart for $29 Canadian dollars.

After looking for the past year and a half, I FINALLY found something tiki! (asside from the tiki/totem piñata)

tiki wahine, all the items I just posted (minus the shirt, the lamp and the purse) I found on a recent trip to Courtenay! We're in the planning stages of moving over to the island.. you just gotta get outta victoria! My friend Dave is in Nanaimo, and he just scored a bunch of mugs there.. we should all meet up once I'm re-located!


Hello all...
Here are my most recent finds, most were from various scores at Goodwill's:

I grew up in Clearwater, with fond memories of Tiki Gardens as a child, and I remember my parents having a Tiki Gardens' cookbook. Well, after much digging, it is happy in it's new home in my Tiki Room;

Not nearly the reference guide to drinks and food that I ahd hoped, but still awesome.
Let me share a drink recipe:

Native Nectar
8 oz. Pinepple Juice

Serve 8 oz. chille Pineapple juice in a fancy footed goblet if possible with decorative Japanese long pick with luscious red cherry on end of pick - this is the nectar of the islands.

That's it!

No alcohol. No fancy-schmancy ingredients.
Heck, I know what I'm serving to guests at the Hukilau. Real, authentic Trader Frank's Native Nectar!
Now all I need is some footed glasses.

My parents' house is somewhat of a time capsule from the late 1980's, so I wasn't surprised to come across newspapers from 1986 and 1988. After a bit of looking, I actually came across a few ads for Tiki Gardens in the local paper (usually in the entertainment section)

(From February 14th, 1986)

(From December 9th, 1988)

Made me very happy!


-On the eternal search for the recipe for Kobe's white sauce -

[ Edited by: JonPez on 2004-07-19 06:21 ]

On 2004-07-19 01:38, Velvet Ruby wrote:
tiki wahine, all the items I just posted (minus the shirt, the lamp and the purse) I found on a recent trip to Courtenay! We're in the planning stages of moving over to the island.. you just gotta get outta victoria! My friend Dave is in Nanaimo, and he just scored a bunch of mugs there.. we should all meet up once I'm re-located!

Velvet Ruby, SCORE! In Courtenay!? good job!

I'd definitely love to hook up to go tiki hunting! Are you moving to somewhere up island?

On 2004-07-19 06:18, JonPez wrote:

Native Nectar
8 oz. Pinepple Juice

Hey, could you post this in the Tiki Drinks section for easy reference? :lol:


Yes, probably the comox valley somewhere, either courtenay or cumberland.. my other half is working in a tattoo shop there. We're going to give island life a try for awhile haha.. I'll keep you posted!

On 2004-07-17 16:51, Feelin' Zombified wrote:
Can anyone tell me about the surfer?

I'm guessing they are made in the Philippines.
You can find them everywhere in the tourist traps of Mexico.
Those other finds are great Z.
I have the surfer and the lighter.

Thanks Unga.
while you're at it...
I've posted this elsewhere, but here it is again because I'd like some info (ie: date, etc.) it has no markings.


[ Edited by: filslash 2008-03-26 12:57 ]

filslash is right, those types of carvings are all over Bali, there's a lot of "fake" asmat carvings in Bali too, copies of the ones you find in Irian Jaya and PNG. (My parent's lived in Irian Jaya for about 6 years, and I was over there for about 2 1/2 while I was in high school)


On 2004-07-19 11:49, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

On 2004-07-19 06:18, JonPez wrote:
Native Nectar
8 oz. Pinepple Juice

Hey, could you post this in the Tiki Drinks section for easy reference? :lol:

No problemo, Zombiefied...
You should see the food recipes.
Sheesh. Just shot down my memories of the sumptuous banquets.
Actually, some of the food recipes look pretty good, and I am kinda hungry.
I'll try out a few and let ya'll know.
As for the drinks, I'll probably make sure I add the alcohol :)

I grew up in Clearwater, with fond memories of Tiki Gardens as a child, and I remember my parents having a Tiki Gardens' cookbook. Well, after much digging, it is happy in it's new home in my Tiki Room;

Not nearly the reference guide to drinks and food that I ahd hoped, but still awesome.
Let me share a drink recipe:

Native Nectar
8 oz. Pinepple Juice

Serve 8 oz. chille Pineapple juice in a fancy footed goblet if possible with decorative Japanese long pick with luscious red cherry on end of pick - this is the nectar of the islands.

That's it!

No alcohol. No fancy-schmancy ingredients.
Heck, I know what I'm serving to guests at the Hukilau. Real, authentic Trader Frank's Native Nectar!
Now all I need is some footed glasses.

For further Trader Frank's recipes, check
Check the volumes on the tiki typhoon!
tiki gardener


Had a pretty good day Sunday here in Missouri. Found a Ritts Co. "Tropitan" rattan end table which matches our other pieces of Tropitan. Also got a cool mug and the very hard to find Westwood spice set complete with the wooden rack. Never thought we'd find THAT in the wild.

The Trader Joes in Pasadena has one of those surfers that stands 6' tall.

Feelin' Zombified: I saw figures similar to your surfer but in an outrigger and in front of what I take to be a candle holder tonight at a Hobby Lobby. They are marked on the bottom as being made in Indonesia. If you like those figures you could have a little leisure-oriented village.

On 2004-07-21 15:31, TikiGardener wrote:
The Trader Joes in Pasadena has one of those surfers that stands 6' tall.

Is that the new TJs in Hastings Ranch? I still think of the old TJs on Rosemead just south of Del Mar as TJs Pasadena, I should update my mental maps...

Nice scores 8ft, especially on the Tropitan!
I love mahogany? on those pieces, much more tasty than formica.

Woo Hoo!
Just got back from lunch with a green Trader Vic's Hawaii Seahorse mug!!
It's got a few chips, but for $2 in the wild... I don't mind.

On 2004-07-22 09:19, freddiefreelance wrote:

On 2004-07-21 15:31, TikiGardener wrote:
The Trader Joes in Pasadena has one of those surfers that stands 6' tall.

Is that the new TJs in Hastings Ranch? I still think of the old TJs on Rosemead just south of Del Mar as TJs Pasadena, I should update my mental maps...

It might be the second one, they have cool easter island moais above the refrigerated section, with painted hillsides and sky behind them. Theres a cool free sample bar made from old rum barrels, and a really good south seas vibe throughout, much more than the ones in south pas or near old towne.

The one I'm talking about is out by Whole Foods, It shares a parking lot with the Shogun Restaruant.

[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2004-07-22 16:00 ]

On 2004-07-22 15:59, TikiGardener wrote:
It might be the second one, they have cool easter island moais above the refrigerated section, with painted hillsides and sky behind them. Theres a cool free sample bar made from old rum barrels, and a really good south seas vibe throughout, much more than the ones in south pas or near old towne.

The one I'm talking about is out by Whole Foods, It shares a parking lot with the Shogun Restaruant.
[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2004-07-22 16:00 ]

Yep, Hastings Ranch. That's the one housed in a building that used to be a Movie Theater. My parents have lived just behind the Arboretum for 20 years so I know that neighborhood fairly well.


I went on a tiki quest a couple of days ago and hit some antique shops and thrift stores in the TN Tri-Cities area. I found one of the surfer tikis with boobs, but they wanted $75 for this rough 2 footer. No thanks. And some Florida souvenir tiki S & P shakers that were $2.50, but just too tacky for me. I did pick up a pristine ice crusher in a thrift store for 99 cents. High capacity! YEah.

So yesterday I went to the local vintage shop to give her a Hukilau poster for the window, and there it was! Came in the day before!

I will be the mack daddy shiznit at Hukilau now! Notice the actual tapa visible behind the shirt.

She aslo had a Coco Joe's and a tiki lighter, I did not afford...

The Swank Pad Broadcast - If it's Swank...

[ Edited by: Swanky 2006-03-07 16:41 ]

Sweet find there Swanky, that is a ultra spiffy shirt man, as the King of Hukilau you will really be looking regal in it.


[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 16:56 ]


I found this item earlier today for $12

So I guess I can visit the Tiki Ti when I am visiting the west coast, and drink tiki tea while I'm here on the east coast.


[ Edited by: ikitnrev on 2004-07-24 15:39 ]

Not Tiki, but friend of Tiki...

Found this lovely little 6" Hula dancer (plastic, perhaps "Hapawood") for 50 cents. Says "HAWAII" on front, and on bottom, "Made in HAWAII", with "H|P ORIGINAL" underneath (not quite sure of the letters "H|P"). If anyone could give me info on the maker, I'd appreciate it. The details on the figure are wonderful.

Palm Paunch asked

..."Made in HAWAII", with "H|P ORIGINAL" underneath (not quite sure of the letters "H|P"). If anyone could give me info on the maker, I'd appreciate it.

Thats "HIP" original; you'll find a huge amount of info in this one thread alone: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=7124&forum=5
...and even more if you use the search function, now that you have the right spelling. A wealth of info awaits you; have fun discovering.

[ Edited by: tikijackalope on 2004-07-24 23:35 ]

$ free!

i mean the tretchikoff, although the swell hat and fu manchu whiskers were free too...


On 2004-07-25 13:55, Johnny Dollar wrote:

$ free!


On 2004-07-25 14:17, Turbogod wrote:

On 2004-07-25 13:55, Johnny Dollar wrote:

$ free!


my friend and i found it several years ago at 'second hand rose' in gaithersburg md. i think it was about $30. i liked it but he seemed more enthusiastic about it so he purchased it. he had it until recently, but decided to give it to me since he started thinking the image represented an unhealthy fixation of his. heck, i just thought it was cool so i took it. the golden bamboo frame is top-notch as well.

From an estate sale where people never threw anything away (bless them) is this Vintage Trader Vic's sugar package, bottom feeding tiki style.

Look what I found at an estate sale the other day...

A vintage set of Uli Uli and Pu'ili!
They were a little pricey but I think they look great framing bruddah' Gecko's carving, plus I was happy to find something traditional for The Aloha Room.

[ Edited by: Tiki Royale on 2004-07-27 21:10 ]


Vern, that is a hell of a find! Where did you happen across the teapot?

I think I'm turning Tiki-nese I think I'm turning Tiki-nese I really think so...

Dig these Tiki Swimming Trunks on sale from Kohls...

[ Edited by: Palm Paunch on 2004-07-28 21:01 ]

[ Edited by: palm paunch on 2004-07-28 22:14 ]

Coco Joes Lono #109

$2.94 at a thrift store. Twice as big as my others... I didn't realize they came that big. But then again I'm from Detroit :lol:


My 3 year old with her Salvation Army Tiki find (yes, she's been corrupted by her father's tiki fever) and some straws and swizzles from Big Lots.

[ Edited by: Stainless Steel Tiki on 2004-07-31 22:55 ]

It's been a while since I've posted thrift store finds because I don't own a digital camera & have to borrow Tiki A. Moaikingbird's each time. Here's what I've found in the last month and a bit:

The stuff in this picture is all from one visit to Value Village at the end of June. I had a coupon for $3 off a $10 purchase, so I just kept looking and finding stuff.

2 wahine mugs from the Hawaiian Village in New Westminster B.C.

I got all excited because I found a website that seemed to indicate that this restaurant still exists but then I checked Tiki Road Trip and found out it closed in the 90's. 49¢ each

Coco Joe monstera leaf letter/napkin holder ("hapa wood"). $1.99

Pacifica House Hawaiian Cook Book from 1968. Lots of beautiful color photos (I've since seen later editions with the same photos in b&w), mint condition. $1.99

A large piece of Hawaiian fabric $5.99

Total, including tax:$8.51

Not an exciting find for most, but it's the first glass tiki mug I've found. And I like the way this picture turned out using only natural light.

Homemade Moai with strange paintjob

and from this weekend:

Trader Vic's (Hawaii) Tiki Liki mug and this Treasure Craft couple with a 1958 copyright date:

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 00:08 ]

Sweet Daddy Tiki reported:

Not an exciting find for most, but it's the first glass tiki mug I've found. And I like the way this picture turned out using only natural light.

If that mug is smiling on the other side, its just like one I found yesterday. Btw, all of your pics look great, publication quality, I'd say.

I found this last month in a small Oklahoma town. I was working and couldn't pick it up, but am going back after it in a few days:

Its made of different colors of gravel and cowry shells. I don't know if its Polynesian or African but I have a thing about shells lately. Is there a name for this art form? Anybody know where such a thing would come from?


A major find for this area - 8" tall - $6.00 at the local Goodwill!


I stumbled on a match book collector and dug through an 20 gallon aquarium full of books to find these babies, also I've been meaning to post these swizzle sticks so here they are.


I never find anything, but I finally did. I'd like to see if any of the experts know anythng about these. Both came from an estate sale where the people had obviously traveled extensively so hopefully these aren't just trinkets from Cost Plus.

First is this mask. Does it look like a style specific to a certain island?

Then this watercolor. Looks like a resort somewhere, but no info anywhere on the art. Anyone been here? The artists name is Linton.

[ Edited by: spy-tiki on 2004-08-08 17:24 ]

Octane posted on Sun, Aug 8, 2004 9:17 PM

great looking stuff everybody.

i would guess that the mask is in a Marquesan/tahitian design.

very cool stuff folks!

i scored a hawaiian room, hotel lexington nyc matchbook this weekend.

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-08-10 06:32 ]

Sacred guardians of the Tiki drink mixings. Or whatever...

Found at Big Lots! for $6.00 (bananas not included).

[ Edited by: Stainless Steel Tiki on 2004-08-11 20:49 ]

Found this at the antique mall just 2 days ago. It had a label that said it was "Kon Tici" It's about a foot high maybe 14"...

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