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Jawa posted on Thu, Mar 24, 2005 9:33 AM

Rob...I somehow missed the memo that leilani mugs are really common, so I ended up paying too much for them...lol. But, the extra bit wasn't so bad considering I actually found something!
The same shop has two carved tikis at about 15-20" tall, the seller wanted $375 for the pair...pretty crazy :o
At least I now know why tc'ers flock to flea markets...much cheaper items than antique malls and stores.

The lamp isn't new, I found it about a month ago, but I finally found the right size chimney to complete it :)(99¢).

The Orchids R-71 (right) is about the 4th I've found ($1.99).

The green mug in front says Tiki Tiki on the handle. There was a Tiki Tiki restaurant in Edmonton from the early 70's to the mid-90's so maybe it comes from there (49¢ -- that's the price I like!)

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 00:42 ]

Kono posted on Fri, Mar 25, 2005 4:37 PM

On 2005-03-25 09:52, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:

The lamp isn't new, I found it about a month ago, but I finally found the right size chimney to complete it :)(99¢).

Ya just gotta keep trotting that lamp out to taunt us don't ya! :wink:

Thats it , I am taking a road trip up to edmonton. Nice finds .

Moki posted on Fri, Mar 25, 2005 7:16 PM

I stopped off at a little church run thrift shop today near my office and actually found a few items to my surprise.

Webley Edwards - More Hawaii Calls: Greatest hits, Leni Okehu and his surfboarders Hawaiian Holiday (sleeve only), Favorite show tunes from Oklahoma & South Pacific (what a combo!) and Webley Edwards Hula Island Favorites.

and four large scallop shells to add to the bar decor.

Must keep an eye on this little place.

On 2005-03-25 17:00, rodeotiki wrote:
Thats it , I am taking a road trip up to edmonton. Nice finds .

Tiki A. Moaikingbird & me don't much cotton to interlopers hornin' in on our territory rustlin' our tikis, 'specially not ones from cowtown.

Actually, we'd love to meet fellow tikiphiles from anywhere. And we may be making a trip to Calgary next week Maybe we could arrange an all Alberta TC summit at the Bamboo Tiki Room.

OK, I admit it

I'm a... a... a... reader!

I often grab a piece of paper, receipt or whatever to mark my place in my books and it drives my Mom nuts (for some reason) so she bought me this:

Now I'm marking in style, dig that crazy bead on a string, daddy-o!


Where did you mother buy that bookmark? Where?

She said she got it at a bookstore inside LAX, Hudson News maybe? It's made by a company called Antioch. I'm trying to find out more info... I'll let you know what I find out.


i got this at VLV on saturday! #127


My mom send me this card for Easter.

This was a big score for me.
4 of the ceramic Trader Vic's Gun Club Punch mugs, marked 1979 in great condition.
$1.99 each, and that's in Canadian money.

It's been a week since I was last at the Value Village, and we just happened to be dropping some stuff off there on the way to lunch.
Now if I could just find a bowl or a tiki bob!


It figures...less than a month after I harassed Tiki Matt into trading me his Hawaiian Room Sungod mug I found one today at the Goodwill for a buck! Nonetheless I was thrilled to have finally found a Hawaiian Room mug out in the wild!

This is too strange. I was out looking through some Orlando junk stores today (these could not be described as antique or thrift stores)and I found the wooden axe that my headhunter was missing. The dealer obviously had no idea what is was, and in fairness why the heck would he, so I gave him a quarter for it.

Marian, me and Mr and Mrs. Neptune found this guy in Daytona last January sans weapon. I was gonna make him one, but now I don't have to. Sorry, I don't have pic to post of the axe, but I'll try to get one. This seems kinda cosmic to me for some reason. Maybe it was the actual axe that went with this headhunter - wouldn't that be weird. do-do-do-do-do.......

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2005-04-01 13:16 ]

Swanky posted on Sat, Apr 2, 2005 8:29 AM

KG, there are just too many jokes in there I can't get hold of one. Headhunter... ax... wood... Make up your own.


Bought a Jimmy Wong's Fu Manchu mug today. Although that's not a grand find, I was happy to find one non-ebay!

There was also a Kahiki mug for $25 which I almost died laughing when the store clerk told me. There are quite a few on eBay right now for $7-12.


On 2005-04-01 11:54, johntiki wrote:
It figures...less than a month after I harassed Tiki Matt into trading me his Hawaiian Room Sungod mug I found one today at the Goodwill for a buck! Nonetheless I was thrilled to have finally found a Hawaiian Room mug out in the wild!

Hey John, At least you now have an extra to trade. By the way, I think I made out better on the deal, so harass away!

The wastelands gave up a pair of her treasures and nearly froze Us. Found a nice DAGA geisha girl like the orchids R-96 but with more detail, and a very cool orchids R-74. Excellent finds for a Snowy day in the clayton, Ga area. Devilbay also delivered some vintage hurricane glasses(sphere bottomed and heavy, not like the modern ones) this week, cheap.


U from Orange County California? Remember Kono Hawaii restaurant? I dug up some original Kono Hawaii mugs from the '50's when my parents had their high school dances there! I've got at least three available to those that collect'em. I'm keeping a complete set for me. Email if interested!!
I'll send the pictures!

[email protected]


Hey Matt - the significance any mug from the Hawaiian Room has to me personally far outweighs any value that Huki Lau mug might ever have! Thanks again for making that trade with me! You should have held out longer... I was willing to sacrifice my Tiki Bob and my Pub Tiki for that Sungod! :wink:


On 2005-04-03 19:39, johntiki wrote:
Hey Matt - the significance any mug from the Hawaiian Room has to me personally far outweighs any value that Huki Lau mug might ever have! Thanks again for making that trade with me! You should have held out longer... I was willing to sacrifice my Tiki Bob and my Pub Tiki for that Sungod! :wink:

Dammit! I knew I should have held out. If you wanted to send the Pub Tiki as a thank you, I promise I won't return it to sender! Hey, if you can't find the Bamboo Frame, let me know and I'll pick up what you need and send it to you. They come in all the standard sizes (I think) and Aaron Bros is just a stones throw away. I'll just let you know what the total (frame + shipping) is and you can PayPal it to me. As a reference, the 20x16 was $20.

found this past weekend in adamstown, pennsylvania...

headhunter, a frankenstein-like "napcoware" tiki (see markings below), a lava cocojoe, an al harrington "south pacific man" handled mug, and a small fogcutter.


Matt - the Pub Tiki mug is in the mail! :wink: I'll let you know about the frames - I gotta see what I need.

Johnny $ - that Napcoware mug is awesome! I've never seen one like that! I gotta make a trip to Adamstown!


On 2005-04-04 06:37, johntiki wrote:
Matt - the Pub Tiki mug is in the mail! :wink: I'll let you know about the frames - I gotta see what I need.

Johnny $ - that Napcoware mug is awesome! I've never seen one like that! I gotta make a trip to Adamstown!

John - You da man! I can't believe I just typed that.... Let me know about the frames!

Kono posted on Mon, Apr 4, 2005 4:59 PM

Hey Matt, does that Napcoware tiki have a recessed area on the back? I got this one that would appear to be identical except it doesn't say Napcoware on the bottom, it says "285451."

I've never been able to figure out the purpose of the recessed bit on the back. My favorite aspect of this piece is that I got it on ebay for $4 and an identical one ended auction just three days later. The second seller called it a tiki condiment server and showed him laying on his face. The high rollers jumped on it and it finished at $78!

Some time later I got this from a TCer on ebay:

Yeesh, I need to dust my desk!

Same deal with the recessed part on the back. I guarantee it's not a condiment server because if you put this guy on his face he tips to the side. He is stamped "C5451" on the bottom so he has more in common with the other piece than just the recessed part on the back. I thought he was painted over by an owner but the stamp is on top of the paint.

I've always wondered about these pieces. Anyone have more info?

mine is stamped C-5451.

my theory about the recess it he back is that it was so that the weight of the piece balances - i.e. the weight of the material is over the center of the base so it doesn't tip over.

another theory is that these were attempts at competing with treasure craft. most other napcoware items are mega-cheezy, like hummel ripoffs and those bouffant lady faces with the tammy faye eyes.


I've got the same one as your orangy-colored one, 'cept mine is a deep dark brown with metallic gold paint on his teeth, eyes, etc. - much more 'Treasure Craft'-like, I'd say. Mine also is standing completely upright, not 'leaning over' a bit (why is that? I've seen slumping Coco Joe's stuff many times, but never a piece of ceramic!)( Or does it just look like it's leaning over to me?) Otherwise, it's the same piece. Mine doesn't have any markings at all, just a metallic gold sticker in the recessed part that says simply "Morro Bay, Calif."

I, too, have seen it described as a condiment server and also as a nut/candy dish and as an ashtray, but I sincerely doubt that is the real purpose of the recessed area: it does tilt when it's lying face down and the recessed area is just too small to really be of any practical use. Besides, why would you want to use it if it had to be face down? Unfortunately, other than that, I have no clue as to the purpose of the recessed area, and J$'s theory sounds good to me!.

Jawa posted on Tue, Apr 5, 2005 8:02 PM

Some recent finds:

Hawaiian Inn Daytona Beach mug:

Album finds over the past few weeks:

The collection so far, lol:

You made some nice scores. I really love Arthur Lyman's Hawaiian Sunset album and I would say your mug collection is well on its way.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2005-04-06 18:24 ]

Jawa posted on Thu, Apr 7, 2005 5:26 AM

Hey thanks Kailuageoff! I've been trying you know :D

Everything I have found so far has been in thrift stores or antique places, or eBay. So it always seems I am paying a premium for everything, lol. Hopefully the wife and I will be able to hit up a flea market or two this weekend, maybe some white-hair garage sales too...I am hoping, and you would think, with so many older folks in Florida it would be a veritable treasure trove at these places. We'll see I guess!

Good hunting to all! :tiki:

Two more of my more recent finds, I appologize for the dark pic. The palm tree one is unmarked, and the cactus is from "The Proud Peacock" at Waimea Falls Park, Oahu. It's got Daga stamped into the unglazed bottom. Both are well crazed(a good feature to me)


I bought this wooden mask at the Rose Bowl Flea Market today. It's 33 inches tall, with a gecko design on the forehead, and flames around the eyes and chin. It's hard to show all the detail in the photos. Any one recognize if this is really tiki? African? Oceanic Arts? Mexican? Also, any suggestions on preserving the wood and/or staining the wood to bring out the detail? I'm not sure what kind of wood it is.

Kono posted on Mon, Apr 11, 2005 4:12 PM

Found these today:

Tiki Gardens shot glass. Parrot mug, unmarked. Hawaii souvenir shot glass.

I found this piece and thought it was PNG. I hope it's not African. Sometimes it can be hard to tell.


Kono - nevermind the carving, where did you find that George Foreman grill?!?! I can't believe you've never shared that w/your ohana! :wink: I love the Tiki Gardens shot glass - great find!

Nice score on the TG shot glass. I've been looking for one of those forever...

On 2005-04-12 08:34, Kailuageoff wrote:
Nice score on the TG shot glass. I've been looking for one of those forever...

I might have a double... Lemme check.

Kono posted on Tue, Apr 12, 2005 3:43 PM

[ Edited by: Kono on 2005-04-12 18:38 ]

Kono posted on Tue, Apr 12, 2005 3:48 PM

On 2005-04-11 20:10, johntiki wrote:
Kono - nevermind the carving, where did you find that George Foreman grill?!?! I can't believe you've never shared that w/your ohana!

Sometimes being a trendsetter is just too much of burden to bear. :lol:


Found this big planter? at an antique mall today. Never seen one. Not sure of the age, and it is in perfect condition. Being a collector of mid-century pottery I know a little bit about telling the age of things, but this one's got me stumped! No markings at all. The bottom is very clean, which would indicate to me that it is new, but I'm just not sure. The style and color (greenish brown glaze and the eyes are gold) indicate 70's (like Earth Crafts if anyone remembers that store). I know it's not a student / artist work because it's not signed. It's hand thrown and the back has a lot of detail added, so possibly not mass produced (but I may be wrong). The face seems to be stamped in and then the detail added (see inside shot), so it may have been mass produced. So I guess the question is: Rare or WalMart? Any help would be appreciated....Put him next to Bob for size comparison...

Beautiful, Matt!

Definitely vintage, as you said. I'd guess pretty uncommon as well. I don't think I've seen one before. Great score!


Picked these guys up last weekend at an "antique" mall in Lowery City, MO. We'd seen them a few weeks prior but didn't get them, then I spent the next couple of weeks kicking myself for passing on them SURE that they would be sold when we got back. Well, no surprise, Tiki is NOT big in rural Missouri. These are Otagiri imports, marked and complete with OMC sticker.

Those are really nice mugs silverline! Good score!

I just noticed, while hawaiian tikis are often identified as having a constipated grimmace(and stance), these guys actually seem to be sitting on a toilet-esque platform!


Found a white 'The Tikis' moai mug and the Trader Dicks S&P today (both for under $15!!). The Otagiri Fu Manchu (embossed aisan writing on back)is an ebay score($8.50). I think I got it for a steal, and couldn't figure out why no one bid on it...

Tiki Mugs, Vintage, Tiki Bars, Carved Tiki Poles, Apparel and more!
Everything Tiki at: http://www.bartiki.com

[ Edited by: Tiki Matt on 2005-04-15 19:11 ]

On 2005-04-15 14:30, SilverLine wrote:

beautiful photography, silverline!

Found this mug at a thrift store today while running some errands. Got it for 25 Cents! It has the Mai Kai logo on the bottom and has "Chiki Tiki" stamped on the bottom.

Those are made by American Gift Corp, they have 4 different "Chiki Tiki" Designs: The tiki shown above, a Mayan style tiki, a lizard-like tiki and a rasta style tiki. They come in 4 different glazes and have imprinting options. I used to carry them in my store, they retail for about $5.00 new but they chip super easy so I discontinued them. They are the perfect souvenir drink mug for bars & restaraunts...


Thanks for the info, Stuff.

On 2005-04-16 04:41, Johnny Dollar wrote:

beautiful photography, silverline!

Thanks! I think these subjects lend themselves to it.

And yes, I thought it was kinda funny they're sitting down, too!

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