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On 2005-05-12 14:46, Tiki Royale wrote:
Nice finds TikiWahini! Those shirts are great and I'd love to hear the vinyl

haha, thanks! me too! I have tons of records, but nothing to play them on yet!

I need something cheap, compact yet fairly nice looking. Good luck, eh? I'll have to keep my eyes open around town.

As for the shirts, I might start selling some of the ones that don't fit. I need the cash to pay the tiki bills!

Hey TikiWahini,
I got me one of these in black...


I LOVE it! It fits right in in The Aloha Room and sounds great to boot. It even has audio out so I turn vintage vinyl into snazzy MP3s. They also have on with a CD player built in.


That is GORGEOUS! Got to get me one of those.

Thanks! I'm going to see if I can find a Canadian re-seller. Or maybe online will have to do sometime in the future. I was hoping to find something under $50 CAD, but that one is way too cool.

Mucho Mahaloz!


Restoration Hardware, which has a lot of retro-type items, has a record player (and cd player) that looks very much like that. Here's a pic and the link:


They also have this one:



I can attest to the nice sound you can actually get out of one of the Crosley record players! They are perfect for playing thrift store/vintage vinyl (most even play 78's!) and the prices are reasonable. My only complaint is regarding the audio outputs - mine doesn't have any!

Thanks joefla!
That one is great too! Unfortunately the shipping to canada makes the totals $172 CAD(for the brushed chrome crosley with auxiliary output - my first choice) or $139 for the other one, something I just can't afford right before the NW crawl. Maybe I can beg for one as a birthday or christmas present! Thanks guys, these are just what the doctor ordered.

Scored a don the beachcomber menu today at an estate sale, south pacific on the front,caribbean on the back.its from palm springs.stamp on the bottom that says"SOUVENIR MENU this souveir menu is from our old stock and does not list our current prices"it is both the food and drink menu.from the scrap book i got it from it indicates it was obtained in 1966. copy right 1941,but there is reference to PALM SPRING joining the family in 1962 on the inside story of "HOW IT BEGAN" does anyone have any thoughts or comments about this?are these rare or common finds? thanks TD

On 2005-05-13 06:18, joefla70 wrote:
Restoration Hardware, which has a lot of retro-type items, has a record player (and cd player) that looks very much like that. Here's a pic and the link:


They also have this one:


here's one from kmart that doesn't seem to cost too much either. kinda cool i think too


here is what me and the mrs. found while out and about yesterdy!

details: minnies modesto, tiki lounge modesto, bali san diego, bali hai sd x5, don the beachcomber x 3, kon tiki inn/trader nicks x4

details: kona kai club sd, kona kai club/voyager sd x2, trader vics seattle-chicago-vancouver/toronto, trader nick photo x3, kon tiki

details: harvey's x2, lg TV swizzle, zombie village shakers, hawaiian village swizzle, coral reef, kauai reef

Hey Hat are you going to glue them on the Trophy? :lol:


i just purchased a Witco "Hacienda" bar and 5 stools.. for a mere $225. ~

and "no", i dont have room for it.. and "yes" its going up for sale to anyone here at Tiki Central, for what i paid for it.. of course, you'll have to arrange to get it from seattle to your final destination..

wow elicia! nice find!
if we werent almost finished with our new bar that the hat is building by himself, we would be all over your offer.

and chongo, dont give him any ideas! :)

Nice score Dogbytes. I'd like to have it but we have a three bars and your'e out rule at our house.

Here are my recent finds and a small sneak preview of my lounge:

From to left-right:
A jolly kahuna (My wife loves him), Two (stacked) homemade ceramic coffee mugs with different faces (they are identical), A tiki staute, a Hawaiian shot glass, and a coco Joes hula girl (mainly plastic). Man she is ugly! Her mouth is open..and no teeth!


Last weekend in Atlanta I got these:

Orchid's Volcano Bowl and Trader Vic's Rum Keg bowl.

The Swank Pad Broadcast - If it's Swank...

[ Edited by: Swanky 2006-03-07 16:16 ]


I spoke with my mother on the phone the other day and during the conversation she says to me "Oh by the way, your father has a tiki for you." Oh, cool was my reply. I thought he may have found a Leilani mug at a yard sale or something but you never know. I don't want to discourage anyone who might be lucky enough to stumble onto tiki stuff for me and is willing to pick it up. Even duplicates are great for trading right??
I didn't think too much more about it until I went over to visit a few days later and he walks in from the garage carrying this:

(Golf ball shown for scale)

I nearly flipped. He got it from a friend of his who is 90 years old and clearing out his house so he can move into assisted living.

I was lucky to get it because after my dad and brother had visited him and bought this and a bunch of old trains and related stuff, his daughter calls the house and demands that the train stuff be returned because they were to be given to a great grandson (who is 1 year old)!!! Her elderly father had been telling her and her sister for 2 years: "Come over here and get what you want before I get rid of it but they never would.
Then when they found out he was seriously cleaning house, they pounced. Luckily she didn't demand the tiki back.

All I can tell you about this cool tiki is that it is almost a foot tall and is made of plaster. It is most likely intended to have a candle inside. I do not know its age and it appears to be unmarked. I don't recall seeing it in any book or on TC. Anyone out there have any info about this guy?

When we first met.......

[ Edited by: 8FT Tiki on 2005-05-18 21:37 ]

[ Edited by: 8ft tiki on 2005-05-18 21:43 ]

Nice find, er present 8ft.
My guess is that it was some kind of do it yerself, hobby type project tiki. Pretty dang nifty, especially with a candle/light inside.

very cool! has a kind of 70's kidshow vibe to it...

Very COOL, 8-ft! That gives me a little encouragement to keep looking. We've been hitting "tiki-plausable" estate sales here in KC for months with no luck as yet. They ARE out there!


Made a trip to Havre de Grace, a little town north of me right on the Susquehanna River that's loaded with antique stores, on Tuesday. The majority of antiques appeal mostly to the "hoity-toity" tastes but I was able to come away with these...

A cool chalkware hula wiggler w/its original pipe cleaner palm tree for $15.00

A small newer fish float w/cooler rustic looking rope than the majority of newer ones you see - $3.50! A note to fellow MD tikiphiles... if you want glass floats they are all over the place in Havre de Grace!

Not spectacular scores but I wanted to share!

Wow! Great finds everyone!

My husband called me after attending a concert late last night, he bought a bunch of records of the band!

He figured with all the mp3s he has, it would be nice to have something tangable. Then he says, "not that I can listen to them" so I pipe up about the sweeeet player we've been disgussing here in the finds thread. Looks like he's in need of one now too, so, darn, we'll just have to get it!


Drunken Hat - I have a hard time find salt & peppers and matchbooks up here, great finds!

Unkle John - I've got those stacking mugs in a green/brown glaze, and love em!

Swanky - the two common things I really want to find up here are a bowl and a rum barrel, and you found both in one go! Good on you!

Elicia - very cool of you to buy that bar, it's great to know it will go to a loving home!

John Tiki - nice hula gal, and you can never have too many fishin floats!

8ft - sweet tiki! Totally original and cool, what a wonderful gift!

8FT Tiki- Wow, I think that tiki is very cool!! I love the jagged teeth(?)
Between the mouth, the kelpy headress, the pebbly posterior & cool green color, it looks like Sigmund the Tiki Sea Monster or something.
Very weird & anomalous!
For sure, one of the wackiest, coolest things I've seen in a while.

Scored a couple OMC(7 3/4"tall)KON TIKI mugs,page 24 QUEST. They have HAWAIIAN COTTAGE printed on the back.anyone know of this place? thanks TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID on 2005-05-20 05:47 ]

Jawa posted on Fri, May 20, 2005 5:47 AM

Just wanted to share some recent finds, finally found some Tampa tiki!!! :D

Mai Kai, Hawaiian Village, Fu Man, and Jekyll and Hyde Club NYC:

Backside of the Hawaiian Village Mug:

Some Tiki Farm ripoffs Nereia (my wife) found in a giftpack while browsing through Ross:

I have not seen the Hawaiian Village mug on Tiki Central before (did a search), has anyone else seen this?

  • Jason

TikiDavid - the Hawaiian Cottage was located in Cherry Hill NJ... below is a link to another topic with some detailed information as well as some great photos and postcards!


Thanks John, you know each of these mugs had a ka-bob skewer in them,each with a crude carved wood head,wearing a braided rope hat,one brown ,one green. i wonder if these were part of HAWAIIAN COTTAGE or came from somewhere else? thanks TD

got this guy at an auction tonite in Daytona Beach, not in the scenic side of town either. got it for a cool 10 spot...most of the folks there were more concerned with the lawn tools. Its 5 foot or so, 3 faces, and cedar, it even still has some of the bark on it. they said it came from the Jackson Hole (sp?) Saloon, which is now Boothill...but who knows?? I love him though!

Found the Mauna Loa mug in a 30,000 sq foot dingy basement at an antique mall in central PA...made a long trip to visit my hubbys family totally worth it.

[ Edited by: Tiki-Troll on 2005-05-20 21:42 ]

I found a set of these glasses from a Don The Beachcomber knock off named Beachbum Burts in Redondo Beach. Anyone ever hear of it?

model outrigger from fiji - found in sparks, maryland, about 28 coconuts

barrel mug and 'don the beachcomber' salt and peppers - red lion, pennsylvania, about 13 coconuts total

jawa~ yeah that HV mug is super common. i'll send you 10 bucks for it and then you can send it to me and be rid of the thing!

actually it is one of the harder to find mugs from there. the tiki bob look-a-like is more common than it. even more so when it has all of the pink and white paint. good find!


JTD posted on Sun, May 22, 2005 6:14 PM

You've got impeccable timing. One of those Hawaiian Village mugs just sold for $164.50 on eBay today.


Jawa posted on Tue, May 24, 2005 6:02 AM

Thanks for the info DH and JTD!

I have been trying to stay away from eBay lately...always spend too much money! Of course, now I just hit any antique store I can find. They are usually way too expensive, but as I paid a small fraction of the price that the HV mug sold for on eBay, I guess it makes up for the other times!

Mahalo! :sheckymug:

Recent finds!

HUGE shell, coco joe's hapa wood pineapple napkin holder(my second one, maybe third), coco joe's lava non-pc hawaiian gal, gorgeous palm tree planter my parents brought back for me from their trip to DC, VA and MD.

Daga warrior mug(my second one - the larger size), coco joe's lava menehune lounging under a palm ash tray, coco joe's hapa wood monstera candy dish(my second one), nautical light decanter! This thing actually has a liquor pouring spout! It'll make a great lamp when I get through with it.


tickles me, canadians importing 'exotica' from md/va/dc :)

Kono posted on Thu, May 26, 2005 6:57 PM

On 2005-05-25 19:52, Tikiwahine wrote:
It'll make a great lamp when I get through with it.

You sure you want to make it into a lamp? I think it's pretty cool as it is. As a decanter made to look like a lamp it's unique. There are plenty nautical lamps to be found but that's the first nautical lamp decanter I've ever seen. Nice find!

Thanks J$ & Kono, you're probably right.
If I can fit a very tiny bulb inside without cutting the glass, I will. If not, it'll still make excellant flotsam for the ceiling.
I haven't been able to find any info about it on the net yet.

Gotta post a pic of the neat rattan lamp shade that looks like a float net.(still here at work)

Another find today...

(photo from e-bay)

Treasure Craft hula couple


Tikiwahine - I found a Treasure Craft seated drummer last week that definitely goes with your set! Unfortunately I passed it up due to lack of shelf space.

johntiki, I know the fellow you're referring to! Great big white drum?

I actually don't have the shelf space either. these two will either replace something, or be put into boxes for the time being. sad, but true. I need a shelf specifically for treasure craft.

Is this the dude you're talking about?

I'm out of shelf space too. these guys are just sitting on the floor in the "junk" room.

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 02:30 ]

Kono posted on Mon, May 30, 2005 3:40 PM

From this weekend:

Musical Hula Girl. Plays Hawaiian Wedding Song. Note the tiki pattern along the base.

Harvey's mug and a large glass float. The float started at $70 and was marked down and marked down. I paid $30.

I'm sure this skull ashtray is Mexican Day of the Dead style but I think I can fit him in with the tiki.

Jim Beam Treasure Chest decanter and a Don Ho rocks glass. The rattan end table that all of these items are sitting on was found this weekend as well.

Three albums: Skin Tight by Marty Gold; Bongos from the South by Edmundo Ros; and Martin Denny's Exotica Classica.

The best find! A menu from the Luau restaurant Miami Beach for just $4!

Great finds Kono! Super float! Great albums!
I scored an Old Spice port light cologne bottle for $1(what is it with me and nautical light bottles?) And a blue & white flower barkcloth shirt $7. 50% off at Value Village today only!

(image from e-bay)

That menu rocks! Great scores.


Just got back from a trip to Phoenix, AZ and scored these at an antique store. This was probably the best one-day haul I've ever had:

The small tiki with the red stone in it's belly is by HIP. The mug on the far right is a Jard Products mug from Hawaii Kai.

Kono posted on Tue, May 31, 2005 4:32 PM

On 2005-05-31 10:37, Kailuageoff wrote:
That menu rocks! Great scores.

That's a first for me. First tiki menu from a defunct restaurant found in the wild (I found a Matson Cruise Line menu but that doesn't count). I NEVER see menus for sale, let alone tiki menus. I've never understood how there could be so many on ebay but zippo in the wild.

Tikiwahine - I think you should fill that nautical lamp decanter up with booze myself. Hell, fill up the cologne bottle with booze as well!

Juno, that TV rocks glass: does it have a city location printed down at the bottom? Nice haul!

major kudos, juno!

Hey! NIce finds everyone! It's great to see the good stuff can still be had for cheap!

Here's a few items I've found in the past 2 months (2 views of the same stuff):

This has been an unusually good couple o' months for me and the tiki finds.

Way cool Slacks, Congrats on those finds . Now I am really gonna have to start going.

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