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Tiki Finds

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GREAT finds Slacks! ALL THAT TIKI!

Totally love that treasure craft clam shell, I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for one of those!

Thanks for postin'!

Slacks, the tall guy at the back on the right -- what's his story? Looks like he's made of wood but hard to tell for sure. He's got a face like a yeti.

The tall guy at the right? I found him about a week ago at Goodwill. I'd like to stain him. He seems unfinished. On the back he's marked "Hawaii 1987 Tau". He's about a foot tall. He's a solid and heavy piece of wood...Goodwill was probably just charging by the ounce.
He's the piece I paid the most for ($10) in this lot, yet after the wood mugs, he's the piece I'm least zazzed about.

I found this guy's brother this week:

homemade moai. same glaze, same everything including same handwritten initials on the bottom -- five months apart at different thrift stores.

And today Tiki A. Moaikingbird's uncle gave me one of these:

has "Hing Wah Co. Calgary" stamped on the bottom. I'm sure you Calgarians have seen 'em -- they seem to be the Alberta version of the "Leilani".

I used to borrow Tiki A.'s digital camera to photograph my tiki finds. I guess now that he's moved I'm going to have to draw 'em (and I'm not a that good of a draw-er).

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 02:52 ]

(and I'm not a that good of a draw-er).

With prune hands?

Great finds man!


im sure sum one has already said this but i think the best tiki find is are very own
Tiki Central...thanks...kirby

On 2005-05-31 20:51, Slacks Ferret wrote:

hey slax, yer woodie seems related to this one i found:

Kono posted on Thu, Jun 2, 2005 5:50 PM

A few more finds from today:

I found two of the Leilani Hawaiian Inn mugs, three Gosling's Black Seal jar mugs, a tall palm tree glass and a PMP tiki mug.

A CocoJoe's tik, a mug that looks like a larger Treasure Craft tiki mug made out of ceramic, and in the back some sort of tiki Hawaiian tote bag.

Best tiki finds in a while today:

Moai Madness!

A Coco Joe Moai (#112) and a Moai liquor bottle. This is not the Pisco Capel bottle we're all familiar with, but a ceramic, one-piece bottle. On the back it says

and "Made in Chile" on the base. I would assume it was full of Pisco at one time; anyone know?

Try as I might, I couldn't draw the bottle head-on, it just didn't look right, so I drew it in profile. I told you I was a bad drawer. Also, it has quite a bit of texture but I didn't bother to draw it - thought it would look too busy.

The Coco Joe was $3.99 which was kind of expensive I thought, but the bottle was 99¢ so it evened out.

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 03:04 ]

Sweet Daddy,
I think It's hilarious that your actually drawing these. I thought you were kidding when you said you were gonna do this...

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great! And I've been guilty of doing this too...


You're a much better artist than I am, Slacks. I probably won't be drawing stuff too often, it takes forever -- I have a devil of a time getting proportions right.

eeeee, mini tiki

No big whoop here . . found an Orchids R-73B at a garage sale today. Common as dirt and a hairline crack, but only 25 cents! It doesn't take much to make me happy these days!


This weekend I found 2 Kona Kai (Marriot motor hotel Philadelphia) menus at an estate sale. Any ideas about dating them? Brown cover, with tiki and island scene, 12 1/4 by 9 1/4, 8 pages. They have what i presume are print order numbers (PH 1126 and PH 766). If it helps the the Chicken Lotus goes for $2.95. Thanks in advance, and if you're wondering at least one will probably end up on ebay later.


The following was collected within the last few weeks.

Generic Tiki Bob - It has the word Dan's on the side (Dan Loves Tikis..MMMMMMMMM)
Orchids R-80A
Louie B Seahorse from Fishermans Warf Honolulu
One of those battery operated Hula Girls (still works)
Huki Lau mug
Skull mug from Pirate House - Savannah Ga

All for less than $25

Jawa posted on Tue, Jun 7, 2005 10:30 AM

tiki410, I actually just saw one of those mugs from the Pirate House in a thrift store the other day. The handle had been broken off and glued back in place though...

Goodwill yielded 3 OMC half coconut mugs (The perfect shape for floating orchids on top) and a stray Bali Hai salt shaker which will be added to the growing tiki salt and pepper shaker orphanage.

naugatiki those coconuts are great!
Wonderful scores!

Thanks to Steven, the wonderful friend who introduced Kilikopela to his beautiful wahine Brittanie, I now have an August Holland "Pearl of Wisdom"! That boy is nothing but good luck!

He'd seen one at Kilikopela's home, so when he saw one at a garage sale, he immediately zero'd in.

"So what do you want for this?," indicating the very badly scratched, filthy, framed print.

"Do you you know anything about it?" the old black gentleman asked. "It's not worth a million dollars, is it?"

"I don't know, but I like it."

"How about $3? That ok?"

Steven quickly hands him $5, not having any ones, and tells him to keep the change. He shows it to me later, and I squeel, "OMG! A 'Pearl of Wisdom'! OMG! OMG!" He tells me he got it at "Black man garage sale - the best kind", and I gush so admiringly, he gives it to me! "It belongs to you. You can 'owe me,' baby!" (Ya have to know the guy.)

I am now sexually endebted for a $5 gift.

We got some 'before' photos and I've already done some not-too-bad touching up on it. Cleaned up pretty nicely. In fact, I'm so happy with the results, I'm thinking of becoming a tiki-retouching artist on the side. When I ever get around to developing the roll AND learning to post, I'll post the before-and-afters.

kctiki posted on Wed, Jun 8, 2005 5:30 PM

Oh Formikahini! These are the kind of stories that make my heart go pitty-pat.

This strenghthens my belief that any rinky-dink gagage sale, any cobwebby stack of framed prints in any moldly old junkstore could be the lucky oyster that hides a beautiful Pearl.

Last weekend, I hit the county flea market on Saturday. After that I went up to central Wisconsin for a few days to visit my parents. I hit a few local flea markets and antique stores. Here is the loot that I came home with.

The glass with red printing on it is a Don Ho glass from the Polynesian Palace in Waikiki. Now I got to clear off some more shelf space.


Here's a few things I've picked up lately...

Funky craft project tikis, lava Kamehameha head and Lefty the Hula Gal. (anyone have an extra right arm?)

Sweet Aku Aku ashtray with the black Moai instead of brown.

The Harvey's mug i found last month defiantly has broken my tiki drought, scored a couple of nice mugs of ebay fairly cheaply and scored these items in the "field"..

A nice Butlin's Tea Tray with John Hilde postcard images one of which is of a Beachcomber Bar, scooped this up for £2 at a rain soaked summer fair and along at a stall covered in bric-a-brac I found this wooden Ku mug, it doesn't have a handle attached but the back is unmarked, making me believe it was made that way, a nice price at only 50p.

This makes three wooden Ku mugs in my collection (all found in the wild), which means that the wooden Ku is the most commonly found tiki mug in Scotland.

[ Edited by: atomictonytiki 2009-01-21 09:50 ]

Tikiroyale-lefty the hula girl-absolutely hysterical.She looks like she's making sure the other arm isn't stolen.

Treasure Craft moby dick salt & peppers, mine says "Maui" above Hawaii.

(photo from e-bay)


I found this guy the other day at an antique store. I cleaned him up and he's in remarkably good shape! I'll restore the pen holders and replace the nameplate on the base. Perfect for the office! I was going to have my full name engraved, but my co-workers all said, "Oh no, you have to engrave Stentiki on the nameplate!" :) Man, I love my job!


Uncle Arty... I know it's you!!!


I found this funky necklace at a shop in Old Saybrook! We were down on the coast trying to escape the tropical heat we're having in CT, and I decided to try my luck in one of the thrift shops. Mostly carnival glass and friggin scrimshaw, but this was in the jewelry case. Figured it was close enough to tiki. And it was only $35.00!!


I knew those thumbs looked familiar.
The Hale Tiki mug:


Tikigreg scores the Hale Tiki neck charm in Old Saybrook! Luckeeeee. Hey save some of that CT Tiki for me. I'll be rummaging through your antique malls this coming fall. :wink:


ah, it pays to leave BOT lying around! my young cousin (visiting from amarillo) spotted this mug at a thrift store today! the sticker shows the 99c price! score!

its from The Mt Fuji Inn, Omaha's first Japanese Restaurant
Mt. Fuji INN / Mai Tai Lounge
7215 Blondo Street
Omaha, Nebraska
a glance at the drink menu shows polynesian drinks, alas, the mai tai has pineapple juice..

Bought this LP yesterday:

An actor reading an abridged account (about 30 mintues) of the voyage of the Kon Tiki. I'll post MP3s of the whole thing later this week.

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 03:07 ]

Found this today, it was a trophy for Most Valuable Player at a Maui Softball game in 1982. I may removed the batter and put a cocktail glass in it's place

On 2005-06-14 09:59, naugatiki wrote:

I may removed the batter and put a cocktail glass in it's place

you could replace the batter with "Trader Vic's Most Valuable Hot Buttered Rum Batter"



I found this in my grandfather's basement bar.

It has to be from the 60s. Nothing has changed down there since then. There was also a Styrofoam mask that was too fragile to take.

On 2005-06-14 10:24, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

On 2005-06-14 09:59, naugatiki wrote:

I may removed the batter and put a cocktail glass in it's place

you could replace the batter with "Trader Vic's Most Valuable Hot Buttered Rum Batter"


fz gets the j$ LOL prize today
:) :) :) :) :) :drink:

[i]On 2005-06-14 16:08, Johnny Dollar wrote

fz gets the j$ LOL prize today
:) :) :) :) :) :drink:


my new motivational poster is paying off!

That said, here is a smattering of what I've found lately...

The Moai is from the Polynesian Cultural Center. The Westwood were each found separately. The TV Fog Cutter was $3.99 at a thrift store.

I found this pair last week... Can I get a ruling on them?


Well, I know it might seem silly, but I am really excited about this gift. The other night I was at Chip and Andy's house, and Chip slipped this monkey in a palm tree into my tiki drink. I LOVE monkeys. When you flip it over, its the butt of the monkey peeking through the back of the tree. He and Andy found a batch of them at a dollar store, and bought them out. I am giddy excited about this silly little monkey. I stuck it in the coconut on my own tiny rinky-dinky home bar.

Secondly, I have this somewhat odd tiki find. I think its odd because of the story behind it. I got it on Ebay for next to nothin, and the seller said that his grandfather owned a business in which he would make things out of rubber. And that his grandfather lived on some ranch that had a barn. And years later after the grandfather passed away, the seller (or somebody else, I forget the details of the story exactly, now) was playing in the barn and found this little doll hidden in the hay. And the theory is that the grandfather must have made this doll for himself. Which is a little kinky, once you get a good look at the doll. I pictured this kinky dirty old man making himself a rubber dolly on the sly while at work, with great tits and a really great butt. And then I pictured him climbing up into the loft of a barn, and gazing at it while laying back in the hay with a horny grin. It comletely grossed me out and yet absolutely amused me simultaniously. I HAD to have it. And buy it I did. I was the only bidder. I got her for about 3 bucks, and named her Lokelani.

Could this story be true? Or were these mass-produced somewhere, and I fell for a really great story? Am I a sucker? Though I am curious, I almost dont want to know. But ask I will. :)

Here is Lokelani:

Even her tiny little toenails are painted red! So darling!

wow, Tikilicious, those are GREAT items!

LOVE the monkey in the palm tree(I've also got a thing for monkeys), and that doll is wayyy too cool.

Thank you so much for posting them, the stories that go along with items make them extra-special(although sometimes weird)


p.s. as an afterthought, that doll looks cast, with the seams on the insides of her arms. maybe the guy melted the rubber and made it from a mold?

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2005-06-15 11:52 ]

a shout-out to all my tiki hombres here in Calgary!

freshly arrived back in Cowtown, here is what i have scored thus far:

creepy drunk bottle opener:

tiki bowl!:

tiki bowl again!:

a little polynesian vinyl for the collection:

a little more polynesian vinyl for the collection:

hopefully, this is an good omen that all of my thrifting will be fruitful...

On 2005-06-15 11:50, Tikiwahine wrote:
wow, Tikilicious, those are GREAT items!

LOVE the monkey in the palm tree(I've also got a thing for monkeys), and that doll is wayyy too cool.

Thank you so much for posting them, the stories that go along with items make them extra-special(although sometimes weird)


p.s. as an afterthought, that doll looks cast, with the seams on the insides of her arms. maybe the guy melted the rubber and made it from a mold?

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2005-06-15 11:52 ]

Yes! The person who sold it to me said that his grandfather worked in a business where he made rubber molds and cast them for various products. And he said something about how his grandfather's factory made products for the war, etc. I dont know how true the story is, I might have been suckered. But for 3 bucks, to have a great doll and a cool story to go with it, true or not, I said "DEAL!" lol!

Thanks! :D

Finds from last week. Pineapple sugar bowl, coco joe bottle opener, lone pineapple shaker, lone treasure craft barrel shaker, three mugs found at garage sale(unmarked repro & 2 PMPs for 50 cents & $1 each) little original watercolored drawing by some guy in Waikiki, Kon-Tiki pepper shakers from Quebec(husband brought them back for me - didn't have any yet!)

Various Albums found at a garage sale, less than a block from my house! Some bought for the cover art, can't wait to listen! 10 cents, Canadian, each.

This sweet looking player is in the mail for me, as a b-day gift, should be here any day!! If I can get some of my LPs converted to MP3s, I will most definitely share them in the music threads!


While in Barstow for Miss Exotic World in early June, I stopped at the Von's store on Main Street. When I walked in the front door I was totally shocked to see a tiki gumball machine! Fifty cents for a cheap piece of brown plastic on a piece of string. How cool is that! Of course all my quarters when in immediately.

Here's hoping the machines become wide spread and start tikifying America's youth.


Now if the tiki necklaces inside the vending machine were really tikis instead of non-descript "tropical" themed junk we might be on to something.

The Tiki Gods™ continue to smile upon me back in Cowtown... found these yesterday at a WINS store in the SE (Dover) - and only cost me 2 bux!!!

tiki twins, 2 for a dolla!

Seahorse mug, Trader Vic's of Hawaii, 1 dolla!


I saw those tiki necklaces here in Oregon a few months ago, I got really excited and then dissapointed as there were no tikis. So for what it's worth there's one of those machines in Springfield, Oregon.

Tiki A Mo'bird: is that a goalie swizzle stick? where's his mask?

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