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there is a set of TIKI BOB salt&pepper shakers at a antique mall near here $35.00 for the set. i thought that a little steep. they have been there a year that i know of ,saw them again yesterday.Any thoughts on a fair price for the set?or is $35.00 right on? anyone?...... anyone?......

Depends on how much you love BOB! I love Bob :). For his whimsical design, and for its iconic standing in Tiki history, as evidenced in the BOT and now in Tiki Modern. I think I show at least 4 versions of Bob in Tiki Modern.
35.- bucks is not your classic Middle America thrift store bargain, sure, but if I would not have a pair already, I would try to talk them down, and gettem. S&P shakers are the stepchildren of mug collecting, undeservedly so.

On 2008-04-23 12:35, bigbrotiki wrote:
S&P shakers are the stepchildren of mug collecting, undeservedly so.

Ever try to drink a Mai Tai out of a salt shaker? :)


Tiki Bob stuff is quite collectible and alot of people are interested in them. Look at what the Bob Mugs are getting on ebay now!

$35 isn't a deal by any means but they are selling for more on ebay. I would get them if as they are one of the coolest styles out there!! But that's easy for me to say.

Offer a lower amount and hope for the best. You know when you finally decide to part with the cash and you go there, they will be gone!

I picked these up last weekend at an antique show for $5.00

I would have paid $35.00 if that was the asking price because I liked them and you just don't see too many around.


that is them. ok ,i am going back this week end and get'm. even though i am a little 'WITCO' poor for this week.


On 2007-04-12 12:51, Johnny Dollar wrote:

anyone ever seen this bizarre mug before?

i can't figure what the design is supposed to be.

Perhaps it had a "top" and is a "Jackalope" tiki mug?


On 2007-07-01 10:13, Fugu wrote:
I picked up this hibachi at an antique store a couple of weeks ago for $8. They had it labeled as a planter. Only problem is that it doesn't have the grill grate anymore. Anyone know where I could look to find a replacement grate for it?

On 2007-07-02 08:52, Swanky wrote:

I believe they are designed to use Sterno, but originally it came with an asbestos pad to sit on to keep it from heating up anything under it as well.

As for the asbestos pad, I'd consider taking a tray ('boo?)
and cover the bottom with ceramic tiles (decorated with tikis?). As for the grate, I wonder if you could find someone who "sand-casts" and borrow an original grate from someone to
make the mold? A possibility anyway.

On 2008-04-23 16:36, tikigik wrote:
i can't figure what the design is supposed to be.

Perhaps it had a "top" and is a "Jackalope" tiki mug?

It's a beaver.


On 2007-07-24 23:27, Koolau wrote:

I imagine that bathtub mug is just a knockoff of the Bobby McGee's mug, as Bobby McGee's was so unbelievable popular in the '70s. I have no idea what kind of drink was served in those mugs, or how they even got to your table - they look designed to slosh!

Undoubtedly some "bathtub gin" drink. :wink:
Then again, I COULD be wrong, I'm sure!


On 2008-01-05 11:56, bigbrotiki wrote:

Interesting. Maybe a political cartoon? That guy has a kiss on his nose, and is dancing a Maori dance....maybe he is a white politician that got the approval of the Maori community?

On 2008-01-05 23:30, Paipo wrote:

Pretty good guesses bigbro - I did a little more hunting and checked out the NZ political leaders for the years mentioned (45-47) and came up with this:

So now we have an identity for our dancing man, and a good reason for the use of the Maori proverb. Now if I could just work out who the cartoonist is....!

I'm NOT positive, but it looks to me like there MAY be a
signature below the clump of grass/woman's toe. Can the owner
verify whether there is a signature there or not and perhaps
provide a higher-def scan of just that area, unless it IS a
signature and they can figure the name out on their own?


On 2008-03-18 17:00, Psycho Tiki D wrote:


McGuires Tiki Room ashtray. Anyone ever heard of this place?


There is a McGuires S Resort in Cadillac MI that has been
around for what seems like forever (or at least as long as
I can remember) and if I recall correctly, the typestyle
that they use matches your "McGuires". I imagine that it is
entirely possible that they had a "Tiki Room" during the
late 50's or early 60's. Unfortunately, a quick search of
Google didn't turn up a current website and then my browser

found this stuff today,another AKU-AKU and a 1950 print of KON-TIKI.

An original HAWIIAN TI-TI tree. in the original box

and these 2 guys. maybe not or maybetiki related .but i could not pass up . original art by someone named J.E. SEWARD.


I know where there is an original Mr. Bali Hai mug for sale right now for $28. If anyone needs one and is willing to pay me back for it let me know. I can bring it to Oasis or mail it or whatever.

Recent thrift store finds...

Cool vintage chair, $25.00

Nice rack, $8.00

3 weird wooden masks, $2.95

Treasure Craft S&P Set, $1.50

Big heavy heads of assorted sizes, $2.00 & $4.00

Little Witco-style duck head w/Canada engraved on bottom, .25 cents

2 vintage ceramic doo-dads (homemade Tiki?) $1.00 each

This is a solid koa wood carving that my mother brought back from the south pacific in the late 1930's. She bought it in New Zealand, Tahiti or Hawaii.

It's about 11" tall and about 6" thick at it's widest. Note the dollar bill for scale.

Picture don't do it full justice. It virtually glows with amber light. It was always on display when I was a child and it is one of my prized possessions. Enjoy.

havent posted my finds in a while, due to a broken cammera, needless to say it works now, so yeah, enjoy

first up, menu from the united air lines kona kai club third aniversary thing, anyone have any ideas how much one of these will sell for? i have 2 of them and would like to sell one


postcard from hawaiian punch village

another hawaiian village postacrd/drink menu

heres some hawaiian shirt ive recently picked up

some recent vinyl finds

an awesome painting i found for 10$, any ideas on where the girl might be from?

heres a closeup on the tiki style necklace

heres a killer velvet painting of some kind of indian sultan, military guy

last weekends swapmeet finds, luau s&p shakers, coco joes tiki, and peanut guy mug

and finaly 2 mugs i got from the mauna loa bar in spain, i forget if it was madrid or barcellona.

[ Edited by: tikithomas08 2008-04-25 20:14 ]


On 2008-04-25 20:12, tikithomas08 wrote:
an awesome painting i found for 10$, any ideas on where the girl might be from?

heres a closeup on the tiki style necklace

This print is of a painting by Vladimir Tretchikoff which was done about 1955. It is called "Balinese Girl". One of my favorites that he did. Tretchikoff did about 4 different specific paintings based on the women of Bali. Great price you paid as I see these sell for upwards of $60-100 now.

This very nice painting is described as:
"All the mystic fascination of the women of the Orient has been captured in this canvas. The baffling subtlety of the expression contains all that the mind of the West finds difficult to grasp in Eastern passivity of purpose".

I couldn't have said it better myself! TabooDan

[ Edited by: TabooDan 2008-04-25 21:31 ]

Haven't had too much time to do some hunting but did manage to pick up a couple of things this week.

The following is a picture of a 7" tall New Zealand Maori carving which has a cool style to it. The print is an 8x10 black and white image of a tatooed Maori elder.

The next picture, starting on the left, is a cool little mug that is inside a wicker basket. This stacked two faced mug has a handle on it which comes out the back of the basket. Not vintage at all but I thought it was cool looking and for $1.50 I couldn't pass it up.
In the center is a nice old ornamental brass diving helmet and on the right is a very good quality glass barrel. Great amber color with handpainted gold strips. It kind reminds me of a Trader Vic glass and it is quite heavy.


awesome thanks for the info taboodan!


On 2004-09-26 18:42, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:

I found a mint copy of the Better Homes & Gardens Guide to Entertaining:

...which has this uncredited photo of Victor Bergeron partaking of a luau:

I just found this book today and I thought it was Trader Vic but like Sabu said it was uncredited.

My luck may be changing in my little corner of the world as of late . .
My three finds in the wild from the last few days: Trader Dick's Moai, Latitude 20 Surfer Girl (with all cold painted red missing, darn), and a Stockton Islander Coconut (10 cents for that one . . . I love garage sales!)

On 2008-04-26 17:01, 8FT Tiki wrote:

On 2004-09-26 18:42, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:

I found a mint copy of the Better Homes & Gardens Guide to Entertaining:

...which has this uncredited photo of Victor Bergeron partaking of a luau:

I just found this book today and I thought it was Trader Vic but like Sabu said it was uncredited.

This same photo is in the 1967 BH&G Holiday Cook Book I have as well. It is printed across 2 pages with the caption "Luau Trader Vic's style." The other images in the Polynesian section are much less appropriately themed.
Maybe we should start a thread with vintage cookbook photos depicting Polynesian themes & recipes to keep them archived together.

I took a couple weeks off of hunting this month, but here's what I managed the couple times I went out since my last finds post:

Large set of spoons:

Either an old witco or old piece of wood with some lines carved in it with a chainsaw:

Topless hula girl Trader Vic's grenadine bottle. Copyrighted in 1975:

A tiki mug:

Maker's mark:


Maori tourist statues:

More Maori pieces:

20" tall, 14" wide tahitian drum:


Small Schirman head:

Polyart dancer:

Cocojoes bottle /can opener

Coco joe's letter holder

Coco joe pineapple napkin holder

Cocojoe's hapawood 3 tray server

1961 Treasure craft pinapple mug

Two 1963 Treasure craft ashtrays

Some matches:

Tiki tapa printed paper placemats with a .65 Fedco price tag:

Wow! these realized a 50% increase in value over the years!

1930's(?) south sea islands magic sheet music:

Buzzy Out!

buzzy that drum is AWESOME! good score

Chub posted on Sun, Apr 27, 2008 11:29 PM

Yes, I second that. All great stuff, but the drum is extra cool!

Yeah that drum has got me all gagah over here.

AWESOME score - does she have any sistahs?


Awesme finds Buzzy :) Got this gifted to me....just a "Little" work needed....Dry rot and bumble bees gifted also :lol:

Aloha, Freddie

On 2008-04-28 09:44, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Aloha, Freddie

Aloha, KU

On 2008-04-28 09:44, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Awesme finds Buzzy :) Got this gifted to me....just a "Little" work needed....Dry rot and bumble bees gifted also :lol:

Aloha, Freddie

Aloha Freddie! Nice gift. Looks like the guy who did your home interior decorating pimped your ride out HOKU style too. :lol:

Your friend looks familiar. Isn't he the guy who always jumps into peoples photos when they are having drinks over at La Mariana ?

Buzzy Out!


Freddie - sweet! Tell us more! Where did that tiki come from? When was it carved, and by who? Where's he going?

Excuse me while I run to Lowes for some wood putty - something tells me there's going to be a shortage for a while.


On 2008-04-28 14:44, freddiefreelance wrote:

Aloha, KU

Aloha :drink:

Yeah Buzzy... same guys...the fill it to the rim gang :lol:

My friend seems to come out of the wood work when you least expect it....Blink your eyes and Baaam, he appears as seen in these security photos...

So quick, you can still see the vapor trail...

Aloha Koolau! This came from the Kaaawa area. Used to be by a little drive-in and Gecko found it after it fell apart from termites and was on the parking lot in pieces....and thats the story he's sticking with :lol: Looks like I need a couple cans of wood hardner. Hopefully after the De-beeing and stabilizing, The Tiki can come in the house :)
Aloha, Freddie

[ Edited by: HOUSE OF KU 2008-04-29 03:55 ]


Find of the week. I think this is a Don The Beachcomber bowl. They were made unmarked. Anyone know about what year these were used?

[ Edited by: hecktow 2008-04-29 07:57 ]


On 2008-04-29 07:55, hecktow wrote:
Find of the week. I think this is a Don The Beachcomber bowl. They were made unmarked. Anyone know about what year these were used?

[ Edited by: hecktow 2008-04-29 07:57 ]

Not a DtB bowl. Its origin was uncovered on another thread. Don't quite recall.

On 2008-04-27 14:26, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

20" tall, 14" wide tahitian drum:

Nice find on the drum, Buzzy! I was wondering when someone would find one of those ever since I spotted one in a 1966 ARGOSY magazine. Your's is very similar in style:

So that means that the one in the magazine was probably from Tahiti too.

Here's the link to the ARGOSY article with more pics:


On 2008-04-29 08:01, Swanky wrote:

On 2008-04-29 07:55, hecktow wrote:
Find of the week. I think this is a Don The Beachcomber bowl. They were made unmarked. Anyone know about what year these were used?

[ Edited by: hecktow 2008-04-29 07:57 ]

Not a DtB bowl. Its origin was uncovered on another thread. Don't quite recall.

The topic that covers this bowl is:

Make sure you read the whole thread as you will see this develop as it goes along a bit. This bowl was used at Trader Nicks for one of their drinks. I have yet to see any pictures of this bowl used at Don the Beachcombers or see any that are actually marked from Don's.
Awesome piece!! TabooDan

Found a couple of very cool things -- I'm especially interested in what y'all think of my hand-carved wooden punch bowl. I found it on Craigslist. It includes the bowl, ladle, 12 cups, and a lazy Susan. The lazy Susan is slightly warped, so we're going to try wetting the wood and weighting it down.

The lamp isn't exactly tiki, but fits in great with the theme. I found it at a local vintage store. As for the coconut monkey, someone posted a couple days ago asking if anyone else collects these. I don't really collect them, but I couldn't resist this one -- it looks to me like the ancient aliens at the beginning of Fifth Element. :D


Very cool ... Thanks for the info!

The topic that covers this bowl is:

Make sure you read the whole thread as you will see this develop as it goes along a bit. This bowl was used at Trader Nicks for one of their drinks. I have yet to see any pictures of this bowl used at Don the Beachcombers or see any that are actually marked from Don's.
Awesome piece!! TabooDan

Here's what I found for the rest of the month:

From right to left: "Benihana of Tokyo" mug. Ooga-Mooga says it's a Buddha, but I think it looks more like Daruma (Dharma or Bodhidharma). OMC black moai that I found at an antique store in Camrose for $6. Two more Polynesian Pub mugs. Coco Joe's statue. Skeleton figure that isn't specifically Tiki, but has a certain cartoonish quality that I couldn't resist. I think it works. I've come to the conclusion that Alberta is almost a hotbed for touristy fare like Coco Joe's, mugs, monkeypod, etc. But I'm starting to feel bad for always beating Sweet Daddy T or occasionally Slacks Ferret to the good stuff :wink: What do you do about an exuberant newbie with too much time and too little restraint?

Save your pity, noob. I too have time on my hands at the moment and today I scooped you on something pretty sweet at Goodwill as well as a few things on the weekend (pix later). Good score on the OMC Moai. With the price of gas what it is I'm less inclined to do out-of-town thrift tours, so the rest of the province is your oyster - go crazy (but if I see you in my hood I'll cut you :D ).

I have to travel around for business, so I pop in to these small town/city thrift or antique stores if I have time in between appointments. Hey, you have to tell me next time there's a church rummage sale or something (I have no idea how to find these things) and I'll meet you there. I promise to give you first dibs on anything good! I look forward to seeing what you found. Where are the pictures??


Find of the week. Large free standing Strikow like MOD tiki. Solid molded plaster/Chalkware.. Large & HEAVY! 26" high. From poking around this site I think this may be a Paul Marshall design. Not signed and no marks. Great figure. Although I'm not crazy about the color. Anyone have one?

I have this one next to my waterfall. It's cast concrete, not plaster. I bought it from a concrete statuary "foundry" in Hayward, CA. It sure looks like the same head.


Only this stray matchbook cover today from a place know as The Beachcomber from Naples Florida. It looks like it has potential but I'm wondering if you'd enjoy a mai tai here or be nibbling on sponge cake. Anyone know any history of this hotel?


Looks like the same casting mold. Thanks for the pic!

On 2008-05-03 14:13, JanetMermaid wrote:
I have this one next to my waterfall. It's cast concrete, not plaster. I bought it from a concrete statuary "foundry" in Hayward, CA. It sure looks like the same head.

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