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Tiki Finds

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Thanks Duane for the heads up. When I saw that you posted I was like--I JUST woke up--how the heck did he already find stuff??! lol


[ Edited by: fantiki 2009-06-01 20:59 ]

Frantiki, I think most would say it's worth what you can get for it on any given day. Because it is old, there would be a market for it. On the other hand, shipping adds up for an items like that, so selling locally might be your best bet.

I think it looks like a wonderful piece of tiki art. Best of luck to you!

This is all I managed to collect in the last week. In case you're wondering, it's HAIL, the size of freakin' golf balls & bigger! Thankfully, the '59 was in the garage!


On 2009-05-30 19:58, Big Kahuna wrote:
This is all I managed to collect in the last week. In case you're wondering, it's HAIL, the size of freakin' golf balls & bigger! Thankfully, the '59 was in the garage!

Fabulous... I love New England weather never a dull moment!

Did you get it, too Beth?

Wow Rick,

That missed us on the south coast. We had just rain..


On 2009-05-30 18:10, fantiki wrote:
My friend asked me to get info on this carved tiki. It was purchased in 1958 in Hawaii and made by prisoners.

So, how many prisoners does it take to carve a Tiki? Really, I'd be interested to know why prisoners are carving tikis? No need for license plates in Hawaii?

It has been inside most of the time.

I hope it's still kept inside and not out by the front door. He'll last a lot longer out of the elements and away from tiki-nappers.

Nice find!


Finally getting around to posting some finds. There is more, a bunch of postcards and matches but I got tired!

Perfume bottles, the one on the left I have had for a while but it's much smaller than the new one.

More wood things

Bought the wooden mug because it says Trader Nic's on the bottom

Lava etc... My first blue one

Random glassware & not quite tiki mugs including two TV little shots

Treasure craft & coconut

Swizzles, thanks to my FOM friends for the cute FOM Swizzles

Tiki Mugs, few and far between & thanks to Geoff & Kristy for the bearded clam from Frankie's!


And my favorite find a Tahiti Tiki sugar bowl with original wooden spoon.

Really neat postcard, when I'm feeling ambitious again I'll photo more of them

Spent four hours+ tramping around the local flea market today. Saw my share of the usual stuff (Harveys and Trader Dicks mugs)and albums I already had. Nothing new and this was the first Sunday I have been skunked in the tiki finds quest.

I came home and checked craigslist. I was checking out some pictures when I noticed this one with the hanging lamp...

Jumped in my car and headed over to where it was...

It is now residing with me and the rest of my collection. I think it is an Orchids of Hawaii lamp?

So much for being skunked!




nice lamp! What was it in? An Estate sale ad? I love those type of lamps but would never buy them personally just for my lack of space. Looks like its in good shape.

Glad your sunday wasn't a waste my friend!

On 2009-05-31 16:53, leleliz wrote:

nice lamp! What was it in? An Estate sale ad?

Thanks, I really like it! That sucker is heavy! Found it here...

57th street Antique Mall..Affordable Treasures
875 57th Street, Sacramento..Between H and J..Close to Sac State
(916) 451-3110 Open Tuesday-Sunday 10a.m. to 5p.m.

Funky Retro to High End..You Never Know What You'll Find! 73 Dealers Offer Discounts Up To 40% Off Store Wide!
Smaller Rattan Sofa $79.00 After Discount, Larger Rattan Sofa $128.00 After Discount (Space #27) Also Pictured Space #10

Located at Sacramento's Antique Row..120 Dealers, 8 Antique Shops, Great Restaurant, Free & Easy Parking..Spend the Day!

Everything is at least 20% off!



Don't tempt me with that velvet Elvis!! I havent bought a new one in a few weeks....

crapola--do I really have to drive to Sac this week? Damn! Oh velvet Elvis why do you taunt me so??

I like that antique mall..you can usually come across a good score.

No, no, no! Hey, D! Elvis belongs on the East Coast. Send him my way!:lol:
Seriously! That lamp is AWESOME!

P.S.: You've got to talk to the boss about those white walls!


On 2009-05-31 18:02, Big Kahuna wrote:
No, no, no! Hey, D! Elvis belongs on the East Coast. Send him my way!:lol:

Duane just told me it was like $150-$165. You can have it at that price! I only pay like $10 for mine. :wink:

OK! Here's today's loot:
The usual suspects. Believe it or not, I didn't have that Polynesian Village mug & I know the Mermaid mug isn't that easy to find & this one's in great shape.

Nice clam? shell & metal Japan Tiki bottle opener. Anyone seen this before?

Super nice Trader Vic's menu from the Palmer House, circa 1957:

On 2009-05-31 18:13, leleliz wrote:

On 2009-05-31 18:02, Big Kahuna wrote:
No, no, no! Hey, D! Elvis belongs on the East Coast. Send him my way!:lol:

Duane just told me it was like $150-$165. You can have it at that price! I only pay like $10 for mine. :wink:

Uhhh! Nevermind!

Here's a better shot of the bottle opener:

I found a few things this weekend. I had to buy the In Search of the Castaways album because it had both Hayley Mills and a tiki on the cover. The ceramic tiki seems to be having some sort of Milan Guanko potty emergency.

Todays Goodwill finds

Another ship velvet for the basement, my first coconut monkey (she said only) and what I think is a vase.

my second happy/sad mug and a coffee cup from the Waikiki Shopping Plaza.

A couple of mugs I didn't have, no makers or locations, any Ideas??? and the following pic's show the 3 faces.

one of the faces and a Benihana of Tokyo mug I haven't been gathering these but I see them all the time, this is the first of this style so I figured why not.

the third face

and a sweet Bourbon bottle, must have been from an American Legion event???

[ Edited by: Beach Bum Scott 2009-05-31 20:34 ]


Some recent finds
Intact paper doll book from 1946 found at an estate sale last week. Tells story of trip from SF to Hawaii to Samoa to Philippines, and the girls that live at there.

Thift store Trader Vic's ashtray

Garage sale Trader Vic's key fob (person didn't even know they had it so gave it to me for free, that is good luck!)
front view

rear view

On 2009-05-31 20:30, Beach Bum Scott wrote:
Todays Goodwill finds

A couple of mugs I didn't have, no makers or locations, any Ideas??? and the following pic's show the 3 faces.

one of the faces and a Benihana of Tokyo mug I haven't been gathering these but I see them all the time, this is the first of this style so I figured why not.

the third face

[ Edited by: Beach Bum Scott 2009-05-31 20:34 ]

looks like the one i just found last month branded the outrigger in monteray:

Here are my latest finds from the Ozarks (of all places)!

Most interesting of these, IMO, is the tall guy in the back. This is the second one of these that I've found but only first I've bought.

I passed on the first one last year because of the abuse it'd suffered at the hands of some "folk" artist.

I was told when I posted the "farmer tiki" here that it was actually a mug from the Outrigger restaurant in Oaklahoma City and that there were known to be at least three color variations.

I'm kinda skeptical of the "faux" marble finish of my latest find. Anybody know if this is/was one of the known color variations?



I left this behind, yesterday, because I wasn't sure what it was. Came home & found it in Tiki Quest! Aaaaggggh! I tossed & turned all night & watched the clock all day at work. When 4:00 came I raced to my favorite store. Phew!, it was still there. All is right with the world.


On 2009-06-01 16:04, Big Kahuna wrote:
I left this behind, yesterday, because I wasn't sure what it was. Came home & found it in Tiki Quest! Aaaaggggh! I tossed & turned all night & watched the clock all day at work. When 4:00 came I raced to my favorite store. Phew!, it was still there. All is right with the world.

Cute! My favorite stores were a bust again today... but there is always tomorrow!

found these 2 over the weekend. the surfer girl is larger then the one i found last month.


Just scored this badass ship lantern at the flea market this past weekend for 40.00 bucks. It works awesome, I put some kerosene in it and works great. I like how it compliments my diving helmet ice bucket too!

GROG posted on Tue, Jun 2, 2009 12:08 AM

GROG go to paper fair in Glendale and GROG get these:

1968 Walt Disney "Little Gem" record of songs from The Enchanted Tiki Room

The "B" side is an Offenbach song which was cut from the show.

Some postcards:

The Lanai Room of Trader Vic's at the Statler Hilton "The Best of Boston"

The Tiki Room at Trader Vic's in San Francisco

The Kon Tiki in Sheraton Mt.Royal Hotel in Montreal, Canada

The Mystery Girl from the Mai Kai in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The Kona Kai Polynesian restaurant and cocktail lounge in Marriott Motor Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

GROG also get a couple of swizzles, but GROG forget to scan them (and no digital camera).
Plus a few non-tiki things.

[ Edited by: GROG 2009-06-08 00:32 ]


Kinda a find here, maybe this really belongs in the tiki location thread, but since these are probably seasonal I did not think it was worth putting there. Went to Hobby Lobby today, and these were right in the front door as I went in. If you have a Hobby Lobby near you maybe should check it out, or maybe go online. Small one is about 2.5 - 3 ft tall, and the tallest one is about 4 ft.

found this ...
anybody know anything about these ? probably gonna list it on ebay so I want to have some info,Mahalo

Paipo posted on Tue, Jun 2, 2009 1:41 PM

Probably Tahitian Tikiville - I have one similar marked "Bora Bora".

On 2009-06-02 13:41, Paipo wrote:
Probably Tahitian Tikiville - I have one similar marked "Bora Bora".

I too, found one long ago marked "Bora Bora"

Buzzy Out!

Found a couple of things today, saw some tiki mugs but they were the usual susplects and I wasn't about to pay $18 for a sneaky teaky or Harvey's mug...

But I'm excited about this table:

It's just over 2 feet at the widest, small but it fits with the rest of our furniture and it was marked down to $30!! with the glass, very nice.

And it fits perfect just where I thought it would!

This small vase isn't tiki, but I like it, it's rather asian and it has a fine texture like grasscloth, but it's ceramic...

Oops, guess I should have dusted the computer armoir!!

I found a few other things but didn't purchase them. Almost picked up the small witco owl, but it was also over priced so I decided against it.

That's all, but I'm happy with my finds :)



That table looks amazingly a lot like the one in this picture...



Hi Duane!

I thought you might notice :)


TikiG posted on Tue, Jun 2, 2009 3:29 PM

Hello all-

I want to start something new here on the Tiki Finds thread.

Today at lunch I went to the local Goodwill store to check for anything tiki. Scored three tiki items..Luckily I had my digital camera with me.

Vintage wooden tiki cup. Fairly common but a nice find anyway. Here it is on the shelf just before I picked it up.

Two nice Coco Joe items. As found today on the Goodwill shelf.

So there's my new twist to this thread. Take snapshots of your scores AS YOU FIND THEM and post here too!

Can't wait to see other pics of tiki in the wild. Over and out. G

On 2009-06-02 15:29, TikiG wrote:
Take snapshots of your scores AS YOU FIND THEM and post here too!

depends on the situation.
i've picked up unmarked mugs at flea market for as little as $0.25. if i would have taken a picture of it first the price probably would have been $10!


On 2009-06-02 14:27, TikiMookie wrote:
$18 for a sneaky teaky or Harvey's mug...

But I'm excited about this table:

I know where to get that table for $15 in Modesto :wink: Man you Sac kids are overpriced!

On 2009-06-02 15:19, TikiMookie wrote:
Hi Duane!

I thought you might notice :)


It looks great with the rest of your furniture! Nice score.



I am interested in finding out about this tiki's value so that it will be put back inside the house. Ohia wood, 1958 from Hawaii, 17" oval shaped 4' tall made at a workfarm and was wet when purchased.

Looks like it could be from this place, though the wood sounds different:

On 2009-06-03 15:39, fantiki wrote:
I am interested in finding out about this tiki's value so that it will be put back inside the house. Ohia wood, 1958 from Hawaii, 17" oval shaped 4' tall made at a workfarm and was wet when purchased.

I am willing to pay $10 for it... that is what it's worth right now.

some finds this week

Tooling around in Uncle Trav's territory this week, I found this item of note:

He's about 3 inches high and 4 inches across at the widest.


Aww thanks Bongo. I was looking for one of those the other day. Still have my address right ? Fee free to ship it tomorrow. I will let you know when it arrives :wink:

Now is that cool or what !?

Awright, Bongo!


On 2009-06-04 12:42, Bongo Bungalow wrote:
Tooling around in Uncle Trav's territory this week, I found this item of note:

Great score Bongo!! That one must have been flying under my Tiki Radar :D. Hope the new biz is going good for ya.

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