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Tiki Finds

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I actually left the house today and picked up a few things. (The moai candle was my free gift with purchase for buying the lamp.)

I found a few items while we were at the beach house this weekend.

Found these recently. Apparently a pair of lamps, no markings, ceramic, about 20" high and interesting patina. No idea where they came from and I haven't seen them before. Any ideas?



Sunday Moai Madness!

kiara posted on Sun, Jun 21, 2009 7:22 PM

I don't post all of my finds here unless they are rare or unique.

I've been looking for items from the mainlander in st. louis for
a looooong time.I was lucky enough to score this lighter a couple
of weeks ago.

I've found a lot of mainlander mugs , but thought everyone would
like to see this.

Wow, amazing finds on this page! That lighter is cool, we still have not seen any exterior of interior of that place.
Kate, my grail too, those Luau/Kon Tiki lamps! And that other Ku one, nice! -plus that weird Bumatay ceramic statue I posted a little while ago. Proves that good stuff is still out there!

found this groovy mirror ....

On 2009-06-22 11:29, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow, amazing finds on this page! That lighter is cool, we still have not seen any exterior of interior of that place.
Kate, my grail too, those Luau/Kon Tiki lamps! And that other Ku one, nice! -plus that weird Bumatay ceramic statue I posted a little while ago. Proves that good stuff is still out there!

Just a curious question to everyone out there; should "finds" only be the unique, rare, unusual and holy grail ones posted?

I tend to try and post and/or report all of my finds so the community has an idea of what is not only (insert one of the above) but also so there is a thermometer of what may be common or redundant in this area.

Is it too much to post the common stuff; Harveys and Trader Dicks are very common here, but not as much as they were a year or two years ago here?

Records, do they belong here or should they go under Tiki Music?

Any ideas of what shouldn't be posted as a "Tiki Find"? Suggestions??




just post what you find. what is common to some is rare to others. if there are a bunch of "rules" on what to post in this thread it kills the fun. and its going to be annoying.

I dont think we need a specific find thread for each and every item but I do like having the rattan in its own thread just because.

thats my 2 cents. oh and if all of a sudden there are a bunch of "rules" as to what to post...ya know no repeats or common items...I am going to ignore them anyways :)

anarchy is a beautiful thing!

kiara posted on Mon, Jun 22, 2009 2:33 PM

On 2009-06-22 13:04, Psycho Tiki D wrote:

On 2009-06-22 11:29, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow, amazing finds on this page! That lighter is cool, we still have not seen any exterior of interior of that place.
Kate, my grail too, those Luau/Kon Tiki lamps! And that other Ku one, nice! -plus that weird Bumatay ceramic statue I posted a little while ago. Proves that good stuff is still out there!

Just a curious question to everyone out there; should "finds" only be the unique, rare, unusual and holy grail ones posted?

I tend to try and post and/or report all of my finds so the community has an idea of what is not only (insert one of the above) but also so there is a thermometer of what may be common or redundant in this area.

Is it too much to post the common stuff; Harveys and Trader Dicks are very common here, but not as much as they were a year or two years ago here?

Records, do they belong here or should they go under Tiki Music?

Any ideas of what shouldn't be posted as a "Tiki Find"? Suggestions??



keep posting everything you find.
I should have started my post saying "I'm to lazy to post anything I find , but...":)

It's funny , but if we only posted "holy grail" finds , someone might get excited
about finding a harvey's mug someday.

I enjoy seeing all the finds on this thread.

Post It All, Baby!

From Tiki Finds post #1:
"Hey let's start a bit of a brag board where you can show what great finds you got on the weekend from yard sales, parents attics, junk shops, deals with the devil, etc.... "

Keep 'em coming, this is my favorite thread on TC!

Found these -
will add to witco thread...

the brown dogs name is TIKI so I let her stay in the shot!

I think I scored today at lunch! I try to hit a few places, or garage sales I may see, and this is today's haul:

A Hawaiian Village Barrel O' Rum Mug. Old Tampa locale, and it came with a straw, that I also show in picture #2, and was wondering what the odds would be that this was an original straw as well?? Any straw experts? Also found the Hula Girl Bowl, marked Orchids of Hawaii. Both are in great shape. Grand total for the pair......$1.10. Yes one dollar and ten cents. A good day.


On 2009-06-22 17:39, dewey-surf wrote:

I think I scored today at lunch! I try to hit a few places, or garage sales I may see, and this is today's haul:

A Hawaiian Village Barrel O' Rum Mug. Old Tampa locale, and it came with a straw, that I also show in picture #2, and was wondering what the odds would be that this was an original straw as well?? Any straw experts? Also found the Hula Girl Bowl, marked Orchids of Hawaii. Both are in great shape. Grand total for the pair......$1.10. Yes one dollar and ten cents. A good day.

Oh to live in Florida! Nice finds. Is the straw glass? It probably was not original to the rum barrel but that's just my opinion.

No it's not glass, really hard plastic (but not cheap, flimsy plastic like today's straws). There is just something about it, and the way it looks, almost aged if that's possible.


Living in FLorida is not a plentiful hunting ground--believe me I lived there for over 20 years...but being local to defunct polynesian locations you do come across items such as this from time to time.

Since so many people are retirees or snowbirds in Florida the best time to score stuff is when they head off to the retirement homes.

OOps..did that sound coldhearted??

Good score Dewey :)

On 2009-06-22 13:04, Psycho Tiki D wrote:

On 2009-06-22 11:29, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow, amazing finds on this page! That lighter is cool, we still have not seen any exterior of interior of that place.
Kate, my grail too, those Luau/Kon Tiki lamps! And that other Ku one, nice! -plus that weird Bumatay ceramic statue I posted a little while ago. Proves that good stuff is still out there!

Just a curious question to everyone out there; should "finds" only be the unique, rare, unusual and holy grail ones posted?

I tend to try and post and/or report all of my finds so the community has an idea of what is not only (insert one of the above) but also so there is a thermometer of what may be common or redundant in this area.

Is it too much to post the common stuff; Harveys and Trader Dicks are very common here, but not as much as they were a year or two years ago here?

Records, do they belong here or should they go under Tiki Music?

Any ideas of what shouldn't be posted as a "Tiki Find"? Suggestions??



I think that's a great question.

I love seeing what people find. Even if it's common stuff. I'm especially interested in what people from other parts of the country find in their neck of the woods.

I do prefer to see it all in one photo though instead of seeing a picture of a Harvey's mug and then a picture of a Trader Dick's mug, etc. But that might just be me.

A couple more PNG goodies from this week:

Hanging mask:

My best guess for what this one is a hand held mask:

I like to see any and all finds on here. The records are kind of boring to me, but i just scroll past them looking for the good stuff.

Buzzy Out!

Not sure where to put this but thumb the photo pages here


and check out the Tiki Bob looking lamp...

3rd pic in..

Bamboo Ben
Custom Tropical Decor
I build stuff for you!

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2009-06-24 08:17 ]

On 2009-06-24 08:16, RevBambooBen wrote:
Not sure where to put this but thumb the photo pages here


and check out the Tiki Bob looking lamp...

3rd pic in..

Very cool lamp, good eye Ben. I want one!

Damn, I want a pair of those lamps.

On 2009-06-22 22:35, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
My best guess for what this one is a hand held mask:

This little guy came from Pier One, believe it or not. The original price was $70 (ha!).
I know this because there is a set of 6 of them in a retail shop here in town. The price on each there is $25. But they all still have their original Pier One tag (which makes no mention of PNG).

The store owner, who is Latino, thinks they're African (as he did a coupla years ago with my Witco mask that's mounted on leopard - SCORE!), so he's hoping to sell them to his black customers.

He has a lotta cheap, awful crap.
And he had a Witco.
He is my favorite store. :)


That sure is a cool modern Tiki Bob Lamp that RevBambooBen posted!!

I think people should post their Tiki Finds on here no matter what they are. As long as it's Tiki/Hawaiiana related that's cool with me. If I don't like what you are showing, then I can just scroll past your post. It's always interesting to see what people are finding even if it is a common item. It may not be common to them. It helps you get an idea of what is still out there and what is seldom seen.

There hasn't been too much that I have found lately. It seems like other people are having all the luck. Here's a few of mine:

A cool old Mug from a place called "World Famous Pehr's Waikiki, Hawaii".

I haven't heard of this place before but kind of a neat graphic. A smokin' Pear!! Maybe a restaurant? I have not had any time yet to see if I can find anything. This place was probably not a Tiki joint but it is one of those cool mugs that you usually see with the Ku Tiki Face on them. Usually blue or green and with the handle built into the back.

This is an old mug and is marked "PP Hawaii" on the bottom for Polynesian Pottery:

Here's a old metal Maori Door Knocker:

It's got a nice old patina and is about 7" long.

Here's two little guys:

The one on the right is a Coco Joe's and the hand carving on the left is based on the Marquesian style. Note the little Tiki Head it's standing on.

Mahalo, TabooDan

Today hitting the Goodwill's and other thrifts I cmae home with quite a haul, for Denver that is!!!!

A nice windchime for the basement lounge I figured it was tacky enough!!!!

I needed something to cover the old couch till I can find a replacement and for 99 cents I figured why not.

I think this is one of the "rare" libby mugs

A couple of Don Ho glasses (I know he's not tiki) but they go with the "Suck 'em Up" swizzles I found awhile back and I like him. Also a Pan Am "Waikiki" lp.

A Martin Denny I didn't have and a couple of mugs the peanut has no location and the Moai is from "The Islands" Pheonix Az

And the best thing I have found so far... I have driven past this tiny vintage shop many times in the past and today I was stuck in construction traffic and there was a parking spot on the street so I figured what do I have to loose...

[ Edited by: Beach Bum Scott 2009-06-24 20:24 ]

Found this shirt... and I swear I've seen the fabric before... or maybe I dreamed it... I couldn't find it in Kate's shirt thread... I really like!


Today's loot--grand total $6.25

I think the one on the left is from Trader Vic's but it aint marked. It also has a little chip in the lip which i just noticed but for $1 what do I care? Coco Joe's ashtray, little vintage rubber hula girl, Trader Dick's surfer girl and a coconut from Vic's

Not bad for 1 stop.


On 2009-06-22 17:39, dewey-surf wrote:

That brown bowl's a nice score; a hard one to find, even on ebay.


On 2009-06-25 12:50, leleliz wrote:

Nice score - dig the ashtray!

Quick stop today for these...

No lid, but I used one from the broken one I found last week.

Swizzle stick from a place called the "Tiki Lounge-Lynchburg Virginia".



my collection of goodies from my oregon coast trip

some hawaiin bus schedules from 1955 because i am a bus driver,some surf board swizzles trader dicks bowl harveys mugs and 1920's buddy L

and the most important a windchime for my new house as a fatherday gift from the kids p.s the funky colored mug was from tikis on 51st in lincoln city oregon the only tiki orientated place along the coast except for a place called voodoo lounge on the outskirts of astoria which i only got to drive by due to time.

[ Edited by: brokeassbuilder 2009-06-26 19:51 ]

The local NPR station was having a record sale today...

Picked up 59 Denny, Lyman, Baxter and Hawaiian albums and didn't even scratch the surface looking through the boxes!


Finds over the past week:

Bamboo Mug Dark Brown (no markings)
Bamboo Mug Yellow (marked made in China)
Tiki Mug (marked Aku Aku Las Vegas on back)
Treasure Craft Hawaii 50th state ash tray (made in Maui)
Brown Hula Girl bowl (marked Orchids of Hawaii, and the second one I found this week around town)

I paid a total of $14.50 for all five items. Off to a new week of hunting!


On 2009-06-28 14:07, dewey-surf wrote:
Finds over the past week:

Good stuff Dewey-Surf.

On a side note I am coming into town last 2 weeks of July ..my folks live in Palm Harbor so if I meet up with you in a thrift I WILL hip-check ya to get to the good stuff :wink:

Slow day, 108 degrees here today!

Todays finds were mostly Hawaiian...

Beat-up Coco Joe's Kamehameha Hapawood I didn't have, a "Leialoha" black coral bust and a pair of pineapple S&P's. $3.00 total!

Oh yeah and 25 more exotica and hawaiian albums...



On 2009-06-28 14:44, Psycho Tiki D wrote:


Eh..Duane...what the HELL is that thing behind your finds?? The one with the teeth???

It is too damn hot to leave the house..I have been sitting in 70 degrees since the sun came up ! Viva la air conditioning!

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