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Tiki Finds

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On 2013-04-22 20:14, TikiVato wrote:

On 2013-04-22 19:32, Lindarby wrote:
Hello everyone. I am pretty new to tiki and only have a few things so far. Today I found 5 mugs (4 are the same) and I am having a hard time trying to found out if they are common or not. They say Hawaiian Village. Hawaii in Tampa and 1 says Good Luck. The other 4 just looks like a reg tiki mug. All of them say Hawaii in Tampa on the back and have a yellow lei. I would post a picture but I don't know how. I am sure my hubby does and if necessary he could do that tomorrow. Thanks for any info you can give me on this new find.

Try going to the ooga-mooga site. Do a mug search and type in Hawaiian village. You will see your Good Luck mug. I am sure you will find your others. Let us know which ones they are.

I did as you suggested and found out the other 4 are Moai mugs. Thanks for your help.


On 2013-04-22 19:32, Lindarby wrote:
I did as you suggested and found out the other 4 are Moai mugs. Thanks for your help.

Aloha! Make sure to go introduce yourself over under General Tiki. You'll find an introductions thread. Tell us all about you, what you do, why you got into tiki, et cetera. Welcome to the Ohana!

Still awaiting for the BUZZ museum to open



Only matches today



Scored some treasures from a local lady that needed to downsize her collection to fit in her newly built house.
According to her this Pahu is from Tahiti and over 50 years old, that's the only information she had about it.

The Tiki she received from a Marquesan born man Bernard Pierre "Papa" Kimitete who passed away in 2002. I'm friends with his grandson here in Kona.
He was also mentor to Rodney "Kala" Willis who I was fortunate enough to take a Pahu making class with a few years ago.

The Tiki is 21" tall and the Pahu is 17 1/2" and very heavy for it's size.
Here's some links with information about the carver.

Alii Tiki- very cool

Yesterdays finds/ not bad for 35.00 :)

Deep Sea Diving Helmet Ice Bucket and an army of Menehunes

Four Kuilima Hyatt Bamboo Tan Mugs

Three Hard Rock glasses (Kona/Honolulu/Maui)

Two newspaper clippings from 1958 and 1959
with two lucky Rotary Club members meeting Miss Aloha Rotary and The Duke

Two Harvey's Swizzle Sticks

Brochures from:
Kona Hilton 1984, Waiakea Resort Village 1973, Royal Hawaiian Shoping Center 1985

Island Dining Guide 1980 and
Recommended Hawaiian Restaurants and Entertainment Guide 1984

Bishop Museum Brochure 1983 and
The Hawaiian Islands 24 page mini book

Trade Wind Tours Hawaii Travel Book 1976

Castaways Casino paper


Three copies of Hawaii Tourist News
all from Feb 1980

And here are a few cool ads from those papers

I found this at a thrift store in rural Iowa for $1.00. When I asked if they had any other Hawaiian articles they said the week before they had sold a beautiful handcarved bowl from Hawaii for $5.00.
It was the only antique/thrift store I went into while I was visiting my grandmother so the fact I found anything is amazing. The back says, "Made in Hawaii BEAUTIES WITH BLACK CORAL from the deep tropical seas of Hawaiian Islands". Frank Schirman? I found the same carving online and on TC, but none of them were mounted on tapa cloth.
You never know where you will find treasures!

[ Edited by: tikilongbeach 2013-04-28 18:58 ]

[ Edited by: tikilongbeach 2013-04-28 19:06 ]

This weekends finds, Not bad considering we live in England!The Bacardi has a "produce of Cuba 70Proof" label so must be pre castro?


I just got this recently. Not super rare, but I'm happy to have it.

hang10tiki you are a hunting wizard. Congratulations, Wendy

Hang10 - I have that same diver helmet. I think I paid about the same after shipping. I use it as a tip jar at my home bar!

In my book, 70s Hawaiian tourist brochures have little to do with Tiki style. They are late period Hawaiiana.

Wendy- thanks, fun day
Luna- $5.00 I couldn't pass it up

No doubt!

Gotta love the diving helmet ice bucket. Here's mine I found awhile ago that was made into a lamp, double bonus !!

Lots of fun finds lately.

I found something today as well, in my mailbox. :)

I commented about Hang10tiki's collection of swizzle sticks and how I didn't have any (bars around here are boring, bud light or Jack&Coke kinda places) and he remedied that situation. Thanks man, great package of fun!!! I still say this is the best forum out there for sharing and caring.


On 2013-04-29 16:30, littlegiles wrote:
Lots of fun finds lately.

I commented about Hang10tiki's collection of swizzle sticks and how I didn't have any (bars around here are boring, bud light or Jack&Coke kinda places) and he remedied that situation. Thanks man, great package of fun!!! I still say this is the best forum out there for sharing and caring.


I second that Dale.

Scored a stack of 20 lps at the swap over the weekend from one vendor.


Dale-your very welcome, glad they made it, enjoy...

NoNaMe-great score on the LPs
Trav- your dive helmet lamp rocks...


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-04-29 19:34 ]

Tiki finds in the waters around the exotic atoll of Kzoo have been sparse as of late but trolling just outside the local reef netted these. A long dry spell in searching seems worth the wait when a good find comes along.

Great find Uncle Trav! I don't think I have ever seen that bamboo/bird mug. Very cool.


That's a haul of the rare Polynesian Pigeon mugs from the legendary Mauna Loa in Detroit.

"Anyone who has ever seen them is thereafter haunted as if by a feverish dream" Karl Woermann

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2013-04-30 06:12 ]


Nice score


What? Seriously? Those parrot-looking mugs are from the Mauna Loa!>?! That makes me wonder if I've ever seen them and passed them up for not being "tiki enough."


On 2013-04-30 03:03, uncle trav wrote:
Tiki finds in the waters around the exotic atoll of Kzoo have been sparse as of late but trolling just outside the local reef netted these. A long dry spell in searching seems worth the wait when a good find comes along.

WOW!!!! The Polynesian Pigeon is one of my favorite mugs. Finding one, let alone three, in the wild is an amazing score indeed. Congrats.

On 2013-04-29 13:53, bigbrotiki wrote:
In my book, 70s Hawaiian tourist brochures have little to do with Tiki style. They are late period Hawaiiana.

Not in my book. As I've stated before, Hawaii's Tiki age starts later and ends later than mainland Tiki.

As some know, tiki is RARE here in South Central so all my "finds" seem to be on the 'net.

Here's one from Etsy...

A heavy little guy...

And one from Ebay...

The damage was from careless shipping-what can you do?
.....And nailed on to particle board

a local vintage store posted this guy on craigslist. unfortunately they didn't have any information about it. it looks really familiar to me but i haven't turned up anything yet. a little beat up, no markings, five feet tall, mouth looks like it was meant to accept a light with the cord threaded through a hole in the base.

On 2013-04-30 14:12, exquisitecorpse wrote:
a local vintage store posted this guy on craigslist. unfortunately they didn't have any information about it. it looks really familiar to me but i haven't turned up anything yet. a little beat up, no markings, five feet tall, mouth looks like it was meant to accept a light with the cord threaded through a hole in the base.

It looks like a Witco fountain.

On 2013-04-30 14:22, tikilongbeach wrote:

It looks like a Witco fountain.

possibly... but there isn't anywhere a base or basin was attached to it.

It's a Witco Fountain of Fortune. The basins were not attached, they were separate pieces. Looks like he's missing his tongue also, but still an awesome score. Congrats!

No markings on the Tiki, thought it was a Coco Joes.
But it hasback detail...

Again no markings but looks like Treasure Craft

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-05-04 05:42 ]


On 2013-05-03 21:19, hang10tiki wrote:

No markings on the Tiki, thought it was a Coco Joes.
But it hasback detail...

It's an oldie...That one was made by Holo Ka Hana. It's tag says: " From the Volcanoes of Hawaii- Ki'i Hoohehe'e: Temple image of Lava. Good luck-Long Life."

Another company that made one almost identical was South Sea Sales. Those have a mark on the back of the base that says "Made in hawaii". The belly is a little skinnier on the South seas version as well.
Big Island sands also made that one. Theirs were a little larger and made from colored sands.

Buzzy Out!

U da man


I found this Maori carved plaque online, the carver had a good idea but the styling is a bit off on this.
Almost looks as if it was supposed to be a take on the "comedy & tragedy" motif.
What I mean by being off a bit is that there's an arm coming out of the mouth of the top head and another arm coming out of the eye of the lower head, just kind of throws the flow off. But it will look good in the collection with my other stuff, so I'm happy.


I made a few finds today while looking at Garage Sales.

These Coco Joes

I also picked up this cowrie shell necklace. The Lady said her Father had been in the South Pacific in WW II and brought this back.
I noticed there was a cross on it and initially assumed it was part of the necklace. But once I got it home realized another necklace had just gotten tangled up with the cowrie necklace.

On 2013-05-04 12:22, hang10tiki wrote:

Congrats Hang10tiki...I'm jealous. I've been wanting that plaque for years. Nice Find!!!!!!


Thanx Erich.
All 3 pieces 10.00


Found these at the thrift store for 6 bucks! Are they Witco? I have no idea, but I love them. Did I score?

They are Witco, and nice pieces! Six bucks, can't beat it!

On 2013-05-05 15:44, Tikirose wrote:
Found these at the thrift store for 6 bucks! Are they Witco? I have no idea, but I love them. Did I score?

witco; i have the one on the right. excellent find.

I'm mostly a lurker here, and I'm not a rabid collector; some Enchanted Tiki Room and Trader Sam's stuff, some Trader Vic's, a Tiki Bob. But I've mentioned to my garage sailing friends to keep an eye out. Yesterday, while we were out of town, my phone buzzed with this picture via SMS:

Text: "Saw some tiki mugs at a garage sale. Maybe 30. Interested? What's your max price?"
Me: (checking out the photo, noticing a few familiar faces from lurking here.) "Um... $XX" (where XX is a two digit number)
Text: "Got 'em for $YY" (where YY is less than XX)
Me: \o/

Was able to unpack them today:

My friend who spotted the mugs is a rabid organizer - her online handle is "Librarian Avenger". So I pointed her at Ooga-Mooga and she spent the next hour identifying them. I think Humuhumu has a new fan.

Tiki Bob's Peanut Lined Face OMC Mug x2
Paul Marshall Products Peanut Tiki Mug x2
Magic Sands Bug Eyed Moai Bristol Green x2
Chan's Waikiki Flipper Tiki Mug Green x2
Daga Eyeless Ku Mug
Harvey's Lake Tahoe Sneaky Tiki Green Script x2
Orchids of Hawaii R-91 x2
Maui Lu Daga Warrior Mug x3
Trader Dick's OMC Moai Medium x2
Bosko Tiki Mug #2
Harvey's Lake Tahoe Bucket Mug
Bill Lee's Bamboo Chopsticks Logo Three Face Bucket Mug x2
Islander Maori Face Bucket Green
Maui Lu Luau Coconut Mug
(and 2 green bamboo S&P shakers)

Unidentified: the green Bosko on the far right, and the beige pair on the left in front of the "peanut" gang.

So, yes, instant mug collection. My friend is dutifully enthankened.

[ Edited by: Joshua Bell 2013-05-05 20:47 ]

[ Edited by: Joshua Bell 2013-05-05 20:49 ]


Unidentified: the green Bosko on the far right, and the beige pair on the left in front of the "peanut" gang.

Nice little haul :)

If you mean the 2 brown ones in the first photo in front of the peanut men those are Leilanis
If you mean the 2 beige ones in the 2nd photo in front of the lined peanut guys those are Kon-tikis

Glad you got to post on this thread-its always more fun than lurking!


On 2013-05-05 20:46, Joshua Bell wrote:

Unidentified: the green Bosko on the far right, and the beige pair on the left in front of the "peanut" gang.

Aloha Joshua,
Great score!!! That's Bosko Mug #1 according to his archives.
Scroll down to near the bottom of the page.

PS. I'll gladly offer you $XY for the two Bosko mugs.

[ Edited by: Alii Tiki 2013-05-05 21:46 ]

On 2013-05-05 21:11, SandraDee wrote:
If you mean the 2 beige ones in the 2nd photo in front of the lined peanut guys those are Kon-tikis

Nailed it! Looks like they're a pair of Kon-Tiki Mug Short

On 2013-05-05 21:23, Alii Tiki wrote:
That's Bosko Mug #1 according to his archives.

Sweet! Thanks folks - I was expecting them to be ID'd in short order, and wasn't disappointed.


HOLY CRAP JOSH! Good score!

Great find! Always fun when you stumble into a great collection like that.


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