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Tiki Finds

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Went out to the two goodwills near my home today....

Found this jar with a depiction of Francis Langford's Outrigger in Jensen Beach, Florida. At first I was very happy to find it, I'm guessing Francis didn't have many signature mugs or such, as I've never come across any in my hunting. Thought maybe the jar was maybe sold in a gift shop toward the end of her run...maybe filled with some kind of candy or something. Then I noticed the law firm below... Guessing that they produced it for whatever reason. Kinda bummed, almost didn't pick it up, but it was forty nine cents.

Closeup of the label:

Also thought I'd found a different kind of Benihana mug. Reddish brown, shaped like a tree. Marked "Peru" on the bottom. Got home, looked it up on the 'net. It's a vase, not a mug. And it's a safflower plant. Didn't bother to take a pic of it.

And what is up with Goodwill prices?? Jar was forty nine cents. Safflower vase was a dollar and nine cents. They had a Benihana Geisha mug, common....four bucks!!! And a Red lobster lighthouse glass....three dollars!!!


On 2014-03-30 19:27, howlinowl wrote:
Went out to the two goodwills near my home today....

Found this jar with a depiction of Francis Langford's Outrigger in Jensen Beach, Florida. At first I was very happy to find it, I'm guessing Francis didn't have many signature mugs or such, as I've never come across any in my hunting. Thought maybe the jar was maybe sold in a gift shop toward the end of her run...maybe filled with some kind of candy or something. Then I noticed the law firm below... Guessing that they produced it for whatever reason. Kinda bummed, almost didn't pick it up, but it was forty nine cents.


Cool find. Wonder why they made that? Anyway, The Outrigger had a bamboo mug that had "Frances Langford's Outrigger" printed on it. They definitely had a gift shop selling clothes, jewelery and whatnot. I sometimes see the clothes on ebay becasue they were labeled as being from Frances Langford's Outrigger.

On 2014-03-31 11:27, Kailuageoff wrote:
I sometimes see the clothes on ebay becasue they were labeled as being from Frances Langford's Outrigger.

Like this:

Exactly Bigbro.


Is it real...or is it April Fools?


Sorry for the teasing. The blue Leilani is not an April Fools joke. :wink:

Based on the design, I think it was an artist proof for the USA made mugs. "M BLUE" is written on the (unglazed) bottom in pencil, which I assume denotes the color of the glaze they were testing (Midnight Blue?). The details on it seem too defined to be a copy.

[ Edited by: TikiTacky 2014-04-01 16:52 ]

natures own test glaze…. a rare electric blue crawfish. no joke, these do exist. I actually caught one as a little boy many years ago. thought it was worth a fortune. they come in rare white and bright red. just a weird genetic oddity that occurs in the wild on occasion, much like the blue tiki mug.

My wife found this at an estate sale this morning.
I was hoping to snag a “commercial” manual citrus juicer. Someone else beat me to it by minutes. Twice as big as the one I have.
Oh well. Made in Canada by ”Tilden Ware”. Got a few chips but cool nonetheless. Btw, it’s actually green, about six inches long.


On 2014-03-30 18:28, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

On 2014-03-30 18:22, spy-tiki wrote:
three repro airline Hawaii posters. Frames are 8x10 and image is 5x7. If you'd like 'em, they're yours. I'm in glendale and I'll be home tomorrow. P.M. me if interested
(there doesn't seem to be a free stuff post anywhere)

Super nice of you spy-tiki!
It has bothered me that more folks here are not so sharing, but your not one of them!

Thanks ATP. Just reposting in case someone missed them. otherwise it's garage sale time!

This week's stuff:

Maori box:

My friend found this at an antique mall, messaged me if I wanted it, and at my request, grabbed it for me. I normally would have passed on it due to the price ($45), but I was feeling richer than usual because I crossed over to the "other side" and sold a truckload of junk at the swap meet earlier in the week. Ez come $$$, ez go $$$...

New Caledonia hut:

It has a pair of faces flanking the entry, so I'll call this piece officially "tiki."

4 cheap mugs:

Stirrer sticks:

4' x 10' piece of barkcloth fabric:

There are a lot of nice sized smaller pieces to cut out of this and use for random tiki crafti projects.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2014-04-06 13:15 ]


Found some stuff today:

That's a concrete moai on the left:

I haven't seen one of these glass tiki mugs (candle holder?) before. Has a JAPAN sticker on the bottom

a Leilani Luau bucket and The Leilani peanut man

2 Boskos

Kauai Resort - Daga
Trader Vic's Hawaii -- I resold all of mine so glad to pick this up for cheap!
And a Daga that is from some German(?) restaurant Brauhaus in Waikiki

and then the Bamboo serving tray is marked 1964 Trader Vic's

oh and this was something I saw today that I have never seen in the wild personally--it was a small (like 3' version) of the Easter Island mosaic. It had some damage and was priced at $350--$250 I would have jumped at it but $350 seemed a little steep. Anyways I am posting it here because I "found" it..I just didn't buy it :wink:

Happy Hunting!

[ Edited by: SandraDee 2014-04-06 14:29 ]


After we spoke today at the Faire I went back again to check on the mosaic and it had been sold. I thought the price was a little high considering the size and condition, but you don't see these very often...hope someone here was able to buy it.

Back for today only, since I saw Liz at the Faire are todays finds.

Anyone recognize any of these?




Man you found some awesome stuff my friend!! Thanks for posting pics so I could see everything that was hiding in your bags :wink:

Is that last photo of the skull a Randotti?

Bummer we missed out on the mosaic but I agree the price was high.

It was great to see you after so long!

That skull reminds me of the one i bought years ago at disneyland at the pieces of eight shop.


Psycho Tiki D, that orange mug looks like a Spurlin Island Chief. I've been looking for one of those for ages. Great find!


On 2014-04-09 08:12, ka'lenatiki wrote:
That skull reminds me of the one i bought years ago at disneyland at the pieces of eight shop.

Those were made by Randotti.

Damnit, Duane! You're making me jealous, again!

Hey, Duane! I wonder if that covered dish was for Trader Vic's famous hasenpfeffer?

not really tiki - not yet anyway but by the time i get done refurbishing this fountain lamp i picked up at an estate sale, it's gonna be tiki deluxe !! It will have a nice lava rock paint job with lave flow, red xmas lights, cocojoes tiki figures and vintage plastic foliage. A nice tapa print shade or leopard print shade to top it off, then its ready for the tiki room.

That's gonna look killer, Dave-

Can't wait to see it!


a 1950s era hand painted hula girl on a silk napkin

my newest love!!

Flea market find. The guy wanted $12 but took $10 (That's part of the game right?) I told him what it was, and couldn't contain my excitement, I'm bad at negotiating.
I think it must've been a planter for some years, it has a couple cracks, the interior blue has faded to near white, and the mineral deposits on the feet. But all that shows it was loved.
It's one of my all time favorite pieces, and to find it in the wild was amazing!
Oh, and I didn't shell out the money, so it's not technically mine yet, maybe on my birthday :(


Great find! I heard someone say denture tablets can work to get off the scaling on planters. I haven't tried it yet but I have a few mugs turned planter turned mugs I want to try it on.


This week's stuff:

Pair of PNG masks:

Cant tell what this one is. Any ideas?

Coco Joes Money god

Small Tonga styled Hawaiian tiki

Buzzy Out!

Quote:Cant tell what this one is. Any ideas? End Quote.

It's a goat.

Wait..... Maybe.....It's a duck?


Trader Vic's conch shell bowl

Droopy tiki mug


I haven't ever seen something like this and I am quite happy that I could lay my hands on this gem. Has anybody seen this piece before? I bought it for 4 Euros...

Cool plate. I like the Rongorongo pictographs around the rim.

Nice find on that Easter Island plate. Is there any kind of makers mark on it?

  • Dale

On 2014-04-18 07:02, littlegiles wrote:
Nice find on that Easter Island plate. Is there any kind of makers mark on it?

  • Dale

I bought it out of a collection of 24 souvenir-plates from North- and South-America (from Chile over Hawaii to New Orleans). It is a really chunky, primitive plate it got the artist's name at the back, "Bede"

Austria? Our Polynesian bruddahs certainly sailed far and wide! Dat’s a very nice piece.
Cheers : )

TV cufflinks--the brass ones

Anyone know what year these came from? I am thinking 60s?

Hawaiian Inn paddle lickers

I coulda used those, today. It was cold enough to freeze the cufflinks on a brass Menehune! :D

found this at a local thrift store, anyone know if these are still being sold? it works, but Im not sure if the bulb should be blinking? still, a great buy for $12.00

Gee, did I overpay at .50 each?

On 2011-05-20 06:49, Tiki-Troll wrote:
Found this guy a couple months ago...didn't know if he was his own thread worthy so I will land him here first but has anyone ever seen one of these??

Its old for sure and his inspiration seems pretty obvious. Now just time to find an appropriate indoor tropical for Planter Bob.

A couple of these are on eBay right now. Wish I knew the story behind them!

Holiday weekend finds:

Hawaiian Turtle tiki decorative stringed instrument

Pair of T Craft Maui mugs

Buzzy Out!

pair of johnny sens mugs i picked up recently….

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2014-04-21 18:59 ]


Nice mugs. I have a white one. What do the markings look like?

I came across a nice little Tiki matchbook haul recently.


DC, Nice haul!

Dusty on fire

Love the South Seas & Zamboanga covers, DC!


Never seen one marked this way:

Not a lot found during a long cold winter.
I don't have too much Kahiki stuff but this little creamer that Mrs. 8 FT got me is a nice one.


Would anyone know the name of this nugget mug and what drink was served in it? The image is from a LELELIZ post in 2009. Thanks LIZ.



Answering one part of my own question. This guy is LAST CHANCE JOE. Still don't know what was served in it however.

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